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Americans, Isn't It Time You Relinquished Your Weapons.

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posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 09:38 PM
reply to post by ALOSTSOUL

Remember if you relinquish your weapons so will the police (or most of).

Sorry, but this is absolutely the most ridiculous statement I have heard in favor of gun control.

The only result is that the Govt. Military, Police, Criminals, CIA, DHS, TSA, FBI, ATF, FEMA and many other alphabet agencies...will be the ones who are armed. And what do you do when they decide you are dangerous because your neighbor has reported you for talking in a rebellious manner?

I'm not American either but even I can see that it's too late to disarm an entire Nation of millions of guns. It's going to be a blood bath that makes today look like a blip on the radar.

Better grab your butter knife to protect your family and property.

Are you seriously ok with that?


posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 09:38 PM
reply to post by mash3d

You also should mention that the U.S. isn't really a tame country; we still have wild bear, wolves and cougar to mention just a few of the hazards we have to contend with out in the countryside.

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 09:43 PM

Originally posted by steve95988
The correct title for this post should read "America.. isn't it time to put God back in our schools!" This is sad to say the least... but Where we refuse to put God... Evil will reign... Without light there will be darkness.... you people need to wake up!

I understand where you are coming from, I do, but if the person that conducts a mass-shooting is mentally ill/unstable, what have you, is it still considered "evil"??

In regards to the OP, 181 deaths over the span of 13 years is not very many at all. I am NOT trying to be insensitive. Of course, you might say, "You aren't a parent of a victim at one of these school-shootings." Which would be true, but who says I wouldn't support better security at schools which might include a number of teachers with concealed carry licenses? It's a very sensitive subject and emotions are flying everywhere which creates a very heated environment from all sides but I think our founding fathers were on to something. Again, when it comes to children dying senselessly, it gets very emotional. There are still many unanswered questions regarding today.

Sad day indeed

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 09:43 PM

Originally posted by RedmoonMWC
reply to post by mash3d

we still have wild bear, wolves and cougar to mention just a few of the hazards we have to contend with out in the countryside.

none of which is as potentially dangerous as walking the city streets of any urban area; yet, us city women seem to manage just fine with no firearms at all.

Talk about pussification of America.....clinging to guns is the most desperate grab at it....never mind getting intimate with your kill...oh no; rather; let's shoot from a distance and then run for cover.
edit on 14-12-2012 by LeatherNLace because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 09:56 PM
reply to post by LeatherNLace

Come on out, I'll give you a tour of the Michigan Backwoods then you can take a trip to see a friend of mine in Alaska she will educate you as to why they open carry there.

As far as the cities are concerned, you probably avoid the truly bad areas of town rather than trying to actually make a change and help the people who have to live there. But I don't know you so I'll give you the benifit of the doubt on that one.

As for me with what I do for a living and where I have to go, until they can provide a cop to be by my side 24/7 then I will have to provide my own protection.


posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 10:00 PM
reply to post by ALOSTSOUL

I agree that a lot of us are willing to give our lives before we are willing to give up our guns. Line two.

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 10:01 PM
reply to post by ALOSTSOUL

I'm not even a gun owner (yet), but I disagree with banning guns. I do think we need to tone it down with what people are allowed to own. Yes, "Bd guys" will get whatever high-powered weapons they want regardless of laws, but I think we should maybe ban guns that give untrained nutcases the power to wipe out dozens before he is stopped. If this guy wasn't so high-powered, he could have been stopped by unarmed adults without as many deaths.

We need to put in place requirements for SECURING guns, and raise responsibilty for those whose guns are not kept safe. If you can't afford a gun safe oc sufficient protection, no gun for you.
We also need to bring mental health funding back up to where w?e have a system which can handle the rising tide of insanity in the world.

Lastly (well, the last of my points for now) - guns per capita is not an indicatornof likelihood of gun violence. Neither is the presence of violent movies or video games. What IS an indicator, a very strong correlatory indicator, is the disparity of wealth - at least among wealthy nations. Why that is, I don't know, it's probably a precursor to deeper social issues. The income and wealth divide has never been as high as it is in the US today. This is absolutely the greatest correlation, and we should do something about it, as well as many other issues we have which make the US so much different than other wealthy nations.

None of the indicators people would guess are actually good indicators. Not gun ownership rates, not poverty itself, not drug laws, not government type, etc.

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 10:07 PM
I'll weigh in on this,a bit. I live in Canada and despite popular belief,there are a ton of guns in Canada,and they are quite easily aquired.I've owned guns since I was 16.In the area I live, it would be less common to find a household without at least one gun,then none. My particular province and region is likely one of the most armed in Canada. And you know what? It is extremely rare for anyone to shoot someone out here. Every few years you might have a dispute that ends in a shooting,but it's damn rare. Why is that? Why can tens of thousands of use own and use guns,and nary a rampage to be found? I don't know. What I do know is that it's obviously not the gun,or access to them,that is causing this problem. Something is going on here,and I'd love to know what it is, but it's not the guns.

The U.S is different than Canada,in that they have concelaed carry lawws in place in most of the U.S,as I understand it. There must be millions of Americans carrying concealed handguns every day,and yet those particular people almost never end up shooting someone,unless it's in a self defence situation. So,saying that having people carrying guns out in public is a great danger is demonstrably false. Lawful concealed carry owners are statistically very safe and responsible. So,where does that leave us? Who is causing the problems,why,and how do we stop them? These are the issue's that need to be addressed. We've already proven that lawful gun owners are not the problem,so we can move on from that. Idea's?

Here's the last thing,and perhaps the hardest for some people to understand. Freedom,true Freedom,is a very dangerous thing. It's inevitable that terrible things will happen if yo give people freedom. There are always those individuals that for reasons unfathomable to normal,sane people,will decide to horrible and devastating things. We can make laws that attempt to minimize the opportunity to do these things,without removing the freedom of the vast majority of law abiding citizens. But you cannot,ever,remove those risk entirely,while still preserving freedom. Some countries have decided that,collectively,they would rather have less freedom and hopefully more safety. Results are mixed. Americans have decided that they would rather have Freedom,and live with the risks. At times like this,it can seem easy to take the supposedly safer,more restrictive option,and give up freeedoms in hopes of obtaining security. So far,americans have chosen not to take that path. Most of Europe has chosen to hand over their freedoms in hopes that someone will protect them. That's fine,for them.It's not fine for the U.S,or Canada for that matter.

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 10:09 PM
reply to post by ALOSTSOUL
NO, we will not. If anything we need to arm more people. It is less likely that a coward attacking children and teachers would do something like this if he knew that his victims could shoot back.

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 10:11 PM

Originally posted by RedmoonMWC
reply to post by LeatherNLace

Come on out, I'll give you a tour of the Michigan Backwoods then you can take a trip to see a friend of mine in Alaska she will educate you as to why they open carry there.

let me guess...a cuddly bear wants to eat their food....move to a secure area and leave the wildlife in the wild...freaking cavemen...stupid is as stupid does.

As far as the cities are concerned, you probably avoid the truly bad areas of town rather than trying to actually make a change and help the people who have to live there. But I don't know you so I'll give you the benifit of the doubt on that one.

Giving me the benefit of the doubt is a godsend for you....I traverse the most dangerous parts of underprivileged urban Dallas communities daily. I live there....I vote family and friends are there...AND I advocate for gun control there....I have yet to be shot; despite having been "held up" on more than one occasion. I do not need a gun to defend myself; nor do I need a gun to feel secure, to stand my ground or to feel "American" via the constitution. I'm free and I'm American and I live my life free of any protection the constitution may or may not give me. I have ovaries; not balls.

As for me with what I do for a living and where I have to go, until they can provide a cop to be by my side 24/7 then I will have to provide my own protection.

balls vs. ovaries.....we see who wins this one...."man-up" I have no problem doing it.

EDIT: I'll give you the last word for the night. I'm out of here until Monday...Enjoy!
edit on 14-12-2012 by LeatherNLace because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 10:13 PM
reply to post by Bodhi7

I don't think that people would surrender weapons to the army or the police without a fight. People invest in are talking about handing over hundreds and sometimes thousands of dollars per gun.

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 10:14 PM
The idea of relying on another party to protect myself or my family is possibly the stupidest thing that I could do.

I will not place my life or the lives of my family in the hands of others!

To do so is cowardice as well as insanity.

Split Infinity

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 10:14 PM
reply to post by ALOSTSOUL

I don't know if your aware of this but gang bangers do not own registered/legal guns. If guns were banned, they would still have them. Banning guns is not the answer. Move on. This stuff will always happen regardless if guns get banned. We need to fix the population, not the laws.

Rockets are illegal. So they use Automatic rifles. Automatic rifles are illegal. So they use Semi auto. If semi autos are illegal, they will use something else. Say a hunting rifle. Or make an airsoft gun. Anyone with half a brain and the internet can figure out a way to cause destruction if they want to. We have to encourage people to not want to be horrilbe people. If you ban guns we are still left with crazy, terrible people. Our problem isn't solved. Instead we left the good people without a means to defend themselves and their homes if need be.

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 10:20 PM
reply to post by LeatherNLace

Didn't want to address my last statement I see, oh well, I guess we will just have to agree to disagree because you won't be convinced by facts, logic or common sense, and my life experience has proven to me that providing my own selfprotection is the only viable option.
Good luck in your endeavors. Be safe.

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 10:24 PM
I had a dream one time and all I had was a tire iron, the zombies kept coming, it was bad I was smashing and bashing, stabbing, it was really amazing what you can do with nothing more than a tire iron, plus you can change tires.

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 10:25 PM
I dont think they will ban guns anytime soon.
I do think they will expand the TSA to schools, malls, movie theaters and the like.

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 10:25 PM
I'm sitting here looking at my gun......still's not killing anyone...maybe my gun needs a human to pick it up and pull the trigger.....must be..because it is still just sitting there.....what kind of law would make my gun safer? it is just sitting there doing nothing? maybe we as a society need to look at PEOPLE who might not be well a little better..ya think? my gun is still sitting in the same spot...still hasn't killed anyone yet..Hmmmm.....

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 10:28 PM
reply to post by ALOSTSOUL

Really? From what I understand, after the gun ban in GB, gun crimes went up by over 50%, and at this time over 25% of those living in the British Isles have been a victim of crime. The incident that occured today occured in a gun free zone. Teachers are not allowed to carry arms in school there. The shooter was not old enough, nor had a Conneticut issued handgun permit, to legally posess a handgun. He was a nutjob who took his mother's guns, killed her and a bunch of innocent children. There is a special place in hell for this man, and I am deeply disturbed by this incident, as my kids are of the same age as those in that school. They were both home sick today, so we were spared the worry of them not being at home when we heard the news. Gun control has never prevented a single crime. Not one. You read over the puddle of all the gun violence in our nation, what you dont hear about is the number of crimes prevented by a gun massively outnumber the number of crimes committed with a gun. One armed teacher, with good training, could have ended this mad mans spree before it reached its maximum. In Texas, teachers are allowed to carry, and college age students of legal firearms age can carry on campus. The last time there was a school shooting there was in 1966. It is something to think about, considering the biggest school shootings in history occured in Europe, in nations with uber strict gun laws.

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 10:38 PM

Originally posted by TheLieWeLive

I guess myself and everyone I know is the 1%. I don't care what uniform you're wearing when you come knocking you're not getting my gun. Maybe something out of the end of it.

Really? So if your whole family is in the house with you, young kids, wife etc etc and the army comes for your guns you are gonna get in a firefight getting your whole family killed?

So essentially your saying you love your guns more than your family if thats the case.

Im pro gun btw
edit on 14-12-2012 by hellbjorn012 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 10:41 PM
I'm not American either but I believe in the right to bear arms. Tragic events such as occurred today is the price you Americans pay for this right.

Give up this right and you give up your freedom.

I'm sure today's event was not just some deranged member of the public going crazy. Dont be fooled - There are much higher powers at work here, working to take away your right to bear arms. They know that they cant force it on the American people and that the only way they can enforce it is if the American people unwittingly or otherwise support their wicked agenda. And that agenda is not simply to remove your weapons. The second amendment is simply an obstacle to a much greater plan. And what is that plan? The NWO & control of the masses.

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