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Americans, Isn't It Time You Relinquished Your Weapons.

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posted on Dec, 15 2012 @ 07:44 PM
reply to post by ALOSTSOUL

It's not that the US should ban weapons because thats hard to debate among many US citizens, What I do think is that they should stop selling them so easy , I would say First let the sale of most deadliest weapons be stopped only calibers that have not great range, and modifying should be elegal. And if you want buy something heavier than that you have to pass several regulations before getting access.

posted on Dec, 15 2012 @ 07:54 PM
This is because you have no real and functional knowledge of firearms not because it would actually fix anything.

Perhaps you should ... I don't know get educated about the subject before you start making suggestions that not only do not make any logical sense but are completely incoherent and have no actual bearing on reality.

You wouldn't try to tell an electrician how to rewire your house without a thorough working knowledge of electricity so why do you feel it's ok to shoot your mouth off about a subject you obviously know nothing about now?

posted on Dec, 15 2012 @ 07:56 PM
reply to post by ALOSTSOUL

I will NEVER relinquish my weapons. NEVER. I would prefer to move to a different country than sleep without a loaded weapon in my bedside table. I've always imagined that anti-gun people probably repented and wished they had a gun minutes before they were victims of murder.

As a victim of a violent crime, I decided to educate myself and arm myself a few years ago. I've never looked back. It's sad that not enough people were armed the day of these shootings. They could have or might have put a stop to these murders before so many innocent victims were killed. I would have risked my life and used my weapon to protect your life.

One of my weapons is a Sig Sauer, the same brand that this psychotic killer used. It's also a brand used by law enforcement professionals and armed forces in the USA and around the world.

Will I ever have to use my weapon? I don't know. All I know is that I will never hesitate to fire one of my weapons if I have to defend myself or my home.

Get used to it. It's my right to own a gun. Love me or hate me, I will never relinquish my weapon. NEVER.

posted on Dec, 15 2012 @ 08:17 PM
I posted here before, and I forgot to put this. Think of civilian gun ownership as a way of crime deterrence. Just like Nuclear Weapons are used as a form of deterrence. It would be better if they didn't exist, however since they do, having them is a way of preventing others from using them against you.

I live in Oklahoma, and I'm just a dumb redneck. However, I can tell you that even though we have a high number of meth addicts who'd rob their own mother blind. Yet, there are remarkably few occurances of gun violence or home invasions. I would say a good reason for this is that at least 85% of homes in the area have weapons and knowing which do or do not is nearly impossible. Also, Oklahoma has a lot of people with Concealed Carry Permits. Most of us here grew up with guns and respect them for the dangerous things they are. In fact, I fired my first .22 (an old Savage bolt action) at age 6, as did my two older brothers. As a child, I wasn't even allowed to point even a toy gun at someone. I am also a veteran who in the line of duty have had weapons (AK-47 and RPG) aimed at me while doing counter-piracy operations off the coast of Somalia, thankfully I have never been fired upon, or had to fire at another person.

Are guns necessary in a perfect society? No. Do we live in a perfect society? No. Therefore, are personal guns necessary in our societey? Yes.

posted on Dec, 15 2012 @ 08:49 PM
reply to post by Hopeforeveryone

You see it different from the facts. America supplied England huge amounts of weapons. Japan and Germany were allies. The day after Pearl harbor Germany declared war on America. By helping England with weapons and ammo America was drawn into the war. Japan was but a pesky fly compared to Germany. America lost a lot of good men helping England and the Americans at home suffered greatly to save England from certain destruction and domination.

posted on Dec, 15 2012 @ 08:55 PM
I have been giving this a lot of thought lately. How would America go about banning guns? Theres one GIANT problem facing this very question, and that is the bajillion guns already out there. It wouldnt do any good just to pass a ban on getting new weapons because people who are hell bent on causing death and destruction arent going to follow any rules. They would just find access to some of the guns already out there. The only way to get even a good portion of the guns would be to go all "Hitler-esque" on the country and send armed groups door to door and search every house under some sort of martial law. And if people are concerned about innocents dying, then think about the ramifications this type of methodology would bring about. There is no way that most law abiding Americans are going to stand around calmly while a martial law is deployed along with a search and seizure of their means of protection. Many people would die, many. And that right there pretty much voids the purpose of banning the firearms, doesnt it?

I dont know the answer, but i cannot see any clear path to a violence free earth. Banning guns will just force wackadoos to use another means like a knife or a stick or a bomb or a car or a.........The problem is people. There is no way to know whether or not that guy sitting next to you in your cubicle is a fruit loop or not. Not too long ago, America was targeted by some crazies using an airplane of all things. Killed people just fine it did. No guns needed. As long as there are people on this earth, there will be violence. We have given a world full of wackadoos firearms and there is no turning back now unless freedom is removed. My best advice would be to protect yourself and those around you from that by whatever means necessary.

posted on Dec, 15 2012 @ 09:02 PM
reply to post by Mcfly682

I dont know the answer, but i cannot see any clear path to a violence free earth
You are correct in your vision.
Violence is in our genes.
Believe it or not, sad to say, but it is how we have progressed as far as we have. We are not sheep.

posted on Dec, 15 2012 @ 09:19 PM

Originally posted by Shdak

Originally posted by RobinB022
reply to post by Snoopy1978

What are the chances a home invasion will EVER occur?

A lot higher if the criminals know we are unarmed.

What does it matter, if you’re not prepared you will be just another statistic, anyway there are 8000+ reported home invasions each and every day across North America; with the odds being about 1 in 5 homes

Probably, considering I'm unarmed
, but still I should have the right to defend myself in my own home.

posted on Dec, 15 2012 @ 09:19 PM
Christ. How is this still an active topic?

Hey world...all of you...come take em

At least I'd have something interesting to do for the evening. And when I run out of bullets, know that I will still possess the well to survive. Punch you in your teeth if necessary.

It's not my gun...its my will to fight you should fear.

posted on Dec, 15 2012 @ 10:00 PM
reply to post by Mrgone

moaon aabe persians!

posted on Dec, 15 2012 @ 10:35 PM
reply to post by ALOSTSOUL

You're right. Its not your country. Its not your place. If there is to be a discussion, it will be internal, free from the pressure of European socialists and the UN. Stay out of it!

posted on Dec, 15 2012 @ 10:42 PM
This is just asking for trouble in America. It's people around here with gun that aren't even supposed to have them and nobody knows except the person they got it from.

Just think what they may do if they realize they are the only one with a gun and nobody knows they have it? That's a big hazard waiting to happen. Plus, everybody knows our government is corrupt as hell, another hazard/false flag waiting to happen. Taking guns away wont solve anything here bro. Nobody here stands down at all, you're nave if you think we will.

posted on Dec, 15 2012 @ 10:49 PM

Originally posted by ALOSTSOUL
Now I know I'm not American and I know it's not my place to say what you should do but there has been 60 mass school shootings since the 1999 columbine shooting.

"Since the 1999 Columbine tragedy there have been sixty school shootings, double the rate seen in the previous decade. These school shootings have resulted in 181 deaths," said psychiatrist Dr Warren Steiner, of McGill University, Montreal.

And now with the shooting at sandy hook the statistics rises to 61 shootings and (approx) 210 deaths 20 of which are young children.

Now I know your worried and I know its in the constitution to "bear arms" but surely enough is enough. We here in britain have done just fine with tight gun control. In fact I would go as far to say that it's one of the best things that's happened to Britain since the NHS.

How many more people must die because you are to proud to give up your pistols?

Remember if you relinquish your weapons so will the police (or most of).

Please America start thinking about gun control!

edit on 14-12-2012 by ALOSTSOUL because: (no reason given)

You can take them all away when you've assured me that not one single criminal has access to one or can hurt my family. Until then, you can fear what I may or may not have.

posted on Dec, 15 2012 @ 10:50 PM
I'll relinquish my Smith & Wesson the moment criminals stop murdering people and relinquish THEIRS. Until then, I'll keep supporting the right to DEFEND myself and others against said criminals. If guns are banned, then only criminals will have guns. Guns are already banned in Mexico; yeah, but I guess all the drug cartels missed the memo. /derp
edit on 15-12-2012 by Shaxuul because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 15 2012 @ 11:19 PM

Originally posted by 0bserver1
reply to post by ALOSTSOUL

It's not that the US should ban weapons because thats hard to debate among many US citizens, What I do think is that they should stop selling them so easy , I would say First let the sale of most deadliest weapons be stopped only calibers that have not great range, and modifying should be elegal. And if you want buy something heavier than that you have to pass several regulations before getting access.

All bullets kill. Most deadliest weapon is the 9mm - most deadly because all the gang bangers and wana-be's use it. 9mm have the most deaths within the gun caliber range. When it comes to most KILLED vs caliber - the 9mm takes the cake. All calibers kill people. Even a 22 short - 22 BB's too...but the 22BB's are almost always accidental.

Mercians need to stop blaming guns for killing people. Also realize that taking away guns, in America, isn't any good. Best bet would be for gun buyers go through the same check as a person who wants a conceal/carry permit. Make the buyers purchase a buy-card (or acquire a carry permit) for their state. Once you have the card, you can buy weapons. Only problem is that this buying card should be a shall-issue card and not a may-issue card.

But will this stop people from killing each others with guns? No -it won't. It'll just minimize the crazy's or maybe-current-crazy's from getting purchasing a gun. It'll also stop those under investigation from purchasing new weapons.

Solution to most aggression is an equal force against it. Banning stuff only makes the honest people easy targets.

Crooks will be crooks & crazy's will be crazy.

Don't believe me - go out and mug some people for a bit. Once you get the guy that points a gun in your face you'd understand.

posted on Dec, 15 2012 @ 11:23 PM

Originally posted by ALOSTSOUL
Now I know I'm not American and I know it's not my place to say what you should do but there has been 60 mass school shootings since the 1999 columbine shooting.

"Since the 1999 Columbine tragedy there have been sixty school shootings, double the rate seen in the previous decade. These school shootings have resulted in 181 deaths," said psychiatrist Dr Warren Steiner, of McGill University, Montreal.

And now with the shooting at sandy hook the statistics rises to 61 shootings and (approx) 210 deaths 20 of which are young children.

Now I know your worried and I know its in the constitution to "bear arms" but surely enough is enough. We here in britain have done just fine with tight gun control. In fact I would go as far to say that it's one of the best things that's happened to Britain since the NHS.

How many more people must die because you are to proud to give up your pistols?

Remember if you relinquish your weapons so will the police (or most of).

Please America start thinking about gun control!

edit on 14-12-2012 by ALOSTSOUL because: (no reason given)

I would be in agreement if our police force and free criminals weren't armed to the teeth. We don't typically trust our government like some sheep elsewhere and we have so many criminals who would absolutely LOVE for the rest of us law abiding types to be disarmed by our government (or the UN.)

It'll never happen. Ever.

posted on Dec, 15 2012 @ 11:27 PM
One must remember... what Hitler did when he entered a country where the citizens didnt have guns.

We have guns, we will have guns.

posted on Dec, 15 2012 @ 11:38 PM
OP's logic: Ban guns so bad guys can't get them.

Reality if guns were ever banned: Criminal enterprises are created like the Drug Cartels in Mexico; Law abiding citizens become disarmed; criminals still have access to weapons and never had the intention of following a law that sought to disarm the entire populace.

Not over my dead body will I allow the government to tell me how I can protect myself, and with what I can protect myself and my family with. I don't expect you to understand what that means; you being a foreigner and all.
edit on 15-12-2012 by rock427 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 15 2012 @ 11:41 PM

Originally posted by hisshadow
One must remember... what Hitler did when he entered a country where the citizens didnt have guns.

We have guns, we will have guns.

The Government cannot take what is not theirs to take. The second amendment is there for our protection against a malevolent government. It is there to remind our government who holds the true power. Therefore, the right to bear arms in the United States shall not be infringed!
edit on 15-12-2012 by rock427 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 15 2012 @ 11:53 PM
I think gun ownership is so embedded in American culture it is almost impossible to have an outright ban without severe civil disobedience, the problem then becomes how best to minimize or eradicate future tragedies without an all out ban.
I believe there is no need for individuals to have multiple weapons in one household, each household should be entitled to one weapon and any other weapons must be securely stored at gun ranges or clubs. Gun ownership should be banned in all states for people with mental problems, all gun applications should be considered only if a psychological test by a reputable medical organisation has been submitted. After all you need a licence to drive a car and you are evaluated through a test to ensure you are capable of driving that vehicle, only people with an intent to harm would object to this in my opinion. The most precious things we own on this Earth are our children so why do we not give them the protection we want for our money and other valuables ? Armed guards in every school may be one way of deterring such lunatics in future.

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