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Prejudice Against the Fat

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posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 11:10 AM
While I don't think weight should be a factor in a person's eligibility for presidents,
I do think Obese people are nasty. I'm sorry I have eyes, and don't like fat rolls hanging off of people...
Humans are not supposed to look like that, and it indicates laziness and overindulgence.

99% of these fat people sat on their couch for years on end, and stuffed delivered Pizza hut down their faces.
someone said it didn't happen overnight....well that's the problem, it shows you did these things for years on means when you started to get overweight, you kept stuffing your face and being lazy.

Does this mean they shouldn't have equal rights, or they are any less human than me? No, in fact it's our society that pushes this unhealthy food, and laziness attitude....
Does that mean I can't speak the truth and say it's absolutely disgusting? Because it is.

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 11:11 AM
reply to post by antonia

The level of ignorance here boggles the mind. Being overweight does not make you stupid.


What do you creatures have in your veins? Prestone?

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 11:14 AM

Originally posted by PrplHrt
reply to post by antonia

The level of ignorance here boggles the mind. Being overweight does not make you stupid.


What do you creatures have in your veins? Prestone?

but being malnourished does effect the brain....quantity of food doesn't equate to quality of food.
and it's usually unhealthy food that makes people fat, and the unhealthy food doesn't have the necessary vitamins, proteins, etc a human needs.

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 11:18 AM
The movie Wall-E sums up how the the western world is evolving.
Locomotive impaired consumers. MOOOAAARRRRR!!!!

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 11:18 AM
reply to post by Ghost375

Case History - Fall at work. Spinal fractures, broken in several pieces. Fifteen years later, severe spinal arthritis prohibits subject from doing anything but laying on the couch or bed. Subject is in moderate to extreme pain and refuses painkillers on principle. Subject is undeniably fat and lazy.

I can't wait to hear his reaction to this thread.

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 11:20 AM
reply to post by PrplHrt

I did not say it made him stupid. I said the mind suffers when the body is in bad health and that's the truth. If you don't take care of your body it doesn't matter how smart you are you will suffer.

ETA: This is going to be my last words to you in this thread. It's fairly obvious to me you are emotionally invested in this and it seems to have overridden all your other mental functions. If you are going to put words in my mouth you will have the conversation with yourself.
edit on 14-12-2012 by antonia because: added a thought

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 11:23 AM
By continually stating that obesity is OK and that obese people are victims, you're supporting what we see today. Millions of people giving up on walking. We now have millions who decide to not diet and exersize because they can just buy a motorized tool to drive them around.

This means there is an awful problem. I'm not saying we have to be mean or cruel obviously, but awareness and work ethic are extremely important. When FLOTUS recommends that we eat broccoli and excersize, she is attacked verbally. What does that say about our society? It tells me that there is a huge problem.

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posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 11:28 AM
reply to post by spinalremain

Have I said obesity is okay? No.

I've said we need to treat the obese LIKE HUMAN BEINGS. We need to be cognizant of their feelings and positive attributes just as we are cognizant of the feelings and attributes of blacks and the handicapped and Native Americans.

Comprehension. Elementary, my dear Watson.

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 11:39 AM
reply to post by burdman30ott6

You know the thing is, I'm not against our health care system. I don't mind paying higher taxes to receive universal healthcare.

To be honest without it, I would have had to file bankruptcy years ago to deal with my son's medical conditions. So I can't rail against the system at the base.

What I can and do complain about is the way it's managed. Our programs for healthcare would be MUCH better suited as a hybrid private/social system which would provide more opportunities for doctors.

Truth is a lot of doctors come to Canada as we have some of the best med schools ( see Memorial University) and as soon as they graduate they leave the country for better jobs.

Social programs like Healthcare can and do work, evidence in other countries in Europe who have similar systems. It's a matter of how they are managed that is the crux.


posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 11:51 AM

Originally posted by spinalremain
By continually stating that obesity is OK and that obese people are victims, you're supporting what we see today. Millions of people giving up on walking. We now have millions who decide to not diet and exersize because they can just buy a motorized tool to drive them around.

This means there is an awful problem. I'm not saying we have to be mean or cruel obviously, but awareness and work ethic are extremely important. When FLOTUS recommends that we eat broccoli and excersize, she is attacked verbally. What does that say about our society? It tells me that there is a huge problem.

Posted Via ATS Mobile:

Moderate exercise is good for all people, hard work is good occasionally. Broccolli is not a good choice for people with a low metabolism or liver that is spooked easily though. A lot of other veggies don't have this effect on dampening Iodine uptake. Cooking the broccoli well is alright so the goitinogen's chemistry falls apart. A little less fluoride and bromated foods helps a lot for people who have low metabolism. Proper stomach acid production and adding a little more natural fiber also helps. Adequate levels of stomach acid are necessary to properly process minerals and B12. Increasing magnesium levels through diet or the skin also helps. Choose soaps with some magnesium in them.

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 11:55 AM
Fat shaming is no different than slut shaming or any other type of shaming.

if you don't want a fat president just don't vote for one.

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 01:24 PM

Originally posted by Bluesma
reply to post by burdman30ott6

But in any case.... leave the prospect of socialized medicine someone with a few of my own neices and nephews serving in the US military, risking their lives to protect the american soil, yes, I still feel it is selfish and ignorant to say you should have the right to slowly kill yourself all the while they try to protect your life!

Well, what I'm about to say is a giant leap for me and represents a point I don't know I have ever supported before, but the current facts have swayed me to this, soooo.....
*deep breath*
When was the last time the majority of the US military risked their lives to actually protect American soil or the American way of life? Bombing Afghanistan, occupying Iraq, and meddling in Libya aren't issues I'm about to surrender God given Rights over. Also, millitary service is largely a job these days. True, it is a high risk job, but it honestly has little difference from working for Blackwater Securities or being a hired corporate mercenary. The United States millitary has mutated from a group of patriots run by patriots protecting American citizens to a group of patriots who work for a bunch of corporatists asshats in DC under the illusion/brainwashing that protecting company bottom lines and globalist agendas are somehow "defending American freedom." It's a crock of crap, man. Don't get me wrong, I respect the hell out of this country's soldiers and service men & women, because they are the front line of defense should, by chance, an actual threat to America arise and need dealing with... but the last 8 years have been spent chasing ghosts under the auspices of national security while providing boogeymen to excuse the continued stripping of citizens' rights.

Furthermore, isn't it a bit convoluted to live in a country in which a woman has a right to abort a human life because "it is her body and her right" and many courts have ruled she also has freedom from persecution and freedom from discrimination over this, yet she doesn't have the right to happily and unashamedly possess as fat a body as she wishes? Hmmm... scales of significance: Dead infant versus a neck that looks like a pack of hot dogs... I'm thinking America has some messed up freaking priorities here.

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 01:36 PM
Fat people being fat are they any smarter though when i was 19 i went out took drugs and stuff but i was skinny had a few girlfriends but now i am fat and my brother who is 22 now was fat has just lost all the fat but he still acts acts the way i did no smarter nothing to see here.

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 01:41 PM
Interesting thing how people fall all over themselves to go with whatever recent science proof of truth. Someday they will turn around and tell us all brains work better when there is more fat on someone.

A few esteemed overweight dummies from history. There are many many more!

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 02:01 PM

Originally posted by antonia
reply to post by PrplHrt

I did not say it made him stupid. I said the mind suffers when the body is in bad health and that's the truth. If you don't take care of your body it doesn't matter how smart you are you will suffer.

ETA: This is going to be my last words to you in this thread. It's fairly obvious to me you are emotionally invested in this and it seems to have overridden all your other mental functions. If you are going to put words in my mouth you will have the conversation with yourself.
edit on 14-12-2012 by antonia because: added a thought

The problem is people are not always unfit if overweight but we are taught that such persons must be unft and lazy. There are even professional athletes that are not thin.

People risk their very life and inject poisons for Looks!We are being trained and so many are easy to manipulate!

Almost 9.5 million cosmetic surgical and nonsurgical procedures were performed in the United States in 2010. The most frequently performed surgical procedure was breast augmentation and the most popular nonsurgical procedure was injections of Botulinum Toxin Type A (including Botox and Dysport).

No one really cares about truth here but the new fixation on their idea of beauty is what this is really about.

Beauty, beauty products and services and clothing and makeup styles etc runs the world and especially this country.

In study after study, overweight and moderately obese patients with certain chronic diseases often live longer and fare better than normal-weight patients with the same ailments. The accumulation of evidence is inspiring some experts to re-examine long-held assumptions about the association between body fat and disease.

Overweight patients with coronary disease fared better than those who were thinner in another study; mild to severe obesity posed no additional mortality risks. In 2007, a study of 11,000 Canadians over more than a decade found that those who were overweight had the lowest chance of dying from any cause. To date, scientists have documented these findings in patients with heart failure, heart disease, stroke, kidney disease, high blood pressure — and now diabetes.

People with their hate and none ability to except people in all their natural forms and realize beauty is in everyone have cause pain and disrepair! it is all ignorance and growing!

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 02:03 PM

Originally posted by Ghost375
While I don't think weight should be a factor in a person's eligibility for presidents,
I do think Obese people are nasty. I'm sorry I have eyes, and don't like fat rolls hanging off of people...
Humans are not supposed to look like that, and it indicates laziness and overindulgence.

99% of these fat people sat on their couch for years on end, and stuffed delivered Pizza hut down their faces.
someone said it didn't happen overnight....well that's the problem, it shows you did these things for years on means when you started to get overweight, you kept stuffing your face and being lazy.

Does this mean they shouldn't have equal rights, or they are any less human than me? No, in fact it's our society that pushes this unhealthy food, and laziness attitude....
Does that mean I can't speak the truth and say it's absolutely disgusting? Because it is.

Right people are supposed to look like YOUR idea of beauty!

I am totally sure you know some very hard working "fat" people, just look around at any place of work.

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 02:05 PM
The overall difference between the prejudice against race, sexual orientation and the alleged prejudice against fat people, is that fat people can change their fat ways. The former cannot. Eat healthy, don't allow yourself to become grossly overweight and obese ... and people won't have to stare at you pushing yourself through the mall in an automatic wheelchair because your fat legs cant support your fat body anymore.

Simple. For those with medical conditions that cause them to be overweight, show me one doctor that says change to your diet and exercise would not maintain a healthy weight for you.

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 02:07 PM
oh great were still gonna vote for a president because of his looks or because "we feel bad for him, lets give him a chance awww" mentality. so lets forget that most politicians are corrupt anyway, we had our chance to vote for a better president(if it even existed at all) and now we are going to make another mistake for the Next Election simply because we feel bad for someone
and we dont want to seem racist and judgemental.

I just like to know if this thread is about protecting this politician or obese people. There is a difference between being fat and OBESE.
If this is about criticizing opinions towards a politician i simply DO NOT CARE
But if its about the problems with health and the research between being fat and Obese then it a whole nother SUBJECT

I mean the title of your thread clearly states "Prejudice against the Fat" NOT the obese. and then you just throw Chris Christie all over our faces like if you wanted us to vote for him or something.......and then you try to compare the Politics situation with your friends who do you care more about? what is your game here?
I thought it was for your friend and for overweight people but it seems more like "who should we vote for on the Next Election" type CC. im simply not buying this scheme and wont be replying to anymore of this thread
edit on 14-12-2012 by BacknTime because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 02:09 PM

Originally posted by antonia

The problem is people are not always unfit if overweight but we are taught that such persons must be unft and lazy. There are even professional athletes that are not thin.

Pretty sure we're not talking about "thin". We're talking about maintaining a healthy body weight for your age, height, & gender.
edit on 14-12-2012 by Ryanssuperman because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 02:19 PM

Originally posted by Ryanssuperman

Originally posted by antonia

The problem is people are not always unfit if overweight but we are taught that such persons must be unft and lazy. There are even professional athletes that are not thin.

Pretty sure we're not talking about "thin". We're talking about maintaining a healthy body weight for your age, height, & gender.
edit on 14-12-2012 by Ryanssuperman because: (no reason given)

We are talking about people (people with an agenda) deciding what is "healthy" and this changes and changes! I also disagree I think it all comes down to the forced view of beauty and right size on society.

For instance my husband can be handsome as he is al naturale! But me...well i am supposed to paint my face with chemicals to be acceptable...which i will not! this is about the same thing I guarantee not many are worrying about anyone elses health.
Just read a few of the posts and you will have to agree!

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