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Prejudice Against the Fat

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posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 05:28 PM
reply to post by paradox

The two people in the top photo are hyper-athletes. You can tell that by their builds. They spend their lives in the gd gym.

You carry the devil. Unload.

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 05:39 PM

Originally posted by PrplHrt
reply to post by paradox

The two people in the top photo are hyper-athletes. You can tell that by their builds. They spend their lives in the gd gym.

You carry the devil. Unload.

So are they vain or are they athletes? Make up your mind.

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 05:44 PM

Originally posted by paradox

Originally posted by PrplHrt
reply to post by paradox

Yes, all hail the god Vanity.

So humans in their natural active/healthy state is now considered vanity?

edit on 12-14-12 by paradox because: (no reason given)

Many now are so focused on their abs and clothing they don't even see anything else.

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 05:48 PM

Originally posted by Char-Lee

You and I think as different as Day and Night. I would have loved seeing the "obese' girl ridding a bike and gave her a thumbs up for getting out there and exercising...surely harder for her then for me.

I don't judge people by looks as we are being trained by the rich sellers and industry to do because that would make me feel really stupid.

if there ever is a new Heaven and New earth I sure hope all the people who care so much about another persons body and face and cloths instead of their heart and soul are not there.

The girl wasn't peddling. She was coasting downhill. But, that's not the point. People can be as fat, as bald, and as ugly as roadkill, it doesn't matter to me. I'm saying it is human nature to have a slight aversion to such things until we get to know the people.

Of course you don't JUDGE people by their looks, but you can't help having a first impression to any and all things that catch your eye. This is normal. You can't change it. This instinct probably saved a lot of lives back before civilization.

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 05:53 PM
reply to post by LightOrange

Dear Rocket Scientist,

The two are not unknown to be concomitant.

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 05:53 PM

Originally posted by burdman30ott6

Originally posted by jiggerj
Are you telling us that you've never been suddenly confronted by a severely deformed person and averted your eyes? You pass by a disheveled homeless guy mumbling to himself and you don't (instinctively) pretend he doesn't exist? If you answer that you've never done this, you are either an angel or a liar. It is human to be at least a bit apprehensive of that which falls out of our comfort zone.

The problem is comfort zones have been used as an excuse for hatred, biggotry, and intolerance throughout history. Hell, only a scant 30 years ago it was widely common and (by many) considered acceptable for these same reactions to be discussed in regards to minorities, the disabled, essentially anyone different from the "norm." That was what I was getting at. If it wouldn't be acceptable and you'd never consider vocalizing: "Those black people should be more white" then why in the blue hell is it acceptable to project: "Those fat people should be more thin?"

I'm talking instinct. You're talking ignorance. Ignorance wants to do away with something only perceived as unacceptable or wrong. Instinct tells us to watch out for danger, and for primitive man if something was different it was to be feared or attacked. I'm pretty sure we've had this instinct for a long time.

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 06:02 PM

Originally posted by micmerci
Some people feel that if one cannot manage their waistline how could they manage something more difficult. Is it a fair assumption? I don't really know. If we are being honest, maybe overweight people are not the most motivated.

I hope our cigarette smoking POTUS reads this (not to mention the rumored coke snorting POTUS before him too).

I think the epitome of a president ended when they killed JFK
edit on 14-12-2012 by Human_Alien because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 06:23 PM

Originally posted by Human_Alien

Originally posted by micmerci
Some people feel that if one cannot manage their waistline how could they manage something more difficult. Is it a fair assumption? I don't really know. If we are being honest, maybe overweight people are not the most motivated.

I hope our cigarette smoking POTUS reads this (not to mention the rumored coke snorting POTUS before him too).

I think the epitome of a president ended when they killed JFK
edit on 14-12-2012 by Human_Alien because: (no reason given)

Oh, and adultery isn't an issue?

You do know that JFK was having am affair with at least one woman, Marylin Monroe? I'm fairly sure that could be considered a character defect no different than smoking or overeating.

Ps. Did i just inadvertantly defend Obama? Someone shoot me now. Please.
edit on 14-12-2012 by nightbringr because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 06:30 PM

Originally posted by jiggerj

Originally posted by burdman30ott6

Originally posted by jiggerj
Are you telling us that you've never been suddenly confronted by a severely deformed person and averted your eyes? You pass by a disheveled homeless guy mumbling to himself and you don't (instinctively) pretend he doesn't exist? If you answer that you've never done this, you are either an angel or a liar. It is human to be at least a bit apprehensive of that which falls out of our comfort zone.

The problem is comfort zones have been used as an excuse for hatred, biggotry, and intolerance throughout history. Hell, only a scant 30 years ago it was widely common and (by many) considered acceptable for these same reactions to be discussed in regards to minorities, the disabled, essentially anyone different from the "norm." That was what I was getting at. If it wouldn't be acceptable and you'd never consider vocalizing: "Those black people should be more white" then why in the blue hell is it acceptable to project: "Those fat people should be more thin?"

I'm talking instinct. You're talking ignorance. Ignorance wants to do away with something only perceived as unacceptable or wrong. Instinct tells us to watch out for danger, and for primitive man if something was different it was to be feared or attacked. I'm pretty sure we've had this instinct for a long time.

Your previous posts do not sound like you are talking a momentary response but a way of thinking in life.

Yes I have a momentary negative thought sometimes if I see an extremely heavy person with a shopping basket full of ice cream and donuts, but then I immediately think...who knows why this person is behaving this way. Maybe his left him after his only child died and this is his only way to survive and continue, who knows what burdens he has beside weight. How he deals with his pain.

In other words I know that I don't know this person so my negative feeling is stupid and shallow, petty and unfounded.

edit on 14-12-2012 by Char-Lee because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 06:42 PM

Originally posted by PrplHrt
reply to post by paradox

The two people in the top photo are hyper-athletes. You can tell that by their builds. They spend their lives in the gd gym.

You carry the devil. Unload.

Lmao you don't have to "spend your life in the gym" to look like that. You just have to be consistent. An hour or two a day in the gym and a healthy diet rather than sitting on your fat ass eating bags of chips and watching TV. Some cardio. Ya know...being active?

You seem angry for some reason. Almlost...bitter. Why is that?
edit on 12-14-12 by paradox because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 06:46 PM
reply to post by PrplHrt

....To those who slam the obese.....very difficult, to watch the death of my country occurring in this way.

oh the melodrama! boo-hoo, boo-hoo.

FYI: the majority of persons whom voiced objections to your argument were perfectly level-headed in their approach.

and then, in ATS tradition, we have to listen to the "killing MY country" routine?

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 07:53 PM

Originally posted by PrplHrt
reply to post by LightOrange

Dear Rocket Scientist,

The two are not unknown to be concomitant.

Oh okay. So they go to the gym because they are vain athletes?

Tell me more about how much you know about them.

And of the woman? Is she a modest, good-humoured children's activist with a PHD in clinical science who heals diseased children in impoverished countries by sharing facebook pictures of them?

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 08:08 PM

Originally posted by paradox

Originally posted by PrplHrt
reply to post by paradox

The two people in the top photo are hyper-athletes. You can tell that by their builds. They spend their lives in the gd gym.

You carry the devil. Unload.

Lmao you don't have to "spend your life in the gym" to look like that. You just have to be consistent. An hour or two a day in the gym and a healthy diet rather than sitting on your fat ass eating bags of chips and watching TV. Some cardio. Ya know...being active?

The following is my opinion as a member participating in this discussion.

And yet another one extreme or the other, no perspective of a middle ground individual makes their opinion known...

The difference between having six pack abs and not having six pack abs is, quite simply the difference between spending an hour or two a day in the gym and eating a very healthy diet and doing anything else, no matter how minor, away from that routine. There are gym rat health nuts all over the place who don't have six pack abs, my friend. If you sit on the couch eating bags of chips, you will have flabs... if you decide to go for a walk, read a book, surf the internet, go fishing, go hiking, play with your kids, ANYTHING which doesn't involve numerous sets of dozens of sit ups, crunches, and the like, you WILL NOT look like the two in that photo.

People who are ripped have simply made the gym their point of addiction. Aside from perspective, preception, and disingenuous self righteousness, an addiction is an addiction... whether it is to alcohol, to food, to exercising, to sex, the internet, video games, whatever. It is a chosen activity or habit to fill a void in your life. People can either be honest and accept that, while some are popularly considered "healthy" and others popularly considered "unhealthy", addictions are addictions, or they can attempt to spin the healthy ones as somehow being concientious badges of dedication while the unhealthy ones are disgusting habitual offenses. It is essentially the same mechanism of addiction which is imaprting its influence upon the brain. Just because you're sweating your ass off at the gym doesn't mean that the gym rat hasn't buckled under pressure from the same signals in their brain which are hammering them with "gotta get to the gym, gotta get to the gym, gotta get to the gym" as the alcoholic who reaches for the bottle.

We become addicted to a substance or activity for the same reason that we initially try it: Because we like the way it makes us feel. And although some people may try a drug, take a drink or eat a donut and never become hooked, almost all of us have the capability to become addicted. Users cross a threshold and undergo a transition to addiction.

I understand the subtle differences between supposed "good" and supposed "bad" addictions, but the bottom line is that if it looks like, sounds like, and walks like a duck... it is a duck. extra DIV

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 08:42 PM

Originally posted by burdman30ott6

The difference between having six pack abs and not having six pack abs is, quite simply the difference between spending an hour or two a day in the gym and eating a very healthy diet and doing anything else, no matter how minor, away from that routine. There are gym rat health nuts all over the place who don't have six pack abs, my friend. If you sit on the couch eating bags of chips, you will have flabs... if you decide to go for a walk, read a book, surf the internet, go fishing, go hiking, play with your kids, ANYTHING which doesn't involve numerous sets of dozens of sit ups, crunches, and the like, you WILL NOT look like the two in that photo.

You missed the point entirely. I did not say everyone should have a muscular physique if they aren't putting in the required work necessary while living in such a docile society. My point was you do not have to "spend your life in the gym." You can have a normal life and still stay on track if it's what you want.

That was not the point anyway. That poster derailed their own topic by bringing up their own bitter delusions. The point was (as was shown by the picture posted) living in such a politically correct society has caused people to encourage being fat, unhealthy looking slobs. Just look at those comments people left on each picture.

There is a reason people find physiques like that physically attractive. It's called evolution. Someone who is in great shape will likely make a good mate capable of healthy offspring as well as providing. The only difference now is in modern society people have to make time for separate activities (we even created a term for it; working out) in order to achieve an attractive physique that came relatively simply with day to day activities thousands of years ago. Now I'm not saying our ancestors were jacked, but they were in much better shape than the average person now.

So let me tie this into the main point. There is a reason obese people are looked at as out of the norm no matter how politically correct you try to be in telling them how great they are. It's because they are. Yeah you can "fill working out with any other activity such as fishing" or whatever it was you said, but you are doing nothing but sitting in a different place than before. Sit at home, watch TV. Go to sleep laying in bed. Wake up, sit in your car driving to work where (it depends) you sit all day. Sit in your car, drive home. Want to go fishing? Sure, sit in your car, and then sit in your boat some more, then go home for more sitting. Think of how many "activities" the average person does. How many of them actually requires DOING something physically demanding?
edit on 12-14-12 by paradox because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 14 2012 @ 11:59 PM

Originally posted by Char-Lee

Your previous posts do not sound like you are talking a momentary response but a way of thinking in life.

Bull! That's exactly what I'm saying.

Yes I have a momentary negative thought sometimes if I see an extremely heavy person with a shopping basket full of ice cream and donuts, but then I immediately think...who knows why this person is behaving this way. Maybe his left him after his only child died and this is his only way to survive and continue, who knows what burdens he has beside weight. How he deals with his pain.

In other words I know that I don't know this person so my negative feeling is stupid and shallow, petty and unfounded.

edit on 14-12-2012 by Char-Lee because: (no reason given)

No, your feelings aren't stupid, shallow, petty or unfounded. They come from the sense of self preservation that kept primitive man alive. Those feelings only become ignorant when we act on them instead of shutting them down.

posted on Dec, 16 2012 @ 01:52 PM

Originally posted by Human_Alien

Originally posted by micmerci
Some people feel that if one cannot manage their waistline how could they manage something more difficult. Is it a fair assumption? I don't really know. If we are being honest, maybe overweight people are not the most motivated.

I hope our cigarette smoking POTUS reads this (not to mention the rumored coke snorting POTUS before him too).

I think the epitome of a president ended when they killed JFK
edit on 14-12-2012 by Human_Alien because: (no reason given)

Glad someone mentioned the current POTUS, just about every picture I see of Obama he is munching on a burger, ordering food from a fast food chain or sipping a beer, that's not exactly the image a president should be encouraging, especially the sipping of beer when supposedly on duty.

posted on Dec, 16 2012 @ 05:12 PM
reply to post by destination now

Uh-hu. Just about every image you see he is munching on a burger, ordering food from a fast food chain or drinking a beer? That's funny. And absurd.

edit on 16-12-2012 by ColoradoJens because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 12:16 AM
reply to post by ColoradoJens

Well there are quite a lot of them quick google image search brings up loads Obama eating

I don't live in America and as such don't see pics of Obama everyday, mostly my exposure to him is on ATS and yep I definitely notice many of the pics are of him eating, so not so absurd from my point of view

posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 07:42 AM
reply to post by destination now

Oh. Google anyone famous eating and you'll see the same. I'm not sure what living outside the USA has to do with it, but most images of him are standing infront of a podium or in the White House. Sheesh.


posted on Dec, 17 2012 @ 09:59 AM
reply to post by ColoradoJens

Actually just googled, Ronald Reagan, George Bush and Bill Clinton eating, exactly the same search for each one and they have a fraction of the images compared to Barack Obama...the main one for George Bush is a photoshop of him eating a kitten...

TBH I don't really care, he's not my president and his wife doesn't preach to me about what I eat, I was just replying to another poster about his smoking habits in relation to being a figurehead for Americans health (in line with OP mentioning another politician who people were arguing is too fat to be president) and the image that came to my mind was all of the pictures of Obama eating junk food and drinking beer...,

Sheesh I was only making an observation, no need to get in a fankle about it.

edit on 17-12-2012 by destination now because: (no reason given)

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