About that
Secret Doctrine quote, I'll post a commentary in parenthesis, according to my learning:
The Secret Doctrine:
"The Zohar speaks of "Black Fire," which is Absolute Light-Wisdom
(unmanifest Fire of the Ain Soph).
To those who, prompted by old theological prejudice, may say: "But the Asuras are the rebel Devas, the opponents of the Gods -- hence devils, and the
spirits of Evil," it is answered
(The Asuras are actually considered to be in a Higher Realm than ordinary humans according to Buddhism):
Esoteric philosophy admits neither good nor evil per se, as existing independently in nature. The cause for both is found, as regards the Kosmos, in
the necessity of contraries or contrasts, and with respect to man, in his human nature, his ignorance and passions
(Right, no-thing is in itself
evil, however we could say that there are evil actions).
There is no devil or the utterly depraved, as there are no Angels absolutely perfect
(Actually, the Paramarthasatyas are Perfect; so I'm not
sure if H.P. Blavatsky over-looked this to simply make a point or what?),
though there may be spirits of Light and of Darkness; thus LUCIFER -- the spirit of Intellectual Enlightenment and Freedom of Thought -- is
metaphorically the guiding beacon, which helps man to find his way through the rocks and sandbanks of Life, for Lucifer is the LOGOS in his highest,
and the "Adversary" in his lowest aspect --
(Lucifer is both our Internal Pyschological Trainer and the Creative Fire which manifests most
potently in the sexual glands of ordinary humans, yet more potently through the throat and mouths of the Cosmocreators. So we can end up in the
lowest most painful(yet non-eternal) pits of Hell through fornication and lust, or the highest heights of Heaven through Chastity and Transmutation,
depending on how we utilize our Internal Lucifer)
both of which are reflected in our Ego
(Essence or Buddha-Nature rather, which is related to Tiphereth and the Sixth Arcanum of the Tarot).
Lactantius, speaking of the Nature of Christ, makes the LOGOS, the Word, the first-born brother of Satan, the "first of all creatures." (Inst. div.
Book II., c. viii., "Qabbalah," 116.)":
The Initiatic Path in the
Arcana of Tarot and Kabbalah
"The Gods emerge from the Abyss by means of Fire, and they get lost within the Absolute."
“If the Logos surged from within the Unknowable Divine, the Devil gave Him liberty to do it.”
It is written: “Whosoever knows the meaning of the word, the word gives power to him.
Nobody can utter it, nobody has uttered it but the one who has incarnated it..”
To incarnate the word is indispensable, but the word is fire. It begins with the transmutation of the Sexual Energy. That is why there is written
“And God said…”. “And Elohim said…”
All the inheritance of the Cosmocreators - who are Elohim, who are already Self-realized in the worlds of Yetzirah, Briah and Atziluth - they send the
Ruach Elohim to float upon the face of the waters, the Akasha, which we talked about many times. Here we mean Akasha as sexual waters, the Semen, the
substance that is El Shaddai in sexual organs but in us it is Shaddai El Chai, the power that we have there. That Shaddai El Chai, that semen, that
Seed has the power of Elohim in potency because that is the plan of Elohim: to create the human being. They place there all the forces we need to use
in order to develop the human being, the Microcosmos (or in Kabbalah Zauir Anpin, the one below Arik-Anpin).