Silly silly birds.
The serpent is not evil
From the chaos of the dark, the serpent sheds his state of perfect totality so that we may experience being.
The serpent is Chthonic - it represents both the masculine and feminine, the undifferentiated self.
Do you think serpents are evil? Long before Christendom was in infancy, the most ancient and knowledgeable of our ancestors paid respect to the
serpent. Naga, Isis, Osiris, Quetzalcoatl, Pythagoras, Demeter, Dionysus and the Delphic oracle Pythia are only a couple good examples of how revered
our now rejected serpents used to be.
Yes yes, I suppose that perhaps it is possible that literally every culture to come before the birth of Christ were devil-worshiping scum. I suppose
if you buy into the idea that 'Paganism" is akin to "Satanism", you might as well stop reading here.
However, if you are open minded enough to aspire to real spiritual truth - if you are interested in finding your own highest consciousness - I
recommend you give your dogma a minute on the sidelines to entertain the following idea.
The Serpent is the state of animal consciousness, unified consciousness, from which existence itself could be born. Consider one of the most ancient
of all symbols - the Ouroboros - the snake biting its own tail. It is not an arbitrary symbol. The Serpent or snake represents the 'generative aspect'
that gives rise to itself, forgets its nature, and becomes whole again in the underworld - both the prime force of creation and fertility. The
infinity, the circle, the wheel.
The Serpent is the Two-in-One
Duality and Unity are both the serpent
"Quetzalcoatl died in the West to be reborn in the East"
the two-in-one implicit in the serpent - also in the consciousness of men
If the serpent has played the role of animal instinct and temptation in other cultures, it is only in the Christian tradition that the serpent has
become so hated and despised as Satanic. As a matter of fact, this is a very stunted and traumatic position for a human culture to adopt. It is very
immature to see the snake as "Evil" as opposed to "good".
It is unhealthy to compartmentalize yourself in this way! People aren't good OR evil. Ideas aren't good Or evil. The serpent teaches us about balance
(kundalini ring any bells?) and the center of being, the yin-yang. The serpent puts us in touch with what Jung called our Shadow - without knowing the
Shadow, we will never be whole, having rejected an integral part of ourselves.
Do you believe that
Light = Good
Dark = Evil ?
If you happen to see the world this way, I humbly challenge you to challenge yourself. If you do not care to entertain the idea, I wish you all the
best in holding onto your stones, but please do not step on my dragons.
edit on 3Tue, 10 Dec 2013 03:46:17 -0600America/Chicago13b46Tue, 10 Dec 2013 03:46:17 -060010 by greybird because: (no reason
edit on 3Tue, 10 Dec 2013 03:51:10 -0600America/Chicago13b51Tue, 10 Dec 2013 03:51:10 -060010 by greybird because: (no reason