reply to post by mOjOm
Yes yes, thank you!
That's perfect.
Let me know if or when you might be interested in animating it, not that i'm asking right now, but at some point it would be totally cool.
As far as that goes, if only for future reference (hey if you don't ask you don't get) and don't worry i'm not going to go crazy like went i sent all
those pics and stuff, before, with my over the top Christmas wish list (i lost it) although you do have everything you might need now to pull it
off.., but what i was thinking was
- a slowly rising moon where when it hits half risen, the two stars of the conjunction flare and twinkle first one then the other (with the
flare/flicker centered right on the stars) then both of them together, just like you did before, and then spreading out from there among the
background stars of the avatar, the
twinkling of those stars each in it's own color or multi-colored, like the starfield, representing
some sort of
universal celebration, and at the end of the cycle, like a wink and a nod, if it's doable, a rainbow colored flare of some kind
"hidden" behind Jesus' hat ball on the horizon, if that's possible against a whitish background.. and that would end the cycle, where the twinkling
would fade out the way it started before the loop starts again with the rising moon, if that's possible.
Edit: forget the moon rising part for now cause that's too much work, but, if you like, time permitting, feel free to just
light me up! we
could do the moon thing later, which could rise to full and then simply vanish at the end of the loop (which could be kind of freaky).
The object is to capture the eye and freak people out with a potential meaning and significance that they can't quite fathom, such that it makes them
laugh even if for no reason at all. Something to be inquired into, like the daVinci code decoded, that's the overall impression and idea.
I'm good now as i sit, though, for ever if need be, thank you so much. I really appreciate your help big time.
But if you do feel like animating the avatar portion, that's just what i was thinking, to take advantage of what might be possible, for a
story-telling avatar of awesome proportion, .gif
Thanks again, and don't get me wrong i'm only trying to be specific and clear in the description not trying to be pushy or tell you what to do with
your valuable time.
Thanks again for your help.
Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year! To you and to all, may it be a good one (there's always hope).
edit on 27-12-2013 by NewAgeMan because: (no reason given)