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Baka Brahmā (literally "crane-Brahmā") appears in the Majjhima Nikaya, where he is a deity who believes that his world is permanent and without decay (and that therefore he is immortal), and that therefore there are no higher worlds than his. The Buddha refutes Baka's claims, relating the concept of anitya or impermanence, but one of Baka's attendants (influenced by Māra) asserts that Baka is the Creator, that those who praise him will be rewarded, but those who deny his powers will be terribly punished. The Buddha identifies the real speaker as Māra, and states that he is free of his power.
Technically, if you don't attest to the Nicene Creed, you are not a Christian. You can say that you're a follower of Christ or something, but you can't say that you're a Christian, because the Creed is what defines what a Christian agrees that they believe in. Christianity, after all, is effectively a Jewish sect, so you can't reject those roots out of hand.
Saying that one is a Christian while rejecting the core of Christianity is a bit like saying that, even though you have no Norwegian ancestors, you're a Norwegian just because you say you are.
Now, on the other hand, if you want to say that you think that the Old Testament God is somewhat misrepresented in that text, but that, overall, he's valid, then that's just saying that you're not a literalist, and you'd still be supportive of the Creed. But to dismiss him (or to view him with disdain) would be akin to Marcionism or Gnostic Christianity, both of which are long dismissed heresies.
Originally posted by dominicus
reply to post by adjensen
Technically, if you don't attest to the Nicene Creed, you are not a Christian. You can say that you're a follower of Christ or something, but you can't say that you're a Christian, because the Creed is what defines what a Christian agrees that they believe in. Christianity, after all, is effectively a Jewish sect, so you can't reject those roots out of hand.
The creed itself was about what the majority agrees on as far as beliefs, liturgy, grace, etc etc. If I don't necessarily agree to certain aspects of the creed, or am on the fence about certain things, that doesn't make me any less a Christian.
He spoke to the Jews using the OT, because that's the only way they would listen to him. He had to speak their language in order for them to listen, just like you have to speak Spanish if you want to communicate in Mexico.
Who knows. Some aspects of Gnosticism can still be valid.
Personally, I don't care for who or what church or creed considers me a Christian or not. We are all inherently beyond labels and our souls belong to God
By stating that your high moral value is above that of God in 2012, does not in any way imply that God in 1200 BC was some type of evil dictator or God of war.
Do you recall the first creation story in Genesis 1 of the IMAGE by the Elohim?
" Who was it that was involved into the material world as your Shepherd, also the Lord of the OT, also the first image that made you and also the Father and also the multiplicity of souls that originate from the first soul that God created? Well, that would be the Son and it would be you.
In other words, you are denying the goodness of God because you have not been good.
Judging the OT God is judging the very image that allowed you to know the difference between now and then
Rethink your platform and humbly seek the loaf you are cut from. The only true idol we can ever have is the one that says we are higher than God. We can make ourselves that idol without recognizing that we are all part of the one true God.
Besides Genesis, we should consider the Epic of Gilgamesh and also study all of the world's oldest origin writings, compare, contrast, etc. On top of that, like said in the OP, there are too many things that don't make sense like creating the tree of knowledge in the first place, then telling Adam/Eve, not to eat from it, knowing that they would eventually be tricked and eat from it. Why not just never have the tree of knowledge there in the garden in the 1st place. (Solved!!!!)
No, it's not a menu that you pick and choose from, it's the core beliefs of Christianity
"Constantine corrupted and perverted Christinaity more than he aided it. He was an ambitious and superstitious Emperor who murdered his own kindred (his wife and son) while promoting Christianity. He paganized Christianity while using it as a political tool to solidify his Empire." -Paganism Surviving in Christianity By Abram Herbert Lewis "The Control of Christianity by the State Under Constantine and his Successors" Chapter X; pg. 203
and if you don't believe it, you are not a Christian, period, because that Creed is what defines a Christian, just like having Norwegian ancestors or living in that country defines who is Norwegian.
No, he spoke to the Jews using the Old Testament because he was Jewish. How did you miss that part?
No. As someone who has non-superficially studied the Gnostic Christians, their origins, their history and their theology, I can positively say that none of their core beliefs were valid, which is a good thing, since their important knowledge died out with them because it couldn't be written down.
Well, if you're "beyond labels", then don't label yourself as a Christian.
You creating a thread saying "I'm a Christian and I don't believe in the God of Christianity" is on a par with me, who is not Japanese, creating a thread titled "I'm Japanese, and here's why I hate the Emperor."
That depends. Is your good intention higher than God's intent. You see, intent is by design. Intention is by wishful thinking. God's design looks beyond the seed to the fruit.
God placed one choice in the center of the Garden. Free will demands we make a choice between good and evil.
See, the Lord is coming out of his dwelling to punish the people of the earth for their sins. The earth will disclose the blood shed on it; the earth will conceal its slain no longer.
Spirit - After overcoming the first four baptisms, we are then baptized by the Spirit of God. Jesus is necessary for us to be marked by the spirit for salvation from the Fire. The water and blood of Christ brings salvation from the corruption of the elements.
Originally posted by dominicus
reply to post by adjensen
No, it's not a menu that you pick and choose from, it's the core beliefs of Christianity
So your going to consider a Counsel, several hundred years away from Jesus and his disciples, infiltrated by the politics of Constantine (The old ways of Power), discussed and agreed upon by a bunch of men and their precepts, men which who even knows if they underwent the Spiritual Death and were Indwelled and moved by the Holy Spirit, having transferred Passover on to pagan Easter.
"Constantine corrupted and perverted Christinaity more than he aided it. He was an ambitious and superstitious Emperor who murdered his own kindred (his wife and son) while promoting Christianity. He paganized Christianity while using it as a political tool to solidify his Empire." -Paganism Surviving in Christianity By Abram Herbert Lewis "The Control of Christianity by the State Under Constantine and his Successors" Chapter X; pg. 203
My Heart Loving God and Jesus and longing for Union and Loving my neighbor's and having gone through multiple ego death's and mystical experiences is what defines me as a Christian. Not a bunch of agreed upon beliefs.
Well, if you're "beyond labels", then don't label yourself as a Christian.
Very well, I'm a follower of " The Way" then.
You're citing an 19th Century Seventh Day Adventist as being some sort of unbiased historical researcher? Why not just throw in the towel and cite The Da Vinci Code while you're at it?
But you don't love God or Jesus
you're badmouthing God and you're calling Jesus a liar
because Jesus very specifically said that the God of the Old Testament was his father,
he taught from the scriptures that you dismiss
and the notions that you find appealing in Gnosticism come from Plato, not from Christ.
Originally posted by NOTurTypical
reply to post by dominicus
Apparently you forgot to factor in that not only is God love and unicorns and skittles... He is also holy, righteous, and just.