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Mexican mayor beaten to death

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posted on Nov, 26 2012 @ 10:09 PM
The lovely Mayor had to have known she was on borrowed time from the first attempt.

Okay yeah... she is brave, she is a hero, and now she is dead. Her kid now has zero parents.

It is beyond reason why this lady didn't seek political asylum for her and her child.

Perhaps saying so is wrong somehow, but it seems like she totally martyred herself.

I wonder if the kid thinks her mother's national pride and sense of community was worth losing both parents?

Here is another source.

Okay... so ending prohibition is off the table because criminals would just switch to another crime?

It would however negate the most simple and cost effective criminal activity as the primary cash cow. Guns and slaves are way more of a hassle.

posted on Nov, 26 2012 @ 10:14 PM
reply to post by SlackOps


I agree and I don't all at once.

Why should she have to leave her country of birth, while she was mayor of the Capital no less...

On the other hand, yes she was smart and must have known her time was near, perhaps she had faith a greater faith then even I can imagine.

A warrior, who died a warriors death.

Let not her demise be in vain...


posted on Nov, 26 2012 @ 10:18 PM
reply to post by Spike Spiegle

I just logged onto ATS and read your thread. I was omg.

And then I went to the link and read up on what happened to her. So brutal. They are savages.

posted on Nov, 26 2012 @ 10:25 PM
I am left utterly speechless.

People like this heroin are growing increasingly rare in the world and are almost nonexistent in the U.S.

Just thinking of how courageous this lady was gives me pause and makes me lower my head out of respect for her.

In one act we now see the worst.... And the BEST that Mexico has to offer.

May the Almighty keep her in His glory and protect and bless her family.

posted on Nov, 26 2012 @ 10:34 PM
It seems the Mexico of today is analogous to the late 19th century "Wild West". And, how did that get tamed? The combination of enforced law, politics, and RAILROAD BARONS. This led to statehood, which quelled the remaining lawlessness. So, there is no "quick solution here", but if this problem was approached in the same manner, with Mexico becoming a part of the U.S. (territory, possession, state, you name it) then a few big things would happen:

1. The end of the major violence (not 100%, but at least more controlled)
2. The issue of illegal immigration would be moot
3. The U.S. controlled border would be much smaller (place the new border along the shorter Isthmus of Tehuantepec)
4. A new landscape for the next generation of entrepreneurs

Heck, if they can't quell the violence themselves, let history show us the answer. Is it a perfect solution, no. Is it something that the Mexico people want, probably not. But if it is done in a manner that protects the social and historic aspect of the Mexican heritage, it might be more acceptable.


edit on 26-11-2012 by Krakatoa because: wording

edit on 26-11-2012 by Krakatoa because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 26 2012 @ 10:41 PM
It is disgusting what these thugs did this woman and her family and the absolute torture that they were put through. It is awful to see something like this all because she was doing her best to keep the drug cartels out of her city. If the cartels do this to their fellow countrymen and women. Think of what they could do to someone like you and I if we were kidnapped. Just look at how many Americans get abducted in Nuevo Laredo and any other part of Mexico that these cartels are in. Americans are getting kidnapped daily in Mexico. Even the citizens of Mexico are being abducted left and right. Now matter how hard anyone tries, this will just keep going on and on. These cartels are some of the most ruthless people on Earth. They don't care how many police officers they wind up murdering. They don't care how many people they have to abduct, torture, and kill just to get want they want.

There is no way that the Mexican government will crackdown severely on these cartels. Why you might ask? Its due to where these cartels have moles both in the government in Mexico City and in the Federal Police. Not to mention the influences they have on the political life of Mexico and the people of Mexico. No matter what the government there tries to do and how they try. There is no way that the government of Mexico will come out on top. All of this due to where the Cartels have more pull, more political power, more reach, and more cash than what the government there does. Another point I need to make is where and how these Cartels acquire the weaponry that they use. A lot of the weapons that are used come from the "Black Market" from either Russia, China, and even here in the United States. With the lack of gun laws that we have, it makes it too easy for them to come here to the States to acquire these weapons just to have shipped back to Mexico.

posted on Nov, 26 2012 @ 10:42 PM
There's one thing that would solve this violence, but I cannot mention it because of this forums undemocratic rules.

Albert Einstein once defined insanity as doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.

I think it's time to change tack.

That quote could be about this forum or about the war on drugs - who knows.

Either way, controlling the masses is futile.

posted on Nov, 26 2012 @ 10:47 PM

Originally posted by Krakatoa
It seems the Mexico of today is analogous to the late 19th century "Wild West". And, how did that get tamed? The combination of enforced law, politics, and RAILROAD BARONS. This led to statehood, which quelled the remaining lawlessness. So, there is no "quick solution here", but if this problem was approached in the same manner, with Mexico becoming a part of the U.S. (territory, possession, state, you name it) then a few big things would happen:

1. The end of the major violence (not 100%, but at least more controlled)
2. The issue of illegal immigration would be moot
3. The U.S. controlled border would be much smaller (place the new border along the shorter Isthmus of Tehuantepec)
4. A new landscape for the next generation of entrepreneurs

Heck, if they can't quell the violence themselves, let history show us the answer. Is it a perfect solution, no. Is it something that the Mexico people want, probably not. But if it is done in a manner that protects the social and historic aspect of the Mexican heritage, it might be more acceptable.


edit on 26-11-2012 by Krakatoa because: wording

edit on 26-11-2012 by Krakatoa because: (no reason given)

Star for your thoughts. I've oft wondered about the viability and prospects of just such a proposition. Living n California, the vast majority of my friends are either Mexican or of Mexican ancestry. I've mentioned this idea to them. Regrettably, they would rather re-annex the west than become part of it. Go figure..........

posted on Nov, 26 2012 @ 10:55 PM
Two ways to deal with/alleviate the problem apart from the obvious one (legalizing) would be.

A: Covert operations. Recruit the best of the best; the best at assassination & targeted killing. You fight fire with fire. No mercy. This means poisoning, snipers, nano-tracking for targeted strikes; you make everyone associated with a cartel afraid, especially those of a higher rank.

B: They're doing all this for money, so make better offers. For example put out bounties on highest cartel ranks. Set the bounty for a drug lord so high that he won't be able to trust anyone. The ruthless nature of these cartel members dictates they wouldn't last long. As the cartels are killing their own & coming in for the rewards, give them the rewards, but only temporarily. Set up tracking for every single member, and once the purge is finished you return for them; strip them of everything and lock up into prison for life.

posted on Nov, 26 2012 @ 10:56 PM
Big tough men huh. This woman deserves everyone's respect. She had bigger balls than any "man" in hundreds of miles around her. Rest in peace my good lady.

posted on Nov, 26 2012 @ 11:05 PM
Maria Santos Gorrostieta is my newest hero.
With more women like her this world just might stand a chance.
Thanks for posting her story, she deserves sainthood or better for living an exemplary life without fear and without caving in on her principles.

ETA - To think the US may have provided the very guns she was shot with.
edit on 26-11-2012 by Asktheanimals because: added comment

posted on Nov, 26 2012 @ 11:08 PM
reply to post by Asktheanimals

She is also my hero.

I think we should all take a few minutes to think about this woman and the life she lived.

People like her, come around once in a generation.

Truly an honor to have lived during her time.

edit on 113030p://pm3053 by Spike Spiegle because: and

posted on Nov, 26 2012 @ 11:28 PM
reply to post by polarwarrior

using your " logic " you could make a " case " to de-crimilise theft - as ,despite centuries of various legal strategies to combat it - theft still occurs

see how assanine your " logic " is ? please stop using einstiens quite out of context

posted on Nov, 26 2012 @ 11:31 PM
reply to post by Spike Spiegle

"How is Mexico going to deal with these cartels if the bravest and best of their country keep getting murdered?"

And lose all that "war on drugs money" are you nuckin futs?
We just sold those very same drug dealers the guns to do it (fast and furious)

This isn't something new, similar things have happened before, Mexico has enough fire power to wipe out all the cartels in a month. Just fly over the spots with infrared planes and carpet bomb the crap out of anything that remotely looks like some kind of production. Are they going to? HELL NO, governments got money coming in from the cartels, USA war on drugs money, and taxes. They aren't going to lift a damn finger hahahaha. Id like to feel bad and sad , but really this puts a smile on my face because it will show what a piece of $%%^& of country Mexico really is when they do absolutely nothing AGAIN!! hahahahahaha or ours for that fact, cia makes to much money bringing coc aine into the country to want to "stop it". lol

posted on Nov, 27 2012 @ 12:18 AM

Originally posted by boymonkey74
reply to post by HattoriHanzou

Yup we better all stop posting.
All I did was offer a solution to the problem.

What could you possibly have said that would warrant an Extreme T&C violation?

posted on Nov, 27 2012 @ 12:30 AM
Hello ATS

Thank you all for the thought provoking thread so far, some of us have strayed of topic but in general very well done

I saw this in a Slayer69 thread and thought it was great

Appropriate at this time I believe.


posted on Nov, 27 2012 @ 12:48 AM
Send the army in and just wipe all of these [snip]out. Ohh wait... The Government’s of the world need the drug trade... Never mind. Let them carry on. Make it easer for them, actually.
edit on 27-11-2012 by elevatedone because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 27 2012 @ 12:50 AM
Skipping the prolonged discussion......just to add a small thought....
What if the Situation in Mexico is a deliberate creation of the foriegn policy?
We have had no qualms destabilising all kinds of countries to facilitate foriegn policy amitons...
Though this might sound like a bizarre plot....i think the lack of substance in the goverments reactive policies shows they are encouraging this lawlessness, rather than trying to diminish it.
I do not put it past the alphabet agencies to engineer this in order to bring about their central america.....
I believe the ultimate aim of the game is one country from the pole to the panama canal....

posted on Nov, 27 2012 @ 12:57 AM
reply to post by stirling


Had to stop eating to answer this one

I totally agree that could very well be the case.

If you look back, on page 2, I believe I made a reference to Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon.

The main plot of the story has the U.S army fighting, street to street, corner to corner in downtown Mexico city.

Truth is stranger than fiction.


posted on Nov, 27 2012 @ 01:14 AM
mexico is fighting on the front lines and acting as a buffer to america.

if i was a mayor in mexico i'd cut a deal with the cartels. you'd have the support of the mayor in exchange for not killing anyone in city limits.

as i mayor my first concern would be the safety of the citizens under my care. why should anybody die because they are fighting to get drugs into america, a foreign country.

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