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Disclosure of the moon landing hoax.

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posted on Apr, 27 2014 @ 04:43 AM
a reply to: IroncladFT

As Rob48 stated a quick check and you would find out about Google Earth images.

Not all the imagery in Google Earth comes from satellites. A lot of the imagery comes from aerial photographers mostly in airplanes with special high resolution cameras. Some of the imagery even comes from kites and balloons. Google acquires imagery from a variety of providers.

No wonder so many of our members get taken in by hoaxes !!!!!

posted on Apr, 27 2014 @ 04:59 AM

originally posted by: Rob48
How was it done, then? The journalists in Mission Control were watching the ground crew talking to the astronauts. Are you suggesting that everyone in the building was flawlessly miming along to pre-recorded footage for hours on end and nobody noticed? Not one error, not one fluffed cue?

Of course, everyone knew the astronauts were on the moon, because they were talking to them! They wouldn't POSSIBLY have been able to talk to anyone in the next building, or something, right?

Good one.

originally posted by: Rob48
In isolation, then yes I'm sure you could create some elaborate set-up to replicate a 1/6g pendulum. But that clip doesn't exist in isolation. It wasn't a deliberate experiment - it was a chance occurrence of the tape falling out and being set into motion, and is part of the continuous footage from that camera. View it as part of the uninterrupted footage - where are the fans being pulled into position? Where are the motors? You clearly have no clue what you are looking at.

You know it was a "chance" occurrence, because they said it was, I suppose?

Sure, I buy that.

originally posted by: Rob48
I'm not ignoring it. You are taking a photo of astronauts in zero g on the VC and claiming that is what 1/6g looks like. What does that prove other than that you are incapable of reading?

Below the image it says...

"mercury astronauts from 1959 in the vomit comet.. still think back in the day they didnt know what true 1/6g should look like?"

Are you incapable of reading? It seems you are.

It mentions 1/6g , but not 0g.

Do you see that? I hope so.

posted on Apr, 27 2014 @ 05:05 AM
Anyone able to speak yet, on how true 1/6g shows Apollo was a fraud?

Don't fear the truth..

posted on Apr, 27 2014 @ 05:11 AM
a reply to: turbonium1

What are you talking about? True 1/6g is shown in Apollo surface activities. You are trying to equate that with a photo of astronauts floating IN ZERO GRAVITY on a training flight. Why are you doing that? Is it because you cannot read or because you are just deliberately playing dumb?

Just in case you think this is some kind of historical revisionism, here is an extract from an article published four and a half years BEFORE Apollo 11 detailing the ZERO-GRAVITY training flights.

That's zero. Not one-sixth. Not one. Zero.

edit on 27-4-2014 by Rob48 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 27 2014 @ 05:13 AM

originally posted by: turbonium1

The Vomit Comet was not well-known, until recently.

But here's the important point - NASA said that the Vomit Comet creates a 0g environment, which is used to train astronauts. However, it also creates a 1/6g environment. Did NASA mention it, you think?

If they did, I'd like you to show me where.

What about showing me NASA's footage of true 1/6g inside the Vomit Comet? Does it even exist?

im not even disputing that NASA cannot make 1/6g in the vomit comet.. the whole purpose of the vomit comet was to study the effects of different gravity..

it doesnt even matter whether or not the vomit comet was well known.. the things is is that NASA had use of it.. it doesnt make any sense for NASA to show the world a fake 1/6g at all, sometime in the future after apollo the world will know about the vomit comet..

and you would have me believe that the organisation that was able to hoax the moon landing and keep it secret for over 40 years are so shortsighted in hiding their own hoax??

No. You said, below the image....

"mercury astronauts from 1959 in the vomit comet.. still think back in the day they didnt know what true 1/6g should look like?"

You are not referring to 0g here. You are referring to true 1/6g

Again, I'll ask...

Show me ANY images of Apollo astronauts who are "floating" above the (supposed) true 1/6g lunar surface, like the Mercury astronauts in true 1/6g - inside the Vomit Comet.

thats because i had wrongly assumed you knew what and how the vomit comet works..

you even posted a video yourself of people inside the vomit comet in gravity that reflects the gravity on callisto which is NOT 0g..

are you even able to comprehend what and how the vomit comet works and what it is capable of?

so once again.. that picture is of the mercury astronauts in 0g..

posted on Apr, 27 2014 @ 05:23 AM

originally posted by: turbonium1

Of course, everyone knew the astronauts were on the moon, because they were talking to them! They wouldn't POSSIBLY have been able to talk to anyone in the next building, or something, right?

You said that if the wires got tangled they would just cut the cameras and do another take. I said that the fact the TV pictures were live disproves that. If they were using wires then they STILL WOULDN'T be able to do another take, whether they were in the next room, Timbuktu or on the moon.

You know it was a "chance" occurrence, because they said it was, I suppose?

You are missing the point. Whether it was chance or not doesn't matter. It was filmed as part of an unbroken sequence showing the unloading of equipment. There is no edit point where they could have brought in the fans and motors you claim they would have had to use. It's continuous footage.

originally posted by: Rob48
I'm not ignoring it. You are taking a photo of astronauts in zero g on the VC and claiming that is what 1/6g looks like. What does that prove other than that you are incapable of reading?

Below the image it says...

"mercury astronauts from 1959 in the vomit comet.. still think back in the day they didnt know what true 1/6g should look like?"

Are you incapable of reading? It seems you are.

It mentions 1/6g , but not 0g.

Do you see that? I hope so.

The VC can simulate just about any gravity you want by altering the flight path. You linked to a video yourself that showed people on the plane in "Mars gravity" and "Callisto gravity". Both of those are NOT ZERO gravity. Or have you conveniently forgotten that?

edit on 27-4-2014 by Rob48 because: (no reason given)

edit on 27-4-2014 by Rob48 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 27 2014 @ 05:28 AM

originally posted by: turbonium1

Below the image it says...

"mercury astronauts from 1959 in the vomit comet.. still think back in the day they didnt know what true 1/6g should look like?"

Are you incapable of reading? It seems you are.

It mentions 1/6g , but not 0g.

Do you see that? I hope so.

wow.. if i were you i really would not complain about other peoples reading problems..

did you or did you not post this video on pg 225?:

because that is a video of people in 0.12g..

that picture of the mercury astronauts shows 0g..

both on board the vomit comet, which clearly indicates that the vomit comet can display varying g effects..

and yet knowing this.. you still truly believe that NASA was not able to manipulate the aircraft to display 1/6g even though your video and the picture shows that it is very possible..

posted on Apr, 27 2014 @ 05:31 AM

originally posted by: turbonium1

But here's the important point - NASA said that the Vomit Comet creates a 0g environment, which is used to train astronauts. However, it also creates a 1/6g environment. Did NASA mention it, you think?

If they did, I'd like you to show me where.

Okey dokey. Note the domain name:

Are you beginning to understand yet?

Don't fear the truth..

"Physician, heal thyself"

edit on 27-4-2014 by Rob48 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 27 2014 @ 11:07 AM

originally posted by: Rob48
a reply to: FoosM

But if you applied the same level of critical thinking to any hoax "evidence" as you have done to real evidence on this thread, you would soon see that the missions couldn't have been faked. The amount of scrutiny you applied to my calculations on the PLSS, to give one example — any hoax theory would collapse under 10% of that questioning.

I'm puzzled that you still can't see that. You're clearly no fool and yet you are only questioning one side of the argument.

Wait, what makes you think I haven't?
Part of testing somebody's evidence is to bring it to forums such as these and have people of different
backgrounds come up with counter-arguments.

posted on Apr, 27 2014 @ 11:20 AM

originally posted by: turbonium1
NASA didn't need to create a 'true 1/6g' environment, because we didn't know what true 1/6g looked like. As well, a true 1/6g would've been much harder to do, and far more expensive. All for nothing, too. So that's what they did.

If wires got tangled up, they just stop the filming, fix the wires. Take 2. Action...

You wont find any astronauts being able to do the things they were supposed to be able to do on the moon

posted on Apr, 27 2014 @ 11:32 AM

originally posted by: turbonium1
Anyone able to speak yet, on how true 1/6g shows Apollo was a fraud?

Don't fear the truth..

The true screw up came with the props...

the earth-like distance they were able to achieve throwing a javelin and hitting golfballs

posted on Apr, 27 2014 @ 11:35 AM

originally posted by: FoosM

You wont find any astronauts being able to do the things they were supposed to be able to do on the moon

Do you think a training video showing a man wearing a suit weighing 26lb (Earth weight) is a fair comparison to the Apollo astronauts wearing suits weighing almost 200lb (Earth weight)? I don't.

Edit to add: reference for suit weight here:

The results of this study must be treated as preliminary inasmuch as all tests were performed under conditions that could be described as ideal insofar as lunar operations are concerned; that is, the temperature was moderate, lighting was excellent, the walking surface was hard and consistent, generally adequate cooling and moisture removal from the suit were provided, and the subject was not required to carry his life-support system.

The life-support system (PLSS) for Apollo, worn as a backpack, has a mass of approximately 61kg, which is 134lb on Earth. That might cramp anyone's gymnastic style.

edit on 27-4-2014 by Rob48 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 27 2014 @ 12:32 PM
By popular demand...

Video of NASA using a "vomit comet" to simulate the moon's gravity.
Video also has some other interesting info to speculate on.

posted on Apr, 27 2014 @ 02:37 PM

originally posted by: Rob48

The life-support system (PLSS) for Apollo, worn as a backpack, has a mass of approximately 61kg, which is 134lb on Earth. That might cramp anyone's gymnastic style.

I would love to see how the astronauts put their suits on in the LM.
Why don't we have footage of that?
How did they not accidentally bump their heads, etc because of the strange
difference in gravity?
This should have been filmed for people to study.

posted on Apr, 27 2014 @ 02:56 PM
a reply to: choos

Thanks pal, appreciate the input a lot!!!

Although polycarbonate and such a thin layer of Gold wouldn't amount to much of a radiation protection, probably the bare minimum, however you answered my question sufficiently!!!

Definitely worth a star!!!

Peace choos!!!

posted on Apr, 27 2014 @ 02:56 PM
a reply to: FoosM

They didn't put the suits on in the LM. They put them on before leaving the CM. They only needed to put on their helmets, gloves and PLSS backpacks (which were stored in the LM) before leaving the craft.

Edit: actually I believe the A16 crew removed their suits again inside the LM because of the length of time before the EVA. But it was a tricky and time-consuming process by all accounts.
edit on 27-4-2014 by Rob48 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 27 2014 @ 03:02 PM
a reply to: Rob48

I could do my own research easily...
However if it's all about pedantic responses this is my research as I trust ATS members more than google search!!!

Secondly I'd like you to stop putting words into my mouth, because I never said these questions were advanced or that they're "gotcha questions" as you keep calling them...
They're just questions I thought ATS could answer, nothing conclusive or tightly held beliefs made me ask them, intrigue alone did that!!!

Finally I haven't ignored anybody's responses!!!

Peace Rob!!!

posted on Apr, 27 2014 @ 03:21 PM
a reply to: CharlieSpeirs

Fair enough. Sorry if I misinterpreted. Hope the answers were of use then

posted on Apr, 27 2014 @ 03:24 PM
a reply to: Rob48

No worries pal, hope I didn't sound too much of a despot in my response, it's been a long day & I should know better than to take it out on my ATS family...
So my apologies also!!!

They were helpful, as were yours as well fella, appreciated!!!

Peace Rob!!!

posted on Apr, 27 2014 @ 03:46 PM

originally posted by: Rob48

Edit: actually I believe the A16 crew removed their suits again inside the LM because of the length of time before the EVA. But it was a tricky and time-consuming process by all accounts.

No kidding

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