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Disclosure of the moon landing hoax.

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posted on Mar, 4 2014 @ 04:25 PM






Why is this thread still going on? It contains nothing worth reading.

Why do you want it to stop DJW001 ?

Why don't you just go away and never return like apollo never returned after 1972 ?

It's not your job is it ?

I don't want to stop, I'm just pointing out how boring it is. Are you actually planning on contributing something to it some day, or are you just going to kibbitz?

That says it are boring of it but still returns. Why ? Just go to another post and don't bother us of that you are boring....i'm still exited of the moon fakery :-)
edit on 4-3-2014 by webstra because: (no reason given)

Why do you want to be rid of me? Am I ruining your fun?

No it's necessary DJW0001, posts like this.

Nasa fakery has to be the name of science and mankind.

Then why don't you stop sniping and prove it?

posted on Mar, 4 2014 @ 04:30 PM

Nasa fakery has to be the name of science and mankind.

Funny how you claim that, but then are unable to expose any NASA fakery, or show any NASA fakery!

posted on Mar, 4 2014 @ 04:33 PM







Why is this thread still going on? It contains nothing worth reading.

Why do you want it to stop DJW001 ?

Why don't you just go away and never return like apollo never returned after 1972 ?

It's not your job is it ?

I don't want to stop, I'm just pointing out how boring it is. Are you actually planning on contributing something to it some day, or are you just going to kibbitz?

That says it are boring of it but still returns. Why ? Just go to another post and don't bother us of that you are boring....i'm still exited of the moon fakery :-)
edit on 4-3-2014 by webstra because: (no reason given)

Why do you want to be rid of me? Am I ruining your fun?

No it's necessary DJW0001, posts like this.

Nasa fakery has to be the name of science and mankind.

Then why don't you stop sniping and prove it?

We are doing that all the you don't wan't or can't see that.

You can't remove thruth protective layers i think ?

posted on Mar, 4 2014 @ 04:41 PM








Why is this thread still going on? It contains nothing worth reading.

Why do you want it to stop DJW001 ?

Why don't you just go away and never return like apollo never returned after 1972 ?

It's not your job is it ?

I don't want to stop, I'm just pointing out how boring it is. Are you actually planning on contributing something to it some day, or are you just going to kibbitz?

That says it are boring of it but still returns. Why ? Just go to another post and don't bother us of that you are boring....i'm still exited of the moon fakery :-)
edit on 4-3-2014 by webstra because: (no reason given)

Why do you want to be rid of me? Am I ruining your fun?

No it's necessary DJW0001, posts like this.

Nasa fakery has to be the name of science and mankind.

Then why don't you stop sniping and prove it?

We are doing that all the you don't wan't or can't see that.

You can't remove thruth protective layers i think ?

Help me out: post a link to the last post you made that presented any evidence of any kind. I would be happy to debunk it for you.

posted on Mar, 4 2014 @ 04:42 PM








Why is this thread still going on? It contains nothing worth reading.

Why do you want it to stop DJW001 ?

Why don't you just go away and never return like apollo never returned after 1972 ?

It's not your job is it ?

I don't want to stop, I'm just pointing out how boring it is. Are you actually planning on contributing something to it some day, or are you just going to kibbitz?

That says it are boring of it but still returns. Why ? Just go to another post and don't bother us of that you are boring....i'm still exited of the moon fakery :-)
edit on 4-3-2014 by webstra because: (no reason given)

Why do you want to be rid of me? Am I ruining your fun?

No it's necessary DJW0001, posts like this.

Nasa fakery has to be the name of science and mankind.

Then why don't you stop sniping and prove it?

We are doing that all the you don't wan't or can't see that.

You can't remove thruth protective layers i think ?

See theres the problem when people dont believe your crazy ideas you want to go with just saying there blind. Did you ever think maybe its you that are blind to the truth? You set up a bias will ignore any information contradictory to your beliefs and are willing to allow yourself to be deceived by misinformation. So id say matbe you beter look at how people prove something because making wild accusations isnt proof trust me if you proved NASA lied and we didnt go to the moon i would be the first screaming from the roof tops. Problem is there isny any but by all means prove me wrong.

posted on Mar, 4 2014 @ 04:44 PM









Why is this thread still going on? It contains nothing worth reading.

Why do you want it to stop DJW001 ?

Why don't you just go away and never return like apollo never returned after 1972 ?

It's not your job is it ?

I don't want to stop, I'm just pointing out how boring it is. Are you actually planning on contributing something to it some day, or are you just going to kibbitz?

That says it are boring of it but still returns. Why ? Just go to another post and don't bother us of that you are boring....i'm still exited of the moon fakery :-)
edit on 4-3-2014 by webstra because: (no reason given)

Why do you want to be rid of me? Am I ruining your fun?

No it's necessary DJW0001, posts like this.

Nasa fakery has to be the name of science and mankind.

Then why don't you stop sniping and prove it?

We are doing that all the you don't wan't or can't see that.

You can't remove thruth protective layers i think ?

See theres the problem when people dont believe your crazy ideas you want to go with just saying there blind. Did you ever think maybe its you that are blind to the truth? You set up a bias will ignore any information contradictory to your beliefs and are willing to allow yourself to be deceived by misinformation. So id say matbe you beter look at how people prove something because making wild accusations isnt proof trust me if you proved NASA lied and we didnt go to the moon i would be the first screaming from the roof tops. Problem is there isny any but by all means prove me wrong.

But like always you are making big mistakes....

I did think like you do now...but that's a long time ago...for example when i was a child.

posted on Mar, 4 2014 @ 04:45 PM


posted on Mar, 4 2014 @ 04:48 PM











Why is this thread still going on? It contains nothing worth reading.

Why do you want it to stop DJW001 ?

Why don't you just go away and never return like apollo never returned after 1972 ?

It's not your job is it ?

I don't want to stop, I'm just pointing out how boring it is. Are you actually planning on contributing something to it some day, or are you just going to kibbitz?

That says it are boring of it but still returns. Why ? Just go to another post and don't bother us of that you are boring....i'm still exited of the moon fakery :-)
edit on 4-3-2014 by webstra because: (no reason given)

Why do you want to be rid of me? Am I ruining your fun?

No it's necessary DJW0001, posts like this.

Nasa fakery has to be the name of science and mankind.

Then why don't you stop sniping and prove it?

We are doing that all the you don't wan't or can't see that.

You can't remove thruth protective layers i think ?

See theres the problem when people dont believe your crazy ideas you want to go with just saying there blind. Did you ever think maybe its you that are blind to the truth? You set up a bias will ignore any information contradictory to your beliefs and are willing to allow yourself to be deceived by misinformation. So id say matbe you beter look at how people prove something because making wild accusations isnt proof trust me if you proved NASA lied and we didnt go to the moon i would be the first screaming from the roof tops. Problem is there isny any but by all means prove me wrong.

But like always you are making big mistakes....

I did think like you do now...but that's a long time ago...for example when i was a child.

So you can't find a single post where you did anything but insult people who disagree with you? Shall we see what the Mods have to say about that?

What's your problem ? I only want to say that i believed in the moonlanding when i was i child...what's wrong with that ?

posted on Mar, 4 2014 @ 05:19 PM

Because people have posters on their wall ''I want to believe'' [all the the Government tells me ]

Except, there's a preponderance of evidence from non-governmental sources that we actually did go to the Moon. Ham Radio operators that were monitoring the transmissions at the time, for one thing.

posted on Mar, 5 2014 @ 05:43 PM


posted on Mar, 5 2014 @ 06:16 PM
Thanx mod. I do have a bit more believe in this site now.

posted on Mar, 6 2014 @ 01:15 AM


Because people have posters on their wall ''I want to believe'' [all the the Government tells me ]

Except, there's a preponderance of evidence from non-governmental sources that we actually did go to the Moon. Ham Radio operators that were monitoring the transmissions at the time, for one thing.

More importantly, scientists from both the United States and Russia have compared the samples returned by both Apollo and the Soviet unmanned landers. Since their composition and characteristics are so similar, if the Apollo samples are fraudulent, so are the Soviet samples. Do you believe the Soviet Union faked their Lunakhod missions, webstra?

posted on Mar, 7 2014 @ 01:28 AM

Mind explaining why in frame 28 and 29 that the myth busters toes are touching the ground and john young is in the air??

His toes are not touching the ground in frame 28 and 29. A shadow of his entire right foot can be seen on the floor below the foot. If his toes were touching the ground, it wouldn't be possible to have a shadow going past the toes. The shadow isn't seen in frame 30, when he lands.

And the important part, Also why in frame 31 myth busters body is still going down to absorb the landing and in frame 32 john young does the same thing??

It doesn't matter when they "absorb" the landing, it only matters when they actually land. Young lands before, or at least the very same time, as Mythbusters lands. That's in frame 30. But Young was much higher than Mythbusters in frame 28 and 29, which proves Young is descending at a faster rate than Mythbusters.

That's what you can't get around.

according to you that if john young is falling faster then why does John youngs body move down in frame 32 and not in frame 31???

Because - as I've told you many times - Young is using wires to assist his jump, like Mythbusters is. Young has clearly landed in frame 30, as well as frame 31. He "absorbs" the landing in frame 32, to make it appear to be a real jump, just like the Mythbusters guy does. This is why you're puzzled.

Also I highly doubt you would deny that john youngs jumping salute, one of the most well known Apollo lunar footage is not at lunar gravity of 1.62m/s^2..

I do deny it.

I mean the jump is demonstrating lunar gravity.. Why would anyone believe that nasa (whether or not they faked it) did not get john youngs jump at 1.62m/s^2..

They manage the hoax of the century but when it comes to demonstrating lunar gravity they decide to show the world john young jumping in gravity that is not 1.62m/s^2?????

The jump doesn't demonstrate lunar gravity, period. Just because NASA is doing it, that doesn't mean it's going to be done right. It's hardly the only thing NASA screwed up in making their hoax.

By acknowledging objects falling 1 metre in 1.111 and 0.452 seconds on the moon and earth respectively you are also acknowledging that the time scale factor between the two is 2.46x there is no way around this..

And yet here you are saying that 2.46x is too fast?? On one hand you inadvertently agree that the timescale factor is 2.46x and on the other hand you deny that 2.46x is the correct factor...

No, it is the correct factor on the genuine lunar surface. But it isn't the correct factor in Apollo footage, which is claimed to be on the lunar surface.

posted on Mar, 7 2014 @ 01:38 AM



Because people have posters on their wall ''I want to believe'' [all the the Government tells me ]

Except, there's a preponderance of evidence from non-governmental sources that we actually did go to the Moon. Ham Radio operators that were monitoring the transmissions at the time, for one thing.

More importantly, scientists from both the United States and Russia have compared the samples returned by both Apollo and the Soviet unmanned landers. Since their composition and characteristics are so similar, if the Apollo samples are fraudulent, so are the Soviet samples. Do you believe the Soviet Union faked their Lunakhod missions, webstra?

Name the scientists then DJW. The rhetorical question you ask is totally useless. First, you back up your claims with sources.

I doubt that you have more than 2 scientists that you could name. So get to work, pal. You made the claim. Or are you bluffing?

posted on Mar, 7 2014 @ 02:05 AM









Why is this thread still going on? It contains nothing worth reading.

Why do you want it to stop DJW001 ?

Why don't you just go away and never return like apollo never returned after 1972 ?

It's not your job is it ?

I don't want to stop, I'm just pointing out how boring it is. Are you actually planning on contributing something to it some day, or are you just going to kibbitz?

That says it are boring of it but still returns. Why ? Just go to another post and don't bother us of that you are boring....i'm still exited of the moon fakery :-)
edit on 4-3-2014 by webstra because: (no reason given)

Why do you want to be rid of me? Am I ruining your fun?

No it's necessary DJW0001, posts like this.

Nasa fakery has to be the name of science and mankind.

Then why don't you stop sniping and prove it?

We are doing that all the you don't wan't or can't see that.

You can't remove thruth protective layers i think ?

Help me out: post a link to the last post you made that presented any evidence of any kind. I would be happy to debunk it for you.

It doesn't work that way DJW. We don't have to argue against your "evidence" all we need to do and what we are doing in this thread is to destroy the credibility of your source materials. That's first year law and you are flunking out.

Also you should know that discarding of hard evidence (like the 700+ boxes of Apollo telemetry tapes that are missing) is a clear indicator of foul play and of a conspiracy to cover up the actual events of every Apollo mission.

Your Apollo ship is sinking my friend, do you need a lifeboat?

Administrator Bolden says that NASA is turning science fiction into science fact! And he has said it more than once.

posted on Mar, 7 2014 @ 02:16 AM










Why is this thread still going on? It contains nothing worth reading.

Why do you want it to stop DJW001 ?

Why don't you just go away and never return like apollo never returned after 1972 ?

It's not your job is it ?

I don't want to stop, I'm just pointing out how boring it is. Are you actually planning on contributing something to it some day, or are you just going to kibbitz?

That says it are boring of it but still returns. Why ? Just go to another post and don't bother us of that you are boring....i'm still exited of the moon fakery :-)
edit on 4-3-2014 by webstra because: (no reason given)

Why do you want to be rid of me? Am I ruining your fun?

No it's necessary DJW0001, posts like this.

Nasa fakery has to be the name of science and mankind.

Then why don't you stop sniping and prove it?

We are doing that all the you don't wan't or can't see that.

You can't remove thruth protective layers i think ?

Help me out: post a link to the last post you made that presented any evidence of any kind. I would be happy to debunk it for you.

It doesn't work that way DJW. We don't have to argue against your "evidence" all we need to do and what we are doing in this thread is to destroy the credibility of your source materials. That's first year law and you are flunking out.

Also you should know that discarding of hard evidence (like the 700+ boxes of Apollo telemetry tapes that are missing) is a clear indicator of foul play and of a conspiracy to cover up the actual events of every Apollo mission.

Your Apollo ship is sinking my friend, do you need a lifeboat?

Administrator Bolden says that NASA is turning science fiction into science fact! And he has said it more than once.

still telling lies that have been disproved multiple times i see. You were explained what telemetry tapes are you were explained they were backup tapes and it was explained how NASA reused the tapes for later missions. So once again you're back to spinning lies in the hopes some poor fool will believe what you say but id they read the thread all theyll see id you keep asking questions and providing no proof. Apparently you don't understand anything about law because lawyers have to prove their case to a judge or jury.

posted on Mar, 7 2014 @ 03:30 AM
reply to post by SayonaraJupiter

Wow, there are literally thousands of scholarly articles dealing with moon rocks. You hoax guys live in some strange twilight world where only a handful of evil NASA scientists have seen the moon rocks...which are fake of course.

Go here:

Follow the links. Read some of the papers. Thousands of people have studied the moon rocks within an inch of their lives, and you seriously think it's all a hoax? What the hell?

posted on Mar, 7 2014 @ 04:14 AM


Because people have posters on their wall ''I want to believe'' [all the the Government tells me ]

Except, there's a preponderance of evidence from non-governmental sources that we actually did go to the Moon. Ham Radio operators that were monitoring the transmissions at the time, for one thing.

If this were an actual court proceeding I'd ask the court to oblige you to bring out your "Ham Radio operator" witnesses out for a cross examination. If you failed that, then I'd ask the court to strike out any reference to "Ham Radio operator" from the transcript of the trial and beg the court to instruct the jury to ignore all prior discussion pertaining to "Ham Radio operator".

Nixon plays hard, dude. You have not shown a preponderance of evidence from non-governmental sources, no, you have shown exactly zilch nada nothing. The "Ham Radio operator" defense is not really worth it because it's like scraping the bottom of the barrell for evidence.

You Apollo Defenders certainly have a lot to learn about the rules of evidence. Evidence can be impeached, discredited and thrown out. Don't speak to me... speak to the jury!

How will you present "Ham Radio operator" to the jury?

posted on Mar, 7 2014 @ 06:24 AM
reply to post by SayonaraJupiter

Name the scientists then DJW. The rhetorical question you ask is totally useless. First, you back up your claims with sources.

Better than that, I'll just link to some of the papers. I know how lazy some researchers can be:

I doubt that you have more than 2 scientists that you could name. So get to work, pal. You made the claim. Or are you bluffing

Make up your mind: is this a card game or a court of law? If this were a court of law, you would be facing a heavy fine for filing a frivolous law suit.

posted on Mar, 7 2014 @ 06:34 AM

Help me out: post a link to the last post you made that presented any evidence of any kind. I would be happy to debunk it for you.

And thats the problem, even TRUTH can be debunked!
If OP posted evidence that satified the entire human race, you would debunk it, because like I said, even the truth can be debunked.

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