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Disclosure of the moon landing hoax.

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posted on Jan, 12 2014 @ 08:39 AM


For you to spout off about your knowledge of science is a joke.

coming from someone who says centrifugal force doesnt exist in a no gravity envorinment????

and you have continually ignored the dust/dirt.. if the astronauts and larger objects have been rigged up to fall at 4m/s^2 then the dust/dirt must also have been rigged at 4m/s^2..

p.s. if it was repeated 100 times, it depends on the height that was reached.. i wrote this the first time around which you ignored.. if they jump higher the jump will take longer if they jump lower the jump will take shorter.. so yes there will be a variation.. but a variation of jumping lower and taking longer??? you say its due to the rigging.. whatever lets assume thats the case for now.. what about the dust/dirt?

They could repeat the experiment a thousand times, it does not prove that the Apollo astronauts were filmed on Earth. All it would prove is that with a significant amount of harnessing, pulley work by human beings and a controlled environment you can make it look similar. It does not prove that they are the same.

When you add in the fact that there are no harnesses visible, no one has ever found where these jumps were supposedly filmed on Earth, not one member of the people who must have been involved have ever come forward and not one single speck of dust behaves like it's in a terrestrial environment and you don't even prove that they are similar.

posted on Jan, 12 2014 @ 11:46 PM

I still want to believe that the moon trip was in fact real and something says they did it .But rumor has it that the welcome commission of extraterrestrial vehicles lined up to witness our historical landing something they couldn't show the world. So they staged this fake moon trip. Talking about the Right stuff. .

I would not be surprised. It suggests that they had staged the moon landings for "a good reason" and not really just to fake people out or win a space race or win an election.

posted on Jan, 13 2014 @ 08:58 AM


I still want to believe that the moon trip was in fact real and something says they did it .But rumor has it that the welcome commission of extraterrestrial vehicles lined up to witness our historical landing something they couldn't show the world. So they staged this fake moon trip. Talking about the Right stuff. .

I would not be surprised. It suggests that they had staged the moon landings for "a good reason" and not really just to fake people out or win a space race or win an election.

Your funny so they faked the moon landings because of aliens and you think this most likely scenario? OK care to show some proof no wait any proof will do.But this explains so much.

posted on Jan, 14 2014 @ 01:55 AM

Actually he never got to watch that one went to sleep. Gregory Peck has a tendency to do that to people though so its really not surprising. But you know what Nixon did have french toast that morning and pizza for lunch.

Dragon, you are the best Apollo Defender in this thread and I know you can do better than this.

posted on Jan, 17 2014 @ 11:09 PM


and you have continually ignored the dust/dirt.. if the astronauts and larger objects have been rigged up to fall at 4m/s^2 then the dust/dirt must also have been rigged at 4m/s^2..

p.s. if it was repeated 100 times, it depends on the height that was reached.. i wrote this the first time around which you ignored.. if they jump higher the jump will take longer if they jump lower the jump will take shorter.. so yes there will be a variation.. but a variation of jumping lower and taking longer??? you say its due to the rigging.. whatever lets assume thats the case for now.. what about the dust/dirt?

So the jump issue is settled, it seems.


Dust/dirt spraying up into air? Yikes...

Calculating height, distance, duration, etc. of dust/dirt being sprayed into mid-air, from crap-quality film clips? Come on, now...

Dust/dirt was sprayed over an entire area - various heights, directions, etc.

The maximum height reached by any of the dust/dirt? It goes no higher than dust/dirt on Earth. That is a fact.

If it was on the moon, with 1/6th gravity, the dust/dirt would spray much, much higher than we see here. Not even close to the same height of dust/dirt sprayed on Earth.

No shoddy calculations can refute that fact.

The dust/dirt spray is slowed down to 66.66%, as usual.

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 01:12 AM
reply to post by turbonium1

Calculating height, distance, duration, etc. of dust/dirt being sprayed into mid-air, from crap-quality film clips? Come on, now...

Turbo, you can't beat these guys with math because CIA/NASA controls all the source material. I applaud your efforts to scrutinize all the Apollo films. You have taken many daring turns in your investigation.. but the real end of the argument is who controls the source material and the answer is always Never A Straight Answer.

edit on 1/18/2014 by SayonaraJupiter because: sorry, didn't include the pertinent quote

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 01:52 AM


So the jump issue is settled, it seems.

hardly, we are only assuming something for arguments sake to show how little you know of gravity..

Dust/dirt spraying up into air? Yikes...

Calculating height, distance, duration, etc. of dust/dirt being sprayed into mid-air, from crap-quality film clips? Come on, now...

attempting to dismiss something?? this is what you would call shifting the goal posts i believe, you can see the height the dust/dirt reaches just fine.. it isnt just this one video, it can work in all videos of objects free falling on the lunar surface..

you cant deny that it falls at 1.92m/s^2 which if sped 1.5x or 66.66% means it will fall at around 4m/s^2... no where near 9.81m/^s which is what would happen on earth..

Dust/dirt was sprayed over an entire area - various heights, directions, etc.

The maximum height reached by any of the dust/dirt? It goes no higher than dust/dirt on Earth. That is a fact.

If it was on the moon, with 1/6th gravity, the dust/dirt would spray much, much higher than we see here. Not even close to the same height of dust/dirt sprayed on Earth.

No shoddy calculations can refute that fact.

why dont you goto a beach sometime (lunar dust isnt the same as sand but for arguments sake whatever) and when you get there, kick some sand really hard and note how high it goes, next kick it really soft and note how high it goes..

now since you said that it is a fact that dust/dirt will go higher on the lunar surface does that mean that your first kick was on the lunar surface??

The dust/dirt spray is slowed down to 66.66%, as usual.

which means that the dust/dirt is falling at about 4m/s^2 i dont know what planet you are from but here on earth it falls at 9.81m/s^2

perhaps you should heed sayonaras words.. you cant beat anyone using maths and physics.. but not because CIA/NASA controls everything but because you have serious issues with understand how gravity works, and not to mention you failed grade school maths and physics..
edit on 18-1-2014 by choos because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 02:50 AM

perhaps you should heed sayonaras words.. you cant beat anyone using maths and physics.. but not because CIA/NASA controls everything but because you have serious issues with understand how gravity works, and not to mention you failed grade school maths and physics..

CIA/NASA does control the source material choos. That's where you are wrong because you forgot about Richard Underwood.

And you forgot about Farouk El-Baz.

And you forgot about the fellow who hired Farouk El-Baz over at Bellcomm, Ed Nixon.

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 03:05 AM
reply to post by choos

you cant deny that it falls at 1.92m/s^2 which if sped 1.5x or 66.66% means it will fall at around 4m/s^2... no where near 9.81m/^s which is what would happen on earth..

it's a youtube video. you can't use that for science. the only thing youtube videos are good for are documentary, interviews, personal testimonies, oral histories, c-span events, archived tv news reports, things like that.
edit on 1/18/2014 by SayonaraJupiter because: add stuff

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 04:09 AM

reply to post by choos

you cant deny that it falls at 1.92m/s^2 which if sped 1.5x or 66.66% means it will fall at around 4m/s^2... no where near 9.81m/^s which is what would happen on earth..

it's a youtube video. you can't use that for science. the only thing youtube videos are good for are documentary, interviews, personal testimonies, oral histories, c-span events, archived tv news reports, things like that.
edit on 1/18/2014 by SayonaraJupiter because: add stuff

All of those things support the Apollo landings, however you forget one thing: those youtube videos are produced from much higher quality live TV transmissions. Transmissions I watched live on TV.

Those video recordings contain people and objects of known height, and from that you can make reasonable estimates of things. I'd also point out that if Choos is not allowed to draw reasonable inferences from those videos about fall rates, gravity and so on, then neither is turbonium. You can't exclude a source of evidence for one side, you either allow it or you don't. Seeing as you aren't in charge, all sources are valid and open for discussion.

Here are a couple of hours' worth of youtube footage of Apollo 17 EVAs. No wires, no slowing down, nothing but unedited live transmission featuring an image of Earth that can be dated precisely. Feel free to ignore them as they kind of proved they were on the moon.

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 04:26 AM


They could repeat the experiment a thousand times, it does not prove that the Apollo astronauts were filmed on Earth. All it would prove is that with a significant amount of harnessing, pulley work by human beings and a controlled environment you can make it look similar. It does not prove that they are the same.

After a thousand jumps we "can make it look similar/i]"??

It already DOES look similar, with only one jump, without even trying to match it!

The jumps differ by a mere 0.2-0.4 seconds. That's very close to being an exact match.

But you think only a perfect match will suffice.

It's so much bs, of course.

Again, this would be no problem - we simply repeat the jump until we get a perfect match with Young's jump. Whether it takes a hundred or a thousand times.


When you add in the fact that there are no harnesses visible, no one has ever found where these jumps were supposedly filmed on Earth, not one member of the people who must have been involved have ever come forward and not one single speck of dust behaves like it's in a terrestrial environment and you don't even prove that they are similar.

The jump by Young is simple to match on Earth, as I've already explained.

Your other points have been dealt with, and buried.

To recap - harnesses were simply edited out of the footage. I've posted a few examples of this done in old sci-fi movies.

Nobody would go public - to suggest we'd know where it was filmed... is just nonsense. Who is ever going to speak out in public about this? One or two have come out, like Bill Kaysing did. You Apollo-ites went into full-out attack mode, called him a liar, a nut-case, slandering him endlessly.

You don't see why someone involved has never come forward (about the hoax), while you and your group of Apollo-ites would immediately be swarming all over him like a pack of crazed wolves ripping into a bloody carcass.

What happened to Gus Grissom after he spoke out? He was killed, as we all know.

Do you know about Thomas Baron? He was a NASA contractor. Before Apollo came along, Baron wrote a report on the feasability of manned lunar missions, etc. What happened to him after reporting the awful, horrible state of our space program?

He and his family were killed in a freak accident. His car stalled on train tracks, then along came a train. It must've been a really fast train, since they didn't get out of their car, right? How odd, since all train crossings I've come to... have flashing red lights going, and a bar that comes down.

And it is always BEFORE the train gets to the crossing!

A stalled car can happen on train tracks. But there would be a signal of an oncoming train, with the red lights flashing and the bar coming down.

So why would they have stayed in their car, aware of a train coming along? It makes no sense at all, does it? No.

His report didn't survive the crash, either. It was never seen again.

If you think all this is fine and dandy, and not at all peculiar or fishy, then you must live in fantasy-land.

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 05:23 AM


After a thousand jumps we "can make it look similar"??

It already DOES look similar, with only one jump, without even trying to match it!

The jumps differ by a mere 0.2-0.4 seconds. That's very close to being an exact match.

But you think only a perfect match will suffice.

It's so much bs, of course.

Where did I say only a perfect match will suffice? What said was it doesn't matter because any kind of reproduction on earth does not prove that the footage taken on the moon was not taken on the moon, it only proves that it is possible to reproduce, with a lot of harnesses and attendant people to operate them, that it can be replicated. Possible does not equal probable,

he jump by Young is simple to match on Earth, as I've already explained.

Your other points have been dealt with, and buried.

No they haven't.

To recap - harnesses were simply edited out of the footage. I've posted a few examples of this done in old sci-fi movies.

Badly and unconvincingly and not done live on TV with date-able images of Earth in shot.

Nobody would go public - to suggest we'd know where it was filmed... is just nonsense. Who is ever going to speak out in public about this? One or two have come out, like Bill Kaysing did.

So nobody ould go public, except the people that did. Make your mibnd up. Bill Kaysing is a liar and a fraud.

You Apollo-ites went into full-out attack mode, called him a liar, a nut-case, slandering him endlessly.

Sue me. He's a liar and a fraud and a nut-case. Why? Because what he came out with were lies.

You don't see why someone involved has never come forward (about the hoax),

Yes, because it wasn't a hoax, that's why.

while you and your group of Apollo-ites would immediately be swarming all over him like a pack of crazed wolves ripping into a bloody carcass.

Unlike your behaviour on the subject right? If I believe something isn't true I'm entitled to say so. I'll not keep quiet about it just because you want to shout louder.

What happened to Gus Grissom after he spoke out? He was killed, as we all know.


Do you know about Thomas Baron? He was a NASA contractor. Before Apollo came along, Baron wrote a report on the feasability of manned lunar missions, etc. What happened to him after reporting the awful, horrible state of our space program?

What, you think you're the only one who knows this stuff? What happened to the Apollo 1 crew was an appalling tragedy down to poor design and management. The response was to fix the problem and get to the moon. The 'awful, horrible' state was a space programme that had already completed the Mercury and Gemini programmes and was launching satellites on a regular basis.

He and his family were killed in a freak accident. His car stalled on train tracks, then along came a train. It must've been a really fast train, since they didn't get out of their car, right? How odd, since all train crossings I've come to... have flashing red lights going, and a bar that comes down.

And it is always BEFORE the train gets to the crossing!

A stalled car can happen on train tracks. But there would be a signal of an oncoming train, with the red lights flashing and the bar coming down.

So why would they have stayed in their car, aware of a train coming along? It makes no sense at all, does it? No.

His report didn't survive the crash, either. It was never seen again.

If you think all this is fine and dandy, and not at all peculiar or fishy, then you must live in fantasy-land.

I'd rather live in the planet I'm on than the completely different one you inhabit. I have carried out years of independent examination of Apollo material and not one piece of it can be proven wrong - everything ties together, even the stuff that no-one was aware of until I found it. All you've done is regurgitate the same tired old arguments from liars and fraudsters who are only after your money that have been endlessly debunked.

Baron was not prevented from giving evidence - a true conspiracy would have made sure of that. His report was heard and dismissed because as far as the inquiry was concerned all it contained was hearsay 'friend of a friend' evidence, nothing concrete it could act on. He had valid complaints about the way that NAA worked and safety in the spacecraft, but that was nothing to do with NASA.

From what I've read his death could easily have been suicide, having been fired for leaking his original shorter report (still available) and having had his testimony ignored, he was pretty much unemployable. It's also possible that he made some bad driving choices. Neither you nor I have any evidence to support any of those versions of events and neither of us know what was in his 500 page report. They kind of cancel each other out.

Just like Baron, you have no facts, just hearsay.
edit on 18-1-2014 by onebigmonkey because: italics

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 06:22 AM



So the jump issue is settled, it seems.

hardly, we are only assuming something for arguments sake to show how little you know of gravity..

My point was that Young's jump can be replicated on Earth to exactly match. It was very close to a perfect match with a single jump. The similarities are vastly greater to the slight differences. Your side had to slow it down to a crawl to find a difference in it.

There's nothing to assume for argument's sake here.

You just can't admit I'm right, so you twist it around.

But the facts cannot be changed, however much you wish.


attempting to dismiss something?? this is what you would call shifting the goal posts i believe, you can see the height the dust/dirt reaches just fine.. it isnt just this one video, it can work in all videos of objects free falling on the lunar surface..

you cant deny that it falls at 1.92m/s^2 which if sped 1.5x or 66.66% means it will fall at around 4m/s^2... no where near 9.81m/^s which is what would happen on earth..

[why dont you goto a beach sometime (lunar dust isnt the same as sand but for arguments sake whatever) and when you get there, kick some sand really hard and note how high it goes, next kick it really soft and note how high it goes..

now since you said that it is a fact that dust/dirt will go higher on the lunar surface does that mean that your first kick was on the lunar surface??

I don't see the dust fall to the ground. This clip shows dust being kicked up from the surface, and going into mid-air. But the clip ends with the dust (or much of it) still airborne.

So at what specific point do you see the dust fall down to the surface?

I've looked at the clip many times, and see no dust that falls to ground, except a bit of it near to the ground the whole time.


As for the beach analogy, it fails. My point was that dust/dirt should go higher than it does in the clips, if it was kicked up on the moon. It doesn't. Indeed, the dust seems to be blowing a little bit, as if there's a slight wind or draft in play.

No wind is on the moon, clearly.

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 07:05 AM


it's a youtube video. you can't use that for science. the only thing youtube videos are good for are documentary, interviews, personal testimonies, oral histories, c-span events, archived tv news reports, things like that.
edit on 1/18/2014 by SayonaraJupiter because: add stuff

incase you forgot.. so was carol rosins "list of threats" whats your point?

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 07:18 AM


My point was that Young's jump can be replicated on Earth to exactly match. It was very close to a perfect match with a single jump. The similarities are vastly greater to the slight differences. Your side had to slow it down to a crawl to find a difference in it.

There's nothing to assume for argument's sake here.

You just can't admit I'm right, so you twist it around.

But the facts cannot be changed, however much you wish.

you dont understand.. there is variation yes, but a variation of being lower and longer?? i dont know about you, but i cant jump lower and stay airborne longer than a regular jump..

if you want to keep at it we can.. but first learn some basic physics.. realise that a variation of 0.3seconds is the difference between a gravity constant of 4.3m/s^2 and 9.81m/s^2

I don't see the dust fall to the ground. This clip shows dust being kicked up from the surface, and going into mid-air. But the clip ends with the dust (or much of it) still airborne.

thats because you have ZERO concept of physics.. to anybody who has completed highschool physics with a passing grade will realise that you only need half a jump to work out these problems of gravity.. because you see..

right at the peak of the jump.. thats the height used in the equations.. you dont need the entire jump, but ofcourse someone with your knowledge of physics i dont expect you to realise that..

So at what specific point do you see the dust fall down to the surface?
I've looked at the clip many times, and see no dust that falls to ground, except a bit of it near to the ground the whole time.


seriously learn some basic physics.. then maybe i can take you somewhat seriously..

As for the beach analogy, it fails. My point was that dust/dirt should go higher than it does in the clips, if it was kicked up on the moon. It doesn't. Indeed, the dust seems to be blowing a little bit, as if there's a slight wind or draft in play.

No wind is on the moon, clearly.

my point went right over you head obviously..

what you are trying to tell me is that because the astronaut kicked some dirt, no matter how gently/hard they disturb the dirt it must ALWAYS go higher than it can possibly go on earth..

that makes perfect sense

enough with your troll physics..
edit on 18-1-2014 by choos because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 07:22 AM


Where did I say only a perfect match will suffice? What said was it doesn't matter because any kind of reproduction on earth does not prove that the footage taken on the moon was not taken on the moon, it only proves that it is possible to reproduce, with a lot of harnesses and attendant people to operate them, that it can be replicated. Possible does not equal probable,

The Mythbuusters jump confirms that Apollo's jump WAS slowed to 66.66% speed.

Why would the Mythbusters jump become a near-perfect match at 66.66% speed?

If Apollo footage is at 66.66% speed, at 1.5x we'd have 100% speed, which would be its normal speed.

It does look normal speed. Amazing, but true.

Why would it all fit at 66.66% ANYWHERE, let alone everywhere?

66.66% is the exact speed we get by filming at 24 fps, and putting it to 16 fps. Exactly the same way as the pre-Apollo movie by Warhol.

Lunar gravity is 1/6g. If it's at 1.5x, it will not look normal speed (or Earth-bound speed), right? But it does become normal in the Apollo footage.

Think about it...

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 07:38 AM


Lunar gravity is 1/6g. If it's at 1.5x, it will not look normal speed (or Earth-bound speed), right? But it does become normal in the Apollo footage.

Think about it...

according to the troll physics of turbonium1..

this footage was shot at gravitational acceleration constant of about 4.3m/s^2..

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 09:24 AM


The Mythbuusters jump confirms that Apollo's jump WAS slowed to 66.66% speed.

No, it doesn't, it shows that you need to slow down Earth filmed footage by that to make the jumps similar. It does not prove that Apollo's jump was slowed down. You miss the point again. Possible does not equal probable. Show me how they slowed down hours of live TV broadcast.

Explain the hours of continuous not slowed down live on TV EVA footage with no wires or harnesses or jumps and arcs of dust and dirt behaving in a manner entirely consistent with zero atmosphere and lunar gravity.

Think about it...

It would be really helpful if you did.

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 09:34 AM
It's funny that this is a favorite thing of mankind to say, not this is one small step for a man, or one giant leap for mankind, but a display of insanity. Insanity is doing the same actions when expecting different results. With the elite, everything is dual, earthly things have duality. So when you have power over the world and you want to display duality you say two sides of everything - 'Yes there was a moon landing,' 'no there was not a moon landing, it was a hoax.' Yes there was a moon landing. Yes it was a hoax. Yes aliens exist, yes they don't. This enables the elite to travel vast distances like mars while the earthly people are still debating over hoaxes and truthful events.

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 04:41 PM
reply to post by turbonium1

Why would the Mythbusters jump become a near-perfect match at 66.66% speed?

Mythbusters also said you need a 1 gigawatt laser to get back 2-3 photons from the LRRR and that proves Apollo but Mythbusters did not ever consider the possibility of a robotic, unmanned placement of reflectors on the moon. Mythbuste-d.

In Phil Plait's own words : Source

Knowing Adam as a close personal friend*

*I am contractually obligated to refer to him this way.

Having helped them with some of the tests..

And I must leave you with this: a screen capture of the title credits for the show:

So many scientists in America, yet Mythbuster's chose to use a "friendly" scientist who "helped them" with the tests.

What a LOAD of manure

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