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Wal Mart Employees protest, I call BS

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posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 12:09 PM
reply to post by FreebirdGirl

My father got fired from a job once because he refused to fire an elderly coworker, who had worked for the company for over 30 years, and didn't want to fire him SIX months before this guy's retirment.

But oh, it is the selfish employees, right?

posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 12:41 PM

Originally posted by nixie_nox
reply to post by FreebirdGirl

My father got fired from a job once because he refused to fire an elderly coworker, who had worked for the company for over 30 years, and didn't want to fire him SIX months before this guy's retirment.

But oh, it is the selfish employees, right?

You couldn't be more "right on".....until you have worked in management in corporate America it's almost impossible to's just more ruthless then you could imagine, what goes on behind the scenes...I was once asked to fire one of my manager's because she had cancer, and was now a "liability"...I couldn't believe my ears.......I was told to write her up for any petty thing I could document........

Well....I went to my boss..the whole "power" structure" is complicated because I had three districts....47 stores, and 3 district managers, lol, who think they are "Gods"....and we got her transfered to another store with a lower volume, and more flexiable hours....BUT.....I made a powerful enemy by doing this...and I paid a hefty price.

I now work for myself....I learned alot, my daughter always had everything she needed and health and dental I guess I "sold out" to raise her on many levels....she's now 21 and out on her own, lol, with a little help from Mom.....and I am soo grateful to be out from under the "oppression" of the corporate mentality that I believe is the "root of much evil" we face.....

posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 12:51 PM

Originally posted by foodstamp

Wal Mart employees are constantly in the news because their wages are considered sub standard. However, the average associate is said to make around 11 dollars an hour ( The VAST MAJORITY of wal mart employees are high school and GED recipients. I don't see what entitles them to higher wages. Your comments are encouraged.
(visit the link for the full news article)

Originally posted by foodstamp

What I don't understand is why an un educated sales associate is having ANY problem with 11 an hour when I'm making only 8/hr With a college degree cause of a felony from '99.

What's wrong with your post? Well... a lot. A whole lot. I'll start basic.

Not sure where you got them from, but your figures are highly misleading, for one. I live in one of the highest minimum wage states in the country. Walmart associates in my state start at $8 per hour. This is actually around what most of the employees make. The number you have is an average. And this average, when you are averaging the pay of "associates" means this is the average pay of not only the new-hire cashiers and floor people and stuff, but this average will also include people who have been there for 10-20 years, and it will include the pay of 10-20 MANAGERS per store, as these are considered "hourly associates."

So no... most walmart employees are NOT making $11/hr. most of them make minimum wage, whatever that may be in your given state (usually just slightly above).

Second, what makes you assume that most walmart employees are uneducated? I am certain some of them possess college degrees. A number of them are students working their way through college. Do you really imagine you're the only college-educated person who is making less than you should be? Far from it. This has actually become a major problem in our economy, if you've been paying attention. I have a cousin who graduated with honors, with a master's degree -- he waits tables for a living at the moment. No BS.

Why do people deserve more money for the work they perform? Because the guys at the top are making way more than they need, and the guys at the bottom (without whom the guys at the top would have nothing) are typically making LESS than they need. It's really that simple.

The other beef I have is that your post was made from a place of bitterness. Is it really that you feel these people don't deserve a living wage, or is it really that you feel you DO deserve a living wage? Just because you deserve it, does not mean that another does not. That's a pretty terrible way to look at the world, IMO. I know some people would say it's your own fault for getting in trouble, etc. While there may be some truth to that, I genuinely feel for you. I don't think one mistake should follow you around for the rest of your life. But saying that others don't deserve a living wage because you feel you can't get one is kind of thoughtless, self-centered, childish, even.

posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 12:53 PM
If someone has a full time job, and is elgible for food stamps or welfare, and works for a corporation making money hand over fist, that is corporate welfare. When i worked at walmart i couldnt even afford my rent. Which was cheap rent even.

posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 01:02 PM

Originally posted by foodstamp

The VAST MAJORITY of wal mart employees are high school and GED recipients. I don't see what entitles them to higher wages. Your comments are encouraged.

High school diploma and GED recipients have to be able to eat to, you know. Are you under the impression that they all live at home still? Most of them are likely out on their own....

Have you tried living off of a job that pays only $11.00 per hour( Often times even less )and no other source of income? It's damn near impossible....

They deserve higher wages because they don't deserve to be hungry. They find them selves trapped in that job struggling to get by because on such a low wage, they cannot afford to go to college and improve their life....

It's pretty straight forward really. They deserve higher wages, so they have a better shot at improving their livelihood. Even some of the Walton family agrees that their employees deserve better pay and benefits.

With as much obscene wealth as the Walton family has an obscene amount of wealth. I say, why not?

Collectively, the Waltons control over 48% of the company, and are worth a combined total of $102.7 billion (as of 2012).[2]

In 2011 six members of the Walton family have the same net worth as the bottom 30% of American families combined.

Why not increase wages and give their employees a better shot at a better life? Why not?

Peace and love
edit on 25-11-2012 by DirtyLiberalHippie because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 01:28 PM
reply to post by foodstamp

The solution is simple , all you have to do is quit your 8$ job and go to work for Wal Mart for 11$ an hour. (although Im sure they do not start at that wage).
Then you can let us know how that works out for you.
My point here is not really to slam you OP , but its to say that how do people making 11$ an hr at Wal Mart hurt you in any way?
Does it take any money out of your pocket at all?
No! It actually puts more money into average peoples pockets with which they can spend more money (albeit largely on essentials) and that will boost the overall economy.

posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 02:06 PM

Originally posted by FreebirdGirl
reply to post by jough626

Does anyone in this day in age not know what it takes to earn a decent living? Learn a skill/trade, maybe get a degree, find some On The Job Training, find what's in demand in your area and go for it. But be realistic, if there are no $50/hr jobs where you live and you don't want to move, stop looking for that $50/hr job.

In an utopian world your post would be correct. However let me give you an example of reality.
I have a friend who has a B.S. in nutrition and an A.S. in accounting. He was trained in the culinary arts in France. He worked for Marriott for 19 years and was laid off 1 year before being eligible for retirement. In 2009 he took a minimum wage job to support his family and so that he could have insurance for his autistic son. He worked this job for two years until he found something better. So your ideas that an education and hard work exempts someone from minimum wage and poverty are totally incorrect.

FYI - No one gave a damn about his hard work or dedication to the company. Many weeks he worked 60-70 hours. My friend was laid off to increase shareholder profitability. Another victim of corporate greed.

I never said education was a way to exempt yourself for the issues we all face today. Your friend did exactly what he was supposed to do. He worked at a place and found it did not meet his needs and then he found something better. My gripe with the Walmart employees is they think time served or work ethic will raise them MUCH higher than they areat right now, when it just won't.

Wanna hear my story? Probably not, but I'll share a quick recap of the last 6 years.

2006 - leave the army
2006 - get a job, make $18/hr
2007 - buy house
2008 - get laid off, 6 months after buying house
2009 - back to work
2011 - buy new car
2011 - get laid off, one month after buying car
2012 - back to work.... for now

So I do have some idea about what it takes to make it in this world when it comes to changing incomes, getting less than your worth. I went to school for a year to learn a new trade, but after school, I couldn't find a job that would even cover my mortgage, so I waited to go back to my old job. And yeah, I'm no dummy, but I'm not going to brag about my grades in school. I could've been a real asset to a company, but they didn't want to pay me what I wanted, so I didn't do it.

posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 02:16 PM

Originally posted by HairlessApe

Originally posted by buddhasystem

Originally posted by schuyler
If you're so smart and have such great education and abilities, why did you commit a felony? And if you're so smart, how could you possibly have gotten caught?

Sorry for a slightly off-topic comment, but this is priceless.

Second line.


Children should not be on ATS, seriously. I absolutely refuse to believe that an adult could be so utterly ignorant to how the world works.

Well refuse all you want, tough. What I do find hard to believe is that some people are so full of themselves that can't appreciate a light-hearted take on a grave topic once in a while.

posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 02:29 PM

Originally posted by HairlessApe

Originally posted by buddhasystem

Originally posted by HairlessApe
My real question is why do people like the Waltons need to make disgusting amounts of personal income while they simultaneously treat and pay their employees like crap? We do we LET them? What use is a democracy if "we the people" care more about "they, the corporations" more than ourselvess?

I do think you are mightily confused. It's a capitalist society, and Waltons don't need your permission to make any amount of money they manage to make.

I tend to favor regulation and all for certain types of businesses, but outside of that, come one, what do democracy has to do (or do against) the market economy?

I may favor socialized healthcare, but I never had beef with rich business leaders.

Not confused one bit. Laissez Faire capitalism and monopolizing were viewed as two of the greatest threats to this country just a century ago. And actually, with regulations they -would- have to have our permission to make whatever amount we decided to cap them at. And there is nothing wrong with that, many dead Presidents would agree.

I think you're the one that's confused. Confused about America's ideals. Your caught up in what Bill O'Reiley believes this country should be.

Well I'm sorry, but you seem to be Bill O'Reilly in reverse, and you take an absolutist approach to anything and invert it, you'll end up with something with just as absurd and meaningless. And I do think O'Reilly is a d!ck.

I'm spending a good portion of my time on ATS debating the proponents the "laissez-faire" capitalism. I'm all for socialized services and regulation and what not. But I find your notion of an entrepreneur needing YOUR permission to determine his take-home just laughable.

posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 03:17 PM
reply to post by foodstamp

Maybe I was to hard on you last night, I was being a smartass to everyone at home to, one to many beers I guess.
Anyway, I seen where you said that your felony was a result of a fight you had at 17.
Not trying to get personal but, how did a simple fight warrant a felony charge?
And, if you were 17, you were still legally a minor, those records should be sealed.

In any case, good luck.

posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 03:21 PM

Originally posted by solidguy

Originally posted by captaintyinknots
The idea that hourly rate is the only determining factor in this assessment is a perfect example of how americans fail to see the forest from the trees.

Lack of benefits, keeping hours per week below certain levels, etc, are MAIN reasons why people take issue with walmart.

11 bucks an hour isnt exactly a great wage when your employer caps you at below full-time hours so that they can avoid giving you any benefits.

Then comes Obamacare which states 30 hours a week is FULL TIME.

Since when is 30 hours a week full time?

In most states right now 32 is the line. So 30 really isnt a big change. These scumbag corporations will simply cap them at 29.

posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 03:36 PM
Lol what Walmart anywhere pays 11 an hour for entry????

all the Walmarts in Illinois here start out at min wage, 8.25/hr and they give you about 20 to 25 hours a week.

Whatever Wal is paying 11 an hour to start, let me know. Please. I've NEVER made that much an hour in my entire life. Seriously. Course any Wal paying 11 an hour, the cost of living must be excrutiatingly high so it's basically as if one is making 8.25 an hour.

I feel bad for the States whose min wage is 5.25 an hour. My god.....

posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 03:42 PM
reply to post by sarra1833

I thought that the Federal min wage was at 7.25 and states can go higher than that but not lower but after a quick search, that doesnt seem to be the case.

Im confused.


First it says this..

Federal minimum wage law supersedes state minimum wage laws where the federal minimum wage is greater than the state minimum wage. In those states where the state minimum wage is greater than the federal minimum wage, the state minimum wage prevails.

Then it says this.

There are 4 states than have a minimum wage set lower than the federal minimum wage. There are 18 states (plus DC) with minimum wage rates set higher than the federal minimum wage. There are 23 of the states that have a minimum wage requirement that is the same as the federal minimum wage requirement. The remaining 5 states do not have an established minimum wage requirement.

edit on 11/25/2012 by Juggernog because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 03:48 PM

Originally posted by zonetripper2065
reply to post by DENBY

Who the hell do you think you are that you can berate people for where they work?

I will assume that this reply was meant for a different post inasmuch as that it has nothing to do with what I said.

posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 04:12 PM
Let me just add, with my job, after finding it after a 2 year constant search and turn downs, I get 700 a month after all taxes are out.

And yes., You're right on your thoughts on how do I survive with a son on that money: I'm in govt housing with rent raised to 214/mth cuz I found work, and though food stamps have helped during that 2 year point, they DID get lowered exponentially because I found work. I'm still grateful to be working as I've said on many a topic about this and I'm glad I can finaly start putting more into my own food for my son and myself.

Yes, the govt housing includes electric and heat in the rent, thank God. Else yes, I'd be screwed.
edit on 25-11-2012 by sarra1833 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 04:13 PM
reply to post by Juggernog

It's very confusing, yes. I have shook my head a lot too looking at the site.

posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 05:04 PM

Originally posted by captaintyinknots
The idea that hourly rate is the only determining factor in this assessment is a perfect example of how americans fail to see the forest from the trees.

Lack of benefits, keeping hours per week below certain levels, etc, are MAIN reasons why people take issue with walmart.

11 bucks an hour isnt exactly a great wage when your employer caps you at below full-time hours so that they can avoid giving you any benefits.

Exactly. And using the average pay, instead of median pay, is very misleading when it comes to what THE MAJORITY earn per hour. The reason is because the ceo of the company makes many millions per year and the vast majority of employees make the bare minimum of $7.25 per hour; when many thousands get bare minimum and a select handful get $500,000 per year, then obviously we need to consider scalar multiples to get the real picture.

The OP starts off the thread completly misrepresenting the data to make it seem starting pay is around $11 per hour when in reality it is $7.25 per hour. And it used to be $5.25 before the democrats raised it by $2 an hour. The republicans want the lowest pay or no limits at all. Only stupid(religious) or smart people(rich) vote republican, everyone else does not.

posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 05:08 PM
Blah my first job paid me $3.25 and hour and people cry about making $11

Here is a thought be glad they even have a job with the current state of the economy.


Here is another thought to all those who are whining about Walmart employees need to be paid more

The employer is already matching their SS benefit which means they have to shell out even more while the employees contributions were cut from 6% to 4%.

Then those employers are paying for unemployment insurance, and their overhead/input costs, and have to deal with their rise.

The employer takes all the risk so people can scream pay me more, and have no idea of just how and why they have a job at all.
edit on 25-11-2012 by neo96 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 05:11 PM
reply to post by neo96

Blah my first job paid me $3.25 and hour

Lmao, same here. Busted my butt in a pizza store and at the end of the day, I made 26 bucks, and some tips, maybe.

posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 05:28 PM

Originally posted by schuyler
Wal-Mart employees do start out at low wages, but the fact is, if they work at it, they can get those wages higher. In fact, there is no reason at all why a Wal-Mart employee cannot make Manager within a few years, Store Manager in ten, and District Manager by fifteen. It's just that most lack motivation to do so.

No. You need higher education to reach store manager; maybe not four years but certainly at least two years!

A high school degree will get you a department managerial job within a store, IF you work hard&smart enough after many years.

This is true of ANY retail chain. In the smaller chains you ought to be able to make store manager within two years, district manager in five. If you don't get promoted in these situations you are either incapable of handling it intellectually, or you aren't paying attention.

You logic is so incredibly flawed I can't imagine how you function in the real world. Seriously! Have you even worked a steady job in the retail field? If everyone was qualified to become a manager after several years then who would do the menial jobs? Santa Claus? WTF is wrong with you?

The real problem here is that we don't have farm jobs for people with low IQs. Half the people have an IQ lower than 100. That doesn't qualify you for much, and it also means you are subject to replacement by robots who don't complain. China is in the process of installing 1 million robots to replace factory workers. This is just the first wave. Indeed, there is widespread speculation that manufacturing jobs will come back here--performed by robots.

Both automation and outsourcing are major problems created by right wing governments bought out by wall street, who contribute the most money during each campaign cycle. This is the truth and you don't have to be a genius to figure it out either.

The way globalisation has been playing out the last 10-20 years has been tilted heavily in favor of american and european corporate imperialism exploiting the third world. What you see as dollar signs and improving the bottom line, I see as society having been sold out.

People with low IQs only know how to do one thing well, and that's make babies--at a time when we need fewer babies. THAT'S why we're in trouble. Would you hire your average Wal-Mart employee? I sure would not. Hey, there are hundreds of geniuses packed in there, but finding them is tough.

Pretty dumb paragraph, much like all your other biased nonsense. Do you work for fox news by chance?

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