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Wal Mart Employees protest, I call BS

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posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 03:20 AM
In what world does Wal-Mart pay $11 per hour? Try $8 per hour with a 20 - 30 hour maximum work week.

Of course in light of the fact that most of the 'Associates' have an IQ lower than their age they are IMO being overpaid.

As to being a convicted felon Wal-Mart will not hire someone with an unpaid parking ticket.

Just FYI.

posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 07:48 AM
They should learn this old New Zealand hit song - I hope you can understand the accent.

We Don't Know How Lucky We Are.

posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 07:56 AM

Originally posted by captaintyinknots
The idea that hourly rate is the only determining factor in this assessment is a perfect example of how americans fail to see the forest from the trees.

Lack of benefits, keeping hours per week below certain levels, etc, are MAIN reasons why people take issue with walmart.

11 bucks an hour isnt exactly a great wage when your employer caps you at below full-time hours so that they can avoid giving you any benefits.

Then comes Obamacare which states 30 hours a week is FULL TIME.

Since when is 30 hours a week full time?

posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 10:18 AM
Just to recap -

1. We "know" Walmart is/might be a bad employer.

2. People land jobs at walmart that for the most part require no prior training, no degree and no previous experience.

3. The ATS group say people make from about $8/hr to $11/hr. My brother in law made $11.50 at walmart, so it's about right.

4. Some on ATS thinks a job that requires almost nothing, should be paid a wage higher than they are receiving because it would beneft the economy. In the land of fairy tales, I wish everyone would make more money.

5. Some on ATS think these same "underpaid" employees, should be paid enough to buy a home, buy a car, buy everything and anything. Well, they can, they just need to get a job that requires more from them, and hey will in turn receive more pay.

6. Some think "work ethic" or "working hard" equates to earning more, it doesn't. You can bust you butt all day delivering newspapers or working at a gas station, you'll never make $25/hr from "working hard" at stocking shelves.

Does anyone in this day in age not know what it takes to earn a decent living? Learn a skill/trade, maybe get a degree, find some On The Job Training, find what's in demand in your area and go for it. But be realistic, if there are no $50/hr jobs where you live and you don't want to move, stop looking for that $50/hr job.

I wanted to add just what minimum wage for, people that are starting out. Kids, people working their first job. Minimum wage is not meant to provide for a family, it's not meant to buy a house with. Your young? Get a job doing anyhing to prove you can be counted on, prove you can be a good employee. Learn something and take the next step. Ok I'm done...
edit on 25-11-2012 by jough626 because: more to add...

posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 10:44 AM
Reply to post by jough626

Minimum wage IS supposed to be enough for someone to survive on. That was the whole reason for its creation. Go read some history thanks.

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posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 10:48 AM

Originally posted by schuyler
If you're so smart and have such great education and abilities, why did you commit a felony? And if you're so smart, how could you possibly have gotten caught?

Sorry for a slightly off-topic comment, but this is priceless.

Second line.

posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 10:55 AM

Originally posted by acmpnsfal
Reply to post by jough626

Minimum wage IS supposed to be enough for someone to survive on. That was the whole reason for its creation. Go read some history thanks.

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All minimum wage ever did was create an artificial baseline by decree that would help fuel unemployment and underemployment.

posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 11:05 AM

Originally posted by schuyler
Wal-Mart employees do start out at low wages, but the fact is, if they work at it, they can get those wages higher. In fact, there is no reason at all why a Wal-Mart employee cannot make Manager within a few years, Store Manager in ten, and District Manager by fifteen. It's just that most lack motivation to do so. This is true of ANY retail chain. In the smaller chains you ought to be able to make store manager within two years, district manager in five. If you don't get promoted in these situations you are either incapable of handling it intellectually, or you aren't paying attention.

It's a "motivation" issue rather than the fact that there's a big ratio between manager and regular employees, store managers and managers and district managers and store managers? Really?

It's a managerial pyramid and, by definition, there will only be a very limited amount of managers at the top compared to the bulk of employees at the bottom. Not everyone can be a manager, no matter what how motivated or hard-working, simply because not every role is a manager role.

It's similar to people who decry the unemployed: "I got a job last week, why can't them lazy bums got a job?" A 100 people might have gone for that one job. The fact that you got that job means that 99 other motivated people didn't get it. It's a stacked numbers game.

posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 11:05 AM

Originally posted by foodstamp

Originally posted by jiggerj

Originally posted by foodstamp

Wal Mart employees are constantly in the news because their wages are considered sub standard. However, the average associate is said to make around 11 dollars an hour ( The VAST MAJORITY of wal mart employees are high school and GED recipients. I don't see what entitles them to higher wages. Your comments are encouraged.
(visit the link for the full news article)

Okay, so everyone gets a college degree. Now who will take these jobs? Many businessmen don't seem to realize that without the low-educated work force they wouldn't make any money at all.
edit on 11/24/2012 by jiggerj because: (no reason given)

What I don't understand is why an un educated sales associate is having ANY problem with 11 an hour when I'm making only 8/hr With a college degree cause of a felony from '99.

You are a convicted ex-felon. Why are you entitled to any more just because you have a college degree? I don't think you deserve more than a non-educated non-felon.

That's not actually how I feel, nor is it the "right" way to think on a strictly humanitarian basis, but I know many people DO think that way.

Just using your own logic against you.

My real question is why do people like the Waltons need to make disgusting amounts of personal income while they simultaneously treat and pay their employees like crap? We do we LET them? What use is a democracy if "we the people" care more about "they, the corporations" than ourselvess?
edit on 25-11-2012 by HairlessApe because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 11:13 AM

Originally posted by HairlessApe
My real question is why do people like the Waltons need to make disgusting amounts of personal income while they simultaneously treat and pay their employees like crap? We do we LET them? What use is a democracy if "we the people" care more about "they, the corporations" more than ourselvess?

I do think you are mightily confused. It's a capitalist society, and Waltons don't need your permission to make any amount of money they manage to make.

I tend to favor regulation and all for certain types of businesses, but outside of that, come one, what do democracy has to do (or do against) the market economy?

I may favor socialized healthcare, but I never had beef with rich business leaders.

posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 11:31 AM
reply to post by boymonkey74

Full time he says
only managers get full time at walmart

posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 11:36 AM

Originally posted by buddhasystem

Originally posted by HairlessApe
My real question is why do people like the Waltons need to make disgusting amounts of personal income while they simultaneously treat and pay their employees like crap? We do we LET them? What use is a democracy if "we the people" care more about "they, the corporations" more than ourselvess?

I do think you are mightily confused. It's a capitalist society, and Waltons don't need your permission to make any amount of money they manage to make.

I tend to favor regulation and all for certain types of businesses, but outside of that, come one, what do democracy has to do (or do against) the market economy?

I may favor socialized healthcare, but I never had beef with rich business leaders.

Not confused one bit. Laissez Faire capitalism and monopolizing were viewed as two of the greatest threats to this country just a century ago. And actually, with regulations they -would- have to have our permission to make whatever amount we decided to cap them at. And there is nothing wrong with that, many dead Presidents would agree.

I think you're the one that's confused. Confused about America's ideals. Your caught up in what Bill O'Reiley believes this country should be.

posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 11:38 AM
reply to post by DENBY

Who the hell do you think you are that you can berate people for where they work?

posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 11:41 AM
reply to post by jough626

Does anyone in this day in age not know what it takes to earn a decent living? Learn a skill/trade, maybe get a degree, find some On The Job Training, find what's in demand in your area and go for it. But be realistic, if there are no $50/hr jobs where you live and you don't want to move, stop looking for that $50/hr job.

In an utopian world your post would be correct. However let me give you an example of reality.
I have a friend who has a B.S. in nutrition and an A.S. in accounting. He was trained in the culinary arts in France. He worked for Marriott for 19 years and was laid off 1 year before being eligible for retirement. In 2009 he took a minimum wage job to support his family and so that he could have insurance for his autistic son. He worked this job for two years until he found something better. So your ideas that an education and hard work exempts someone from minimum wage and poverty are totally incorrect.

FYI - No one gave a damn about his hard work or dedication to the company. Many weeks he worked 60-70 hours. My friend was laid off to increase shareholder profitability. Another victim of corporate greed.

posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 11:41 AM
For the sake of this discussion let's say they actually do get $11 an hour and 40 hrs. per week, which we all know is often not the case.

In the US, take out atleast 30% in taxes......that leaves them netting about $1248 a month, now depending on where you live, just the most basic housing, and utilities is going to cost you at least $1000 a mn., and that's if your lucky, then throw in gas and maintaining a vechicle, at least another $50 a week, again I am estimating low.

Now they are left with $48 dollars to pay for food, healthcare, and anything else they may need, which will again be taxed, except least not directly, but that's another subject. Now put kids in this situation and a single parent is in an impossible position...yeah, yeah, those "stupid people should have gone to college, and not had children".......but it's way more complicated then that.

I was lucky enough to go to college, with help from my family, and made considerably more then the $14,976 per year a full time Wal-Mart employee would make, and making ends meet was still hard, especially if something unexpected gets thrown in the mix....I blame the corporate greed that has taken over America, and perhaps much of the World, from every possible direction.

As long as people are willing to accept that a "business man", I say crook, should be allowed to make millions of dollars by making a phone call trading and "gambling" with stocks, bonds, commodities, interest rates, you name it... that is highly unethical, and then the people take the HIT when their schemes finally crash... we're in trouble....but hey, much of this is "legal"

You can bet though, lol, and it is by design IMO, that if YOU have an unpaid, unreasonable traffic ticket your ass will be thrown in jail...and just for fun, some extra fee's will be heaped on, because, hey you couldn't afford it to begin with you "deadbeat" paid your rent and ate instead, "you lazy bastard"...and you "Dared" to drive to work still...catch a bus "scumbag"......totally obscene..and more than sad...

posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 11:41 AM

edit on 25-11-2012 by MountainLaurel because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 11:44 AM
reply to post by acmpnsfal

With a whopping yearly salary of 11k after taxes, man those minimum wage slaves have it good

posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 11:47 AM
Reply to post by projectvxn

At its inception minimum wage was backed by math and was actually decent. There was nothing artificial about it.
However it was never adjusted with the times along with the poverty line. Btw could you imagine how much less companies like Walmart would pay if there was no minimum wage? It definitely serves a purpose.

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posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 12:00 PM

Originally posted by buddhasystem

Originally posted by schuyler
If you're so smart and have such great education and abilities, why did you commit a felony? And if you're so smart, how could you possibly have gotten caught?

Sorry for a slightly off-topic comment, but this is priceless.

Second line.


Children should not be on ATS, seriously. I absolutely refuse to believe that an adult could be so utterly ignorant to how the world works.

posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 12:05 PM
reply to post by foodstamp

Congrats on buying into the education propaganda that a worker isn't worth anything without sinking considerable amounts of money into a degree.

I know plenty of intelligent, hardworking, "un-educated" people.

All a degree means is that you sunk money into a for profit system that spit out a piece of paper that says you are qualified, no matter how hard you worked, or what your grade averge is.

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