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The Mysterious Deaths of Brittany Murphy and Simon Monjack

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posted on Nov, 15 2012 @ 04:25 AM
I'm not much of a consumer of popular culture but I did enjoy Britanny's performances. I don't know anything about her as a person but I recall feeling unusually bad about her death. I believe OP has basically put it together, and satisfies my uneasy feelings about her demise. Murders are rampant these days and murderers go free.

posted on Nov, 15 2012 @ 04:51 AM
reply to post by Drezden

WoW! Star and Flag for a really interesting conspiracy! It is horrible and scary to think DHS took them out like that..But Believable no Doubt..

posted on Nov, 15 2012 @ 05:28 AM

Paramedics, who were beaten to the scene by a team of firefighters, could do nothing to revive Mr Monjack

Is it normal that the fire brigade are called in america when someone is found dead/dieing?

The Independant


Actually it is very common. It is also very common for police to be on the scene before fire and EMS. This is because 1)There are a lot more police than Fire or EMS, they are usually closer, most are Emergency Trauma Technicians (ETT), 2) Fire typically arrives prior to EMS do they are more often than not at the station while most EMS are on calls. Fire would usually be the first ALS (Advance Life Support) on scene, Medics are usually last, unless they are not on a call.

It's a simple matter of numbers, there are more police than fire, more fire than ems.

edit on 15/11/2012 by Grimmley because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 15 2012 @ 08:49 AM
I call BS on the mold.

I am highly allergic to Mold. I have a hard time in the fall doing any exercise ect and at times have to wear a face mask. EVEN someone not allergic to mold would be aware of it. If it is Toxic their lungs would burn first and notify them what is going on. UNLESS she was allergic to it then that story is a bust. That is also my opinion. We had been flooded last year and the amount of mold was astronomical and this year as well... I just don't find it plausible with out them knowing of it.

posted on Nov, 15 2012 @ 09:59 AM
reply to post by NixieJean

If you aren't allergic to it, then it comes on just like the flu. You think that is what it is, and nothing short of lab tests will tell you otherwise.

posted on Nov, 15 2012 @ 10:46 AM
SnF op...definitely a conspiracy.

Interesting thing is it started on Bush's watch and continued into Obama's watch.

posted on Nov, 15 2012 @ 10:53 AM
I cannot believe the way things are . We are leading our kids into this????? I feel sorry for them, growing up in a world where your taught to think these ways of the world is how its supposed to be. The sad truth is that almost always when some one tries to stand up and announce the evil sadistic ways of them and there agenda they are simply killed off. I feel sorry for davis the murphys and every other who has died at the hands of the elite like Nicola tesla,Abraham Lincoln, JFK ,Martin Luther King Jr, John Todd, William Cooper, Princess diana, Philip Schneider,Tupac Amaru Shakur, michael jackson, as well as many many more . How sad that we as the people cant get our # together and stop this maddness. Not even for our kids sake

posted on Nov, 15 2012 @ 11:02 AM

Originally posted by NixieJean
I call BS on the mold.

I am highly allergic to Mold. I have a hard time in the fall doing any exercise ect and at times have to wear a face mask. EVEN someone not allergic to mold would be aware of it. If it is Toxic their lungs would burn first and notify them what is going on. UNLESS she was allergic to it then that story is a bust. That is also my opinion. We had been flooded last year and the amount of mold was astronomical and this year as well... I just don't find it plausible with out them knowing of it.

Well then you should know better. I had a situation where I lived that had mold. I actually got walking pneumonia from it. I was on antibiotics for months. Some people are more susceptible than others. I was running around like a mad woman at the time, raising 4 kids on my own (recently divorced from their dead beat dad) I weighed about 90 and kept getting recurrently sick.

Nobody has even considered that Brittany's mother, who was undergoing chemo therapy at the same time, and who I still believe occupy's the home, ever got sick.

I know in my case, until the mold was taken care of in my own home, I was the only one that got sick. My children never suffered any ill affects.

I do believe, while this thread is interesting, that people are making a MOUNTAIN OUT OF A MOLD HILL.

posted on Nov, 15 2012 @ 12:10 PM
Death by mold?

What is remarkable is how many people are just lost as to the actual facts. I don't see any proven deaths FROM mold. This was/is a speculation quote and people say stuff all the time, "you know...., I swear it was the cat that killed her, she slept with that cat, she just spent too much time with that cat and mary, her neighbor, said she saw the cat run from the house after she died." Someone said the cat killed her - so $%^&ing what? Someone uttered this mold phrase - so what!

Second, the mold may have CONTRIBUTED to the conditions her body suffered that led to her death, along with a myriad of medication all prescribed by her enabling doctor, as well as mental issues and so on. It may have contributed, but without a measurement in that house, at that time, the notion isn't fact, so the amount of energy spent of defining the processes of mold in the house in this thread are silly - it is off point. If you really want to know, actually know, go and find out what happened to the house. If it was killer mold, the place most assuredly was condemned or leveled, but....

Next, she's an actress - so what! An actress, 100 years ago the actor was not considered to be even human, now they are a god? she was a young actress who, amongst those who KNEW her, not you lot, she was a wreck.

Next, what purpose does DHS hassling these people serve? I'm all for a good conspiracy, but you folks are living in dream world, where the folks you speculate are not real, not breathing, not having lives that don't match what their handlers put out. To extend this talk to "she" as if you know her is beyond funny, it's simply unhealthy. To elevate this c-d list actress to Marilyn Monroe conspiracy status is beyond the pale. In fact, the OP cherry picks the facts, and remarkably, these facts just scream - DHS killed her and her husband for supporting a rogue agent trying to do good for us all. The OP ignores the facts about the rest of her life, because, remarkably, the OP doesn't know them because the OP didn't know her at all, and I repeat:!

The main problem with some much "conspiracy" thinking is the filling in the blanks about people simply based on what was written or said or seen. In the case of entertainers, having known many of PR flack, what you "know" comes from a machine, contrived, planned, focus group manufactured and created out of thin air for your pleasure and usually, if not always, bears little resemblance to anything real. The Brittany information comes largely from those folks, a soup made of PR created ingredients which, are being used here, to create a fantasy mob hit done by the DHS? To take that fantasy stuff and then create a OP from it is simply wrong on every level.

posted on Nov, 15 2012 @ 12:20 PM
reply to post by Drezden

Wow, i haven't checked into this site in awhile- this is on of the first threads that caught my eye. Brittany Murphy was my favorite actress, i loved her spirit so much- i was really sad when i heard she died, but never really heard much about it after that. This is one of those things that both makes you question mortality- how could someone famous and so full of life die so easily? And also more than anything makes you feel very discouraged...Another reminder that if you even stand up for someone else, and try to bring light upon what people would prefer to remain hidden- "you will pay" not even worth it, might as well never do anything- at all.....@#$% that! Good on her for bringing attention to Julie Davis, true patriot- who they reward with a label of " domestic terrorist"- ha. ha. ha.....So after reading so many similar stories, what exactly is the moral of the story? Reading things like these every-single-day makes me angry, i know it's not right- it's not fair, and on a big scale we are all involved in this, so what do we do? Every time we read some 'conspiracy' of another person being killed for uncovering, discovering, speaking truth? What is our move? Be more scared? Shrink back, and be thankful we'll never have to deal with this sort of thing? Why do we even read this? For what?

posted on Nov, 15 2012 @ 12:41 PM

Originally posted by crankyoldman
Next, what purpose does DHS hassling these people serve? I'm all for a good conspiracy, but you folks are living in dream world, where the folks you speculate are not real, not breathing, not having lives that don't match what their handlers put out. To extend this talk to "she" as if you know her is beyond funny, it's simply unhealthy. To elevate this c-d list actress to Marilyn Monroe conspiracy status is beyond the pale. In fact, the OP cherry picks the facts, and remarkably, these facts just scream - DHS killed her and her husband for supporting a rogue agent trying to do good for us all. The OP ignores the facts about the rest of her life, because, remarkably, the OP doesn't know them because the OP didn't know her at all, and I repeat:!

You should research more into this before commenting. What purpose does it serve for DHS to harass Murphy? Many. But the fact remains she WAS harassed, this is a fact. It was reported it to hollywood press that she was being harassed by them.

Documentary film, "Top Priority: The Terror Within" exposed the fact that Brittany Murphy and Simon Monjack were subjected to retaliatory terror tactics by the Department of Homeland Security, once Brittany was unwittingly dragged into the case of Julia Davis by the management of the agency. Julia Davis reported a breach of national security at the San Ysidro Port of Entry on 4th of July, 2004 and was subjected to persecution of paramount proportions. The Department of Homeland Security falsely branded her a "Domestic Terrorist" and conducted a raid of her home with a Blackhawk helicopter/Special Response Team. When Brittany Murphy and Simon Monjack have confided to The Hollywood Reporter that "they had to take extreme security precautions because they were under surveillance by helicopters and their phone was bugged", they were branded "paranoid" and portrayed as avid drug users. Brittany's career suffered tragic pitfalls as the result of this unfair portrayal.


posted on Nov, 15 2012 @ 01:43 PM
reply to post by Sissel

Something smells fishy.

Let's say she was murdered. The killers could have been aware of the leak and possible mold. So they set up their attack using mold as the excuse. It was only after her death that they found out there was no mold. Still, they killed the husband the same way because it fit the scenario better.

If he was going to live in the house, how come the husband did not get the house cleared of mold if his wife died from it? How come the mother, already weak, did not die from it?

Answer, because there was no mold.

July 28, 2010

"The eerily similar deaths of Brittany Murphy and her husband Simon Monjack, a mere six months apart, are "unusual" but NOT mold-related, says Los Angeles County assistant chief coroner Ed Winter.

Rumors flew early this week after a TMZ report suggested that toxic mold in the celebrity couple's house was to blame for their twin cases of severe anemia and fatal pneumonia. But though the house may have mold, autopsies show it "was NOT a factor in their death," Winter says.

Nonetheless, Winter says the house has been reported to the Department of Public Health, as a precaution considering that two people died of respiratory illness in the same residence within a few months of each other.

"It is unusual to have two people die of similar circumstances with pneumonia. We've been looking at it and saying, 'Something isn't right.' I'm not saying you can't get pneumonia from mold, but we did all the tests on it -- mold did NOT come up in the toxicology reports," he says.

There had been suspicions of mold in the house last fall due to a persistent leak, but a full house inspection ordered by Monjack in October came back mold-free.

"Simon told Sharon and Brittany that there was NO mold danger and that they could remain in the house," family spokesperson Roger Neal says.

"In fact, Simon Monjack insisted on hiring an attorney and filed a lawsuit against the builder and subcontractors" due to the inferior products used in building that may have caused the leak, Neal says."


ps: After the 2 deaths the builder payed Sharon $600,000. But was that for nonexistent mold, or for the leak.

posted on Nov, 15 2012 @ 04:07 PM
Wow! I agree with many other folks here. Their death was equally odd to me, but I never took the time to research anything. This is pretty scary stuff here.

Anyone else watch Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura yesterday (11-14-12)? It was about directed energy technology and how easy it is to make it look like a heart attack or natural causes. As soon as I read this, that's the first thing I thought of. I'm not trying to promote the show or anything, but yesterday's episode might have been the best I've seen. Not to mention, the whistleblower from the start of the episode conveniently had a "natural causes" death two days after talking with Jesse. I honestly cried. It was awful! Go look up directed energy technology. Do it!

I can't believe the amazing connections to this.

Sufficiently scared, but with positive thoughts for a better future,

posted on Nov, 15 2012 @ 04:51 PM
Brittany Murphy's interview on the Late Late Show w/ Craig Ferguson, (from 2009), may provide some additional insight into her psyche.

Apologize in advance, if already posted...

edit on 15-11-2012 by SkyLiner because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 15 2012 @ 04:59 PM
If she died from mold in the home wouldnt the husband have had the house tested for mold so he could adress the problem and have it cleaned up?

posted on Nov, 15 2012 @ 05:19 PM
reply to post by UziLiberman

If it was polonium poisoning, their suffering would have been more noticable, in case of Litvinenko:

So if the family gets the motion to exhume Brittany's corpse for a second autopsy, they should at least run a Geiger counter over to rule out radioactive poison.

posted on Nov, 15 2012 @ 05:24 PM
reply to post by SkyLiner

Is it me, or does she sound like she's attempting/adopted a British accent?

posted on Nov, 15 2012 @ 05:24 PM
reply to post by SkyLiner

Is it me, or does she sound like she's attempting/adopted a British accent?

posted on Nov, 15 2012 @ 06:34 PM
reply to post by Drezden

Wow. Nice job putting that together, however the one thing you are wrong about is that you think mold would not be in a house that is that large. I am a contractor in Florida and the Mega Mansions here have mold issues due to the length of time it takes to build the home. Over that time there is a lot of wet hot weather that can cause mold problems. Mega Mansions can take anywhere from 14 months to 3 years to build, so considering all the time the house is exposed to the elements, mold is more likely to form.

posted on Nov, 15 2012 @ 08:16 PM

Originally posted by tide88
reply to post by Drezden

Wow. Nice job putting that together, however the one thing you are wrong about is that you think mold would not be in a house that is that large. I am a contractor in Florida and the Mega Mansions here have mold issues due to the length of time it takes to build the home. Over that time there is a lot of wet hot weather that can cause mold problems. Mega Mansions can take anywhere from 14 months to 3 years to build, so considering all the time the house is exposed to the elements, mold is more likely to form.

A lot of houses have mold, but not the kind that kills, or high enough levels of it. You live in Florida where the humidity is extremely high and it rains a lot. Southern California where brittanys house is is a very dry environment.

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