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The Mysterious Deaths of Brittany Murphy and Simon Monjack

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posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 09:40 AM
woah i didnt know she was dead now , this is so sad i feel sad

posted on Dec, 22 2012 @ 09:00 PM
Happened to come across this picture of Brittany Murphy...interesting

posted on Dec, 22 2012 @ 09:23 PM

Originally posted by Drezden

After Brittany Murphy's support of Julia Davis became legal and public the DHS started targeting Brittany and her Husband.

On December 20, 2009 Brittany Murphy was pronounced dead:

...responded to "a medical request" at the Los Angeles home Murphy and Monjack shared.

...and only 5 months later her husband, Simon Monjack, was also found dead from similar circumstances:
... Simon Monjack was found dead at the same Hollywood Hills residence.

Just another good reason for which Americans must never give up their 2nd Amendment Rights to KEEP AND BEAR ARMS. An OBVIOUS CASE of whistle-blower-supporters being "eliminated" in their own home.

Seeing how this occurred in GUN-HATING, ANTI-GUN-RIGHTS L.A. California, they probably didnt have any firearms in their home to defend from this. Making them EASY PREY... just for supporting a whistle-blower and doing the right thing.

Reason number 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,001 to never give up our 2nd Amendment Right and become disarmed!! Our founding fathers knew garbage like this was to come...

edit on 22-12-2012 by oper8zhin because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 25 2013 @ 06:54 PM
I just listened to Down the Rabbit Hole with Julia Davis. She said Brittany was in very good health. She was not anorexic and she was not a drug addict like it was reported. It's called character assassination. They had to make them both look like they were on the brink of death so that their death wouldn't shock people. Perez Hilton was probably paid to predict Brittany's death.

For instance, they told Hollywood Reporter that black helicopters were following them and their phones were bugged. Well, that was true but it makes them sound insane or as if they were on major drugs. The black helicopters are seen in Julia Davis' movie, so it's very real. In fact, Julia's neighbor who caught the black helicopters on video is also dead. He was 25-years old!

posted on Jan, 25 2013 @ 07:49 PM
reply to post by divideandconquer

So this guy and girl look healthy to you?
Brittany M 1
Brittany M 2
Simon M 1
Simon M 2
So why did Brittany have so many drugs in her system when she died if she was healthy and why are their reports from family members that she was not in great health? Why doesn't her mom think the gov killed them and how does her dad know somethings not right when he wasn't really involved in her life ( he wasn't even at her funeral and had tv cameras their when he did vist her grave)? You really think the gov payed prez hilton to say he thinks she may die soon and you know wouldn't tell anyone?

posted on Apr, 16 2013 @ 04:59 PM
reply to post by Drezden

Thought this might deserve a bump if it hasn't gotten any attention for a while, people need to know about this. I do believe there is a documentary made from this story by the DHS officer that this centers around.

posted on May, 7 2013 @ 09:51 PM
reply to post by Drezden

Thanks for posting this, it sounds like Brittany Murphy and her husband had something introduced into the house maybe in the food or in something they used she died. And instead of cleaning it up it stayed there and he used the same thing or area or same food that was left and he died of it also. I can't believe that Homeland security personnel would do something like this just to cover that they where sleeping ont he job. There must be more to this than that. Unless the problem is that the Davis woman has knowledge of an increase of these individuals coming into the country. Are they sleeper cells or what.

posted on May, 8 2013 @ 04:39 PM

Originally posted by hoghead cheese
reply to post by Drezden

Thanks for posting this, it sounds like Brittany Murphy and her husband had something introduced into the house maybe in the food or in something they used she died. And instead of cleaning it up it stayed there and he used the same thing or area or same food that was left and he died of it also. I can't believe that Homeland security personnel would do something like this just to cover that they where sleeping ont he job. There must be more to this than that. Unless the problem is that the Davis woman has knowledge of an increase of these individuals coming into the country. Are they sleeper cells or what.

Why would Homeland security kill Brittany and her husband? Julia Davis was the one they would kill because she had the info and was abused while the Brittany and her husband were just her friends. I don't even think they were going to testify in the trial. Let's not forget Simon (brittany's husband) had heart problems for a while, over weight, possible drug addiction, and didn't want to live after Brittany's death while Murphy was deathly skinny, low immune system, suffered from anorexia, and had a drug addiction. It's sad because Brittany was also listed as the celebrity most likely to die by Prez Hilton a couple of months before her tragic death which I find sick anyone would have a list like that.

posted on Nov, 18 2013 @ 09:38 AM
Weird, I just thought of this case in the shower this morning when this thread came to mind. An hour later I stumbled upon this:

Brittany Murphy did not die of natural causes, lab report shows

Shocking new developments in the re-investigation of Brittany Murphy’s untimely demise confirm her father’s long-standing suspicions of a possible poisoning. Angelo Bertolotti never believed the conclusion of the LA Coroner that both Brittany and her husband Simon Monjack died of natural causes (pneumonia and anemia), five months apart.


posted on Nov, 18 2013 @ 07:39 PM
Just talked to a mod on this new development. Guess we can continue talks here.

So who will get the blame. Julia Davis? Julia is an actress and producer. The death of Brittany and her husband would further her cause.

posted on Nov, 18 2013 @ 08:53 PM
reply to post by Drezden

First I'd like to thank Drez for posting this thread a year ago.
And secondly the members who have made an effort to keep
this one alive for a year.

reply to post by daisyglaze

And thank you Daisy, for your posting tenacity. You went search engine
and posted in the proper thread. Instead of ignoring your findings and making
a new one.

Bravo ! Nice post.

Britany's Father " There will be justice for Brittany.”

And Bravo to Angelo Bertolotti.

But you have to expect this level of corruption from the wicked.
edit on 18-11-2013 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 18 2013 @ 10:27 PM
Why in the world wasn't a toxic screen done at the start. At the death of her husband, there should have been obvious suspicions of foul play.

All this conspiracies theories are crazy mentality is really dangerous. There's nothing crazy about people working together to cover-up a crime.

posted on Nov, 18 2013 @ 11:22 PM
reply to post by Daughter2

Simple. IT'S LA!No one cares.

But! One dad did! I have no doubt this will get scrubbed. But keep it in a loop. ATS will prevail! ( meaning you kids and elders investigate better.. really you do. now your thing....) .

posted on Nov, 18 2013 @ 11:26 PM

Why in the world wasn't a toxic screen done at the start. At the death of her husband, there should have been obvious suspicions of foul play.

All these conspiracies theories are crazy mentality is really dangerous. There's nothing crazy about people working together to cover-up a crime.

It was... but the coroner is strapped down..

Coroner went to...its mold case solved!

Hire more people!

posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 02:53 AM

A NEW toxicology report ordered by the family of Clueless actor Brittany Murphy says rat poison may have been the cause of her death.

Murphy's mother found her dead at home on December 20, 2009 and the Los Angeles Coroner ruled her death was due to pneumonia and anaemia. Strangely, Brittany's husband Simon Monjack died from the same causes a five months later.

But an independent report ordered by her father Angelo Bertolotti found that the actor did not die of natural causes, according to The Examiner. The report even suggests that Brittany and Simon could have been murdered by a third party.

Following years of litigation Bertolotti was able to obtain samples of her hair, blood and tissue for testing. The Examiner reports that "based on the symptoms" exhibited by Brittany and Simon before their deaths, he ordered testing for heavy metals and toxins. According to the report the Los Angeles Coroner did not test for heavy metals.


Who had the most to gain, in the long-term, from the death of Brittany and her husband?

posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 03:48 AM
Rat poison

Brittany Murphy's hair shows evidence of rat poison, her father claims Read more:

edit on 19-11-2013 by violet because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 20 2013 @ 04:02 AM
found some more info for you to get your teeth into

EXCLUSIVE: 'They were very, very fearful of so many things': Now Brittany Murphy's mother-in-law joins calls for case into her and husband's 'poison' death to be re-opened amid claims they were victims of a 'deep conspiracy'
Linda Monjack claims there is a conspiracy to cover up circumstances of her son and daughter-in-law Brittany Murphy's 2009 deaths

Mrs Monjack said her son told her he was suffering from hallucinations in which he saw things 'crawling out of his skin'

Actress' father Angelo Bertolotti, 87, claimed Brittany and her husband were killed for supporting Department of Homeland Security whistleblower

Julia Davis claimed U.S. was letting in terrorists over the Mexican border because of lax security and her backers were put under surveillance

She and Mr Bertolotti are writing a tell-all book on the mystery

The Clueless actress died on December 20, 2009 and the Los Angeles County Coroner said at the time it was due to pneumonia

Husband Simon Monjack died five months later in the same house

A new toxicology report ordered by her father found ten heavy metals in the actress' system, meaning she might have ingested rat poisoning

so the mother in law suspects too. i would without been to harsh think maybe it is her mum she inherited brittanys estate . who knows just for sure .i did find this story odd.


posted on Nov, 20 2013 @ 04:24 AM

Makes you wonder how many times
they have done this in the past ?
Mabey more times than we want to know ?

This is the kind of stuff that creeps me out.

DHS Death Squads.
edit on America/Chicagoam5230America/ChicagoWed, 14 Nov 2012 02:51:52 -060011 3051 by BrainGarden because: to further the point

Most people in the USA, indeed the whole world just don't get it yet.

The Department of 'Homeland security' is the equivalent of the 1930's & 1940's NAZI Waffen SS.

They are essentially the USAs NWO freaks' version of NAZI stormtroopers..same mandate for their creation, only this time it was 'Terrorists firing the WTC' instead of Russian Bolsheviks 'firing the German Reichstag building'. (which of course, we all now know was a NAZI inside job to gain public support)

Their tactics are the same, including removing any light that could expose them for what they really are..a private and corrupt para-military wing of the elites to use as the muscle for their oppressive domination agenda.

They are not in existence to protect the public.

edit on 20-11-2013 by MysterX because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 20 2013 @ 04:36 AM
reply to post by oper8zhin

Seeing how this occurred in GUN-HATING, ANTI-GUN-RIGHTS L.A. California, they probably didnt have any firearms in their home to defend from this. Making them EASY PREY...

I'm a supporter of 2nd Amendment rights, but in all honesty with a double hit like this, i doubt if firearms would have defended these two.

Murderers, at least professional murderers like to murder from a distance.

I would imagine a scenario along the lines of isolating their water supply and introducing an agent into it from the outside of their home, this would explain the very odd and highly suspicious rejection of being able to obtain a hair sample to test for toxins.

They were poisoned from a distance is my feeling. Either an odourless gaseous agent or a liquid fed into their water supply that would issue from the bathroom taps or shower etc.

The mother has obviously been got at. Probably with promises that other children or relatives would meet the same fate if she carried on digging into her daughters murder/death...since her daughter was dead, nothing would bring her back, she probably figured better to keep her remaining family alive than get justice for the murderers who ordered her murder.

Most people would probably respond in the same way.

Wondering if the local private security that patrol these wealthy estates have a record of 'water board workmen' carrying out repairs or works near to the murdered pair's home around the time they died...i wouldn't be surprised to find two separate occasions on record of such works being carried out, right around the time they died.

posted on Nov, 26 2013 @ 04:37 PM
More interesting news.

A forensic pathologist told CNN last week that the poisoning conclusion was "ridiculous" and "baseless."

The Los Angeles coroner "has no plans to reopen the inquiries into the deaths of Miss Murphy or Mr. Monjack," Craig Harvey, the chief of operations for the coroner, said last week. "We stand by by our conclusions and opinion."
Murphy's mother said she suspects a toxic mold found in the house may have killed her daughter and son-in-law.
"There were no indicators that it was from mold," Los Angeles County Assistant Chief Coroner Ed Winter told CNN in July 2010.

Lots of interesting info. Seems like no one is agreeing. Even more mysterious.

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