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The Mysterious Deaths of Brittany Murphy and Simon Monjack

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posted on Nov, 14 2012 @ 08:42 PM

Originally posted by Zaphod58
reply to post by everydayPeople

Because she wasn't anorexic, treating herself without seeing a dr, and suffering from other conditions at the same time. The anorexia that Brittany Murphy suffered from put an incredible strain on her body, add to that the pneumonia type symptoms she suffered, and any drugs she might have been taking if any, and her body just couldn't handle it.

I know that her mother had suffered from breast cancer, which put a strain on her body, but she didn't have the multiple conditions adding to that. A good example is when my mother got sick. She was in a medically induced coma for three weeks. The dr told us that if she had suffered from any kind of additional health issue, such as diabetes, the strain would have been too much and she wouldn't have made it. Brittany Murphy had just pushed her body past the limit, and it gave out on her.

Don't forget Brittany Murphy was also diabetic, man that's alot of serious health problems.

posted on Nov, 14 2012 @ 08:44 PM
reply to post by nancyliedersdeaddog

Yeah, I forgot all about that. That's probably as much or more than a healthy body can take, without the anorexia being thrown in.

posted on Nov, 14 2012 @ 08:48 PM

Originally posted by Zaphod58
reply to post by nancyliedersdeaddog

Yeah, I forgot all about that. That's probably as much or more than a healthy body can take, without the anorexia being thrown in.

Here is another link to a picture of Monjack and how bad he looked after her death plus it talks about some of his other health issues. The article says "Whatever the reason, shortly after The Caller debacle, Monjack and Murphy boarded a plane from Puerto Rico to Los Angeles. Upon landing, Monjack was rushed to a Los Angeles hospital after appearing incoherent.

A 911 call revealed that Monjack had stopped breathing, but was revived. It was widely reported that Murphy thought her hubby had suffered an asthma attack, but EMTs thought his health condition was more serious and insisted on taking him to the hospital.

Monjack has not spoken out about his wife's sudden demise beyond a statement issued on behalf of Murphy's family:

"The sudden loss of our beloved Brittany is a terrible tragedy. She was our daughter, our wife, our love and a shining star. We ask you to respect our privacy at this time."

posted on Nov, 14 2012 @ 08:51 PM

Originally posted by Zaphod58
reply to post by nancyliedersdeaddog

Yeah, I forgot all about that. That's probably as much or more than a healthy body can take, without the anorexia being thrown in.

Is it just me or did the OP seriously forget to add some huge facts that might not of helped his case for a conspiracy? He kind of made it seemed like Brittany and Simon where healthy and just all of sudden died.

posted on Nov, 14 2012 @ 09:55 PM
reply to post by Drezden

Thank you for posting this, I never heard of this story (only Murphy's death). I would love to know what type of poisons where used and if so they must use it all the time. I've always said that natural causes for a person in good health is bogus.

posted on Nov, 14 2012 @ 09:57 PM
reply to post by nancyliedersdeaddog

It was my understanding the site I linked to was about the documentary `The Terror Within`. Honestly I didn't even check up on the site or author. Just thought it was a summary of the film which it does seem to be.
I know just because it's in a documentary doesn't make it true.

If it is true though, this could shed a little more light on the situation.


posted on Nov, 14 2012 @ 10:06 PM

Originally posted by Strictsum
reply to post by nancyliedersdeaddog

It was my understanding the site I linked to was about the documentary `The Terror Within`. Honestly I didn't even check up on the site or author. Just thought it was a summary of the film which it does seem to be.
I know just because it's in a documentary doesn't make it true.

If it is true though, this could shed a little more light on the situation.


I understand I was just pointing it out, I'm pretty sure " The Terror Within" was written by Julia Davis so i'm sure it's one sided but I bet a good amount of it's true because it seems like DHS did some very questionable things plus they did settle the lawsuit with Davis but the reason they settled could of been due to money.

posted on Nov, 14 2012 @ 10:09 PM
I'm surprised no one brought these two strange things up. It seems as if Brittany Murphy almost knew she was going to die.

In her last interview she told the reporter she wanted her hair in her next life.

One of her last movies was about an author who watches a movie about her own death and dies in a bath tub. The DVD cover shows her dead in a bath tub

posted on Nov, 14 2012 @ 10:09 PM

Originally posted by hoghead cheese
reply to post by Drezden

Thank you for posting this, I never heard of this story (only Murphy's death). I would love to know what type of poisons where used and if so they must use it all the time. I've always said that natural causes for a person in good health is bogus.

I'm not trying to be mean but did you read anything in this thread? It's been established that she was in horrible health.

posted on Nov, 14 2012 @ 10:13 PM

Originally posted by Daughter2
I'm surprised no one brought these two strange things up. It seems as if Brittany Murphy almost knew she was going to die.

In her last interview she told the reporter she wanted her hair in her next life.

One of her last movies was about an author who watches a movie about her own death and dies in a bath tub. The DVD cover shows her dead in a bath tub

Maybe it's just me but it doesn't seem like in that interview she knew she was going to die soon, I've heard from many people including myself that I wish I had ___ in the next life and i'm still alive.

posted on Nov, 14 2012 @ 10:31 PM
reply to post by XalienagendaX

not only that but so far apart from each other, if someone just died from these symptoms why wouldnt he have shown the same effects or similar not to long after she passed. dont ever trust this government. i know mold and mildew can kill, and pretty quick in some cases, but in a multi million dollar home? odd. it seems anyone connected to a government whitsleblower, or has evidence against a government agency ends up dying random deaths, suicide, or weird disease. but i guess you could say that about 99% deaths out there /shrug.

posted on Nov, 14 2012 @ 10:44 PM
Awesome Thread, if I could give multiple flags you'd get 100.
I was just talking to somebody about this the other day, like most people she wasn't familiar with the details, just that Brittany had died. Only an absolute moron would believe the "official" story here, how they got away with it is truly disturbing. If someone broke into the residence and killed them they would have been caught and the trial would have been a media circus. Instead we get a weird black op approved by some creepy scumbag who didn't even get his fingernails dirty. Everyone involved including the coroner will eventually answer for their part in this, if not in this world, then the next.
A beautiful and talented young lady, what a waste.

posted on Nov, 14 2012 @ 11:56 PM
reply to post by Drezden

On January 11, 2012, Angelo Bertolotti applied to the Superior Court of California requesting that the Los Angeles County Coroner's Office be required to hand over samples of his daughter's hair for independent testing. The suit was dismissed on July 19, 2012 after Bertolotti failed to show up to two separate hearings.

Out of all you have written, is it just me alone that finds the father's behaviour of not showing up to the hearings to be the most disturbing and obvious tipoff that something is amiss?

posted on Nov, 15 2012 @ 12:14 AM
reply to post by elrem48

Something is amiss alright, its official the rule book has been thrown out.
These people have no morals and are willing to do anything to anyone in order to get their way or to silence someone from whistleblowing or telling the truth.
It is obvious that the USA with their Homeland Security is becoming a nasty place to live and most certainly to visit.
At one time I thought I'd like to visit the US, not anymore , the place has become a powder keg and you feel that someone is standing there with a match.

posted on Nov, 15 2012 @ 01:02 AM
This has been going on for years!

I don't know too much about the individuals involved but I will say the following;

I don't know about in America, although from my experience I think its the same. Anyway, you can always tell when government and/or Secret Service is involved and that's when a strange sudden death is masked over by overwhelming reports about the person's persoanl life, lifestyle, their sexuality, drug addiction, depression etc people often think this is just a way of trying make sense of a person's death, it's not, its a way of focusing you from the circumstances surrounding a person's actual death, because if you focus on that, it wouldn't take you long to figure out that it was a hit.

The difference between the Western world and everyone else, is that everyone else is quite open about this kind of thing. What the western governments want you to believe is that this kind of thing only goes on everywhere else. It's not just about silencing either, if a foreign agent takes one of our agents, we'll take down one of theirs, there is no open war declared, both parties just know that's how it is.

Honestly, from my actual experience this kind of thing goes on all the time, believe me these so called fictional movies are not actually a million miles from the truth! It's all political and if you think it's bad enough living amongst it, try working amongst it! It's an F'ing nightmare!

posted on Nov, 15 2012 @ 02:02 AM
amazing post op.

I have heard of ms murphy's death countless of times, but as what's been thrown around, my thoughts are that although they were in poor health, brittany murphy and monjack's deaths are highly suspect. I hope their family does get the chance to have a second autopsy done

Better keep a clean nose when i go out to the golden state.

posted on Nov, 15 2012 @ 02:49 AM

Originally posted by Trublbrwing
how they got away with it is truly disturbing.

You're right there,sadly,this type of thing will continue because "they" can and do, get away with it.After all what can todays brainwashed general public do about it? truly disturbing as you say

posted on Nov, 15 2012 @ 03:30 AM
I've been waiting for SOMEONE to pick up on this. I didn't know if it was actually worthwhile but suspicious at the same time.

posted on Nov, 15 2012 @ 03:55 AM
I didn't know about any of this, it is pretty suspicious (to say the least)
Thanks for putting this together and posting it! Star and flag!

posted on Nov, 15 2012 @ 04:15 AM
polonium 210 the brand of choice to silence dissent among the ranks...
i will refrain from stating my claim any further, anyone can follow the symptoms and the victims.

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