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Louisiana to withdraw from the United States of America and create its own NEW government

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posted on Nov, 12 2012 @ 08:23 PM
reply to post by wulff

You are right on that one.

You have to remember, the victors of a war write the history books. When the Federal government won the civil war, they started there on teaching that it was about slavery and changed the republic to a nationalist society. It sickens me that people believe the war was ALL about slavery but in actuality slavery was only injected into the war a few years after it started to raise popularity in the north so they can continue the war.

If it wasn't made about slavery, the union would not have been able to raise an army strong enough to fight the army of Virgina.

My area of the country in Louisiana was knocked out early because the Union needed the Mississippi to divide the south, but it took them practically the whole war to control the rest of the state. They would of not been able to if it wasn't for the Emancipation Proclamation turning slaves into soldiers.
edit on 12-11-2012 by CajunBoy because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 12 2012 @ 08:40 PM
So you're saying that the Federal government loves the States sooooo much that they'd bomb us rather then let us leave the union??? Fascinating bit of information there, considering the meaning and uses of 'government'. What used to be a body politic meant to represent the people has become an accepted agent of violent control? And some of you are accepting of this? Wow. I'm flabbergasted.

Just FYI, Vermont has had a secessionist movement for quite some time now, called the Second Vermont Republic. They've got themselves a beautiful flag and some heavy hitting thinkers, read all about it here:

posted on Nov, 12 2012 @ 08:42 PM
reply to post by DrGod

This is hilarious. One of the poorer states wants to leave the union. Well go right ahead. They will be back in two days.

posted on Nov, 12 2012 @ 08:57 PM

Originally posted by wulff

Originally posted by soundguy[/i

Did you go to school? Did you learn anything about something called The American Civil War? You act like this is a new idea! No, it has happened before and it took quite a few years to catch on. But it's not impossible for civil war or revolution to come to America. Do you think civil wars only happen in other countries? I feel sorry for you.
Then again, I envy you as you think like a small child and think you will be protected and cared for by your 'leaders'!

Why yes I did go to school. And yes I know quite about the civil war, what would you like for me to explain to you about it? You speak of secession like it is a fad or something. Just needs to catch on. I am sure once people get a chance to experience a right wing free for all it will catch on like wild fire. Yes civil wars happen in other countries, what kind of question is that? I guess you did not read any of my other post, I need nothing from anyone to survive. I especially don't need the government.

I do see things simply. I always resolve to zero. If it can't be resolved to a common denominator it does not add up. The naive are you, and those who think like you. The ONLY countries on this planet that have any semblance of freedom are quite liberal.

I see those who are talking this way like little children, you don't have facts on their side. You are mad and are living in some weird fantasy where you will finally have the power to do things your way. I sense a lot of libertarians are involved here, poor souls. The poor crazy uncle in the closet of the Republican Party. Do you think you would get a seat at the table?

Anyway I am getting back to the voice, Christina is looking hot, and my wife has just finished preparing me a delicious dessert, yummmmmeeeee. Please get back to me when secession thing finally "catches on." Until then, Go Team Blake!

posted on Nov, 12 2012 @ 09:24 PM

Originally posted by flexy123
reply to post by DrGod

This is the "real" America: If you don't like diversity, throw everything down and resign. If necessary, disband the US altogether

Those dumbos don't even know how UN-AMERICAN they actually are....hilarious since this country was founded based on diversity, free speech, free opinion etc... And then they cite the founding fathers...what a disgrace...

First of all; these 'dumbos' rule the world, have all the riches you could comprehend, and all the control you could not fathom..

Secondly; America is a sister country to the British; as is Canada. Where do you think your "founding fathers" came from, what Nation, under what command? The british, the royal bloodline ordered for their people to travel and conquor distant lands which they have not seen (north america).. They slaughtered Native people and adopted christianity..

Your countries leaders all root from the same place, who had control the previous centuries? Wasnt America, because it did not exist then. So think about your country like the game of Risk; its just one more step for these bloodlines to conquor the world, this I belive, as those in power REMAIN in power.

Giving rights to the people; willl lose that power, you think they want that? Not at all.. how is it there is a father AND son who controlled America in two different times? Why are politicians, presidents, senates, and people of high places; related? hmmm...

Lets see the bigger picture; this is a game of Risk, has been for many many centuries. One side is obviously winning, they have our minds, spirits, hearts, they distract us daily and drain us through their society system. ITS A SYSTEM OF CONTROL.

When America realizes whats truely going on, like World Wars dont just happen.. they are planned, then the people can start taking power back.

"Divided we fall; together we conquer all"

~ Love is an art

posted on Nov, 12 2012 @ 10:28 PM

Originally posted by soundguy

Originally posted by wulff

Originally posted by soundguy[/i

Did you go to school? Did you learn anything about something called The American Civil War? You act like this is a new idea! No, it has happened before and it took quite a few years to catch on. But it's not impossible for civil war or revolution to come to America. Do you think civil wars only happen in other countries? I feel sorry for you.
Then again, I envy you as you think like a small child and think you will be protected and cared for by your 'leaders'!

Why yes I did go to school. And yes I know quite about the civil war, what would you like for me to explain to you about it? You speak of secession like it is a fad or something. Just needs to catch on. I am sure once people get a chance to experience a right wing free for all it will catch on like wild fire. Yes civil wars happen in other countries, what kind of question is that? I guess you did not read any of my other post, I need nothing from anyone to survive. I especially don't need the government.

I do see things simply. I always resolve to zero. If it can't be resolved to a common denominator it does not add up. The naive are you, and those who think like you. The ONLY countries on this planet that have any semblance of freedom are quite liberal.

I see those who are talking this way like little children, you don't have facts on their side. You are mad and are living in some weird fantasy where you will finally have the power to do things your way. I sense a lot of libertarians are involved here, poor souls. The poor crazy uncle in the closet of the Republican Party. Do you think you would get a seat at the table?

Anyway I am getting back to the voice, Christina is looking hot, and my wife has just finished preparing me a delicious dessert, yummmmmeeeee. Please get back to me when secession thing finally "catches on." Until then, Go Team Blake!

There is nothing you could teach me about US history, My grt, grt, grt grandfather came here from Germany as a Hessian soldier and defected to Washington's colonial army (my family's land was signed for by President Washington for his service in the war.
Two of his son's were killed in the American Civil War, one at Gettysburg (wounded the 1st day and captured by rebels and died that night) my other relative died during Shermans campaign. So this countries history has been close to our family all our lives, reading my relatives old journals give a lot of insight into what the North was thinking, the one killed in Gettysburg had written they didn't think it was possible for a tiny war to escalate as it did, he said he thought it would be over in a few months yet it went on for several more years after he was killed!
So, don't ever feel too comfortable about the union, it can and did break up (and some of my ancestors died trying to protect it) another of my relatives that did survive the war said in his journal they "couldn't believe how or why the Confederates fought so well seeing as they were in tattered clothing and most barefoot and half-starved" (actual quote).
So my relatives are saying basically if you believe in some cause or way of life, never underestimate your opponent!
I only mention my family history to show you there is little I could learn from someone posting on here trying to tell me about a period of American history that my ancestors lived and died through.
Now go eat your desert before it gets cold!

posted on Nov, 13 2012 @ 05:27 AM
Anyone who signed any one of those petitions just gave their enemy their personal info so they can send a drone down on you or spy on you.

This whole petition stuff is just to get info for their federal forces now you know for whom all the body bags and camps are for.

posted on Nov, 13 2012 @ 05:37 AM
reply to post by wulff

I have relatives that fought in the civil war also. One for the North who had migrated to Missouri, and one for the South who still lived in NC, they were cousins and may have never met. They both died in battle against each other and are buried side by side in Lynchburg VA Civil War Cemetery. It was my aunt who while doing research of our families roots from Scotland in the 1640's. They were engendered servants (slaves) when they came here worked hard and paid their debts. As the family grew some went west and settled in Missouri, some moved to KY others stayed in VA and NC.

Our families may have known each other but mine were not famous people just ordinary men and women who wanted a better life.

posted on Nov, 13 2012 @ 02:27 PM

Originally posted by ChesterJohn
reply to post by wulff

I have relatives that fought in the civil war also. One for the North who had migrated to Missouri, and one for the South who still lived in NC, they were cousins and may have never met. They both died in battle against each other and are buried side by side in Lynchburg VA Civil War Cemetery. It was my aunt who while doing research of our families roots from Scotland in the 1640's. They were engendered servants (slaves) when they came here worked hard and paid their debts. As the family grew some went west and settled in Missouri, some moved to KY others stayed in VA and NC.

Our families may have known each other but mine were not famous people just ordinary men and women who wanted a better life.

It was certainly a brother-against-brother war and I can see both sides to the issues that brought it about and like today it seems we are heading in the same direction. I don't think this country has ever been this divided since the civil war.
I found your family history very interesting, I have always spent time learning about my family as well and if more people would do that maybe the country would be in better shape!
I remember reading something one of my ancestors saying that sounded like a lot of people on this board, mainly that this secession talk was just that, all talk but all it takes is some state to take the bull by the horns and it can happen.

posted on Nov, 13 2012 @ 05:17 PM

Originally posted by Stormdancer777

we petition the obama administration to:
Peacefully grant the State of Texas to withdraw from the United States of America and create its own NEW government.
The US continues to suffer economic difficulties stemming from the federal government's neglect to reform domestic and foreign spending. The citizens of the US suffer from blatant abuses of their rights such as the NDAA, the TSA, etc. Given that the state of Texas maintains a balanced budget and is the 15th largest economy in the world, it is practically feasible for Texas to withdraw from the union, and to do so would protect it's citizens' standard of living and re-secure their rights and liberties in accordance with the original ideas and beliefs of our founding fathers which are no longer being reflected by the federal government.
Created: Nov 09, 2012

I can translate this, as I am a life long Texan.
I know you all have been waiting to hear what this says; ahem..

Dear President no offense but you are brown and decidedly not Tea Party.
We keep hearing rumors of "you're gonna do something.." you know, commie Muslim stuff.
Fox and AM radio say it's true.. So, Please let us go... We'll keep our military hardware and...
Oh? We can't? How about the soldiers?..they're yours?..even the B-52's?
Ok well then, we'll keep our oil and our...
Huh?...yours too...Just Cheney's oil??
Ok.. Crap.
So we are gonna secede, the only thing left is,
we 25k petitioners, now have to break it to the other 30 MILLION TEXANS.
...sure hope their cool with it. We'll get back to you.

posted on Nov, 13 2012 @ 05:20 PM
reply to post by CajunBoy

nice useless chart.
how many of these exports are made in that state?
not near as many as what is on this chart.
by the time any rebel state would do any trading with the United States, they would have to pay tariffs, that's even if the federal government would allow any trading with these rebel states.

posted on Nov, 13 2012 @ 05:22 PM
this is probably the best petition yet
the city of el paso giving the finger to texas

posted on Nov, 13 2012 @ 05:46 PM

Originally posted by rickm
this is probably the best petition yet
the city of el paso giving the finger to texas

My experiences with people's feelings on el paso have ALWAYS been negative. For many years I've never heard a single good thing about the place and it's the only part of Texas that I've never been to and have been warned to avoid.

El paso can join New Mexico for all I care. Besides "el paso" sounds like "el Mexico" anyway. Good for them.

posted on Nov, 13 2012 @ 05:56 PM
I rest my case.

posted on Nov, 13 2012 @ 06:19 PM
If there is a remote possibility of my state seceding from the Union, I will leave immediately. The only viable source of dependence the rest of the Union has on this pitiful state is oil and the Mississippi river. I could see the state taxing the hell out of the Mississippi since it owns the mouth to the Gulf and a major harbor of trade.

Besides that, there is no beneficial use of the state that the rest of the Union would depend on. The local government itself is ass backwards in regards to city infrastructure, education, political correctness, and common sense.

In terms of education, we are 5th on the list of less educated. As for homicide rate of the Union, we are number one.

As you can see, I have no idea what people here in Louisiana are thinking by seceding from the Union. Maybe it's the lack of education and common sense that is driving this petition.

posted on Nov, 13 2012 @ 07:15 PM
reply to post by signalfire

why not? they would be breaking the law if they left.

posted on Nov, 13 2012 @ 07:16 PM
reply to post by LightWarrior11

and they probably think the same exact think about you.
so what?
i would rather support the United States instead of rebels

posted on Nov, 16 2012 @ 10:47 AM
reply to post by rickm

The chart is NOT useless because those ports supply a third of the supplies to the US. It is irrelevant how they are used after but the fact that it is a big part of the economy is a big deal for the US.

posted on Nov, 16 2012 @ 07:04 PM
Could we start a petition requesting the Govt to give us all 100k each so we can live normal poor lives. seeing 100k a year income is still pretty much poverty level in this economy.

Can we start a petition to have Obama removed from the presidency because it is the will of the real people not his gimmy gimmy welfare entitlement crew ( all planned TC, UN Agenda 21, Big business take over of the world.)

How about a petition to end all those Treaties and stuff we the people didn't pass so the UN can go well jump in the Lake.

edit on 16-11-2012 by ChesterJohn because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 16 2012 @ 07:06 PM
Send them a bill for all the money the USA has supplied them with in the last ten years.

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