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UFO Light Beam Cases.

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posted on Nov, 8 2013 @ 10:25 AM
Really interesting UFO Lightbeam / UFO Occupant case sourced by StealthyAroura from Crixas, Brazil on 13th August, 1967 - it states at the link one of the witnesses was hit by a ray of green light emitted from the object and the man died 59 days later.


At the moment Inácio shot, the being dropped to the ground. Immediately after that, the UFO fired a beam of green light striking him on his left shoulder. Inácio immediately lost consciousness.


posted on Nov, 8 2013 @ 12:58 PM
reply to post by karl 12

Karl Thanks for the thread, very interesting cases keep em comming.
Thanks Ed
edit on 8-11-2013 by darepairman because: Spelling

posted on Nov, 17 2013 @ 07:40 AM
reply to post by darepairman

No problem Ed! Here's another freaky one from the Bemuda Triangle (see 1:35).


posted on Nov, 17 2013 @ 07:17 PM

karl 12

• Gosford, 1995 - Separately located town residents report huge, metallic, cylindrical object shining light beams down onto the surface of a local lake.

Back at Gosford Police Station, just after Mary's sighting, the quiet was shattered once more when "dozens" of calls flooded in from worried residents, all describing a similar occurrence.

"I've experienced nothing like it," one police officer said, "People were woken by an intense humming noise, and were genuinely frightened when they saw a huge cylindrical object hovering over the water. It had a polished, ball-like bottom, and as it hovered over the Lake, its lights shone down onto the water, apparently turning it to steam."

Gosford NSW multiple witness UFO sightings Dec 30/31 1995

Similar case description from the same country 20 years earlier:

Large UFO illuminates lake

Date: February 26, 1975

Location: Lake Sorell, Australia

Two men sighted two UFOs at Lake Sorell in Tasmania. "It was about 2-1/2 miles away when we saw it move - and then it was right there only about 1,000 yards away and 500 feet above the lake." The size of the object was no less than 200 feet in diameter. During the next few minutes the object turned on a "monstrous light" which was directed down toward the lake.

Underneath each of the craft was a red, pulsing light in the center and other red to orange lights running around the circumference. The two objects stood out clearly, then one of them headed toward the fishermen's location.

"It was about 2-1/2 miles away when we saw it move - and then it was right there only about 1,000 yards away and 500 feet above the lake." Smith said that had he not seen it himself he would not have believed a craft could have such performance. He was sure that the size of the object was no less than 200 feet in diameter.

During the next few minutes the object turned on a "monstrous light" which was directed down toward the lake. It was half the diameter of the UFO itself, the shaft of it was well defined, and it came from one side of the bottom of the UFO. The light was very intense and it was painful to the eyes to look at it. Smith compared its brilliance to that of a welding torch. While watching the phenomena he took careful sightings on hills in the area with which he was familiar. The spill of light from around the main shaft of the light illuminated a distance of 1-1/2 miles around the lake.

The beam was swung back and forth in an arc. "It seemed like a careful search of the Robinson's Swamp area and I have no doubt that beam of light was intelligently controlled," Smith said..

Link 1, 2

posted on Jan, 31 2014 @ 06:21 PM
Police report describing events from the Rally de America del Sur on the 17th August, 1978 where two drivers, Carlos Acevedo Michel Angel Moy reported that their car was 'levitated' by a dense, yellowish light - afterwards their odometer showed that they had covered 52 kilometers (when they should have covered 127 kilometers) and the journey, which shouldn't have taken more than 75 minutes, had in fact taken 2 hours and 20 minutes.

Ecuador: UFOs at the 1978 Rally?

Acevedo and Moya were driving at around 100 kilometers an hour at the moment. In spite of this, the light was closing in swiftly, causing Acevedo to believe that it was the headlights of one of the heavier vehicles (Citroen 2400s or a Mercedes Benz), causing him to slow down and pull over to the right edge of the asphalt in order to allow another Rally competitor to pass him by.

The light was already filling the rear view mirror and kept closing in. Suddenly, the passenger compartment in Acevedo and Moya’s Citroen became filled with light.

“Light flooded the passenger compartment and I couldn’t see beyond the hood of the car. It was a dense, brilliant light, yellow in color with some violet hues. I thought I’d lost control of the car at the moment. I looked through the window and saw were nearly two meters over the asphalt surface. I suddenly thought we had jumped over a speed bump and braced myself on the steering wheel, waiting for the moment we’d hit the surface again,” Acevedo explained.

The witnesses lost all notion of time. They felt a sudden jolt and noticed the vehicle was on the road again.

“I think a minute or two went by, I’m not really sure, and I felt a shudder, but I had the immediate impression that the car was on the road again. The yellow light appeared to dim, and I was gradually able to see my surroundings, the dashboard, the hood of the car. I looked through the window and saw the ground. We were on the shoulder on the opposite lane of the road, fully stopped. Suddenly the light vanished from the passenger compartment and saw it fading away into the west, like a cone of yellow light, but one that didn’t end in a tip, it was somewhat truncated. I don’t know. It might have measured some five meters at the base and two or three at the cusp, measuring some six or seven meters in height. The base lit the ground, ahtough you really couldn’t see what it was lighting, that is to say, you couldn’t see through the light. A few seconds later, the light…how can I explain it? …retracted itself or drew up like a curtain, from bottom to top, and all that remained in view was an oval, whitish-yellow light that kept heading west until it vanished in the distance,” said Acevedo.

Argentina: Police Report Documents 1978 UFO Teleportation

Main Link

* Not to be confused with this other 1978 Argentina car levitation case.

posted on Aug, 26 2014 @ 12:32 AM
Two UFO light beam cases days apart in Missouri.

It was 6:40am on the road between Elmer and Atlanta, MO March 4th, 1969. City Marshall, William Overstreet was driving towards Atlanta on his early morning job, a rural mail carrier. Ahead of him, a "large red object" was traveling to his right in the fields. It was moving northerly and would cross his path. Overstreet, because the thing was low [circa 50 off the ground], could estimate its size at about 100 feet in diameter.

The thing emitted an intensely bright white lightbeam towards the roadbed. This beam was also extremely hot, and he felt the same way as if he were out on a summer's noon time in full blast of the Sun. As the beam manifested, the object changed colors. Its center became blue, and the red migrated to a ring around this core..


A few days later, about thirty miles "up the road"....

It's Monday morning, 10:30am, March 10th, 1969 and Mrs. Nanci _______ [she asked on the form not to quote her name, so even if it's almost 50 years ago, I'll comply] was driving to Lancaster, MO with her dog resting in the rear seat.

The dog roused from his sleep --- a large arousal since he was a St. Bernard. It became alarmed and barked furiously as it jumped into the passenger seat, his hair standing up on his neck. Then, as if he had been whipped, he tried to crawl down beneath the seat, whimpering.

The apparent cause of this extraordinary behavior was a bright beam of light coming down into the road ahead. This beam was so bright [like the Sun] that it was hard to see anything else in its direction. Mrs. X followed the beam skyward to see a disk-shaped [almost like a pyramid] object, gray colored with a small dome atop, from which this beam emerged. Sometimes it seemed like there were particles of something suspended in this beam..


posted on Oct, 21 2014 @ 12:14 AM
Thread by Trueman about the Conchan Beach incident - reports of unknown object putting out light-beam.

The Conchan Beach Incident - UFO Battle over the Sky of Peru in 1973

posted on Oct, 22 2014 @ 02:36 PM
a reply to: karl 12
Great post karl12. Keep em comin. It's amazing how the skeptics and naysayers usually stay verrrrry far away from your threads. Not even skeptics whose names rhyme with "sage" or "iceberg" dare step into your light. They prefer the more mundane and simple threads.

edit on 22-10-2014 by Jaellma because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 22 2014 @ 02:40 PM
a reply to: karl 12

I got thread from a while ago about my encounter with a ufo and a light beam.
Id link it but im on my phone.


posted on Nov, 21 2014 @ 05:30 PM
Thanks for the replies, here's a really interesting account from USAF Major Gaylon King where he describes a UFO hovering over a missile silo at Elsworth Air Force base and putting out 'a beam of reddish light'.

posted on Nov, 23 2014 @ 07:33 PM
I had personal experience with two orbs that illuminated a whole field. The light seemed to emanate from the air itself, not projected from a source. The light was silver sort of like the color of lightening in the distance.

posted on Nov, 27 2014 @ 08:29 AM

originally posted by: karl 12
There's been quite a number of strange reports over the years describing UFOs emitting 'light beams' and it looks like Australian researcher Bill Chalker could be in the process of compiling a review of the subject - Dr Michael Swords has also posted quite a few case examples at the link below (along with a nice definition) and there are quite a few ATS threads dealing with specific incidents.

Along with research from NASA's Paul Hill, Jacques Vallee also speculates about the nature of the phenomenon and lists symptoms of individuals reported to have been struck by UFO light beams in encounters like the Colares case from 1977 - there's also quite a large list HERE from USO researcher Carl Feindt citing UFO 'beams of light into bodies of water' from the present day right back until 1934.


There are many reports of strange "beams of light" emanating from UFOs. Some have been described as "searchlights, which would turn in a sweeping motion, shining light opposite to the direction the UFO is moving". Other beams are described as "laser-like" (focused, seem to exhibit no dispersion with distance - collimated light), but may also appear "almost solid", propagate (extend/retract) slowly, and stop abruptly in mid-air. Such luminous beams directed from the UFO towards the ground could be columns of ionized air, related to or a byproduct of UFO propulsion. Certain beams seem to be used for inspection or transportation. Some may be weapons, having as a purpose the projection of heat, the disruption of electric and electronic equipment, and even the temporary paralysis of individuals. Finally some could just be powerful beaming spotlights, to light up the terrain.


Speculation from Jacque Vallee's book Confrontations

Researcher Dr Jacques Vallee went to South America to investigate the numerous reports of UFO close encounters that have resulted in the death or injury of witnesses. The results of his extensive field investigations are detailed in his book Confrontations: A Scientist's Search for Alien Contact, which is recommended to anyone interested in pursuing this matter. For example, in Parnarama in central Brazil, Vallee reports that at least five people are reported to have died "following close encounters with what were described as boxlike UFOs equipped with powerful light beams.."

After asking various forensic pathologists to review his findings, Vallee claims that "what UFO witnesses describe as 'light' may, in fact, be a complex combination of ionising and non-ionising radiation. Many of the injuries described in Brazil, however, are consistent with the effects of high-power pulsed microwaves." (p.124) Later he points out that pulsed microwaves may "interfere with the central nervous system. Such a beam could cause the dizziness, headaches, paralysis, pricklings, and numbness reported to us by so many witnesses." (p.202)

UFO Light beams

Dr Michael Sword's Case List - page 1 of 5

Bill Chalker wrote the other day. He's contemplating making a review of so-called "solid light" UFO cases, and I welcome that. Bill's a hard-science-trained UFOlogist and might just be able to make some sense of a real puzzlement in this field. He asked me if I'd scour my files for such cases (since I'd foolishly admitted to having around 44 of such things), and so I did, making a list for him to pursue and build his analysis more robustly (Bill already had a bigger bunch than that).

Slow Light and UFOs

On the next page are some ATS member threads dealing with specific cases - am sure there will be many more out there so if anyone has any more info, links or opinions on the subject please post.

originally posted by: karl 12
Two UFO light beam cases days apart in Missouri.

It was 6:40am on the road between Elmer and Atlanta, MO March 4th, 1969. City Marshall, William Overstreet was driving towards Atlanta on his early morning job, a rural mail carrier. Ahead of him, a "large red object" was traveling to his right in the fields. It was moving northerly and would cross his path. Overstreet, because the thing was low [circa 50 off the ground], could estimate its size at about 100 feet in diameter.

The thing emitted an intensely bright white lightbeam towards the roadbed. This beam was also extremely hot, and he felt the same way as if he were out on a summer's noon time in full blast of the Sun. As the beam manifested, the object changed colors. Its center became blue, and the red migrated to a ring around this core..


A few days later, about thirty miles "up the road"....

It's Monday morning, 10:30am, March 10th, 1969 and Mrs. Nanci _______ [she asked on the form not to quote her name, so even if it's almost 50 years ago, I'll comply] was driving to Lancaster, MO with her dog resting in the rear seat.

The dog roused from his sleep --- a large arousal since he was a St. Bernard. It became alarmed and barked furiously as it jumped into the passenger seat, his hair standing up on his neck. Then, as if he had been whipped, he tried to crawl down beneath the seat, whimpering.

The apparent cause of this extraordinary behavior was a bright beam of light coming down into the road ahead. This beam was so bright [like the Sun] that it was hard to see anything else in its direction. Mrs. X followed the beam skyward to see a disk-shaped [almost like a pyramid] object, gray colored with a small dome atop, from which this beam emerged. Sometimes it seemed like there were particles of something suspended in this beam..



edit on 27-11-2014 by JadeStar because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 6 2014 @ 05:58 PM

originally posted by: JadeStar


Some really interesting food for thought there mate
- below is yet another freaky UFO light beam example as described by Australian researcher Paul Dean, also mentioned is an 'incredibly loud noise'.

Extraordinary UFO-UAP Sighting and Beginning Of Investigations | AUSTRALIA

I have recently worked on one of the most unusual cases I’ve ever heard from Australia, or certainly one of the most unusual in recent times. In mid-2014, on the south-east coast of NSW, two people were into well into a long-term house-sitting stint on large rural property. On the 29th of May, around 2am, whilst talking and watching the sky for meteors, planets, etc the woman first noticed a hazy, white, foggy light in the distance. She drew her partner’s attention to it, and over the next two minutes it became larger in size. At this point, they considered the possibility that it might be the neighbour’s backyard sensor light or a small fire. After four minutes it was still growing in size. They then considered whether or not it might be car headlights. At this point, suddenly the white hue became a red hue/fog. At the same time it seemed to split.

It became a row of about ten red and blue, circular lights lined up, with a bright white beam at the front. As they were new to the area they continued to look for a logical explanation. Then the row of white, blue and red lights suddenly compacted itself whilst an incredibly loud noise commenced. The witnesses’ best guesstimate as to the distance to the object, was 900 metres. In the witness’ own words “It then scanned the terrain of the hills and the valley just opposite us, very low to the ground (around tree level) shining this incredibly bright white light through the trees to the ground, as well as in front of itself.” The red and blue lights hovered around it. By this time both witnesses were terrified by the weird, oscillating sound and the foggy, hazy light, all around them.

So, there was the row of lights some distance away, plus all around them was a foggy, hazy light. This fog, quite a distinct phenomenon from the first event, was coming from “...three different rhombus shapes, 1 green, 1 yellow and 1 red. They had cross hatching effects, sort of laser light effects creating their shape and overlapping one another. I estimate it would have been 10-20 metres above us.” There was no air turbulence felt. “We’re pretty sure the noise was coming from the scanning light and not the one above us...” At this point, the scanning light came closer to them and they ran into the house and did not look out for 40 minutes, even after the noise ceased. They then noted some light activity still going on on the other side of the valley; little lights joined together and left the area. Suddenly all the dogs in the area began to howl. The area surrounding the house has some paddocks, but is mostly bushland.

Working with the witnesses, we are now looking at all possibilities, but initial investigations indicate a very real and very tangible event did occur..

UFOs - Documenting The Evidence


posted on Feb, 6 2015 @ 05:47 AM
Possible solid light case from researcher Bill Chalker.

I have inserted the Dr. Bucher drawing (with my "stick woman" placed in the manner of how the witness actually reported she placed her hand in the strange horizontal non-divergent truncated beam of white light - not green, not vertical and not like a laser beam) which more accurately captures the reported events.

Roberto Banchs conducted a detailed retrospective investigation in the 1980s. I've examined the original investigations, the Galindez investigation in the 1970s and other data, as well as the Banchs investigation. I still feel the case is not fully explained and may well be a striking unexplained "solid light" event.


posted on Mar, 12 2015 @ 06:34 PM

originally posted by: karl 12

SOLID LIGHTS & the neglected UFO SCIENCE legacy

“Apart from many other cases I was also drawn towards a Chinese event I located that occurred in 1998 at a desert Air Force base, involving a Chinese Air Force F-6 pursuit. The possibly striking confirmation of Zhao Xu, who is described as a famous Chinese Defence expert in unmanned aircraft, as one of the various high level witnesses, who mentioned "Surprisingly these two light beams of light were not as we normally see light beams, as has been according to the distance and spread, but as two light-emitting entities, sticking out from the bottom of the UFO ending on a certain length.

Very similar 'solid light' report from Australia, February 28, 2015:

The witness described the object.

“It had yellow and orange lights around it shaped in a disc form. Then a beam of a light blue and white came down. Not all the way – just a little bit around 70-80cm from under the object off the ground, and it kept hovering.

Australian witness feared disc UFO’s beam of light

posted on Jun, 11 2015 @ 11:19 PM
Relevant case from Median, Ohio, 1975:

'Huge' disc-shaped circle of small lights, with beam of light shining down


UFO Case Directory - UFOs with Light Beams

posted on Jul, 5 2015 @ 06:45 PM
Solid 'sawn off' light beam UFO case from Becker, Minnesota in 2011 - taken from Professor Swords UFO files (link).

Becker, MN 2011. [cleaned-up version of the witness' own drawing above].

The Becker case proceeded thus: An older male witness saw an object hovering over the back of his neighbor's yard. It initially presented itself as two dark brown domes sandwiching an extremely bright central area. From each end of the object, beams [two] extended downwards. They were bright white and sawed off, stopping before reaching the ground. [thus "solid light" and why this is in the High Strangeness pile.]

Coming down along each beam came BOLs, also white. At a certain elevation, the BOLs left the beams and took off horizontally in opposite directions. As they left, one solid light beam switched off and the other remained. Approximately one minute later, the BOLs returned to the remaining beam, merged with one another, and ascended back into the craft. The remaining beam then just switched off.

A "flame" then projected from the bottom of the object and. although this is not said, the object moved away. No sound occurred during this performance, and no effects on the neighbor's grass were seen the next day..

Breaking Down the Un-filed Pile Looking for Strange Stuff

posted on Aug, 22 2015 @ 08:37 PM
Info from the Burkes Flat UFO case of April 4th, 1966 - also from the link possible solid light phenomena from the Michigan 'swamp gas' case a few weeks earlier.

Solid light and the Burkes Flat UFO of 1966

Initially, as he approached, Sullivan saw a white phosphorous type of light on the ground that appeared to be about 15' in diameter. It opened up and there was another white oval on top of it, about 30' in height, coming down making the shape of a cone, with a 15' bottom diameter and 20' top diameter. And in that cone were tubes of colored lights, all the lights as you see as you look through the spectrum, all the colors of the rainbow red, blue, indigo & purple. Travelling up and down, or they seem to be, from the small oval to the bigger oval at the top. They were going up and down in shafts. Then gradually the top seemed to come to meet the bottom, They seemed to close in, making a transition of one light oval, similar to first view, everything then just disappeared..

ATS Thread:

The Bourkes Flat UFO Case


And in looking at my notes about the Dexter/Frank Mannor 1966 Ann Arbor/Dexter sighting that shoved Allen Hynek into buffoonery with his “swamp gas” explanation, Mr. Mannor said the object he saw, “had a light coming out of the bottom” -- a light that looked like milk being “spilt” into the ground, except that it was a light, that reflected off the surrounding trees.


posted on May, 22 2016 @ 07:43 AM
a reply to: karl 12

Posting to save.
Very interesting topic and one which may help connect one or two things I'm looking into.


posted on May, 22 2016 @ 02:09 PM
a reply to: karl 12

From the Brazilian Colares UFO Flap case

"On May 24, 1978, the unbelievable happened on the sloping waterfront at Baía do Sol township. The night was dark, with no stars visible in the sky. At 2.00am as they were sitting in their car sheltering from the heavy rain, the Estado do Pará’s reporters were awakened by a powerful beam of light which - however unbelievable it may seem - passed through the metallic structure of the roof of the vehicle. Alarmed, they rapidly got out of the car. Then, when already a small distance from the car, they saw that a tube-shaped light beam, about ten inches in diameter, was coming down from above onto the roof of the car and passing through the metal paneling. All of this went on for about two minutes. When they started taking photographs, the craft, which was emitting the light beams and hanging silent and stationary in the air, at once lit up all the tree-tops all around."

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