I can understand the dude who says that you're paid what you're worth and that people should stop moaning etc. However, I think those days have gone.
I don't think people are paid what they're worth at all. I don't think nurses are paid what they're worth, I don't think teachers are paid what
they're worth, I don't think coppers are paid what they're worth, I don't think care workers are paid what they're worth, I don't think volunteers are
paid what they're worth. The thing is, this government, previous government, BOE and business leaders have all engineered it so that the rich get
richer and the poor get poorer.
I used to think and still partly do, that each person is responsibilie for his/her destiny. However, having worked and currently working in roles
that give me a real open look at how this country is I can say the following.
Honest average people are not going to make it.
Crime does pay.
Being foreigner pays.
Being a foreign criminal pays double.
With regards to public services in this country...
Every single one of them is getting worse and worse.
With all that in mind, with jobs being cut, with an ever increasing welfare bill, with a financial system based on printing money from nothing, do
you think the price for you is any different than the price of some unemployed guy who has never worked? We're all the same. If you're a British
worker on less than 50k a year, you're in this boat. If you're between 50k and 100k, you will be in this boat within five years. That's where this
country is going. Its ok saying get a job equal to that which you value yourself, but when you have a thousand applications for that one job that you
want, what's a guy/girl to do? When the guy next to you will work for pennies instead of pounds because he has social housing and several houses back
in his native land where minimum wage is a rich salary, what choice does a company have that's completely based on profit?
This whole situtation has been engineered so that in the end, there is us and them. A welfare system that pays standard money to just literally get
by and prop up standardised wages, while "they" live the lifestyle that will be that of dreams and we consist of a race of mindless zombies and
drones. This is the future of Britain, that and endless stretches of crime ridden towns and cities (outside of London).
It's not just in this country either, this is across the planet!
Have a nice day.
edit on 5-11-2012 by SecretFace because: (no reason given)