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Pakistani parents kill 15-year-old daughter for looking at two boys

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posted on Nov, 3 2012 @ 02:34 PM
I'm not sure I believe this.

Who the hell has acid?

posted on Nov, 3 2012 @ 02:39 PM
reply to post by SeekerofTruth101

So can you honestly tell me girls in these countries have equal rights as boys and been treated equally. Can you tell me they are not treated as a property and currency, when man can pay his gambling debts giving his daughter, or at the Afghanistan near Pakistan border where land is used to grow poppies farmers argue about the land use and village elders gathers and tell one side to pay the other one giving either money or daughters.

Now tell me both genders are equal. And this has everything to do with the honor killing, as long as they are not treated equal their human rights are violated. As long as there are parents who rather kill their daughters than face the shame of the community cos of ancient writings.

Yes they are not eduacated and its also a cultural issue, as many muslims say Koran is everything including law, economics, goverment all answers are in Koran. As long as these people are so blind sighted that they do not see two step forward there will be incidents like these sad unnecessary honor killings.

posted on Nov, 3 2012 @ 02:55 PM

posted on Nov, 3 2012 @ 04:50 PM
reply to post by kaylaluv

If Muslims can't agree on what true Islam is, who are you to decide what is true Islam?

I told you true Islam is Sharia Law, and not a one of them will deny this, no matter what their affiliation. I didn't decide anything, they did over a thousand years ago. All i can do is point out to people like you who don't know anything about Islam, what it is.

posted on Nov, 3 2012 @ 05:50 PM

Originally posted by lonewolf19792000
reply to post by kaylaluv

If Muslims can't agree on what true Islam is, who are you to decide what is true Islam?

I told you true Islam is Sharia Law, and not a one of them will deny this, no matter what their affiliation. I didn't decide anything, they did over a thousand years ago. All i can do is point out to people like you who don't know anything about Islam, what it is.

Obviously you didn't read any of my links. Please - educate yourself. Fundamentalist Muslims interpret Islamic law differently than other Muslims. You know, kind of how fundamentalist Christians interpret the Bible differently than other Christians... the Christians that I hang out with think that the Old Testament is A BUNCH OF CRAP, and they only follow the teachings of Christ. Only the fundamentalist Christians quote the Old Testament as if it meant anything.

I'm all for stamping out fundamentalist Muslims - just like I'm all for stamping out fundamentalist Christians. That doesn't mean I think all Christians are evil - nor do I think all Muslims are evil. Fundamentalism is the evil - no matter what the religion.
edit on 3-11-2012 by kaylaluv because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 3 2012 @ 06:13 PM
reply to post by TheMaverick

Isn't this just evolution at work?

posted on Nov, 3 2012 @ 06:28 PM
reply to post by kaylaluv

Fundamental christianity is not a bunch of crap. There's alot to learn from Israel's mistakes, like not to do the things they did. The OT is where we find prophecies of Christ, and who he truly is. Sounds like you talk to christians who don't bother to read their bibles and so they do not know anything and there are alot of them out there, a real christian wants to know these things, has a strong desire to know who their God is and to delve into the past to learn more about him. Jesus read and taught from those OT scriptures you call crap, so apparently they must have some relevance to him. Your so called "christian friends" only sh*t on what he taught by sneering and scoffing at it.

posted on Nov, 3 2012 @ 08:47 PM

Originally posted by lonewolf19792000
reply to post by kaylaluv

Fundamental christianity is not a bunch of crap. There's alot to learn from Israel's mistakes, like not to do the things they did. The OT is where we find prophecies of Christ, and who he truly is. Sounds like you talk to christians who don't bother to read their bibles and so they do not know anything and there are alot of them out there, a real christian wants to know these things, has a strong desire to know who their God is and to delve into the past to learn more about him. Jesus read and taught from those OT scriptures you call crap, so apparently they must have some relevance to him. Your so called "christian friends" only sh*t on what he taught by sneering and scoffing at it.

The Old Testament has nothing to do with God. It has to do with a backwards, violent culture. A culture of judgement and hate. A culture that believed women were property, that stoning was not only acceptable, it was required. Sound familiar? Oh yeah - sounds a lot like fundamental Muslims.

posted on Nov, 3 2012 @ 09:47 PM

Originally posted by TheMaverick
Pakistani parents kill 15-year-old daughter with acid over her suspected affair with a boy she looked at.

The young girl sister became suspicious after her parents refuse to shown their daughters face at her funeral, and alerted the police.

The parents confessed to killing their daughter because they believed she had brought shame to the family's honour...

Now this is what gets me mad, she dare look at 2 boys in the street, and you know it was just a glance, so her parents have to melt her face and let her die painfully to save there honour, but killing there own daughter like this is ok for the family honour...HOW do you get the head around this logic ?

Raja Tahir Ayub, another local police officer, told the BBC the girl's father was furious because he saw the girl 'looking at two boys' on a motorcycle.

Mr Ayub said: 'He took his daughter inside, beat her up and then poured acid over her with the help of his wife.'
The parents did not take the her to hospital until the next day and she died there.

Muhammad Jahangir, the head of the hospital in Kotli said the girl arrived with more than 35% burns.
'There was no way she could survive,' he explained.

The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan said that in 2011, at least
943 women were murdered, nine had their noses cut off, 98 were tortured, 47 set on fire and 38 attacked with acid.

So my question is, how do the liberal left at ATS defend this barbaric act and the peace loving muslims ?

edit on 2-11-2012 by TheMaverick because: (no reason given)

What the h... What was that asinine comment about "how do the liberal left..." I mean, we get it, you think all Muslims are evil people and the only True Christianity is the kind who "hate fags" and believe Neoconservatism is the lost boom of the Bible, but, while I am by no means a "liberal" myself, my observations have shown to me that extremist, fundamentalist, hateful behavior is much more predominant among those (like the parents of this girl would) who call themselves "Conservative."

That, in itself, is a misnomer, as most of those today who call themselves "Conservative" are anything but, nevertheless, for you to project such a thing onto "liberals" is just a further demonstration (than your racist assumptions about Muslims already was) of the mind-boggling level of ignorance you demonstrated in your post.

And lest you develop any crazed, limbaughian neocon fantasies about me, I'm a white, upper-middle-class, Christian male, but a real Christian, and a True American. I hope you are none of the above, or at least that I won't be lumped into the same ignorant group as you by others who are also juvenile enough to assign guilt based on race, religion, ethnicity, etc.

posted on Nov, 3 2012 @ 09:49 PM

Originally posted by TheMaverick
I be straight with you here, if any country in the world at this moment in time , needs to have its infrastructure dismantled and rebuilt by the west, its pakistan, for a start we need to take away these barbarian nuclear weapons.

No offense there Pal, but some Pakistani reading this already hates your guts
and wants you Dead.

As for you, don't hate the messenger , hate the world people like you created.

edit on 3-11-2012 by LostPassword because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 3 2012 @ 10:31 PM

Originally posted by TheMaverick
So my question is, how do the liberal left at ATS defend this barbaric act and the peace loving muslims ?

Probably the same way the conservative right would defend this.
with a bullet to the head of the father.

posted on Nov, 3 2012 @ 10:45 PM
Not only killing someone, but killing one's own progeny, for effectviely doing nothing, by pouring acid on their face, is not only barbarism of a medieval order, but it clearly demonstrates an ilk of people that must be eradicated from the face of the Earth, for the good of the planet.

With 7 billion people, harbouring those that clearly hold evolution back, is like letting a cancer fester: eventually, it will take us all over.
edit on 3-11-2012 by AnalProbed because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 3 2012 @ 11:45 PM
reply to post by TheMaverick

No one that I've ever seen, neither pro nor anti islamist agenda proponents have ever said these acts are acceptable in any way shape or form. I've not seen anyone say it's OK.

I've seen some people say "It's their world, leave them to it." and to an extent I agree. But no one chooses their birth place. Do we have any obligation as human beings to help fellow human beings who may have the poor fortune to be born into a land so full of ignorant hatred? Not the point of this thread I know.. still.

You're trying to start an argument with people who would justify islam when it's in fact islamic things they are justifying. They'll slide this away and file it under culturally backward criminals. Who don't represent islam.

Well that's all good, but so much smoke, so acrid and choking, suffocating and blinding... it's everywhere, but no one dare yell FIRE!!! for fear that someone will criticise their intent and create a bigot out of them.

It's that area of the world. So..

what does that leave us with?

We cannot criticise islam for things like this because, it is not defined as a part of islam to do such things. That islam has grown side by side with cultures that DO engage in such things, we're left with criticising the entire culture sans religious bent, because it's cultural. we're told.

So the entire region is backward. It's the only alternative. Either the religion is and by proxy guilty of such actions for it's continued cultural acceptance, or we consider the people themselves, incapable of understanding basic human mercy.

I give up, I don't know anymore. Well I do, but it's pointless voicing it. But there is a large shadowy cancer on this earth... and it has no fear of being seen in daylight.

posted on Nov, 4 2012 @ 12:29 AM
reply to post by TheMaverick

There is no way to defend this. This is what's wrong with the world today...this and a lot of other things.

What should happen to them? In my opinion, Death. You take a life on purpose that your life is taken in return. No motel 6 Prison for someone that murders a person in cold blood.

posted on Nov, 4 2012 @ 12:52 AM
After martial law is declared in the US, after the big pandemic induced die off, after the US military shows ordinary Americans who they are working for, after the labor movement and unions in the US are rolled back to the stone age, after American oligarchs enjoy the same unlimited wealth and privileges that Pakistani oligarchs do and after the average American family is reduced to impoverishment and there are no social services and the political marriage becomes the only method of social and economic advancement, Americans will be pouring acid on the faces of their daughters every time they look sideways at a pair of passing Levis.

posted on Nov, 4 2012 @ 12:54 AM
wow..Islam and Muslims are a disgrace to this world. this is unacceptable and truly poor girl, those brainwashed Muslims are so fked in the head and so brainwashed..

posted on Nov, 4 2012 @ 12:56 AM
If it was Italian parents...

They would have killed 2 boys for their daughter looking at them.

Just sayin'...

posted on Nov, 4 2012 @ 12:59 AM
This happens in India too among Hindus. As they say,"It's the economy stupid." In Brazil among the Catholics, you can murder your wife for having an affair and get away with it.

Sure there are cultural factors involved, but this is mostly about economic conditions.
edit on 4-11-2012 by ipsedixit because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 4 2012 @ 01:05 AM

Originally posted by ipsedixit
This happens in India too among Hindus. As they say,"It's the economy stupid." In Brazil among the Catholics, you can murder your wife for having an affair and get away with it.

Sure there are cultural factors involved, but this is mostly about economic conditions.
edit on 4-11-2012 by ipsedixit because: (no reason given)

Wait, I could murder my wife for her having an affair or for me having one?

This could almost be a win-win...

posted on Nov, 4 2012 @ 01:45 AM
TextTextText Bluereply to post by Osiris1953

It is not as simple as it looks in the News .If there is evil there must be good but often it does not exist .
Every entities have two faces for instance Evil , one is evolved by default and another is evolved by force .
We and I are not sure and aware of the nature and root of this incident at all . The Evil has been for centuries before Good .It is powerful and deceitful comparable to Good .Good have weaknesses and for which it dies .

The girl who was severely beaten and burnt with acid is due to root cause of the information they have been receiving and absorbing in their mindset for ages ,that West is bad news, symbol of infidel, and have lost their dignity. Actually it interprets as " West is God gifted , for which they violate human rights .They are proud of their beauty and brain. Due to their Selfish, Blackmailing, Oppressive, Cunning, Racist and Rude behaviour towards weak and ugly people like us, we do not get justice in their countries . "

If they deliver the message clear and out loud in the Media then their would be chances to understand one another .But some Media Kings and their players of course, they are lawyers ,human rights activists and media person, do not want anyone get rid of our problems to be solved because they want an information that brings profit in their capital ( MEC ) and the only way to bring profit to the Capital is to spice up with some fake chain of information supply . When One does not want the truth come outside ,so the Lies will flourish. It is true that her parents are so vicious that they killed her own daughter because of what they have learnt .
That is why , most of the Parents kill their children because he / she is very talented, gorgeous, tall and symbol of beauty like Western girls / boys and they do not deserve better than us . This is happened due to jealousy,poverty and inferiority complex because when they were young they did not get this sort of entertainment ,luxury and facilities. We all hold responsible for ignoring and rejecting one another for race transformation .

We are ready to promote Pornography and sex industry but for what reason other than solo sex satisfaction ?
Poor and broke guys can not even able to afford a wife or girl friend who could be nice and stay strait laced life .
You know the rest of the people do not love broke and poor people by heart .
All I am saying has nothing to do but very much deeply related and everyone has unaware of it because they have never seen crime, discrimination, injustice, racism ,and poverty this close .

That is why , The King Makers have never got us united in one platform otherwise we will be threat for them .
We are nothing but just working ants and slaves. All the problems or crimes start with any cause & all causes have roots. Though , God have created us with blood ,not with fire. Parents like this must be punished same .

Kapish !

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