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Abortion - Free Will and Responsibility of Women, NOT Mankind

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posted on Nov, 9 2012 @ 03:22 PM
reply to post by Annee

Do you place the value of parasites equally to that of humans? Is there a limit to how many children you'd allow to die before giving them a chance in life?
Do you feel it equally "responsible" to shed the world of unhealthy old people?
That would certainly give the LIVING CHILDREN (not yet born AND already born) a far greater chance in life

posted on Nov, 9 2012 @ 03:26 PM

Rape victims who made a choice.
edit on 9-11-2012 by GideonFaith because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 9 2012 @ 03:34 PM

Originally posted by Annee

Originally posted by sweetliberty
Snuffing someones life is not being responsible or an act of unselfishness.
This is not simply the free will of women only. That in its self is ignorant and selfish.

Removing a parasite is not snuffing out someone.

And YES! Responsible procreation on an overpopulated planet - - - is responsible and unselfish.

And abortion is included in responsible procreation.

Until every LIVING CHILD is cared for - - - I have no interest in the self-righteous Pro-Lifers. They are doing more harm then good.

I thought we already discussed this earlier. About the planet be overpopulated. Saying an unborn baby is a parasite is just sick IMHO. You told me earlier that LIVING CHILDREN WERE GARBAGE! So, the way to take care of them is the same way an unborn baby is aborted, just throw them out with the trash. That explains a lot to me about you.

posted on Nov, 9 2012 @ 03:35 PM

Originally posted by Annee

Originally posted by Dr Expired

But the question always should be would you have wanted your mother to have terminated you.

To me this is the dumbest argument ever.

If I didn't exist - - I wouldn't care - - because I wouldn't know.

[B]And No - - it doesn't bother me at all. [/B]

*Bolding mine
Your contempt in allowing life to florish is and has been evident. May I ask, do you have a limit to this hardcore stance?

posted on Nov, 9 2012 @ 03:37 PM
reply to post by GideonFaith

Cloning has nothing to do with abortions.

Then why bring up the broad question of whether you can produce human beings out of semen, hair, or other forms of DNA? We're not debating the topic of cloning here, but you posed a question and I answered it for you. It's possible.

There is a HUGE difference in living in poverty and neglect or being put in the garbage (aborted).

To me being a pro-lifer is all the same. If you believe we should value the life of a human being right from conception up to old age, you believe in providing the same amount of effort and support for life across the board. People like you focus only on what American women do with their bodies while they are pregnant, and once that baby is out, you couldn't give a damn, it's no longer your problem. This is hypocrisy at it's finest from the pro-life movement.

Are you actually doing something to convince and support those mothers through motherhood? Instead of insulting them in their choices and lecturing them your personal morals and ethics? You're no different from the preacher down the street telling everybody they'll burn in hell if they don't repent, you're not helping anybody, you're not changing anything, you're just pushing your own personal social agenda and you expect everybody to magically listen to you. I'm interested in providing support to single mothers and pregnant women, I'm not interested in controlling them against their will.

Birth control is available in county health departments, even in our school systems for free. Yes, birth control could stop 99% of unwanted pregnancies. Abstinence would stop 100%.

Yes, birth control could stop 99% of unwanted pregnancies, abstinence could stop 100% of unwanted pregnancies. 99% of the country could have voted for Romney, 99% of us could just all stop driving cars one day. 99% of us could simply stop watching TV, 99% of us could start giving to charity, 99% of us could stop drinking. These things are possible, but they are not probable, and they are outside of the reality of our society today. Real world problems require real world solutions.

We could all choose to live in a world of gum drops and carebears, but this isn't the world we really live in . In the end abortion will always be an option to some, you're never going to completely get rid of it sorry.

Are we going to solve the crime crises in Chicago by simply telling those drug dealers to "get a job"? Or is the issue more complex than this and it requires an actual solution? The question then extends to why any of these women should listen to you? They don't know you and it's ultimately their bodies in the end, not yours.

posted on Nov, 9 2012 @ 03:38 PM

Originally posted by sweetliberty
reply to post by Annee

Do you place the value of parasites equally to that of humans? Is there a limit to how many children you'd allow to die before giving them a chance in life?
Do you feel it equally "responsible" to shed the world of unhealthy old people?
That would certainly give the LIVING CHILDREN (not yet born AND already born) a far greater chance in life

You may not like calling it a parasite - - but that is what it is.

A parasite is not a child. Thousands of LIVING CHILDREN are dying everyday. You should go look up the statistics.

I do not support the life of the elderly extended by artificial means such as life support. I am 66. I have a no life support - - do not resuscitate form on file.

posted on Nov, 9 2012 @ 03:40 PM

Originally posted by sweetliberty

Originally posted by Annee

Originally posted by Dr Expired

But the question always should be would you have wanted your mother to have terminated you.

To me this is the dumbest argument ever.

If I didn't exist - - I wouldn't care - - because I wouldn't know.

[B]And No - - it doesn't bother me at all. [/B]

*Bolding mine
Your contempt in allowing life to florish is and has been evident. May I ask, do you have a limit to this hardcore stance?

Your contempt of allowing overpopulation to the extent there is not enough resources.

My hardcore stance is - - take care of LIVING CHILDREN.

edit on 9-11-2012 by Annee because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 9 2012 @ 03:43 PM

Originally posted by GideonFaith

Originally posted by Annee

Originally posted by sweetliberty
Snuffing someones life is not being responsible or an act of unselfishness.
This is not simply the free will of women only. That in its self is ignorant and selfish.

Removing a parasite is not snuffing out someone.

And YES! Responsible procreation on an overpopulated planet - - - is responsible and unselfish.

And abortion is included in responsible procreation.

Until every LIVING CHILD is cared for - - - I have no interest in the self-righteous Pro-Lifers. They are doing more harm then good.

I thought we already discussed this earlier. About the planet be overpopulated. Saying an unborn baby is a parasite is just sick IMHO. You told me earlier that LIVING CHILDREN WERE GARBAGE! So, the way to take care of them is the same way an unborn baby is aborted, just throw them out with the trash. That explains a lot to me about you.

A parasite is something that exists by living off its host. Deal with it.

I did not discuss overpopulation with you.

posted on Nov, 9 2012 @ 04:03 PM
reply to post by Annee

The child IS living at the moment of, growing and thriving. This subject is more than the responsibility of women only. There is always another person involved in creating a child. As it stands, men/dads, have no voice...just as the children have no voice.
As for the unhealthy elders (parasites not on ventilators), should they be erased, killed as well?
Who should determine their demise? Women?, Mankind?

Life is precious. Where is your hard-limit pertaining to killing children?

posted on Nov, 9 2012 @ 04:04 PM
reply to post by SaturnFX

As there are many human body's of various ages walking around with no discernible brain activity does that mean that in the future post birth abortions will be legal?

Can I become in charge of those huh? huh? lol

posted on Nov, 9 2012 @ 04:07 PM

Originally posted by Annee

Sorry - - no way do I believe you or anyone else was born with a primal instinct against abortion. Its an influence of society.

Are any of your grandchildren between the ages of let's say 5-8? If so, I would like you to go explain to that child what abortion is in the most pleasant, sugar-coated, shock-free terms you can possibly come up with. It doesn't matter if its a girl or a boy.

Then I'd like you to come back here and tell me again that there is no primal instinct against abortion.

posted on Nov, 9 2012 @ 04:09 PM
reply to post by sweetliberty

That is your belief.

A woman is NOT an vessel, who is obligated is to become an incubator for potential children that they don't want. We can override all kinds of biological systems these days.

Biology is not God.

posted on Nov, 9 2012 @ 04:10 PM

Originally posted by Southern Guardian

Originally posted by Quadrivium
Wrong SG, It would be correct to say that it is YOUR belief

It's not my belief. There's no consensus in the scientific community that fertilized eggs are human beings:

One thing you’ll notice is the frantic attempt to qualify everything by inserting the qualifier “human” before every mention of the word “life”, to the point where they are even adding it when quoting me! Alas, it doesn’t help them at all. I’m also confident that the freshly fertilized zygote is not human, either. There’s more to being human than bearing a cell with the right collection of genes.

a blog? Really? How do you expect anyone to take you seriously? Try again, PLEASE.

Why don't you stop lying about your position everytime you are being called out on it. Either you believe fertilized eggs are human beings or you don't, and if you believe they are human beings too, then you believe the same rights should be afforded. It's either one or the other so if I'm supposedly "putting words" in your mouth, why don't you reassess what you're actually arguing.

For the third time SG, You know nothing about me. Therefore you ARE putting words in my mouth.
My position, you ask, Again Really???
When a woman has an abortion it removes human life.

Furthermore, that life is unquestionably human. A human being is a member of the species homo sapiens. Human beings are products of conception, which is when a human male sperm unites with a human female oocyte (egg). When humans procreate, they don't make non-humans like slugs, monkeys, cactuses, bacteria, or any such thing. Emperically-verifiable proof is as close as your nearest abortion clinic: send a sample of an aborted fetus to a laboratory and have them test the DNA to see if its human or not. Genetically, a new human being comes into existence from the earliest moment of conception.
Please note that this is not from a BLOG.
edit on 9-11-2012 by Quadrivium because: link not working

posted on Nov, 9 2012 @ 04:14 PM
reply to post by Bone75

If rape is cause by primal instinct, so is the desire to abort.

Force is naturally meet with rejection. That's why it's forced!

posted on Nov, 9 2012 @ 04:18 PM

Originally posted by Southern Guardian
reply to post by GideonFaith

Cloning has nothing to do with abortions.

Then why bring up the broad question of whether you can produce human beings out of semen, hair, or other forms of DNA? We're not debating the topic of cloning here, but you posed a question and I answered it for you. It's possible.

There is a HUGE difference in living in poverty and neglect or being put in the garbage (aborted).

To me being a pro-lifer is all the same. If you believe we should value the life of a human being right from conception up to old age, you believe in providing the same amount of effort and support for life across the board. People like you focus only on what American women do with their bodies while they are pregnant, and once that baby is out, you couldn't give a damn, it's no longer your problem. This is hypocrisy at it's finest from the pro-life movement.

Are you actually doing something to convince and support those mothers through motherhood? Instead of insulting them in their choices and lecturing them your personal morals and ethics? You're no different from the preacher down the street telling everybody they'll burn in hell if they don't repent, you're not helping anybody, you're not changing anything, you're just pushing your own personal social agenda and you expect everybody to magically listen to you. I'm interested in providing support to single mothers and pregnant women, I'm not interested in controlling them against their will.

Birth control is available in county health departments, even in our school systems for free. Yes, birth control could stop 99% of unwanted pregnancies. Abstinence would stop 100%.

Yes, birth control could stop 99% of unwanted pregnancies, abstinence could stop 100% of unwanted pregnancies. 99% of the country could have voted for Romney, 99% of us could just all stop driving cars one day. 99% of us could simply stop watching TV, 99% of us could start giving to charity, 99% of us could stop drinking. These things are possible, but they are not probable, and they are outside of the reality of our society today. Real world problems require real world solutions.

We could all choose to live in a world of gum drops and carebears, but this isn't the world we really live in . In the end abortion will always be an option to some, you're never going to completely get rid of it sorry.

Are we going to solve the crime crises in Chicago by simply telling those drug dealers to "get a job"? Or is the issue more complex than this and it requires an actual solution? The question then extends to why any of these women should listen to you? They don't know you and it's ultimately their bodies in the end, not yours.

If you can remember anything, you brought up the subject of semen, hair and cloning, not me!! Get your facts straight! I just asked a question! Next, you don't know me or really any of my beliefs outside of abortion!! So, get your facts straight on that while you are at it! I didn't tell any woman on here to abort or to keep her baby. I was just stating how I felt about abortion. You bring up many different topics that have nothing to do with abortion. I'm sure most people are confused by your logics. IMHO you act like your a saint, but I sure see different in your posting. Have a great life.

posted on Nov, 9 2012 @ 04:26 PM

Originally posted by Annee

Originally posted by GideonFaith

Originally posted by Annee

Originally posted by sweetliberty
Snuffing someones life is not being responsible or an act of unselfishness.
This is not simply the free will of women only. That in its self is ignorant and selfish.

Removing a parasite is not snuffing out someone.

And YES! Responsible procreation on an overpopulated planet - - - is responsible and unselfish.

And abortion is included in responsible procreation.

Until every LIVING CHILD is cared for - - - I have no interest in the self-righteous Pro-Lifers. They are doing more harm then good.

I thought we already discussed this earlier. About the planet be overpopulated. Saying an unborn baby is a parasite is just sick IMHO. You told me earlier that LIVING CHILDREN WERE GARBAGE! So, the way to take care of them is the same way an unborn baby is aborted, just throw them out with the trash. That explains a lot to me about you.

A parasite is something that exists by living off its host. Deal with it.

I did not discuss overpopulation with you.

Yes, we did discuss overpopulation. Here is a refresher for you below. I know I never seen any of my children as a parasite and myself as their host. I see it as my babies and their mother. I don't think I will ever be able to even imagine how you think, scary IMHO.

I already explained to you why we exist. I still have no clue what cancer has to do with a living human?!?! There is enough cancer and other diseases that keep the population down, even the GMO is working hard on keeping population down. Abortion doesn't need to be the answer for population reduction!! YOU want to talk about GARBAGE? That is what is happening to all the aborted babies in America now. Being thrown away like garbage. You just posted that LIVING CHILDREN ARE GARBAGE!!!! Seriously??? There are children who are abandoned (aborted babies included), abused (aborted babies included) and uncared (once again, aborted babies included), but if you ask them, I am sure they would rather be alive, then aborted. I don't think they would think of themselves as garbage either!!

posted on Nov, 9 2012 @ 04:34 PM

Originally posted by Jerk_Idiot
reply to post by SaturnFX

As there are many human body's of various ages walking around with no discernible brain activity does that mean that in the future post birth abortions will be legal?

Can I become in charge of those huh? huh? lol

Get in line, I get first shots at the zombies!

posted on Nov, 9 2012 @ 04:35 PM

Originally posted by windword
reply to post by sweetliberty

That is your belief.

A woman is NOT an vessel, who is obligated is to become an incubator for potential children that they don't want. We can override all kinds of biological systems these days.

Biology is not God.

What?? That makes absolutely no sense.
Can a man carry a baby? NO
It is one of the roles of women to carry children. If not. then a man could do it.
Sorry windword, that is just a fact of life, if any one can not accept this they can have a hysterectomy......problem solved.

posted on Nov, 9 2012 @ 04:39 PM
reply to post by windword

So you're validating my point, and switching the subject...

why does that not surprise me?

posted on Nov, 9 2012 @ 04:56 PM

Originally posted by windword
reply to post by sweetliberty

That is your belief.

A woman is NOT an vessel, who is obligated is to become an incubator for potential children that they don't want. We can override all kinds of biological systems these days.

Biology is not God.

Women who are so selfish and so single-minded that they kill the weak and innocent, again and again, are living graveyards.
Imo, most women aren't as ignorant, selfish and irresponsible as this thread and its title portrays them to be. Just the hardcore women who can't see past their hate.

edit on 9-11-2012 by sweetliberty because: clarify

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