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if you vote for Obama or Romney you're an idiot

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posted on Oct, 29 2012 @ 04:26 PM

Originally posted by beezzer

Originally posted by NewAgeMan
reply to post by Dishonored

At this stage of the game I'd vote for Obama just to vote against Romney and the Bush Jr. crazy war criminals like Condi Rice and the billionaire crony-captialists that come packaged with him.

Um, you did know Condi endorsed Obama, didn't you?

Just an FYI.

Also a kudos for being a fellow "idiot" although this "idiot" will be voting for Romney.

She was sitting beside Romney during the GOP Convention so I hardly think that she's endorsed Obama.

You're voting for Romney - do you have any idea what that entails and comes with? You gotta be more than just an idiot, you must be one crazed rabbit!

edit on 29-10-2012 by NewAgeMan because: typo

posted on Oct, 29 2012 @ 04:26 PM

Originally posted by Tw0Sides

Originally posted by MotherMayEye
Guess you think I am psychic, too.
Um , no.

Not even close.

My point was that I had already stated I was not voting, at all.

Yet, I am being honest when I say all the racebaiting tempts me to cast a vote for Romney.

If it helps you cope to believe I wrote that I was not voting in anticipation that the racebaiting would begin on the following page, and then I could whip out a phony threat that I was going to vote for someone I already planned on voting for, then go ahead and self-soothe.

Racebaiters do nothing to bridge the divide, they just fan the flames.

posted on Oct, 29 2012 @ 04:26 PM
Law #31 of the 48 Laws of Power...

Control the options: Get others to play with the cards you deal.

The best deceptions are the ones that seem to give the other person a choice: Your victims feel they are in control, but are actually your puppets. Give people options that come out in your favor whichever one they choose. Force them to make choices between the lesser of two evils, both of which serve your purpose. Put them on the horns of a dilemma: They are gored wherever they turn.

The 48 Laws of Power

You're absolutely correct, anyone who votes for Romney or Obama is an idiot. Writing in Ron Paul's name is pointless too because the man doesn't even want to be president. I'd say our best bet is Gary Johnson, but good luck convincing others of this unless you're CEO of a major media outlet.
edit on 29-10-2012 by Bone75 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 29 2012 @ 04:29 PM

Originally posted by Monger
reply to post by MotherMayEye

I've made it abundantly clear in this thread and others that I am no Obama supporter. But I speak truth to racism when I see it. I don't think for a second that everybody which opposes Obama is a racist.

There are millions of legitimate reasons to hate ol Barry, but the colour of his skin ain't one of them.

But to sit there and deny that for a large number of people, his blackness is a source of ire is laughable.

I speak truth to racism when I see it, too. And people who exploit racism for partisan purposes are racists.

It's just a fact.

posted on Oct, 29 2012 @ 04:29 PM
reply to post by MotherMayEye

Except for the small part where they clearly don't. Just who am I trying to intimidate? When did pointing out that racism still exists and is still a problem become a bad thing? You're assuming an awful lot about me from just a couple posts.

posted on Oct, 29 2012 @ 04:31 PM
reply to post by MotherMayEye

Nor am I partisan. Christ, man, get a grip.

posted on Oct, 29 2012 @ 04:32 PM

Originally posted by MotherMayEye
Racebaiters do nothing to bridge the divide, they just fan the flames.
Ive tried to play nice, and I have bit my toungue.
Because THIS is the POINT you THINK you are making.

Obama is a RaceBaiter because if he wasnt Black, there would be no Racial Slurs used Against Him.

Therefore Obama Supporters are Racebaiters for Electing a Black Man.

Please dont respond, I get more Intelligent replies in a Birther Thread.

posted on Oct, 29 2012 @ 04:37 PM

Originally posted by gladtobehere
reply to post by Dishonored

I was with you on the title.

Then you lost me with this:

Originally posted by DishonoredA vote for Gary Johnson or writing in Ron Paul is a vote for the 2 party dictatorship.

How is voting for Ron Paul or Gary Johnson a vote for the 2 Party dictatorship? We NEED people to vote for ANYONE but Obamney so the media can no longer tell us that a 3rd Party isnt viable.

Im voting for Ron Paul but even if you dont, GET OUT THERE AND VOTE for ANYONE BUT Obamney.

Its time Americans realize that a 3rd Party is viable despite what the media wants us to think.

edit on 29-10-2012 by gladtobehere because: (no reason given)

To be honest, at this point, a vote for Johnson or Paul IS just a wasted vote... that's why I said it's still a vote for the 2 party dictatorship. There was a time when a vote for Paul was a good thing (especially when he was leading prior to being screwed out of the states he won), but now, I fear, it's just a vote for Obama.

posted on Oct, 29 2012 @ 04:38 PM

Originally posted by Monger
reply to post by MotherMayEye

Except for the small part where they clearly don't. Just who am I trying to intimidate? When did pointing out that racism still exists and is still a problem become a bad thing? You're assuming an awful lot about me from just a couple posts.

You folded the Tea Party and Republicans into your comment to anger and insult people. I seem to recall Obama supporters infiltrating some Tea Party protests to pose as racist members and discredit them. I have read that Obama-supporters infiltrated the racist website you mentioned and another one posing as racist birthers, as well.

I am not convinced Republicans and Tea Partiers are any more loathsome or racist than Obama supporters. No need to single any group out, IMO.

Everyone has plenty to work on when it comes to tolerance and zero room to point their fingers.

posted on Oct, 29 2012 @ 04:40 PM

Originally posted by Dishonored
To be honest, at this point, a vote for Johnson or Paul IS just a wasted vote...

Not in Florida where it could tip the scales by 1% enough to swing the state in one direction or the other.

posted on Oct, 29 2012 @ 04:42 PM

Originally posted by Tw0Sides

Originally posted by MotherMayEye
Racebaiters do nothing to bridge the divide, they just fan the flames.
Ive tried to play nice, and I have bit my toungue.
Because THIS is the POINT you THINK you are making.

Obama is a RaceBaiter because if he wasnt Black, there would be no Racial Slurs used Against Him.

Therefore Obama Supporters are Racebaiters for Electing a Black Man.

Please dont respond, I get more Intelligent replies in a Birther Thread.

I didn't call Obama a racebaiter, you put those words in my mouth. Last I checked, Obama didn't post any comments on ATS in the last few pages.

People who can't debate like to cut off the communication entirely so they don't have to tax their little brains trying to think. Fine by me if you don't want to hear anything that rocks your little world. Good luck with that.

posted on Oct, 29 2012 @ 04:47 PM

Originally posted by seabag
reply to post by lapi7

Hey may want to pay particularly close attention to this.

I believe that this sums it up about as perfectly as possible.


Ya ya ya ya….they’ve been posted 600 times.

So I’ll ask you the same question as I asked the OP - how is sitting on your duff working out for you? Do you think if you and the Carlin’s of the country sit out this election somehow that’s going to teach TPTB a lesson?

You can’t win a war from your couch, General Do Nothing!

Ok Sea, I'll bite. What would you suggest to teach TPTB a lesson? How's your voting for two puppets working out for you? Oh, yeah, that'll show 'em who's in charge! Bread and circuses, indeed.

posted on Oct, 29 2012 @ 04:47 PM

Originally posted by Monger
reply to post by MotherMayEye

Nor am I partisan. Christ, man, get a grip.

Just because you are not FOR a certain party, it doesn't mean you aren't very much against one.

I could be wrong and if I am, I am sorry, but you did single out two conservative parties for racism. Face it, we all could learn to be more tolerant...and not just concerning race.

The more people point the finger at others, the less work they believe they need to do to bridge the divide. Speaking the truth about racism by pointing your finger at others is really not doing anything but fanning the flames.

posted on Oct, 29 2012 @ 04:48 PM
reply to post by seabag

No, but the idea here is stop playing their game. I choose not to partake because it is an illusion of choice and the more you go along with something that you don't agree with, the more you give "them" permission to continue doing it. I look at both candidates and I see the same person: more war, more restrictions on the 2nd amendment, more restrictions on speech and more restrictions on you and I as sovereign citizens. More surveillance, more TSA, more Patriot Act and NDAA. Absolutely none of the issues that I feel are important to a free nation are even being discussed, so what's the point in voting for either? Call it placing my head in the sand all you want, but the fact remains: we have no choice.

posted on Oct, 29 2012 @ 04:49 PM

Originally posted by Dishonored

To be honest, at this point, a vote for Johnson or Paul IS just a wasted vote... that's why I said it's still a vote for the 2 party dictatorship. There was a time when a vote for Paul was a good thing (especially when he was leading prior to being screwed out of the states he won), but now, I fear, it's just a vote for Obama.

Although I agree that no one should vote for Obama or Romney, I don't understand the logic in not voting at all. How does voting for Gary Johnson equate to a vote for Obama, when otherwise, I wouldn't vote at all?

posted on Oct, 29 2012 @ 04:50 PM

Originally posted by Monger
reply to post by MotherMayEye

I'm hardly a race-baiter. You cannot deny that racism hasn't played a part. I dislike Obama as much as most, but seriously, come on. There's ample evidence to suggest that many on the far-right hate him chiefly because he's a black man. Your deluding yourself if you think otherwise.

People who deny that it happens must have an agenda because I have seen it and I have heard it.

BTW after reading through the posts you are in no way race baiting. You spoke the truth and now they are mad.

Seriously I don’t understand that mentality it’s almost like if it isn’t acknowledged people think it will cease to exist.
It is out there it happens ignoring that it exists will not make it less real.
It’s almost like people are trying to work some kind of reverse psychology.

This is all I have to say on the matter otherwise I will be accused of something.

posted on Oct, 29 2012 @ 04:53 PM
reply to post by Dishonored


What about important measures that are on the ballot???

Stay home is the wrong answer!

At the very lest you should say abstain from the Presidential vote but vote for the measures!
edit on 10/29/2012 by TheTimeIsNow because: correction

posted on Oct, 29 2012 @ 04:55 PM

Originally posted by Grimpachi

Originally posted by Monger
reply to post by MotherMayEye

I'm hardly a race-baiter. You cannot deny that racism hasn't played a part. I dislike Obama as much as most, but seriously, come on. There's ample evidence to suggest that many on the far-right hate him chiefly because he's a black man. Your deluding yourself if you think otherwise.

People who deny that it happens must have an agenda because I have seen it and I have heard it.

BTW after reading through the posts you are in no way race baiting. You spoke the truth and now they are mad.

Seriously I don’t understand that mentality it’s almost like if it isn’t acknowledged people think it will cease to exist.
It is out there it happens ignoring that it exists will not make it less real.
It’s almost like people are trying to work some kind of reverse psychology.

This is all I have to say on the matter otherwise I will be accused of something.

Oh, I don't deny it. I am just saying that finger-pointing racebaiters deny they harbor racism, themselves, because they are too busy patting themselves on the back for voting for Obama and pointing out the racism in others.

I am saying that racism isn't relegated to the right. Not by miles.

posted on Oct, 29 2012 @ 04:58 PM
The only way a voter is heard is when they vote. You don’t like the two party system fine then vote 3rd party. The side that loses the election is going to take notice of those who voted 3rd party. Why because with your votes they could have won. They will take notice and align themselves more to you the next go around.

Is the system perfect? Hell no but it is the one we have if you don’t like it I can tell you this much if you sit on your arse and do nothing that is exactly what you should expect to change. Nothing.

posted on Oct, 29 2012 @ 05:01 PM

Originally posted by Grimpachi
The only way a voter is heard is when they vote. You don’t like the two party system fine then vote 3rd party. The side that loses the election is going to take notice of those who voted 3rd party. Why because with your votes they could have won. They will take notice and align themselves more to you the next go around.

Is the system perfect? Hell no but it is the one we have if you don’t like it I can tell you this much if you sit on your arse and do nothing that is exactly what you should expect to change. Nothing.

I have been on the losing end of fixed elections and caucuses for 12 years. I don't want to give them my vote to defile anymore.

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