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Let's count the crazies in the far I have 20.

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posted on Oct, 10 2012 @ 12:20 AM
For too long Americans, ignorant of history, have bought into this liberal libel, and Republicans, to their everlasting shame; have been relatively spineless in combating these nefarious lies. Republicans hold the moral high ground here. Democrats on the other hand, taking a break from their absolute fealty to the false doctrine of separation of church and state, run to the black churches just before every election to plant fear into their hearts of Republicans dragging them back to the days of slavery. On the bright side, as hypocritical as it is, every minute Democrats spend in a black church is a minute they are not shoveling hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars into the pockets of Planned Parenthood, funding the slaughter of millions of unborn black children.
The hypocrisy truly is stunning. Democrats pretend to be the protectorate for poor blacks who would otherwise become victims from the scheming, evil, white Republicans. They usurp the mantel of the civil rights movement, when the truth is nothing close. The Prevaricator-in-Chief, His Royal Lie-ness Barack Obama, famously claimed that his very conception was a result of the love affair between his father and mother during the civil rights march on Selma, Alabama in 1965. The problem? Obama was born in 1961, four years before that historic event. You know who DID join a civil rights march? That would be Mitt Romney’s father, Governor George Romney, who led a procession of 10,000 marchers in Detroit two days after Bloody Sunday in a show of solidarity with Martin Luther King, Jr. and the marchers at Selma.

For a list of prominent politicians NOT supportive of civil rights for black Americans, look no further than the Democrat Party. The most vocal opponents of the Civil Rights Act were all Democrats, including Albert Gore, Sr., father of former Vice President and 2000 Democrat presidential nominee Al Gore, and the Methuselah of the Senate, former Senate Majority Leader Robert Byrd, former “Kleagle” and “Grand Cyclops” of the Ku Klux Klan, who personally spoke for an astonishing fourteen hours straight in the Senate in an attempt to block passage of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. This was the same Robert Byrd that called MLK a “troublemaker” and a “coward,” and the same Byrd who vociferously opposed integrating the military, proclaiming he would “…rather die a thousand times and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt, never to rise again, than see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen of the wilds…”

It was Democrat Alabama Governor George Wallace who said in his inaugural speech, “I draw the line in the dust and toss the gauntlet before the feet of tyranny, and I say segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever!” He would attempt to keep his promise by physically blocking the desegregation of Alabama schools. He would later run for president on the American Independent Party ticket, seeing as how the racist Democrat Party was still not quite racist enough for him.

And what about the KKK? Is it fair to tie the racist Klan to the Democrat Party? Why yes, yes it is. As historian Bruce Bartlett reveals, during an 1872 Congressional investigation, Democrats admitted to forming the Ku Klux Klan as a way to stop the growth of the Republican Party. He continues, “As PBS’s ‘American Experience’ notes, ‘In outright defiance of the Republican-led federal government, Southern Democrats formed organizations that violently intimidated blacks and Republicans who tried to win political power. The most prominent of these, the Ku Klux Klan, was formed in Pulaski, Tennessee, in 1865.”

It is literally impossible to cover all of the racist history of the Democrat Party in this confined space, but even a cursory review tells the story. Jim Crow laws? Passed by Democrats. Harry Truman, member of the Kansas City chapter of the KKK? Democrat. Fugitive slave laws which returned runaway slaves to their owners? Democrats. 1856 Supreme Court decision in the Dred Scott case, legally defining blacks as the property of their masters? A 7-2 decision, written by Chief Justice Roger Taney, a Democrat, with every concurring vote cast by a Democrat. The two opposing? One Republican and one Whig (a portion of which party had split to form the Republican Party). Passage of the Kansas-Nebraska Act, which repealed the slavery-limiting Missouri Compromise? That would be, you guessed it, Democrats.

Now, to be fair, the extensive proof of deeply-held racism by the Democrat Party is not de facto proof that the Republican Party is not itself full of racists. So once again, let’s take a look at the facts:

The Republican Party was formed in 1854 for the specific purpose of ending slavery. Less than a decade later, the first Republican president, Abraham Lincoln, would issue the Emancipation Proclamation, freeing the slaves in the Southern states,

posted on Oct, 10 2012 @ 12:21 AM
reply to post by rgzing

Now, to be fair, the extensive proof of deeply-held racism by the Democrat Party is not de facto proof that the Republican Party is not itself full of racists. So once again, let’s take a look at the facts:

The Republican Party was formed in 1854 for the specific purpose of ending slavery. Less than a decade later, the first Republican president, Abraham Lincoln, would issue the Emancipation Proclamation, freeing the slaves in the Southern states, and see the blood of hundreds of thousands shed to insure that victory. In 1865, the 13th Amendment formally and legally freeing the slaves was passed with every Republican in the House and Senate voting in favor, but only 19 Democrats supporting it (less than one quarter). It was Republicans, against vicious Democrat opposition, that passed the 14th Amendment (establishing citizenship for former black slaves), and the 15th Amendment (granting blacks the right to vote). It was Republicans who first passed Civil Rights Acts (in 1866 and in 1875), which would be rescinded by Democrats with the passage of the Repeal Act of 1894. A little over half a century later, it would be Republicans that would push through the Civil Rights Acts again, with 80% of Republicans voting for the 1964 law compared to only 64% of Democrats.

Disingenuous Democrats unbelievably claim the racists in the Democrat Party fled to the Republican Party in recent years, but that doesn’t come close to passing the smell test. For one, why would racist Democrats flee to the party that formed to end slavery, and which had only recently voted in overwhelming numbers to pass laws protecting blacks from this very racist ideology? Why would they flee to the party that is trying to end the holocaust of abortion, which kills off about half of all black babies? Why flee to the party that fights for educational choice so that poor blacks aren’t forced to send their kids to failing schools?

Notoriously corrupt Obama Attorney General Eric Holder famously claimed that America is a “nation of cowards” when it comes to talking about race. To that I’d simply reply, “Whenever you’re ready, dear.”

Credit for the above information: Louis DeBroux and JEFFREY LORD

posted on Oct, 10 2012 @ 12:26 AM
reply to post by newcovenant

Both parties have been infected by the progressive mindset. It is a disease of the mind and the poor fools who have it I feel sorry for.

I have a better idea lets count the number of crazy ATS members who try to sway one way or the other.
I wonder if you would fit into that box OP.

Truth be told if we cured the disease that is listed above the world would return to a better state. Freedom could take hold again. Progressives love one thing and that is complete control. Thankfully for them the poor simple minded sheep continue to argue over who is worse and the what is the lesser of two evils.

The walls of circuit boards have deprived us of what the truth even looks like.

posted on Oct, 10 2012 @ 01:01 AM
reply to post by newcovenant

Gotta say I 100% agree with your post. The saddest part isnt how corrupt, selfish, and manipulative these republicans are. Its the fact that countless ignorant americans do as theyre told and buy into the b.s. these so called leaders spew forth. If you were to write down the beliefs and policies of these people in a paper and not name who said it or what party they were involved with, people would label them dangerous psychotics that need to be deported. But, you say theyre republican and pathetic people agree with them because of their party allignment. Its absolutely tragic that people agree with any of these lunatics. Just goes to show how truly brainwashed so many americans are.

posted on Oct, 10 2012 @ 01:06 AM

Originally posted by SubTruth
reply to post by newcovenant

Both parties have been infected by the progressive mindset. It is a disease of the mind and the poor fools who have it I feel sorry for.

Sorry buddy, but being opposed to science is not a manifestation of progressivism.

posted on Oct, 10 2012 @ 01:29 AM
reply to post by rgzing

Wow, its hilarious that you bring up points that are 50 and over 100 years old. Not relevant today at all. Unless people lived to be 200 years old. Maybe if you came up with some current facts people could agree with you. America has completely changed in the last 50 years sir. Anyone could come up with ancient historical facts to tie in with their current beliefs. Its like saying current Germans are nazi jew slaying monsters who want to take over the world because 70 years ago they commited heainous attrocities. People learn from their mistakes and cant be held accountable for actions taken by those who are not even alive anymore. Seriously...? C'mon man. By your rational if your great great great grandfather used to beat his wife, that would make you a wife beater too. I dont think dems are the best answer for this country either but its not because of 100 of 50 year old policies.

posted on Oct, 10 2012 @ 02:50 AM
Yay, I like this thread - just because it took till page 3 to have "socialism" show up!

Really, I wondered, because usually the threads go like this:

1. political topic about one party.
2. posting to ridicule the mentioned party.
3. to about 10. postings to refute ridiculations, usually becoming more and more personal or far-fetched away from the original topic.
11. "do you want socialism?!?!!!" or something like this.

This thread is above average!

posted on Oct, 10 2012 @ 02:52 AM
reply to post by Bakatono

So you're really comparing Joe Biden saying stupid things to most republican elected officials believing stupid things? Like how the Earth is 4000 years old? But then it doesn't surprise me you can't see the difference.

posted on Oct, 10 2012 @ 03:07 AM
Oh C'mon people.... Are we REALLY going there? We're trying to define a party that garners roughly 50% of the actual viable vote and has for the last several elections....but the sheer stupidity and ignorance of a handfull?

Do we really want to go there?

I mean, I know I'm not the only conservative that is awfully good and quick for in-depth researching around here. A couple days, and I have absolutely no doubt I could have a regular movie fit for the basest political attack ad.

It just seems extremely far afield when we have real matters like 16 trillion in debt that we're looking right straight at financial destruction as a nation over.....and very likely BEFORE the NEXT President can be elected in 2016.

There are plenty getting cheesy beyond all reason against Obama and missing what matters...this is sure a hard stab at doing the same in the other direction, by my feel of it.

posted on Oct, 10 2012 @ 03:39 AM

Originally posted by rgzing
Why would they flee to the party that is trying to end the holocaust of abortion, which kills off about half of all black babies?

So wait, when did "50 abortions per 1,000 pregnancies" start equaling 50%? I think you either need a refresher in reading comprehension or truth-telling.

According to the Census Bureau, the rate of abortions in 2006 among black women was 50 per 1,000,


You don't need to make stuff up to support your point.

posted on Oct, 10 2012 @ 04:06 AM

Originally posted by campanionator

Originally posted by SubTruth
reply to post by newcovenant

Both parties have been infected by the progressive mindset. It is a disease of the mind and the poor fools who have it I feel sorry for.

Sorry buddy, but being opposed to science is not a manifestation of progressivism.

I am not your buddy or your pal.

I made no mention of science either. But by all means try to corner my statement into a box. The simple fact remains the two parties and most of the world for that matter have the disease of the progressive mindset.

You will know when someone has it when they want to give you help even if you don't want it or need it. They always no what is best and what you should find important.

posted on Oct, 10 2012 @ 04:41 AM
reply to post by SubTruth

There is nothing progressive about the GOP. They are regressive...They're highly religious, against gay marriage, against corporate regulation, anti-union, anti-workers rights, pro- death penalty, against nationalized healthcare, and against a social safety net.

Can you please tell me what is progressive about the GOP? I don't think you even understand what the word means.

posted on Oct, 10 2012 @ 05:54 AM

Originally posted by yadda333
Don't forget all of the hopefuls who believed god told them to run for president.

As opposed to the Democratic POTUS who may actually believe he's a messiah?

As POTUS he'd cause the "rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal." Of course that's only if you've seen the light enough to vote for him ... "... a light will shine through that window, a beam of light will come down upon you, you will experience an epiphany ... and you will suddenly realize that you must go to the polls and vote for Obama"

Both self messianic quotes are by Obama himself.

posted on Oct, 10 2012 @ 06:05 AM

Originally posted by newcovenant
What proof do YOU have that Pelosi and Biden are corrupt?

You didn't ask me ... but I'll answer ...
Pelosi is an incompetent boob and liar.

Ten Most Wanted Corrupt Politicians

Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA): Despite the media firestorm over her military travel abuses ignited by a Judicial Watch investigation, Nancy Pelosi continued to use the United States Air Force as her own personal travel agency right up until her final days as House Speaker according to documents Judicial Watch uncovered from the Air Force in 2011.

Pelosi used Air Force aircraft for 43 flights from January 1 to October 1, 2010. By comparison, Nancy Pelosi logged 47 flights in the previous nine-month period, April 1, 2009, to January 1, 2010, according to previous documents uncovered by Judicial Watch. In other words, she did not back off at all from her pattern of abuse.

In fact, these documents show Pelosi not only receiving special treatment on military flights (chocolate covered strawberries for her birthday, for example), but also ferrying her family back and forth on military aircraft, including her husband, daughter, granddaughters and son-in-law. (The following is a link to records detailing one such flight with her daughter Christina.)

Pelosi was also caught up in the insider trading scandal that exploded into the news in November 2011 courtesy of author Peter Schweizer and his book, Throw Them All Out.

As detailed by Bloomberg, “Pelosi and her husband, Paul, with a net worth estimated at $40 million, bought shares in the initial public offering of credit-card company Visa Inc. in 2008, when Pelosi was speaker of the House… They bought the shares just before legislation died that would have limited the fees credit-card issuers could charge retailers. The shares more than doubled in the next two months.”

Pelosi has also invited San Francisco investment banker William Hambrecht to serve as an expert at economic forums on Capitol Hill on multiple occasions, even speaking to reporters by his side at the U.S. Capitol, without disclosing the fact that Hambrecht is her son’s boss and her husband Paul’s business partner. One of the business deals struck by Paul Pelosi and Hambrecht yielded more than $100,000 in income for the Pelosi family in 2010.

While serving as Speaker of the House, Pelosi repeatedly overlooked corruption by her fellow partisans. The evidence suggests this “ethics blind spot” extends too frequently to her own activities. Pelosi’s penchant for abusing the perks of her office is reprehensible.

National Review - Nancy Pelosi Lies about Interrogation
American Thinker - Are Pelosi's Lies Impeachable?
San Fran/Indy Bay - Pelosi lies about insider trading
Pelosi lies about Obama Going to Israel 'over and over again'
Nancy Pelosi Lies at Health Care Summit
Pelosi Lies About Catholic Faith and Abortion
Pelosi Lies About Being Spit At By Tea Partiers

posted on Oct, 10 2012 @ 06:13 AM

Originally posted by newcovenant
What proof do YOU have that Pelosi and Biden are corrupt?

You didn't ask me ... but I'll answer ... Biden should retire. He's more incompetent then corrupt. But he does his fair share of telling lies and he supports his democrat buddies who lie. Here's an oldie but a goodie ...

National Review Online - Joe Bidens Lies - plagiarism and lied about his college degrees

I'm sure google has plenty more .. but I have to take my daughter to school and have a busy day ....
So that's all for now.

posted on Oct, 10 2012 @ 06:33 AM
Now here is something that is scary to me.

I live in Missouri. The state of Todd Akin - rape victims can't get pregnant.

Even after he said those things, he has major support in Missouri. You can't walk out your front door without tripping over an Akin sign. He is basically neck and neck with his opponent Claire McCaskill in the polls.

Wouldn't be surprised in the least if he wins.

Heck there are even local news anchors telling people to back off of him because he apologized for the comment.

It is hard to expect any less from Missouri. Everyone I know is strictly conservative and hates that Muslim that wasn't born in 'Merica. And it is worse next door in Kansas, home of the Westboro Baptist Church.

posted on Oct, 10 2012 @ 07:12 AM
reply to post by tport17

Akin is scary and I had a laugh or two with a McCaskil push poller the other day. He never said what he was in those words of course, but yeah.. that was a laugh too. I doubt he and I would have said two words but goodbye and click if it weren't for that friggen moron Akin.

Romney all but begged the jerk to drop out too..Oh for the good of Missouri he could have done the right thing here.

It's not that he was a political hack spewing political hyperbole. His statement was sincere, He meant and believed that. The man has the functional education of a grade schooler to judge by that level of understanding of BASIC biology. It's scary this level of intelligence may hold 1 of only 100 seats in our Senate. Thats not a weak position like the House is, generally speaking.
It's also 6 long years of that ignorance leading our state there. I could scream!

posted on Oct, 10 2012 @ 07:23 AM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

I hoped you would have something to say on the matter. I know you're a fellow Missourian.

I'm not sure where you are in Missouri, but is the Akin support as big in your area as mine?

Edit: I'd also like to add, I heard the exact same comment from one of my high school teachers. It was a debate class. We were preparing a debate on abortion. She told us true rape victims cannot get pregnant and to look into it for the debate.

It isn't just Todd Akin that believes this stuff, which is even scarier.
edit on 10-10-2012 by tport17 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 10 2012 @ 07:30 AM
reply to post by tport17

I'm in the Springfield area...and it's about red enough to be called maroon.

Oh I agree as well on the fact that there is "basis" for what he said and believed. Lots of people believe a lot of crazy and ignorant things. We should be safe in expecting our members of Congress and those who aspire to become be better educated than this. He stopped being "Lots of people" when he threw his name into the first race, IMO.

Scary really is the only word because I'd actually have felt considerably better if I'd thought he was just being politically nasty. We're used to having vicious politics, especially in the Show Me state right?

posted on Oct, 10 2012 @ 07:32 AM
reply to post by rgzing

All good and well but how do you explain these nuts?

You got anything?

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