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Did Barack Obama Throw The Presidential Debate? Could He Know Something We Don't?

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posted on Oct, 4 2012 @ 11:57 PM
Apologies in advance to all -- while I did try to read every post, it's late at night and sleep is demanding my presence.

Anyway -- the minute Obama started talking, I thought one of three things was happening, and I'll list them in the order I thought of them:

1. He's coming down with the flu.

2. He and Mrs. Obama had a hella Happy Anniversary fight with the word divorce being flung around, right before the debate started. Or

3. One thing Obama knows how to do is play the long game, or long con if you prefer. He could have deliberately laid back, dialed himself down, deferred the whole debate to Romney, only as a method of ammunition gathering before the next "battle." I think Romney gave him the ammunition. Romney was pretty free-handed with the "facts" and statistics, and that could well blow up in his face by the time the next debate rolls around.

I do agree that it matters little which one of them wins; Washington will remain the same old place, all glad-handing and buddy-loving. Our government leaders are the true 1% and care nothing for the country they purport to represent. They're all too busy filling their own pockets to care about the holes in ours.

posted on Oct, 4 2012 @ 11:57 PM
Yeah he knows anybody that takes the presidential role has to be the hugest sucker on the face of the Earth cause S*** about to get real and he doesn't want to be in the middle (AND BLAME) for the SHTF.

posted on Oct, 5 2012 @ 12:00 AM

Originally posted by ThirdEyeofHorus
reply to post by tetra50

Yah I've never really been good at playing that kind of game. I'd much prefer a walk in the woods on a lovely fall day.

Me,too. I credit my lack of conventional and outward "success" to my downright inability to play that game. So, good for you, for all that's worth. Take a lot of walks this fall, and enjoy the colors of the changing leaves.

posted on Oct, 5 2012 @ 12:01 AM

Originally posted by Spiramirabilis
reply to post by beezzer

And I would just add that you don't have to be serious when discussing serious topics.

It's all good.



no matter where you stand - gotta laugh to keep from cryin' sometimes

and anyway - I'm always up for a laugh

I'll meet you back here when Romney tanks

I'll bring the cheeto's and fresca!

posted on Oct, 5 2012 @ 12:01 AM
reply to post by Hefficide

This wasn't hard to figure out he was away from his teleprompter. This Is the guy that used two teleprompters to address a 6th grade class ! WTF !

posted on Oct, 5 2012 @ 12:04 AM
reply to post by beezzer

I'll bring the cheeto's and fresca!

Now isn't the time for constipation... That is really a bad mix...Hope people realize that....

Unless you meant soft drinks...
edit on 5-10-2012 by KonquestAbySS because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 5 2012 @ 12:28 AM

Originally posted by Miri08
I realize it's just speculation but it does make sense and you are right, he would know things we currently do not so it's certainly possible.

I won't be voting for either Obama or Romney but I have to admit that whatever the reason, Obama did not seem up to par. Certainly he lacked his usually charismatic styling. Romney did quite well, although I don't like him at all and I find him very disingenuous. I can't tell you why, just one of those things.

Also while reading your post I got to thinking who in their "right minds" would actually want to be president right now anyway. I certainly can't imagine it but maybe that's just me!

I think Obama's plan was to let Romney destroy himself. To let him speak a multitude of lies, and to be taken to task by the public (which isn't really happening, unfortunately). He also was happy to let Romney aggressively disrespect the moderator (Jim Lehrer, his senior). Obama erred in this department as well, but not as severely as Romney.

- No one is talking about how disrespectful Romney was to the moderator or to the president. Being loud apparently means your winning to many people (nothing new in today's society, I suppose).

- Not enough people are calling out Romney for his utter lack of any practical plans. It should be simple for people. Look at the Clinton years vs. the Bush years. Look at the growing gap between the rich and the poor, and the shrinking/squeezed middle class. Romney is the 1%, he should only have the support of 1% of the people, anyone not in his demographic who thinks he is FOR YOU is an utter fool. His speech is simply attack speech (Republicans on one hand want the government supposedly as far removed from business as possible, which is an acknowledgement of their being different/separate things, but Romney's happy to blame one man, Obama, for our utterly broken economy (which by the standards of the crooks is IMPROVING!!!)).

I think Obama might just be a little under the weather because it's acceptable today for someone to get in front of the nation and loudly/aggressively spew absolute horse @#!*, without the public decrying the liar, hell, even having the majority declaring the liar the victor . He prob. feels that if we elect Romney, we deserve what we get, and it's hard to disagree.

I view the healthcare issue as one of the biggest issues of our time. Something greatly holding our people and our nation back. You may think it's a stretch to compare it to the civil rights movement, but I see it as being similarly important for our future. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act are so important. We need this so bad as a nation. If Romney is elected, and it is somehow repealed, I will prob. reach a new level of jaded I didn't even think possible. :-(
edit on 10/5/2012 by AkumaStreak because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 5 2012 @ 12:32 AM
reply to post by AkumaStreak

I think Obama's plan was to let Romney destroy himself. To let him speak a multitude of lies, and to be taken to task by the public (which isn't really happening, unfortunately). He also was happy to let Romney aggressively disrespect the moderator (Jim Lehrer, his senior). Obama erred in this department as well, but not as severely as Romney.

I just don't think it is that simple....What is simple is that the Republicans need to win this election, and that is the bottom line...I am speaking truth, but Obama was just meant for a one-term President and nothing more...
edit on 5-10-2012 by KonquestAbySS because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 5 2012 @ 12:33 AM
dit on 5-10-2012 by yesterdaysreality because: Posted by mistake

edit on 5-10-2012 by yesterdaysreality because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 5 2012 @ 12:35 AM
yesterdaysreality: Your massive quote (with no input of your own) is silencing/burying my/our recent thoughts. Please remove.
edit on 10/5/2012 by AkumaStreak because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 5 2012 @ 12:50 AM
Probably there's gonna be an alien invasion soon and as the next President he doesn't want to be on the losing side!

posted on Oct, 5 2012 @ 12:53 AM
Hefficide, thank you for the great post. I love your speculation. Really got me thinking and, wow, that is a lot to think about. It was a weird debate. I became agitated within the first 20 minutes with both Romney and Obama. I finally had to turn it off.

posted on Oct, 5 2012 @ 12:59 AM

Originally posted by AkumaStreak

I think Obama's plan was to let Romney destroy himself. To let him speak a multitude of lies, and to be taken to task by the public (which isn't really happening, unfortunately). He also was happy to let Romney aggressively disrespect the moderator (Jim Lehrer, his senior). Obama erred in this department as well, but not as severely as Romney.

"His senior"?

Hell ol' jim is prolly Ramses II senior by now! What the hell is he doing still working? Get him to play with his buses or trains or whatever and get younger ppl that are good (better than jim which isnt difficult cause those 80 years are making a big dent on his diction) ppl that can also do ol' jim's job by a third of what he earns opening at least.. 3 jobs for new people, young blood that need to work and need money instead of a 80 year old guy with a career since 1963.

Damn old ppl last for so long held tight to their jobs these days... wheres the room for the new guys? This is actually one of the issues... theres a lot of old ppl still clinging to their chairs with their nails and teeth. What is this?

With the raise of the population, make ppl retire and 55/60 cause at that age, these days, theres already a ratio of 2 waiting "young guys needing jobs" for each old 60 year old guy thats still working. The world is spinning really fast and we have to... you know... out with the old - in with the new - plus old ppl need their rest, they deserve it, they've been working all their lives so now its time for the young blood to grab the tools and get to work.

A moderator for a presidential debate with 80 years old? Come on... couldnt get anyone else. The guy seems like their father. Its ridiculous.

posted on Oct, 5 2012 @ 01:01 AM

Originally posted by AkumaStreak
yesterdaysreality: Your massive quote (with no input of your own) is silencing/burying my/our recent thoughts. Please remove.
edit on 10/5/2012 by AkumaStreak because: (no reason given)

That was not intentional. I was trying to go back to remove the quote and hit the wrong key by accident. I was definitely not trying to silence or bury anyone's thoughts. My apologies.

posted on Oct, 5 2012 @ 01:03 AM
This is nothing new. They must pump dumbing down gases into the White House at night while our Presidents sleep. Look at clips of George W. Bush before he was in office...he sounded like a genius compared to the bumbling idiot when he was on his way out. Same thing is happening to Obama. What do we expect from puppets anyway?

posted on Oct, 5 2012 @ 01:06 AM
reply to post by AkumaStreak

I agree that Romney is lacking practical plans. And I will admit that although I do not like either Obama or Romney that I am more afraid if Romney were to win mainly for this one reason alone.

I did actually feel bad for the moderator during the debate.

I can see the comparison to the civil rights movement but will tell you that I am already feeling a level of jaded that I didn't know was possible for myself!

posted on Oct, 5 2012 @ 01:08 AM
reply to post by LooseLipsSinkShips

What do we expect from puppets anyway?

A good show apparently...Fraggle Rock was one of my all time favorites.

posted on Oct, 5 2012 @ 01:12 AM
That phenomenon does truly interest me. The rapid decline that people seem to go through in just 4-8 years as POTUS. It might just be an anomaly based upon the fact that we tend to elect guys in their forties to the office and nature is just kicking their butts at the appropriate point in their lifespan.

And I'd imagine the stresses a POTUS faces are unreal. We stress ourselves out here just speculating about things - imagine really, truly, getting a daily briefing with the actual reality of it all? That has to be an enormous stressor.

And since we're in skunkworks... even though it's not one of my pet subjects. Imagine if there really were aliens at Roswell, or any of the myriad of other things we speculate about... and you got a job where they said "Yup, sure is real. In fact you've got a meeting with an ambassador from their planet next week. Oh, and by the way, you can never tell a soul about it and if you do they'll wipe our entire planet out in less and ten seconds...." Or something along those lines...

Imagine knowing the truths of things and NOT being able to tell them to anyone! I'm not a gossip by nature. But, seriously, if I found out the answer to a highly controversial and long standing question... it would KILL me to have to keep it to myself.

And intrigues? Imagine taking office and finding out something like "Oh, Putin? Naw, that dude was born in Maine and we planted him in the USSR way back in the day. He's our insider in Russia" or something. Just having paradigms, predispositions, and beliefs shattered, even if you can keep a secret, can push a person into full on PTSD mode.

It boggles the mind to just sit and imagine what might be locked in these guys heads, eating away at their minds and souls.

edit on 10/5/12 by Hefficide because: I am on a roll tonight with the repetition thing....

posted on Oct, 5 2012 @ 01:15 AM
reply to post by beezzer

Fresca? No way....I want cherry cream soda i found a really good old fashioned brand here, tastes like soda used to when I was a kid.

posted on Oct, 5 2012 @ 01:17 AM
I'm not sure if I should post the information I've been given, but I have not been sworn to secrecy or threatened in any way, so I feel it is necessary for me to contribute to this thread.

Republic for the united States of America (RuSA). You may have been hearing about this group within the past month or so. Randi Shannon was running as a Republican for a State Senate seat in Iowa and was expected to win, but she withdrew and joined the RuSA. She is an avid Ron Paul supporter, so it made waves in the liberty movement. She was subsequently interviewed by Josh Tolley. Mr. Tolley was so intrigued that he ended up interviewing the interim President James Timothy Turner. More people started to be interested.

A couple weeks ago, James Timothy Turner was indicted by a Federal grand jury on charges related to tax evasion and trying to use bogus bonds to pay taxes. All told, he is facing a maximum of 164 years in prison.

My source explained to me that the current government is not the government that our founders established, but a de facto corporation named "UNITED STATES". They operate under Uniform Commercial Code (UCC), also known as Admiralty Law, also known as the Law of the Sea. This corporation adopted the Constitution as its by-laws, but was by no means bound to it. I could go into great detail, but will not unless people are interested. I'm not 100% convinced of the story, but I see the possibility.

Anyway, my source said Romney and Obama are fighting for who gets to be the captain on the Titanic, because the Federal Reserve Note will soon no longer be the reserve currency of the world, and the following consequences will be the corporation's undoing. This got me to thinking about the current Iranian currency crisis. I wonder if they are related.

He also said Interpol will be arresting international bankers soon, and the IRS is being brought down. This made me think about what has been happening in Iceland the past few years.

He said it all starts October 16.

I cannot vouch for the quality of the information, nor am I making any predictions. Take it for what it's worth to you.

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