reply to post by Hefficide
Sorry, but after all, this is a conspiracy forum.....I will say, in order to segue to this: Of course, he is throwing it. It doesn't really
matter, I think after all these years watching it go down and what happens after the election love affair, flash mob emotion deployment, and promises
phase, who gets the gold star and becomes the "leader."
Because they really aren't the leader, anyhow, more like a titular head of state, and that state is determined at a whole other unseen,
unreachable, not chooseable nor electable, level.
Does it come from the Pentagon, the military industrial complex, the "illuminati," the coalition of families and ancient bloodlines that "hide the
hidden hand?" Who pulls the strings on the puppets. Who knows? But after 9-11
and watching Bush with those schoolchildren, I have not a doubt left that there are puppets, and their masters, and we don't know about the masters
unless we die; thus, the origination of, "If I told you, I'd have to kill you."
Much is put in front of us, spelled out for us in supposed fiction and entertainment and advertisement. If you study symbolism, it is spelled out for
you while your knowledge and helplessness, in light of it, seems to be a joke. Realizing what is true only gets you laughed at and branded somehow,
usually as whatever you object to or fought against most in your life. This is the way of this world and this reality.
The surest way to ensalve a man is to convince him he is free. How often have we all seen and read that?
The "elections" of this puppet leader are the singular con in this quest. We are conned into thinking we live in a free, representative republic
because of this total illusion of a choice, both in the leader and the congress, the representatives in the republic. But how often do we all
complain and note that what's going on does not, in fact, represent anyone who voted?
Proof in the pudding, methinks.
I think Obama was just another fall guy, for corporate bailouts, for the NDAA, the internet kill switch, which authorizes both publicly and
selective personally, for information to be censored and/or cut off completely. Most get their internet server via Apache. Apache can be configured
in a total background and remote state on your computer to delete certain information on a website, while looking like a seamless, normal webpage, so
you wouldn't know, or deny you access or even knowledge via search engine replies to information.....think about that for a minute. You might not
even know you are being censored, or there is different information that exists in the pipeline, because you haven't even the info to ask the right
question, or the answer is blocked from you.
As for corporate bailouts and Obamacare: AIG is the corporate umbrella for most major health insurers. Before he tackled a new health care policy,
there was a bailout of a broke AIG to the tune of their corporate value. In other words (because it was never paid back, either) the government
bought and paid for most of the major health insurors, before tackling a policy that required every American, upheld by the Supreme Court, to buy and
maintain health coverage.
Do I question he threw the debate? Not at all. He served his purpose, got his gray hair, and doesn't any longer even resemble the same man
that first made us all the hope and change promises. And even while all that went on during his tenure, much that smacked of the opposite of a
representative republic and all that was American--just like Bush and his Patriot Act and expansions, continually, of executive privelege, his wife,
and a Hispanic mayor that exemplified the power of hard work, achievement, and the American success story (at least from a democratic standpoint) gave
incredibly moving speeches that plucked every American idealistic string in your heart, while what really went on had nothing to do with any of
Yeah, I'd throw it, too. Cash in for serving my masters and being their fall guy; after all, republican or democrat, they are just manufactured
juxtapositions to provide the con of the vote that makes us think and invest in this fake freedom. Doesn't really matter. In the end, the same
agenda, no matter how it is presented, goes on, and we, the people, meanwhile are divided and conquered by the juxtapositions and fake arguments and
stances of those two parties.
When Romney was exposed for his "private" fundraiser 47% gaffe, he had a perfect opportunity to redefine a classic republican base and ideology:
Yes, I am my brother's keeper, but privately, how and when, and deciding who my brother will be, not because government requires me through taxes and
donations to subvert deeper taxes, and through guilt that I should and have and obligation to share what my innate talents have earned me, that
someone else didn't possess.
edit on 4-10-2012 by tetra50 because: paragraphs for wall of text
edit on 4-10-2012 by tetra50
because: (no reason given)