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Did Barack Obama Throw The Presidential Debate? Could He Know Something We Don't?

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posted on Oct, 4 2012 @ 08:48 PM
Here you go....

Sorry...didn't summarize.....Obamas happy anniversary to Michelle....check out the look on her mug, I mean face.
edit on 4-10-2012 by timetothink because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 4 2012 @ 08:52 PM

Originally posted by Hefficide
reply to post by smurfy

According to the Warren commission Oswald acted alone.

My point was not to suggest it to be so, but to state that, if it comes to pass, future ATS'ers might latch onto it as something to ponder.

You do realize we're still debating whether or not men went to the moon 'round these parts right?


I know Heff, but even more poignant could have been something personal like the Eagles song, 'wasted time' to reflect on. I know to my own satisfaction that the no-mooners are up the left. If then Obama was being cryptic, what then would he be referring to in the timescale, not a ' Nibiru ' not a nuclear war, so something else.

posted on Oct, 4 2012 @ 08:54 PM

Originally posted by BABYBULL24

Originally posted by Spiramirabilis

Originally posted by BABYBULL24
Nope the guy is just a teleprompter reading moron & thats putting it nicely!

I wasn't a fan of Reagan - but the man was a gifted communicator


When people can't be objective - it shows their thinking process and gives away their bias

I spent a good chunk of last night listening to the analysis of what just happened

People were a little shell shocked - all kinds of people

This wasn't an Emperors new clothes moment - you should still be asking yourself what the hell just happened

If you're a thinking person that is

This guy used a teleprompter to talk to 6th graders..."hey kids you didn't build that"...what a joke.

^ this picture was actually NOT worth a thousand words. Full story here
edit on 10/4/2012 by AJ1123TKE because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 4 2012 @ 08:54 PM
reply to post by timetothink

the worst part was

"im not a perfect president...i said before hand i wouldnt be a perfect president"


edit on 4-10-2012 by thePharaoh because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 4 2012 @ 09:11 PM
Or he could be playing dead just to see where he stands in the swing states after a strong Romney circus performance.

posted on Oct, 4 2012 @ 09:16 PM
Its all part of the dog and poney show to trick you into thinking its real.

posted on Oct, 4 2012 @ 09:18 PM

As POTUS the man does have access to things we do not, nor could not. Military, fiscal, social, scientific... the whole ball of wax. What if he learned something recently that has caused him to make the political decision that it's better to lose this time around? And what might that something be?

I must inform you if it counts for anything, that I felt exactly as you....Obama appears to want out...but why? Or is he completely burnt out from all the rutkus thrown at him, including all the top secret info he as POTUS is privy to? He appeared a lost soul as he listened to Romney address the questions asked. Maybe he feels as many of us do after being at a particular job for awhile, when we suddenly realize we are "barking up the wrong tree." What intrigues me most of all, is the the premise that he KNOWS of something to in the above quotation. It makes absolutely no sense that our President who appeared to be fighting for a second term, suddenly recoils from the opposition in such discernable fashion! Or just MAYBE someone played a cruel joke and sabotaged Obama's teleprompter? Lackadaisical answers from this man not only made me feel embarrased for him, but have raised my level of skepticism in regards to any positive outcome for the near future of our country.

posted on Oct, 4 2012 @ 09:20 PM
Just to keep it in perspective, I saw an interesting fact today.

Going into the first debate in 2004, John Kerry was down a good amount in the national polls, I think it was 52-43. After Kerry won the debate, the numbers were even, 47-47.

By the time the third debate finished, Bush had regained that entire margin and was back up 52-43.

This time around it's a bit different because the two candidates were closer to begin with, but the margin in the key states is similar to what the national numbers were in '04. So we might see everything pull tighter when polls come out next week, but Obama could easily get those points back.

Also, the only debate Bush ever won based on public opinion was the one where Gore sighed loudly a bunch of times. Bush still won both elections despite a 1-5 record in debates.

Debates playing a decisive role in election outcomes is the exception to the rule.

edit on 10/4/2012 by PatrickGarrow17 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 4 2012 @ 09:22 PM

Originally posted by smurfy

Originally posted by Hefficide
reply to post by smurfy

According to the Warren commission Oswald acted alone.

My point was not to suggest it to be so, but to state that, if it comes to pass, future ATS'ers might latch onto it as something to ponder.

You do realize we're still debating whether or not men went to the moon 'round these parts right?


I know Heff, but even more poignant could have been something personal like the Eagles song, 'wasted time' to reflect on. I know to my own satisfaction that the no-mooners are up the left. If then Obama was being cryptic, what then would he be referring to in the timescale, not a ' Nibiru ' not a nuclear war, so something else.

Maybe that 23 million dollar home in Hawaii? He'd be trading "Hell" for "Heaven!"

posted on Oct, 4 2012 @ 09:24 PM
reply to post by elrem48

Teleprompter sabotage is one thing I didn't consider!

Did anon hack the POTUS's teleprompter for the lulz... leaving him to try and speak while staring at a non-stop barrage of demotivational and Caturday meme's?

I know that's not where you were headed with your post and I am not trying to downplay the actual theory that some political mechanism or operator might have been posting nonsense to his screen. It's just that my immediate and visceral "mental image" made me laugh.

Anyone want to buy a screenplay about a fictional POTUS whose entire agenda is derailed by Harold and Kumar? I'm wiling to write it and I'll call it "Harold and Kumar 3: Hactivism for the lulz".

edit on 10/4/12 by Hefficide because: typo

posted on Oct, 4 2012 @ 09:27 PM
you can say he made his money and now hes happy

but notice how democrates talk in millions and are happy with millions

republicans talk in billions

so what if he has a home....the dude deserves it

posted on Oct, 4 2012 @ 09:48 PM

Originally posted by Hefficide
(I've put this in Skunkworks because it is speculation and a conversation about that speculation.)

Hi ATS! During the course of the night, I've been here, watching the threads, and watching the debate. My perspective of it is probably uncommon. I witnessed this debate through the eyes of a person who was a staunch Republican for most of his life, got disillusioned with it all during the second term of Bush 43, and ended up, by default, voting Democratic this past go around. So I will concede that my views are a weird mix of right, left, and centrist.

Claims that I am seeking to make excuses for Obama might arise. I can assure you, that is not my intention here. I don't plan on voting for him. I fell for "Hope" once already. I hoped and it didn't work. Neither do I plan to vote for Romney. Just to make things clear up front.

As I watched the debate ( paying more attention to the computer than the debate itself, thus experiencing it more on a auditory than a visual level ) I began to wonder how a man who is known for his charismatic speaking skills could sound so mediocre. Whether you like the guy or hate him... you have to give credit where credit is due. And, when it comes to public speaking, Barack Obama is a rock star.

So how did this guy....

End up this guy?

This is what I've spent my entire night trying to figure out.

Was Obama under the weather? Was he preoccupied? Bad day? Does nearly four years in the White House just wipe a person out? Valid question, George W got a bit iffy after the first term....I mean, as POTUS he may well have gotten some classified information about something or other, pre-debate, that could have really troubled him. A lot of "if"s.

Then I began to wonder if maybe Romney lulled Obama in by having a spell of negative press before the debate, thus lulling Obama into a false sense of confidence. I found myself being pretty impressed with Romney ( in regard to this debate and on a psychological level if he did pull a little Machiavelli maneuver. ) Anyone who can play social chess that well is formidable.

That's when my imagination kicked in and concepts began to form....

What if President Obama has learned something in the past several days that has made him not want to be in office come next January? Something profound. Like updated numbers on the economy? Insider info on some soon to burst bubble that could sink us back, or even further than the previous ones? A coming major war? China calling in it's "chips" with us soon....

As POTUS the man does have access to things we do not, nor could not. Military, fiscal, social, scientific... the whole ball of wax. What if he learned something recently that has caused him to make the political decision that it's better to lose this time around? And what might that something be?

If you let it sink in for a few minutes.... it actually gets pretty chilling. Speculation. Sure. Of course. But not undo speculation. The guy lost at the one game he's good at. This is his wheelhouse. And he didn't just los at it. He lost by TKO. This is like Tyson/Douglas, politically speaking. Romney's always had a bit of an Achilles heel where public speaking goes....

Very strange indeed. Maybe a quirk. Maybe Romney was simply the better speaking today. But food for thought at least....

WSY ATS? Does something seem awry here?


edit on 10/4/12 by Hefficide because: one for clarity and one for a typo - edit two times, I'm going away ( My Doors tribute for the night )

Yeah...that thought came to mind too. However, my gut tells me it's just a strategy to work on Romney's weaknesses. For the most part almost every time Romney opens his mouth he makes some sort of "f^ck poor people" the best strategy is to just let Romney run against himself.

I personally think that Obama was actually pretty surprised that the only goofy thing to come out of it was the Big Bird comment. I'll wager that Obama is now anticipating that Romney will be more (over)confident going into the next one... and hence more likely to start talking freely again.

Just my guess...time will tell, I suppose.

posted on Oct, 4 2012 @ 09:53 PM
reply to post by beezzer

Sour grapes. Obama bit the big enchilada. Keep your fingers crossed. Maybe Romney will suck next time. Then you can play "boo-yah" and do a happy dance in our faces.

ah, Beezzer :-)

I can't speak for Antonia - but I'm not in this for the happy dance moment

some of us take this stuff seriously - and for us it's not about one-upmanship

is it for you?


posted on Oct, 4 2012 @ 09:54 PM
reply to post by Hefficide

I'm not even sure that IS Obama. Maybe Eric Holder shaved his mustache.

posted on Oct, 4 2012 @ 09:57 PM
reply to post by Hefficide

I know that's not where you were headed with your post and I am not trying to downplay the actual theory that some political mechanism or operator might have been posting nonsense to his screen. It's just that my immediate and visceral "mental image" made me laugh.

I laugh with you, as I imagine the inadequacy he felt when " Big Mac...Have it Your Way!" arose on the screen.
I could go on ad nauseam, but I am instead reminded of a "Little Rascals" episode called, "Shivering Shakespeare." The Rascals put on a play for school, and can't remember their lines, as "Chubby" in the role of Julius Caesar, proceeds to pull up his toga and expose his written lines as his mother from the audience yells, "Norman!" Chubby puts his gown down, only to lift it again for his forgotten lines! All the kids forget their lines in front of the large audience. Hope this isn't off the subject too much, because I've always had a vivid imagination as I can relate this to our SUDDENLY tongue-tied president. (A very enjoyable episode out of the batch)!

posted on Oct, 4 2012 @ 09:59 PM
I was on some message board a few hours after the debate took place and everyone was like "He must know about 12/21/12! That's why he doesn't care anymore!" lol

posted on Oct, 4 2012 @ 10:19 PM
I have thought Obama has thrown the re-election for quite some time. His laziness, his seemingly disenchanted-ness, he just doesn't care......and it is obvious. His lack of showing up for meetings....It's like, what the heck is he doing????

His new title is chief in slacker
edit on 4-10-2012 by Gridrebel because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 4 2012 @ 10:22 PM
reply to post by elrem48

My God.. I haven't seen or thought of that episode in I don't know how long. Total classic.

posted on Oct, 4 2012 @ 10:25 PM
reply to post by antonia

You have to remember most people aren't objective at all nor did they approach this debate in an objective manner. Everyone has their prejudices. Very few people on this thread have actually presented an objective opinion. Most people on this board today are right wing. ATS has become Breitbart central, so it's no surprise this is what we are seeing. They can't admit Obama might be good at anything.

You know Antonia - when I woke this morning and logged on to ATS (how sad is that?) :-)

There were several threads to choose from already going to town on the debate - I chose this one for a reason

President Obama absolutely caved last night

I for one was interested in knowing why

That's the kind of objective discussion I went looking for...that's me - always the optimist :-)

Last night (and continuing on into today) both Democrats and Republicans were scrambling to come up with an explanation for what had just happened - proving that there are objective Republicans out there

Out there... :-)

I just got here - haven't had a chance to read through this thread yet - so I have no idea if anyone has come up with anything interesting - but I won't be surprised if the entire thread is nothing but partisan sniping

posted on Oct, 4 2012 @ 10:34 PM

Originally posted by Hefficide
reply to post by elrem48

Teleprompter sabotage is one thing I didn't consider!

Did anon hack the POTUS's teleprompter for the lulz... leaving him to try and speak while staring at a non-stop barrage of demotivational and Caturday meme's?

I know that's not where you were headed with your post and I am not trying to downplay the actual theory that some political mechanism or operator might have been posting nonsense to his screen. It's just that my immediate and visceral "mental image" made me laugh.

Anyone want to buy a screenplay about a fictional POTUS whose entire agenda is derailed by Harold and Kumar? I'm wiling to write it and I'll call it "Harold and Kumar 3: Hactivism for the lulz".

edit on 10/4/12 by Hefficide because: typo

You are being sarcastic, I hope. They don't use (aren't allowed) teleprompters in debates. I'm not sure if it's a written rule, but that's the way they do it generally and the way it was done specifically last night.

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