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US Hypocrisy.

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posted on Sep, 28 2012 @ 02:21 AM
reply to post by poopadoopoulis

I just
at posts like this. Keep dreaming.

posted on Sep, 28 2012 @ 02:30 AM

Originally posted by DrNotforhire
Doesnt england have cameras on every corner and is a step closer to a totalitarian government every day? Yeah there's a lot of hypocrisy coming out of the US (mostly from the left though)

Yeah? Mostly from the Left, huh? Well then it's just plain shear stupidity and hate coming out of the Right.

The Right likes to talk about small government, but they want to control women's reproductive rights, tell who can and cannot get married, and what recreational chemicals should be legals and which ones shouldn't be.

And why is it that you Right wing clowns have to always make a jab about the Left? The OP mentioned nothing about one political group or the other in the US, but the US actions/policies taken as a whole? You folks always have to make it about the Left. Seriously, why is that? The current executive branch is just making the same tired claims against other countries that the previous Republican one. Both governing parties are hypocrites. Why try to make it seem like one side is more guilty of it than the other? You only belittle your own arguments when you make such puerile, ignorant and/or mendacious statements.

posted on Sep, 28 2012 @ 02:33 AM
reply to post by KonquestAbySS

I'm not saying that the US isn't hypocritical. I just find it ridiculous that eveyone here finds the need to point it out. Yet,they'll ignore what other countries do. It #ing amazes me how most here will say the US is the devil while in the same breath ignore what other countries do.

posted on Sep, 28 2012 @ 02:44 AM

Originally posted by LiberLegit
I'm sorry but is this...some kind of joke? Someone who doesn't even live in the United States talks as though they have figured the entire country out? Are MEMEs and political cartoons along with overly-biased Assange quotes your sources? I think you're going to have to try a little harder than that...

This country is so young, but in that time has become one of if not THE most powerful country in the world economically and obviously militarily. Rough patches happen, take a look at the joke of an economy Europe turned itself into, hell even China is slowing down. Take it easy there cowboys, being globally aware doesn't have to mean hating America.
edit on 27-9-2012 by LiberLegit because: (no reason given)

So it's ok for the US to complain about other countries and to even threaten them with attack -- or outright attack them, as the case may be -- but how dare some damn furrenner have the temerity to accuse the US of being hypocritical. The NERVE! How dare she!

The OP provided some spot-on political cartoons to make her point. Political cartoons have been a legitimate form of political commentary throughout the US's history as well as before. She's making a post at ATS, for Pete's sake, not writing a political treatise for some academic journal. Instead of telling the OP to supply better documentation, why don't you give a rational argument refuting the points behind these political cartoons? LAME.

And yes, quotes from Julian Assange seems quite germane as well. He is a whistle blower and fairly savvy one at that. Daniel Ellsburg, who released the Pentagon Papers is now considered a hero, although at the time he was tried for espionage/treason (some such charges). He supports what Assange did. The sad thing is that it took a someone besides an American citizen to do what Assange did.

And who said she hates the US (you did)? She's pointing out its hypocrisy. You do realize there's a difference between the two? And you start going off on how the US is a young country, blah, blah, blah, Europe this, yada-yada-yada, China that. She is not talking about the US's economy, she is talking about its foreign policies as well as how it deals with political dissent internally vis a vis what it says critically about other countries. She is not talking economics. She is talking foreign relations and civil rights. Why start yacking about the economy? Oh, yeah, because you got no good argument to refute her points.
edit on 28-9-2012 by MrInquisitive because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 28 2012 @ 03:50 AM
reply to post by Frogs

Any stats that indicate what % of that 2million are actually cold blooded killers? You wouldn't want to accuse most from the actions of a few would you?

The American military is a cold blooded killer.. That really makes the soldiers the same through default. The US military does not fight for freedom and democracy. Its war and its the same as its always been. Rich people sending poor to die so they can make more money. The American military fights for the banking system. It protects money interests and it is happy to start illegal wars in order to do so.
Let us not forget the Nuremberg trials and hope that one day the US military and government will be held to actount for its actions.

posted on Sep, 28 2012 @ 03:51 AM
reply to post by nightstalker78

Most other countries are not travelling half way round the world pretending to figt for freedom and democracy. That is why the US is in the highlight here.

posted on Sep, 28 2012 @ 04:49 AM
America is like the big loudmouth boorish bully that people detest putting on the mask of virtue and probity everywhere it goes.

America's allies (my own country among them) are the spineless brown nosers who go along with what the big boorish bully says and does because they don't have the guts, or the morality and ethics required to stand on principle. They also put on the mask of virtue and nod whenever America spews another phony fatuous propaganda lie about upholding freedom or democracy.

Who is more hypocritical, the hypocrite or the hypocrite who sees through the hypocrite and takes orders from him?

It's a rotten world folks.

Note: The above is not intended to offend the many outstanding Americans who are fighting the system and doing their best to restore America to confomity with its stated ideals and the intent of its Constitution.

posted on Sep, 28 2012 @ 05:14 AM
American hypocrisy is complicated by the fact that many Americans believe everything they are told.

If you listen to this audio, you might get the impression that its just a bunch of ill informed fringe Americans. I don't think so. I think that these people are in fact typical of Americans and shockingly, of the American leadership.

They actually believe their own baloney.

The fringe Americans are the well informed ones.

I'd go so far as to say that cognitive dissonance might be the defining characteristic of Americans as a whole, rather than hypocrisy, since hypocrisy implies some degree of self awareness and sophistication.

posted on Sep, 28 2012 @ 05:30 AM
In fact it is in the understanding of the concept of cognitive dissonance that the rest of the world goes wrong in assessing America. In the corridors of power in the rest of the world, people wonder just at what point the Americans are going to drop the facade and be real, but they don't realize that there is no facade.

America, amazingly, believes that it is acting on principle, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

It's a national psychosis. It is truly shocking. You have to go back to Nazi Germany to find a parallel. It is a very frightening phenomenon when America's military power is factored into the equation.

posted on Sep, 28 2012 @ 05:42 AM
reply to post by ipsedixit

That is a very depressing video/audio tape. One could ask just how they sampled and whether or not they cherry-picked the ones they put on tape. That said, I imagine they questioned people in New York City, and I twice had the misfortune of having to ask street directions in NYC -- man those people are dumb and/or ignorant. Seriously. I'd bet less than 20% percent could even tell you which way was North -- and a random guess should at least yield 25% correct.

posted on Sep, 28 2012 @ 05:53 AM
Howard's interviewers are not smart enough to "cherry pick" people, although I grant that they are probably always on the lookout for the next "Crackhead Bob".

Undoubtedly the audio has been edited for the most extreme deviations from reality, but I think there is a germ of truth in my general point. You can see it in interviews with soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan and in the mainstream media, a kind of relentless avoidance of evidence.
edit on 28-9-2012 by ipsedixit because: (no reason given)

edit on 28-9-2012 by ipsedixit because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 28 2012 @ 06:28 AM

Originally posted by nightstalker78

Originally posted by Sinny

Originally posted by SonoftheSun
reply to post by Sinny

Well, after reading this OP, I sure as heck am happy to be Canadian...

Not saying your facts aren't straight Sinny but there are always two sides to a coin. Two to tango...

Oh...and please do put some armored suit or sumtin'...I feel you're gonna need it...

Indeed, isn't the path this thread is taking most intriguing?

I'm currently searching for my suit of armour, whilst I reply to the 3 PM's I just received from American support, whilst they shudder from this public thread.. It's quite a reflection on the confidence Americans have to come out and say their piece, aye?

LOL.You start yet another America bashing thread and are now going to criticize Americans for defending their country? I don't even know why I bother opening your threads because really they ALL say the samething. America is badddddddddddddd mmkay. Seriously,get over yourself.Don't be mad at us Americans because YOUR country sucks.As someone else pointed out our government isn't the only one that's pulled this BS. Perhaps you NON Americans need to go revist the history you are all so quick to claim WE don't know.

I'd just like to call you out on your blatant lie. This is the only thread I have produced in regards to America. I just checked my history also. Do you have some sort of Xray vision that I do not?

Aha. Your rant is most amusing. Please continue, I have time for a good arguement today.

posted on Sep, 28 2012 @ 07:01 AM
Personally I feel that we should just pack up and leave. Go back to how we were prior to WW2 and practice isolationalism.

Bring home all our troops. Close all bases that we have in other countries, including those that have been there for 60 years or more. Just close them down, bring all our stuff from them and the personnel home.

Use those military personnel to simply protect our country's borders and territories. Have the US Navy to simply act as body guards for US shipping (IE escorts).

Cut all foreign aid to all other countries: yer off the tit. Good luck. Private companies and groups that want to help those people may do so, but with no government involvement on the US's part.

Close down the UN building in New York, and tell all the delegates to find a new home.

Maintain embassies in countries we have diplomatic ties with, however if said embassies get attacked, close them, bring the staff home, break off all diplomatic ties and remove their embassy personnel from US soil. Warn US citizens that they go to that country at their own risk.

Concentrate on our own problems, energy needs and feeding people here at home. Any country that screams for our help in anything, and I do mean ANYTHING, gets told simply: Zark Off. Swim or drown. It's not our problem.

But then, we'll have threads started up on here by non-US members going on about how the US should have been there, should have done something, how evil of the US to simply stand there and not do something!

As Skeptic Overlord told me on a thread of mine once: Damned if you do. Damned if you don't.

posted on Sep, 28 2012 @ 07:17 AM

Originally posted by nightstalker78
reply to post by MrInquisitive

"I don't see the OP blaming all the world's woes on the US. Her point is the hypocrisy of the US, which claims to stand for freedom, free speech and peace-loving intentions, and knocks other countries that don't hold to this line, but the US itself is one of the biggest offenders. Hence the post's title: US Hypocrisy"

Yeah,she does.She's calling the US hypocrites while letting the rest of the world off for doing the samething.It's typical of her.She constantly bashes the US,but fails to mention what other countries do. It's her style.It's rather comical actualy.Im sure she'll be along shortly to bash me too,because I don't agree with her.

ANYONE here who thinks the US is the only hypocritical nation seriously needs a break from ATS.

You know. I've only just noticed how much anger you keep directing towards ME.

I know your talking BULL CRAP, because I'm actually pioneering to uncover all the English's despicable secrets... You don't realise I'm currently half way through research into Bloody Sunday (among other things), The privation of the English police force, the chemical spraying of ours coasts in the 60's, the disastrous Falklands War, English use of depleted Plutonium, the abuse of Mental Health institutions, the inner workings of MI6, and the Elite Peadophile sex rings....

So don't you walk around here accusing me of this, and accusing me of that, when you know naff fekking all.

I'm loyal to no country other than that of Northern Ireland, so they're is absolutely no bias in postings. If I decide to talk about the US I'll talk about them, if I decide to talk about Russia, I'll talk about them, If I decide to talk about your mom, I'll talk about her.

This thread was compiled in the space of ten minutes, as I had a rebuttal aimed the anti-Assange members, and I also had a few piks that I thought I'd make use of.

Deal with it

posted on Sep, 28 2012 @ 07:20 AM

Originally posted by eriktheawful
Personally I feel that we should just pack up and leave. Go back to how we were prior to WW2 and practice isolationalism.

Bring home all our troops. Close all bases that we have in other countries, including those that have been there for 60 years or more. Just close them down, bring all our stuff from them and the personnel home.

Use those military personnel to simply protect our country's borders and territories. Have the US Navy to simply act as body guards for US shipping (IE escorts).

Cut all foreign aid to all other countries: yer off the tit. Good luck. Private companies and groups that want to help those people may do so, but with no government involvement on the US's part.

Close down the UN building in New York, and tell all the delegates to find a new home.

Maintain embassies in countries we have diplomatic ties with, however if said embassies get attacked, close them, bring the staff home, break off all diplomatic ties and remove their embassy personnel from US soil. Warn US citizens that they go to that country at their own risk.

Concentrate on our own problems, energy needs and feeding people here at home. Any country that screams for our help in anything, and I do mean ANYTHING, gets told simply: Zark Off. Swim or drown. It's not our problem.

But then, we'll have threads started up on here by non-US members going on about how the US should have been there, should have done something, how evil of the US to simply stand there and not do something!

As Skeptic Overlord told me on a thread of mine once: Damned if you do. Damned if you don't.

I would agree with all those points. And I agree that if we do pull away, the same people complaining about the US now would also then complain because we did not give out any more aid or come and be the world's policeman.

You are right, Damned if you do and damned if you don't.

In addition, even if we cut all ties and pulled out of hte ME, we'd still be the "great satan" because the mullahs, elitists, and kleptocrats in many of those countries must blame someone to disctract their people from the #ty way they treat their own people and steal form them.
edit on 28-9-2012 by NavyDoc because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 28 2012 @ 07:20 AM
reply to post by eriktheawful

I think the most interesting thing to happen in the last 20 years is the fact, our governments keep claiming WE ARE AT WAR...

Yet, have any of us seen a foreign troop on our home soil? o_O

posted on Sep, 28 2012 @ 07:25 AM

Originally posted by Hefficide
reply to post by Kang69

Your history errors aside, and misquoting me aside - I did not say Hiroshima and Nagasake saved 60,000,000 lives. I said that 180,000 people died in Hiroshima and Nagasaki ( directly and indirectly - and, again, I'm going by memory so my number might be a shade off ). Thus .003% of WW2 deaths were the result of atomic warfare.

Why so indignant about that, while willfully ignoring the 59,820,000 other deaths?

My post handed you a bunch of apples and a bunch of cherries. All you've done is come along, pull every cherry out, throw it down, and totally ignore the apples.

Great Satan. Wish you would Phuch off the 500 Marines stationed in Darwin Australia. Really could do without the American presence 'Down Under'. It won't matter in the end because you are rapidly sending yourselves broke with your endless militarism. Please do the rest of the world a favor and PISS OFF! Go eat another cheeseburger and mind your own business.

I stand by my original statement. America has done good things and it has done bad things.

But, frankly, I'm the one who's really laughing as the younger generation learns to hate the "great satan" because I'm wise enough to see that what will come along to "save" you all from it is going to be a hundred times worse.

edit on 9/27/12 by Hefficide because: typo

posted on Sep, 28 2012 @ 07:32 AM
Well Eric thats about the best thing I have heard on this thread. Sink or swim. Yes the world dosnt need you storming arround it, on some ego trip. Saying how much better you are and that you are some kind of world police man. Trying to help and spreading democracy by the gun. Either with your military, or terrorists acting on your behalf. Your own people need help, more than others . Charity starts at home. Think of all those poor americans living in tent towns or under bridges ect. What about them? All those people who had their homes ripped off by the banksters? They need your help, fellow americans.
If you took good care of your own and rebuilt all the crumbling infrastructure. Then maybe people could see that you have a fit govt, one that serves the people and not some military industrial complex. Whos only goal is to create wars and to steal other peoples assets. It would show the world that you are a caring peaceful nation. People would respect and admire you for that. How ever at the moment, you are despised and the only friends you really have. Are those that are can be bribed or bought by dollars.
No country in the world is perfect, we all have our own dirty secrets. So being an isolationist nation, would give you the chance to show the world what you are really like. Instead of the hypocrisy that you show to the world, with your present attitude and actions. Yes become a shining example, so that people and other countrys could follow your lead. The world would be a much better place if that was the case.

posted on Sep, 28 2012 @ 07:34 AM

posted on Sep, 28 2012 @ 07:38 AM
reply to post by Sinny

You are assuming the american people have a say in our government

what planet do you live on??

i do not know how things are done in the UK but around here we just do as we are told by our "elected" "officials" and the rich who buy them. The people have no say I have no say i just live here
edit on 28-9-2012 by votan because: (no reason given)

edit on 28-9-2012 by votan because: (no reason given)

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