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US Hypocrisy.

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posted on Sep, 27 2012 @ 07:41 PM
reply to post by shuar911

No second line?

The one thing people need to be aware of is that whenever someone decides to start a revolution the financiers will be right there on the back step with a wad of cash in hand to "help out". That's the hypocrisy that keeps the world in debt and miserable, they "help" no one but themselves. It isn't the hypocrisy of Americans or Brits or anyone else besides the moneylenders, the rest of us are just rubes.

We could have taken a hint from Napoleon, who was "The first "monster" created by the new dynasty of international financiers. He was allowed to march across Europe, winning victory after victory against straw man opponents.... When the "dictator" had been built up to world class status, a phalanx of nations was financed and armed by the Rothschilds to rise up against him.

After the dust had settled, Napoleon said: "When a government is dependent upon bankers for money, they and not the leaders of the government control the situation, since the hand that gives is above the hand that takes. Money has no motherland; financiers are without patriotism and without decency; their sole object is gain."

posted on Sep, 27 2012 @ 08:11 PM


posted on Sep, 27 2012 @ 08:33 PM
reply to post by Hefficide

Whats with this crap "America has done good things and bad."

I feel like were diverging from the truth here.

We killed 16 million Native Americans to forge North America into a Consumer Plantation.

5 million dead Vietnamese civilians.

And now over a million dead civilians in Iraq.

This country was great when we had the founders around, but now anyone can take a crayon and write anything they want over the Constitution.

We saved 60,000,000 lives by not invading Japan in WW2? That number seems a bit exaggerated.

First, FDR wanted Japan to attack Pearl Harbor. It's reminiscent of what happened in WW1 with the Lusitania. No American wanted to go to Europe to fight the Germans, or fight them again in WW2.

FDR put up a financial blockade against Japan before Pearl Harbor, crippling their oil supply. He even sunk German cargo ships to get Germany to attack.

You have to "swing" the American people to enter a war. Propaganda+False Flags= Justified war. That simple.

You know, it's funny, almost every war America has entered in the 20th century and 21st has been started by a False Flag.

-Pearl Harbor
-Gulf of Tonkin

Plus, most of those wars were unconstitutional.

As far as I'm concerned America is Rome 2.0 brown baby killer edition.

America is an Empire.

-We have the most sophisticated military in the world.
-We have over 900 military bases around the world.
-The US dollar, though, not taxed directly, has become the standard currency around the world.

I would like this country if we stuck to what the founders said, it would be a nice place to live before we evolve further and we can finally break free of a consumer society and live forever in peace and travel in space.

I know that sounds corny, but it's possible. It's possible if we cut all the funding on defense and weapons. We use that money saved to clothe and feed the whole world, which it would.

Never forget our country today is slowly turning to 30's Germany. (NDAA, NDRP)

One more thing, all those Nazi scientists that came over to the states, did some great things for our country. The Apollo program wouldn't be possible without Wernher von Braun.

But there was one Nazi, the founder of Mind Control, that actually got a green card to work in the states. His name was Joseph Mengele. A true demented # this guy was.

Gee, I wonder how MK-ULTRA was possible?

When I hear, America has done good things, so let's forget about the bad past we've had.

I smell the same propaganda that this country has been suffocated with for the past 100 years.

It makes me sick.

posted on Sep, 27 2012 @ 08:55 PM
reply to post by Kang69

Your history errors aside, and misquoting me aside - I did not say Hiroshima and Nagasake saved 60,000,000 lives. I said that 180,000 people died in Hiroshima and Nagasaki ( directly and indirectly - and, again, I'm going by memory so my number might be a shade off ). Thus .003% of WW2 deaths were the result of atomic warfare.

Why so indignant about that, while willfully ignoring the 59,820,000 other deaths?

My post handed you a bunch of apples and a bunch of cherries. All you've done is come along, pull every cherry out, throw it down, and totally ignore the apples.

I stand by my original statement. America has done good things and it has done bad things.

But, frankly, I'm the one who's really laughing as the younger generation learns to hate the "great satan" because I'm wise enough to see that what will come along to "save" you all from it is going to be a hundred times worse.

edit on 9/27/12 by Hefficide because: typo

posted on Sep, 27 2012 @ 09:00 PM
reply to post by Sinny

So let me get this straight, you feel the whole Assange and Manning wikileaks thing is a good thing? How do you know that Assange is not a "spy" for another country? Not like he would just come out and say it. Things like that can take decades before they become public knowledge. So jumping onto it being a patriotic release of information is premature. What Pvt Manning did was espionage. He stole military documents and gave them up to be released. How do you think a country like China would do to a soldier doing that? Would that poor soul ever be seen or heard from again? If so, not alive. Do you think that things that are kept "top secret" are sunshine and rainbows
No country is a saint. Read this link Now if when we learned about the massacre and it was released to the public what would have been the results? We needed the Russians to win the European theater of WWII and getting at them for that atrocity would have accomplished nothing except maybe turning the war even more complicated. Yet this was kept from general knowledge for decades. Sometimes contex is key, like invading Japan and losing thousands of your people ORdrop a bomb that you know will kill a lot of people in the blast radius horribly but cow the survivors into submission without placing your people into bloody combat? One choice seems to stand out as the winner.

posted on Sep, 27 2012 @ 09:13 PM
reply to post by Kang69

I would like this country if we stuck to what the founders said, it would be a nice place to live ...

While I agree with much of what you said, I'd like to know specifically what the founders said and which ones said it that you think we should stick to. The parts that are actually in the Constitution, or what they said about it, like in the federalist papers?

posted on Sep, 27 2012 @ 09:20 PM

Originally posted by Pervius
How did America defeat the Indians and get to take over the continent?

Hired a couple guys to shoot and kill off the millions of Buffalo that roamed the midwest and killed the Indians off by starving them to death.

America's got the tools to do the same to the world. Don't mess with'll die every time.

Just go ask the starving North Koreans. Boy was China mad as hell when Australia just took their entire Orange crop for the year and dumped them all in a pile in a field.

Hundreds of tons of yummy ripe oranges........China's getting starved out next.
edit on 27-9-2012 by Pervius because: (no reason given)

Whoa there man. The Guys who killed off the buffalo were hunters and trappers who were to cheap to raise cattle themselves until they had no choice after killing off the buffalo. The deaths of the indians was just a bonus. The NK situation though is Blackmail though. The NK's spend all their aid on military stuff as well as the food they were sent time and time again. When you bite the hand that feeds you do not be surprised when the hand is no longer offered. The glorious leader in NK is hogging all the food for the armies he has. As for chinas oranges being sacked thats a case of punishment for acting like spoiled brats. The Chinese have their own ways to grow food though So its not like they will starve though.

As for the Hypocrisy of America a country itself cannot be a hypocrite. It is a non living piece of land correct? Now the GOVERNMENT can be a hypocrite though. I have a issue about people always bringing up the death of japanese in Hiroshima and nagasaki. The people there were all helping the war effort. They were a resource for the japanese army and navy correct? Now when you attack a country you go for their resources as well. The civilians stopped being so when they helped the army and navy. They became Non uniformed personnel. And in effect a valid military target. And if you want to get on atrocities or outright murder what did the japanese do in China? I seem to recall them raping,pillaging,and acting like the Ghengis khan used to do.

posted on Sep, 27 2012 @ 10:04 PM
I'm sorry but is this...some kind of joke? Someone who doesn't even live in the United States talks as though they have figured the entire country out? Are MEMEs and political cartoons along with overly-biased Assange quotes your sources? I think you're going to have to try a little harder than that...

This country is so young, but in that time has become one of if not THE most powerful country in the world economically and obviously militarily. Rough patches happen, take a look at the joke of an economy Europe turned itself into, hell even China is slowing down. Take it easy there cowboys, being globally aware doesn't have to mean hating America.
edit on 27-9-2012 by LiberLegit because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 27 2012 @ 10:12 PM

Originally posted by RiverRunsFree
Fact of the matter is America doesn't care about the rest of the world and why should it. If your top dog, it's because you worked to get there, be that ethical work or not (including hypocrisy, show me a government that isn't hypocritical). Empires from time past were all the same and they all fall eventually.

Spouting hate on an internet forum is going to change what? Suck it up and get over it.... oh and I'm not American but I can see the bigger picture, the sooner you realise America doesn't care about you and what you think the better and the better for this forum too (10 hate America threads a day here).

This is the world you and I live in, accept it or get up and change it.... I'm lazy and I've accepted it, what are you doing?

Of course this is just my opinion.
edit on 27-9-2012 by RiverRunsFree because: (no reason given)

edit on 27-9-2012 by RiverRunsFree because: (no reason given)

Let's just ignore the fact that America gives up the most money for foreign aid year after year. Come on, do you guys even try to check facts before you say these things?

posted on Sep, 27 2012 @ 10:41 PM

Originally posted by Hefficide

Isn't the British government the one trying to arrest Assange? I don't keep up with the Assange stuff, but I thought that was the case.

Oh... and the Nazi's? It was the Munich agreement - otherwise known as the Chamberlain accord that let Hitler out of the bag, so to speak.

A little "practice what you preach" goes a long way.


Practice what you preach is rich when you have a mod posting off topic.

The topic was and is about US hypocrisy. I agree with you Sinny, I do not live in the US, but as an observer, I see it constantly. You can have this, but not that, while we (US) get everything.
One example is the NPT. I will stick with just the signatories of it. Iran cannot enrich even though the US says they are not building a bomb. Part of the NPT is disarmament, the US and other signatories have not disarmed. That is just one quick example of the hypocrisy.

Oh yes, be careful Sinny. People like the poster I quoted will be quick to try and deflect the issue rather than addressing it. Plus, you will become labelled "Anti-American". Don't worry though, as a North American I don't even know of a country called America.

posted on Sep, 27 2012 @ 10:49 PM
Really OP? How can you slam the U.S. as a Brit and be just as guilty? More anti-Americanism on ATS what a surprise.

It was the UK that issued their so called 'intelligence' report.. which was completely false. You're just as guilty.

The Assessment of the British Government

I love this part..

In recent months, I have been increasingly alarmed by the evidence from inside Iraq that despite sanctions, despite the damage done to his capability in the past, despite the UN Security Council Resolutions expressly outlawing it, and despite his denials, Saddam Hussein is continuing to develop WMD, and with them the ability to inflict real damage upon the region, and the stability of the world.

ETA: Don't play innocent lamb with me either. I was both in OEF and OIF alongside with British Soldiers.. they have blood on their hands by the way, it just never gets talked about. Be glad it doesn't and that the U.S. is constantly in the lime light otherwise you wouldn't have anything to post about.

I was a Soldier, right or wrong aside, I am not a mindless killer.. you; however, are an arm chair expert that is clueless as to what poked the bear.
edit on 27-9-2012 by 31Bravo because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 27 2012 @ 10:58 PM
reply to post by superman2012

You're joking right? You can honestly look at someone with a straight face and say that you would like Iran to have a nuclear weapon?

edit on 27-9-2012 by 31Bravo because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 27 2012 @ 11:04 PM

Originally posted by 31Bravo
reply to post by superman2012

You're joking right? You can honestly look at someone with a straight face and say that you would like Iran to have a nuclear weapon?

edit on 27-9-2012 by 31Bravo because: (no reason given)

How exactly did you get that from what I typed? You do understand/realize that enriching Uranium is not just for weapons right?

ETA: Thanks for proving me right with the labeling of being anti-american.
Plus, you know deflect it back to the UK, the very thing, most people who are against Iran enriching, use when confronted with the statement that the US is the only country to have used one.
edit on 27-9-2012 by superman2012 because: lol

posted on Sep, 27 2012 @ 11:11 PM

Originally posted by superman2012
How exactly did you get that from what I typed? You do understand/realize that enriching Uranium is not just for weapons right?
Yes, nuclear capabilities can be used for all sorts of things.. but come on.. really? You think Iran won't build a bomb? Wake up.

Stop drinking the ATS kool-aid all the time.. yes conspiracies are fun but the blame game is still in effect. The U.S. isn't responsible for everything.

ETA: Thanks for proving me right with the labeling of being anti-american.
Plus, you know deflect it back to the UK, the very thing, most people who are against Iran enriching, use when confronted with the statement that the US is the only country to have used one.
edit on 27-9-2012 by superman2012 because: lol
Hey buddy, fact is fact.. it was the UK that released their report. You can try to twist me in to some mindless sheep making up things as I go along but I posted a PDF released by that very government.

Yes, this post is anti-American. I don't really care to argue this with you because it's pointless AND off topic. Besides, if it's SO bad here, leave. How many rallies have you conducted against what's going on? Oh I get it.. you just want to live here and get on ATS and spew mindless nonsense in a senseless post. Good job

ETA: Yes, we used one during a WAR that would have cost more American lives.. sorry.. war is hell and it sucks, but we had the bigger stick.
edit on 27-9-2012 by 31Bravo because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 27 2012 @ 11:16 PM
It's anti foreign policy, don't be silly, not anti American. Btw, I'd be ok with them having a nuke. I don't live in Israel.

posted on Sep, 27 2012 @ 11:18 PM
reply to post by superman2012

Oh I can't wait to read the reply to this....

The OP claimed:

Just been reading the latest Assange thread, inclusive of his latest speech. A speech which is probably one of his MOST detrimental yet to the PTB, and more importantly that of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.

A phrase I find slightly amusing my self, as from what I gather, you aren't united at all.

It's absolutely amazes me to see some people on this site and throughout the world in general, that ACTUALLY BELIEVE Assange has done your country a DISSERVICE.

Are you freaking kidding me?

Julian Assange has been careful with the information he has leaked. Do you really believe they release everything they have? What has he leaked so far that would endanger the life of your soldiers? The soldiers who, by the way, are by majority, cold blooded killers.

Julian Assange has saved many lives, no doubt, by making the US and allied forces think twice before breaking international law and killing innocent civilians.

The people who still persecute Assange, including those on this site are blindly patriotic, or have an agenda.
in a thread entitled US HYPOCRISY.

To which I replied:

Originally posted by Hefficide

Isn't the British government the one trying to arrest Assange? I don't keep up with the Assange stuff, but I thought that was the case.

The OP also posted:

Tabling WW2: To which I retorted:

Originally posted by Hefficide

Oh... and the Nazi's? It was the Munich agreement - otherwise known as the Chamberlain accord that let Hitler out of the bag, so to speak.

All completely ON topic.

Then you throw in a few subtle tactics...

Originally posted by superman2012

Practice what you preach is rich when you have a mod posting off topic.

Oh yes, be careful Sinny. People like the poster I quoted will be quick to try and deflect the issue rather than addressing it. Plus, you will become labelled "Anti-American". Don't worry though, as a North American I don't even know of a country called America.

Straw man, (argumentum ad populum , argumenta ad hominem), and that last bit is poisoning the well.

And the ultimate irony here? YOU posted an off topic post the body of which was meant to create the illusion that my ON TOPIC post was off topic.

Sometimes this place makes my brain want to explode.

edit on 9/27/12 by Hefficide because: (no reason given)

edit on 9/27/12 by Hefficide because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 27 2012 @ 11:22 PM
reply to post by Sek82

Yea and to what end?

Iran is capable, within a reasonable amount of time, to create a long distance missile with a nuclear war head. Would you be okay then?

ETA: Oh, and let's not forget that it could be perceived that Iran is creating a bond with other anti-US countries (i.e. N. Korea)

Nope.. no way Iran will EVER create a weapon to take down western influence... ever.

edit on 27-9-2012 by 31Bravo because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 27 2012 @ 11:30 PM
reply to post by Hefficide

Can't wait to answer you...

in a thread entitled US HYPOCRISY.

To which I replied:

Isn't the British government the one trying to arrest Assange? I don't keep up with the Assange stuff, but I thought that was the case.

Just because Sinny brought up Assange and the people that are persecuting him, doesn't mean that you can flip it around. I thought the thread title would be pretty clear to people.
If not she made it clear here.

It was just a jab...don't take it as an uppercut. We all do it.

Ps- my brain exploded years ago...see how I made you post off topic and now I am?

posted on Sep, 27 2012 @ 11:36 PM
reply to post by 31Bravo

Yes, nuclear capabilities can be used for all sorts of things.. but come on.. really? You think Iran won't build a bomb? Wake up.

I never once said they will never pursue it, but, you have to wonder if all the nations "involved" are saying they aren't building one, why do you know better?

Stop drinking the ATS kool-aid all the time.. yes conspiracies are fun but the blame game is still in effect. The U.S. isn't responsible for everything.

Never claimed they were...but falling back on the Anti-US card is getting pretty lame around here...

Yes, this post is anti-American. I don't really care to argue this with you because it's pointless AND off topic. Besides, if it's SO bad here, leave. How many rallies have you conducted against what's going on? Oh I get it.. you just want to live here and get on ATS and spew mindless nonsense in a senseless post. Good job

No it isn' just need to read and understand. I don't care to argue either, but that doesn't mean it isn't fun. I don't think it's bad here...I just think too many people on here regurgitate MSM...must be all the spoon feeding going on. I have not conducted one rally...nor do I intend to. If, however, the US strikes first and without provocation, then I'll let you know where and when to show up. Mindless nonsense? Have you done any research about any of this? Or just turn on the TV and let them tell you what to think? I feel sorry for the US...I don't hate anyone there.


ETA: Yes, we used one during a WAR that would have cost more American lives.. sorry.. war is hell and it sucks, but we had the bigger stick.

Two. You used two.
edit on 27-9-2012 by superman2012 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 27 2012 @ 11:45 PM

Have you done any research about any of this? Or just turn on the TV and let them tell you what to think?
Attacking my intelligence on the matter won't make you any better. Yes, I am currently in college.. believe it or not, Americans can learn. I don't use MSM I use a wide variety of alternative media since I don't trust the MSM.

I just have experience with the middle east.. they don't care about you, the fact you have kids, a bad back, or a puppy named Spot. They want to bring Islam to the world even if it means killing off infadel (Yes, this means you)

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