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What if money was no object? An amazingly insightful video..

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posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 01:25 AM
reply to post by Lightbringer38

This is one man that has a seat at God's table. I would rarely say I love another man being one myself...BUT...I truly love this man...Countless hours I have spent listening to him...and I never made a cent in doing so

I love you Alan Watts RIP...I'll see you on the other side

Thanks the apple tree apples...the earth peoples...

"A Conversations with Myself" is one of my favorites...
edit on 9/26/2012 by Drala because: I wish I could flag this a thousand times...

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 01:31 AM

Originally posted by msfitte
reply to post by Lightbringer38

Not sure what reaction you're looking for. The "do what you love/what makes you happy" is nice in theory but in practice it just doesn't work that way.

It's no surprise to me that many of those the narrator questioned want to do things in the arts realm. Artistic things of all types feed the soul but when you've got kids to literally feed as well, the soul needs to take a backseat no matter how depressing it becomes

Wally Wannawrite may be just as talented and committed to crafting stories as Stephen King, but for whatever reason never got the buzz or big following to make it profitable. So he goes about his 40 or more hours a week doing whatever it takes for himself and his family to survive. And if he's lucky he has enough energy and brain power on his hours off to write for himself and maybe publish for those who know about and appreciate his work.

Looks like the flags speak for should research this may not have heard of him...but I think you are more the Wally Wannawrite...hows that foot tasting? Have you tried gardening...its rather ZEN and puts food on the table

Crazy idea...stop having so many kids;( unless you can provide...

One must do work...but do something you every cell in a healthy body...they are all working in harmony and we don't starve internally...its when the cells behave like a cancer we get issues...
edit on 9/26/2012 by Drala because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 02:39 AM
It is true that when one finds a job one loves one never works another day again. (IMO)The end game of this thought process is suggested in Zeitgeist 2011 Moving Forward. It has been my thoughts of late that preparing for a barter process in any way that can benefit you is wise. The possibility of ridding ourselves of all the things that we think are necessary to our happiness is hard on the average person. I mean we are seriously addicted to our creature comforts, especially those that are electronically magnificent, as well as those that make our life stupid easy, like cars, running water, and gas heat. However, if enough people grouped together they might be astounded what they could achieve with very little. Living off the grid is only difficult and expensive when you wish to have all the comforts the utility bills provide for you. And of course this is nearly impossible for those in an urban setting. This video also suggests we could get more bees with honey than vinegar. This too suggests that when the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will be at peace (Jimi Hendrix). This video raises such an important personal message that will likely be overlooked by those providing plenty of excuses why they are not responsible for their own unhappiness. Usually, it is because of our desire to keep up with the Jones' and butter our own ego. This can surely be seen in politics, entertainment, advertisement, and other social structures provided within the dichotomy of our educations. However, the greed crescendo is the next bubble to pop. Not sure how, maybe many different ways as our web is a tangled one. Hopefully the correction will not have anything to do with nuclear warheads and instead may be something Universal that will humble us into actually respecting one another despite our differences. I still have hope despite it all. Hope is all we have. Logic seems to be on permanent vacation while vitriol and hatred fueled by the big polarizing propaganda machine is melting people's minds into hating each other without cause. Just what those in power desire. The industrial revolution hasn't proven anything yet, unless you account for all the garbage and suffering that has taken place during the "uplifting' of the human race. We still have quite a ways to go. And the path may not be quite as pretty as we have been accustomed to (in the good 'ol USA). Now is the time to seek out happiness and find what truly makes you happy. Money will not bring you happiness, but happiness will provide you with what you need. Once you give up the need for all the material things that do nothing but enslave you you will be free from the shackles the video suggests are restraining you. See you on the fringe. Although maybe I won't see you because I'll be in the woods while you are in the city hoping for an epiphany. It's all free will. Good luck...

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 03:47 AM
The video was very short, I expected more.
I don't think he is anything special for saying it. I say it all the time but didn't make a video presentation about it. Basically he has a good voice put to beautiful imagery. It makes it sound better. The Beatles did it already with money can't buy you love. Love is all you need.

Of course it was good advice but I really don't think people are inclined to realize the quest for wealth isn't really worth it in the end. Nobody really listens. They all want it.

One way to think about it is if you are going to work like a slave for say 30 or 40 years and be wealthy enough to retire at age 50 or 60 whatever. By that time you might be so ill with some typical ailment one gets at that age. Then you really can't enjoy it. You may even be dead.
Will it be worth it?

Why would you want to be somebody else's slave? Why?
Like he said its better to live a shorter life.

I liked the video and will favourite it to play for some people I think should hear it.

The most important thing you can have in life is your health along with the love of your family and loving them back. Nothing else really matters. You might think this isn't so but I assure you it is. You need to be amassing good friends and family relationships not gold bars.

edit on 26-9-2012 by violet because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 04:58 AM
Great writing and narration. Wish this would play daily, instead of the weather forecast - this is a far more reliable prediction.

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 05:28 AM

Originally posted by Historymajor
Vanity of vanities...all is vanity. Everything is chasing the wind...


posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 08:04 AM

Originally posted by proob4
Somewhere along the line the human race was derailed from it's true destiny.
Now where all stuck in this RAT RACE of a world.

Wal-marts moved into towns all over the country and stole a lot of peoples hard work and dreams!

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 08:20 AM
Dad insisted I get an education. No not a diploma, but an education. Yes I went to college, but took courses I really wanted, confusing those that determined what courses one took because I rejected many.

Likewise in life I've done many things that others don't even consider being a part of life, and yes did them on my own volition. Thus I really had a well rounded life, perhaps I could have done more, but seriously I always did what I truly wanted to do. No money was not important, unless it meant keeping a simple roof over my head and food in my belly. Yes I recall times I made as little as $.50 in a month.

Now I'm retired and on Social Security. That helps keep the roof over my head as I've now some physical problems that interfere in my enjoyment of life. BUT I still think, I still do things that others don't consider. I live on a farm, I just own the house not the farm, but I'm in the middle of the farm, and love it. Sure some days the wind blows the wrong way from the manure pile, but most days it is wonderful.

Recently I had an old pair of pliers that came from a Mercedes car. They were rusted beyond belief. After trying to get them to open by pounding on them with a hammer, I tossed them into a bucket. Well over time some grasses were tossed on top of the pliers, and when I went to dump the mess on the pile of grass and branches, the pliers landed on top. They were like new, and worked perfectly. So I started to use my education in chemistry and figured out what the process is/was that happened. Now I'm bottling up this mix and will soon be selling it as a Rust Remover.

Will it be on every store shelf? Very doubtful.

Will I make a million? Even more doubtful.

But what is important to me is I've developed a product that is 100% organic. No acids added, No terrible chemicals involved. While it has a nice smell, it certainly doesn't taste good, and probably would give you a case of the trots if you ate it. When it is no longer needed, it can be dumped on your garden and vegetable plants for some fertilizer.

So my point is I've developed something that works well, and doesn't hurt the environment. (Beulah's Rust Remover).

I've also written a book on mythology. (Mythic Cornucopia) Some 3000+ pages. Loved writing it over 9+ years. Its finished but I've never had it published. Perhaps a member of my family will do that after I've died. Makes no difference to me. I completed something that really interested me, and had not been written before.

What will happen next, what will knock on my door of interest? Don't know. Not important, what is important to me is that I open that door and do something that captures my imagination. Life goes on and I enjoy it. _javascript:icon('
')That's what matters.

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 08:24 AM
My spouse gets laid off a lot - (not fired - laid off). It's the nature of the industry he is in. Each time he has new choices to make, I tell him, "Take the one you want and would like doing the most. Forget the money, I can work it out no matter what."

Unfortunately, he STILL deems his self-worth by his paycheck and will invariably choose the job with higher pay, regardless of job safety or satisfaction.

I don't get it!

Alan is right, choose the job that suits your personality and makes you happiest first! Forget the paycheck!

I have always done my best, and I would do the same "best to my ability" no matter if you paid me a penny an hour or a million an hour. I have to live with myself, first and foremost. If I'm not pleased with my own performance, then, I've chosen the wrong path.

Go Alan!

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 08:49 AM

Originally posted by Trexter Ziam
My spouse gets laid off a lot - (not fired - laid off). It's the nature of the industry he is in. Each time he has new choices to make, I tell him, "Take the one you want and would like doing the most. Forget the money, I can work it out no matter what."

Unfortunately, he STILL deems his self-worth by his paycheck and will invariably choose the job with higher pay, regardless of job safety or satisfaction.

I don't get it!

Alan is right, choose the job that suits your personality and makes you happiest first! Forget the paycheck!

I have always done my best, and I would do the same "best to my ability" no matter if you paid me a penny an hour or a million an hour. I have to live with myself, first and foremost. If I'm not pleased with my own performance, then, I've chosen the wrong path.

Go Alan!

Great response my friend!

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 10:27 AM

Originally posted by msfitte
reply to post by Lightbringer38

Not sure what reaction you're looking for. The "do what you love/what makes you happy" is nice in theory but in practice it just doesn't work that way.

It's no surprise to me that many of those the narrator questioned want to do things in the arts realm. Artistic things of all types feed the soul but when you've got kids to literally feed as well, the soul needs to take a backseat no matter how depressing it becomes

Wally Wannawrite may be just as talented and committed to crafting stories as Stephen King, but for whatever reason never got the buzz or big following to make it profitable. So he goes about his 40 or more hours a week doing whatever it takes for himself and his family to survive. And if he's lucky he has enough energy and brain power on his hours off to write for himself and maybe publish for those who know about and appreciate his work.

I have to respectfully disagree with you, and in doing so, hope I might hit something here;

Can we agree that (perhaps almost) every single human being on this planet has a drive, a passion, something they love doing? Some might not know what that is yet, others might almost be at the peak of their accomplishments with said passion, but I'm sure nearly everyone has it, whether they know it or not (yet).

There are 7 billion people walking around on this globe.

Imagine if every one of those 7 billion just did what they feel they were born to do.

Do you, now, honestly think there will be a single thing on your very personal list of "things necessary in MY life" that not at least one other person on this planet shares a need for with you? That not at least one person per item on your list is driven enough to actually do it and do it with that much pleasure that they don't require pay in exchange? Now what happens when 7 billion people love doing what they do so much?

Don't you agree that it is often those that love music most, that produce it best, those that love videogames, that are most interested in making them, those that love to grow food, that are actually in the business of doing so, whether professionally or as a hobby gardener, those that are most interested in medicine, in helping people, that become the doctors, the nurses... I can go on forever, you get it I'm sure.

And yes, I agree, there will always be people that are "better" (it's all subjective) at things, but why does this imply that others who are not as good shouldn't do it, or at least not for a living? If you are a vegetable gardener and your harvest counts one tomato less than your neighbor's, does this mean you are a bad gardener? Should you stop gardening? If you were a farmer, should you seek another profession? No, you contribute, as you were intended to.

Money clouds peoples intentions, suddenly you have a whole bunch of writers, musicians,... who do it not because they love doing IT, but love they PAY it can provide. And what do you get then? The ones that are most passionate are often prevented from doing so in a way they would love to do it, because money has become a factor, and one that, sadly, not everyone has readily available to them.

I would love to argue about this;
Is a musics teacher really a good teacher, if all he does it for is the money he gets for it? Isn't teaching about sharing knowledge you hold, rather than selling information you know to others who have enough money to acquire it?

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 01:51 PM
Light Bringer... what is your point? Both in this thread and on the Path?

I hadn't realized that Alan had passed over but then nearly everybody is doing it these days, and by everybody I mean Mentors that made a serious effort on the Path and inspired others to follow in their footsteps and then build off their back.

One must read through hundreds of books to find one with value and for many the Path to Consciousness begins by looking for that single One and learning to know it if its ever found. Doesn't seem like many these days involve themselves in that kind of effort.

But much of this New Age "stuff" appears to fail to reach his level, or the level of those who advanced on the Path of Knowledge and then left for India to explore other Places and Paths, and returned to tell the Tale.

That quality of Seeker is in short supply and seemingly getting shorter apparently in the 21st Century when the Classics have been altered and potential seekers neutered, and delusion has reached the point that kids expect the Higher Realms to be handed to them free, a 2012 gift?

Watts and his Peers are writers that should be seriously studied for the answers they learned, however, a deeper question these dumbed-down days is "could people even understand what he's really saying?" Which judging from the typical Philistine-level comments in the MP threads, they do not. Que Lastima.

edit on 26-9-2012 by Brown Bear because: (no reason given)

edit on 26-9-2012 by Brown Bear because: (no reason given)

edit on 26-9-2012 by Brown Bear because: context and spelling as usual

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 02:14 PM
reply to post by ThisIsNotReality

Do you know how many people go for what they love but quite frankly they suck at it. Who wants them?
I think you just have to watch an episode of one of those music talent shows where the contestant always says I was born to do this I want to do what I love. They start to sing and sound awful. You can love doing something all you want, it doesn't mean you will be any good at it. In my twenties I did a job I truly hated but I was really good, very talented some did say. I was good because I was a dedicated worker that cared about every detail. Many might have thought I loved it. I didn't , I only cared about doing my best to satisfy my clients. That's just me, how I am. I always apply myself best I can. Practice makes perfect.

With musicians you are always going to hear the same story how they chose to do what they loved. You can't go by that really because all musicians say this, of course they do. There are so many people who love music, love to sing or play guitar, compose, etc and peruse this path but don't succeed. It has nothing to do with how much passion they have. I'm not meaning those who turn that passion into drive and make it that way. Not all people can muster up that drive.

You might have argued we are missing out on some good music because the record labels are picking others not so talented because its all about marketing , money. There isn't room for all these ' could be's' . Radio stations decide who gets airplay not the artist. The artist has to hope and hope is all they have. Hope doesn't put food on the table. Lets say they do get a record deal. They will soon learn they can't really sing the songs they love or dress how they want. An image is created for them. This is often times the reason an artist with great success takes on a solo career or thinks my second album is going to be the songs I want on it, but they really didn't know what their secret weapon was and dont have the same success they once had. They start thinking the record label had it wrong because " it was me that was that band, I was the frontman, my voice, so I am what the fans want". Record label dumps them, they get their own independent label but it still isn't working. They don't have the funds to market themselves, they only have what fans remain to push their music for them. This artist will now start using their fans as workers, key word being 'use'. Fans can retweet add them on Facebook, make fan sites and promote ticket sales and links to amazon to buy their CD's. these fans don't get paid, they do it because they love the artist. Some way or another people are getting used. The artist can't cope with going from number one on billboard charts filling large stadiums to doing small venues and no radio play. Their only income is revenue from royalities of the number one songs they had years ago that are still getting airplay. Reality sets in. They still love the music though!

The world revolves around money and you can't change that and you are forced to play the game. It's just not realistic to say everybody can do what they love and not get paid.

As I said in my previous post I don't agree it should be this way. I wish it wasn't, but it is what it is. We have to understand and sympathize that not everybody has the liberty to pick and choose what they want to really do in life.

You can't seriously believe all these jobs you mentioned started off with I'm getting into this business only because I love it. I do not believe for one minute that the majority in the medical field decided on a medical career because they want to help people. No. They started off thinking what kind of jobs pay the best, and committed themselves to work hard to achieve that goal. Why work for $7 an hour when I get get $200 an hour and become a psychiatrist, or dentist or lawyer. A lawyer is a good example of my point. I'm talking about the majority not the small crowds who use your thinking. It costs a lot of money in tuition fees to go to medical school. It isn't free. They have to get other jobs to pay for this in the meantime.

I should have expanded on my point that the multinationals in today's world are stopping people from starting up businesses on what they might love. Mom & pop shops are being forced out.
edit on 26-9-2012 by violet because: (no reason given)

edit on 26-9-2012 by violet because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 02:42 PM
reply to post by ThisIsNotReality

If all 7 billion people did what they loved this world would be a mess.
Who will pick up my trash or clean my septic tank?
Show me one person who says I love pumping other people's #
edit on 26-9-2012 by violet because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 02:52 PM
Im not sure its possible anymore to live in the western world without any sort of mortgages. If you want to get an education or a house to live in, you dont really have a choice but to loan the money.

And once that loan exists, you are forced to pay interest on that loan every month, untiil you have managed to pay enough money so that the loan no longer exists. By design, its very difficult to pay back the loan while at the same time paying for your expenses.

I have an idea Im going to try though, and it may work since Im making good money at the moment.

I think it would be possible to work for 5 years in a western country, and live off that money for 10-15 years in a much cheaper country. The idea of having that many years without having to go to work is much more tempting to me than buying stuff for the money, and having to work all your life.

Maybe some of you could do the same. Cut all your unneccessary costs, that is what makes it work.

edit on 26-9-2012 by Bodhi911 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 03:12 PM

Originally posted by violet
reply to post by ThisIsNotReality

If all 7 billion people did what they loved this world would be a mess.
Who will pick up my trash or clean my septic tank?
Show me one person who says I love pumping other people's #
edit on 26-9-2012 by violet because: (no reason given)

So the world is not a mess today? Its totally crap.

Money and economic growth is much more important than happy people in all societies I know of. We get economic growth by producing and buying more and more stuff, which requires more and more resources from the nearly exhausted planet. Meanwhile a lot of people are miserable in their jobs, totally dependent on the system and cant even quit.

And that is a sane world... how?

Humans made these systems. And we can unmake them. Find better ones that makes us happier and that doesnt destroy the planet.

edit on 26-9-2012 by Bodhi911 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 03:22 PM
so true. money - a man-made invention thankfully has not corrupted every soul on the planet.
don't see nature trading US$, and it gives us plenty.

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 03:47 PM
I believe you first need to find balance if you wish to do what you want. Think what are absolutely necessary for you and how much you spend to some luxury products which you don´t even need.

For example average American woman spends about 100 dollars only to cosmetics in a month. I have never used that much money to cosmetics in my entire life. When you buy new clothes do u really need them, are you just bored to your old ones and wish to give yourself treat..

Start small and be honest to yourself .

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 06:32 PM
I wanted to share something fromthe Quran for you all which seemed relevant...

"The mutual rivalry for piling up of worldly things diverts you,
Until you visit the graves (i.e. till you die).
Nay! You shall come to know
Again, Nay! You shall come to know
Nay! If you knew with a sure knowledge (the end result of piling up, you would not have occupied yourselves in worldly things)
Verily, You shall see the blazing Fire (Hell)
And again, you shall see it with certainty of sight
Then, on that Day, you shall be asked about the delight (you indulged in, in this world)"
(TMQ 102)

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 08:46 PM
BUT IT IS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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