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What if money was no object? An amazingly insightful video..

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posted on Sep, 25 2012 @ 08:59 AM
I have been known to post many favourite youtube user "TragedyandHope" here and some have done very well on this site. But this video puts the icing on the cake, the video is just profound it had a very deep impact on me and left me sitting in silence for a couple of minutes after the video. It is extremely well edited, and the exert from Alan Watts is just amazing.. I was truly amazed by this video I hope you are too. Enjoy

posted on Sep, 25 2012 @ 09:12 AM
Come on people this deserves attention!

posted on Sep, 25 2012 @ 09:22 AM
He says the same thing I have felt forever. For some reason we live for money. I just don't get it.

Good video,

posted on Sep, 25 2012 @ 09:31 AM
reply to post by Lightbringer38

Not sure what reaction you're looking for. The "do what you love/what makes you happy" is nice in theory but in practice it just doesn't work that way.

It's no surprise to me that many of those the narrator questioned want to do things in the arts realm. Artistic things of all types feed the soul but when you've got kids to literally feed as well, the soul needs to take a backseat no matter how depressing it becomes

Wally Wannawrite may be just as talented and committed to crafting stories as Stephen King, but for whatever reason never got the buzz or big following to make it profitable. So he goes about his 40 or more hours a week doing whatever it takes for himself and his family to survive. And if he's lucky he has enough energy and brain power on his hours off to write for himself and maybe publish for those who know about and appreciate his work.

posted on Sep, 25 2012 @ 09:46 AM
Yes, if we didn't have to use a third of our lives working for corporations that piss us off, then we could probably climb trees and jump in canyons more often.

posted on Sep, 25 2012 @ 09:56 AM

Originally posted by msfitte
reply to post by Lightbringer38

Not sure what reaction you're looking for. The "do what you love/what makes you happy" is nice in theory but in practice it just doesn't work that way.

It's no surprise to me that many of those the narrator questioned want to do things in the arts realm. Artistic things of all types feed the soul but when you've got kids to literally feed as well, the soul needs to take a backseat no matter how depressing it becomes

Wally Wannawrite may be just as talented and committed to crafting stories as Stephen King, but for whatever reason never got the buzz or big following to make it profitable. So he goes about his 40 or more hours a week doing whatever it takes for himself and his family to survive. And if he's lucky he has enough energy and brain power on his hours off to write for himself and maybe publish for those who know about and appreciate his work.

Sounds like you're thinking for people (you have lost faith in the individual human being and they (individual) always screws up and chooses a little less better life??), you are telling people that this topic is useless because of what you see around you, so "you" succumb to your point... Why "choose" to think that way?

Love what you do, master the craft and maximize your profits, just don't screw anybody over, keep it a pure transaction.

Tom loves to build homes, so he learns the craft and masters the craft and starts a home building business... Bob loves the service industry, so he learned and mastered his craft and decided to open up a restaurant/bar.. Bob's business is doing well because he serves with a smile... Makes a good profit. Decides to buy a house, Bob hires Tom to build Bob a house.. Tom builds the house and just WOW's Bob.. Bob happily pulls out his checkbook and pays for Tom's wonderful service... It is a beautiful transaction and a lot of people do experience this.

And yes, if you're healthy in mind and body, then you can be whatever it is you want and love.. And don't feel guilty about maximizing your profits. Money doesn't come with greed nor virtue. Keep the transaction pure...

Now if you become broke because of business failure - then what?
Simple... don't STAY broke.. big difference between being broke and "staying broke"..

Again a person with a healthy mind and body and they know their direction, WILL meet all their goals..

Sad news here, there is no magic pill to put fire in peoples rears. Dig people, dig deep and go get it and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

posted on Sep, 25 2012 @ 10:04 AM
How beautiful. And totally the best advice to give anyone.

I spent 20 years in a job I didn't like. Well, not entirely true. I suppose I enjoyed the first few years, but as I became more senior I hated it more and more - but I was trapped. I had a mortgage and bills, and as I aged I became less employable in any other field other than the one I was working in. So I was trapped in a job I hated just to cover bills, I could see no way out.

Eventually I did break out. I moved to the other side of the world. I don't have a big career any more, I'm not top management, I no longer drive a Mercedes Benz. I am happier than I have ever been. And poorer too!

I wish I had seen this video 25 years ago.

You can do what you love. And you should. This is your life, love what you do, or regret it 20 years from now. This guy knows what he is talking about. Take it from me, a mad graying old weirdo who managed to break out, just before it broke me.

ETA - S&F, I don't give out many, bit this thread deserves them
edit on 25-9-2012 by nothingwrong because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2012 @ 10:15 AM

Originally posted by nothingwrong
How beautiful. And totally the best advice to give anyone.

I spent 20 years in a job I didn't like. Well, not entirely true. I suppose I enjoyed the first few years, but as I became more senior I hated it more and more - but I was trapped. I had a mortgage and bills, and as I aged I became less employable in any other field other than the one I was working in. So I was trapped in a job I hated just to cover bills, I could see no way out.

Eventually I did break out. I moved to the other side of the world. I don't have a big career any more, I'm not top management, I no longer drive a Mercedes Benz. I am happier than I have ever been. And poorer too!

I wish I had seen this video 25 years ago.

You can do what you love. And you should. This is your life, love what you do, or regret it 20 years from now. This guy knows what he is talking about. Take it from me, a mad graying old weirdo who managed to break out, just before it broke me.

ETA - S&F, I don't give out many, bit this thread deserves them
edit on 25-9-2012 by nothingwrong because: (no reason given)

Very well said my friend could not have said it better myself. And no worries the video had to be shared!

posted on Sep, 25 2012 @ 10:26 AM
Somewhere along the line the human race was derailed from it's true destiny.
Now where all stuck in this RAT RACE of a world.

posted on Sep, 25 2012 @ 12:59 PM
I sit on my butt watching movies on the internet, playing video games and posting on forums like ATS. - VINDICATED!

I do work, but as little as possible just to pay my few bills. I'm self employed. I also study my hobby's a lot of stuff because someday I plan to open my own electric cigarette and electric bike store. I did work for 20 years doing ac/heating repair and installation so I purchased my small house and got out of the rat race. I'm way happier, don't need or care about having money and only want to open up my shop to help others quit smoking and get away from Big Oil. I also have more time to learn about and consider the important issues facing us.

posted on Sep, 25 2012 @ 01:08 PM
reply to post by Lightbringer38

What are your feelings on the subject? In a perfect world this all sounds just peachy, but with people having no money, most of this is just a pipe dream.

Great video and good find, I still would like to hear what you think on this subject though?


posted on Sep, 25 2012 @ 01:15 PM
reply to post by Lightbringer38

Tyler Durden would absolutely love this video. As do I.

- PS

"Use soap."

posted on Sep, 25 2012 @ 01:20 PM

Originally posted by Doodle19815
He says the same thing I have felt forever. For some reason we live for money. I just don't get it.

Good video,

I don't get it either. For some strange reason we humans have allowed ourselves to live under a make believe system. When you truly think about this world, and this reality and wonder why in the world we allow ourselves to live the way we do, under the bizarre made up systems we have, it becomes apparent that yes indeed something is just not right.

Seriously....what does money matter? How have we let ourselves be enslaved to such a wierd system? Can we not survive without it....somehow I really believe that we can. So what we need to do is tear ourselves away from this stupid, destructively harmful make believe monetary system and learn to live and be able to allow everyone in this reality, on this planet to survive and even flourish without such a system.

Our world is a make believe playground....and as long as we continue to allow those "kids" to keep us believing that their particular system of make believe is the only way to live.....we will never be truly free from the monetary slavery which we all have been unwillingly forced into since birth.

posted on Sep, 25 2012 @ 03:18 PM
This video is the very reason I have no respect for the process by people who toil their entire lives because they have been fooled, or have been raised, believing that material possessions equate to status. Societal status, political status, religious status, educational status, whatever. Material possessions are things that wear down and break as time passes, and then you have to go and buy another one. And if you don't use it so often it breaks, then all it's doing is sitting there. What good does that do for anyone? Other than sentimental value, of course - but sentimental values come from memories, and you can't make memories without doing anything, and that brings us right back to square one. If that works for other people, they are missing out on a lot, but I let them live as they wish to. Just don't judge me for how I treasure what I have. See, my treasured possessions come from a different place, and I keep them in a different place...

My treasured possessions are the times I have shared with friends, laughing and experiencing the love and joy of companionship, of genuinely appreciating another human's company, as well as enjoying the appreciation they have for your company in return. My treasured possessions are the sorts of things that can't be locked in a case, a safe, a vault, a car, a house, or anything that requires a key to access. My treasured possessions are things that you cannot touch with your finger, cannot see with your eyes, cannot hear with your ears, and cannot taste or smell.

A mother's laughter. The kiss of your first love. The smell of cookies baking in the afternoon while you sit in Grandma's kitchen. The grasp of your father's hand as he teaches you to paint. The feel of the steering wheel under your hand after you buy your first car. Standing proud as you accept your diploma at the university. Even the gentle caress of your mother's hand as she puts a band-aid on your knee. Those are the moments that make life worth living. Those are the thoughts that keep you company on your deathbed, long after your money loses its ability to make you happy. These are the things that will escort me to the next life, because the world cannot take them from me. My treasured possessions will only fade as I do.

My treasured possessions are lessons of the heart. And that's something money just can't buy.

edit on 25-9-2012 by AfterInfinity because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2012 @ 03:51 PM
reply to post by AfterInfinity

AfterInfinity, your post actually made me choke up. Beautiful.

Thanks for the video, OP. Love it.

posted on Sep, 25 2012 @ 04:21 PM
reply to post by samara11278

That's why they are my treasured possessions. Money reaches a lot of places, but the heart isn't one of them. Money may be a means, but the end is not money.

posted on Sep, 25 2012 @ 04:31 PM
loved it. thanks for the reminder

posted on Sep, 25 2012 @ 04:44 PM
I love Alan Watt, great words, great video!

"nice sentiment but..."

"of course you can't really live this way...."

"be nice but I have kids and..."

Stop putting road blocks in front of you, there is always a reason why you shouldn't be living up to your true potential and that reason is always....YOU. No more, no less....

posted on Sep, 25 2012 @ 05:12 PM
This type of thing is dangerous to preach to people, but especially the youth. It creates a false reality and ends up causing more problems and depression. It is not wonder so many adults in the 20-30 ish range are depressed. They were kids when this type of idea started growing in the schools. Every kids a winner. Do what you like and everything will fall into place. Well, the necessities of life care not for your happiness, only your survival. A home, food, feeling safe, these things come at a price and that price is measured in dollars not memories.

Work being fun is a fortunate happenstance, not a fact of life. Work in general has always been hard and toilsome. You do it not for happiness, but to bring the necessities for security and living. 100 Years ago, people knew this. There was no illusion and the product of that thinking were a people who could handle adversity and troublesome times.

One poster brought up a situation and said person A likes to build home person B likes to serve. Those are generally not common among the masses of people. What you would more typically experience when having the question "What if money were no object"? are things like, I would sit around with my friends playing games, or I would have sex all day long, or I would travel the world, or I would go shopping every day. Even if you tried to apply some profit gaining venture to those interest, such as writing about your experience for a magazine or travel guide or whatnot, 9 times outta 10, writing or analytical evaluation are NOT what those same people would want to or have the skills to do.

What about all the posters here? How do you answer that question and can you make a career out of that? Can you provide food, shelter and security doing that?

As for me, if money were no object, I would have a large plot of land that I would wall off from the world and simply provide for the needs of myself and my family. I would tend to my garden and animals and work on my shooting skills. Now, based upon that one might say I should be a farmer. I can assure you that I would not be happy being a farmer, but I would be happy farming for myself.

The theme of the video is nice, but in the end its just a fantasy. It's a dangerous fantasy for people who cannot tell the difference between fantasy and reality.
edit on 25-9-2012 by Wolf321 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2012 @ 05:31 PM

Originally posted by msfitte
reply to post by Lightbringer38

Not sure what reaction you're looking for. The "do what you love/what makes you happy" is nice in theory but in practice it just doesn't work that way.

It's no surprise to me that many of those the narrator questioned want to do things in the arts realm. Artistic things of all types feed the soul but when you've got kids to literally feed as well, the soul needs to take a backseat no matter how depressing it becomes

Wally Wannawrite may be just as talented and committed to crafting stories as Stephen King, but for whatever reason never got the buzz or big following to make it profitable. So he goes about his 40 or more hours a week doing whatever it takes for himself and his family to survive. And if he's lucky he has enough energy and brain power on his hours off to write for himself and maybe publish for those who know about and appreciate his work.

Well it's a choice then isn't it? You want to do what you love and make a living doing it there is always a way. Maybe Wally Wannawrite just doesn't have the flair Mr. King does. Maybe his stories are boring? Maybe kids should have waited until he found a way to make that happen. Just saying. But if that's not what he did then why is it fair that he should tell the rest of us that it isn't that way. Honestly, it's that kind of attitude that brings the rest of us down because it's that kind of attitude that is, unfortunately, prevalent.

I'm young still. I don't want kids right now and won't be having any anytime soon because I want to do what I want to do and then figure out a way to incorporate children and a family into that later in life. I do want a family of my own though. And "accidents" don't just happen, they're made to happen. I've been sexually active for many years of my young life and have never gotten a girl pregnant because 1.) I protect myself and make sure she's protected 2.) I don't let my hormones take over. If I don't have the protection at the time then it can wait.

My parents used to throw that same nonsense at me all the time. "Well, I have a family to feed." "I don't like my job but I do it because of you!" As if I was a little devil on their left shoulders the day they decided to get it on and conceive me saying, "Do it! Do it do it do it!" Give me a break, you made choices and those are the consequences. No one should blame anyone else or bash someone else's viewpoint bc that's the road they chose. And just because it's the road they chose doesn't make it the only road to follow.

The most important thing is doing something that makes you happy. If it doesn't make you happy, it's never too late to change it. It's not fair to them or anyone that has to deal with Wally BeMiserable day in and day out to have to deal with a miserable person simply because of the choices they've made. Wally's kids certainly won't learn anything from watching someone be miserable day in and day out anyway. Hopefully they can be of the inquisitive nature and look to go beyond that paradigm but some can get stuck in it for a while much to their detriment. I know I did.

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