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World's richest woman calls for Australian workers to be paid $2 a day to compete with Africans

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posted on Sep, 6 2012 @ 02:08 AM
reply to post by jack burton

seems to me 2$ a day is slavery

posted on Sep, 6 2012 @ 02:12 AM
Yes, yes, yes. Interesting comments to say the least.
As expected by a matter of course; the conditioning of society.
What is increasingly rarer by the day is compassion, sympathy, empathy and so on.
No violin or harps playing a perty tune here as is entirely unnecessary.
Back to Point.

When 'you' see a 'being' do you see the potential or the 'result'?
Do you see the flesh container or the soul/spirit?
Now this 'large' being is clearly not getting any 'action' she could believe in.

A boytoy wouldn't give her what she needs neither.

She needs to learn to respect herself first; then perhaps she could learn to respect another.
She would be most surprised if one saw something in her that perhaps she wasn't aware she possessed and managed to communicate it to her with well intent.

She was born a unique being as any other with unique skills, abilities, talents and Gifts to be opened at her choosing with perhaps some encouragement, though her Neighbors appear to have that key for she has been blinded by her own 'condition'.

Sometimes the wealthiest of the wealthy are brought up as a fawn in the forest never learning to fend for themselves, never having to be 'hungry' as some understand one is most attractive at times when they are 'hungry' for whatever they seek. Invention itself is often by necessity.

When she finds herself, with the help of a few neighbors, the money thing will no longer serve as the crutch but will be seen as the chair of the wheeled variety rolling on with another at the wheel, so to say. Yes, this is unfortunate. Let us all bow our collective heads for a moment of despair. Ok, that's enough. It was the thought that counts.

So anyhow, when she discovers herself, inner light so to say, her pppOtentials in beeing, perhaps she'll encourage herself to lose weight, before she subconsciously feeds herself to death. Uhu, even fat-folk have mirrors, some collect more dust than others, some are in the closet, some lie cracked with intent, while others stand as punishment one knows they deserve.

So, yes, the goal in life is to find or dis-cover happiness, fulfillment, value, worth, communion, fellowship.
This woman is poor in spirit/self, a lost a static flicker in the wind.....without the ambient halo that 'heals' by design, though earned all the same.

I wish her well in her end. She appears to be close to her cliff of no return and is quite conscious of her words and where/how they apply. In reality she is begging for 'release' or some help in the only way she knows how. A sad sort of affairs. Won't one be 'a' neighbor. Hey, didn't Mr. Rogers use to be a marine sniper?

Could be just mua, though when I see a being, I prefer to see the potential as a diamond in the rough, both with potential physical beauty as spiritual beauty for without the latter, the former is an impossibity as a trophy wife on loan for the present and later sold as the pawn.....with no return.

I suppose that's enough for now. It was not my intent to get mushy or cushy; it's my own sense of release to have to witness a being with potential destroy themselves while the crowd cheers on. hohum without the drum.

If she knew better, she would surely Do better for no one would 'prefer' to walk around as a .....ah, use your own imagination. That's what it's there for and 'still' not found in the animal kingdom for a reason, I suppose?
L8ter folks. Smoochy though without the dooby; darnit.

edit on 6-9-2012 by Bluemoonsine because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 6 2012 @ 02:21 AM
Jabba The Rinehart

posted on Sep, 6 2012 @ 02:29 AM
reply to post by Sablicious

Let's do a quick recap. She proposes 2 dollars per day for Australian workers; let's say an 8 hour workday. That's 25 cents per hour. Gina rakes in 2 million dollars per hour. So by her standard of "working hard", she works 8 million times harder than all these low-life regular humans.....

Someone needs to egocheck this delusional scumbag.

posted on Sep, 6 2012 @ 02:35 AM
reply to post by ollncasino

That's one ugly, delusional Australian woman. I've always thought the best of Australian women, I don't think she really qualifies as one.

posted on Sep, 6 2012 @ 03:07 AM
This might seem strange, but I am going to come to this womans defence. Yes she has inherited her wealth and has likely never worked a day in her life, but realistically she has a point, just not going about it very smart.

At no point has she said that Australians should be paid $2 per hour. This is the media and dumb union members trying to stir things up. What she has said is that she is competing against companies selling the same product for much cheaper than she can offer. Bringing up that some African workers make $2 is just a very poor choice of words.

For people outside of Australia, to give you an idea of what these mining bosses are up against. Imagine in your country you have a hotel, and in this hotel there are cleaners employed to clean the rooms. Think about what they would be paid.

In Australia, cleaners are flown to these mine sites for free, they are provided accomodation and meals for free, and they are demanding to be paid $90,000 per year. American dollar is roughly the same as the US dollar at the moment. This is the type of costs involved in these mining projects, and this is for people to clean rooms.

I am not suprised mining companies are delaying projects while the price of iron ore is so low. The current union culture in this country is killing us, and people who probably dropped out of high school are able to demand salaries in the hundreds of thousands.

We have the mining bosses accusing the government of taxing the industry too much, and the government blaming these bosses of pure greed. It's hard to feel sorry for either the billionaire mining owners, or the government who say they are trying to share the wealth with all Australians which would be fantastic, but I have not seen a cent of this, and my bills are going up all the time.

Rest of the world thinks we are all well off but this is very far off the mark.

posted on Sep, 6 2012 @ 03:09 AM
Two bucks a day wouldn't cover that manitee's table salt bill, and yet she wants her countrymen, I mean, peasents, to live on that alone. She is the worst kind of human being.

posted on Sep, 6 2012 @ 03:11 AM
Maybe she should just buy Africas mining interests.

She can then pay decent wages to the locals, whom will also enjoy a vastly improved infrastructure
courtesy of the mining taxes generated.
Schools, Hospitals, good quality food and water etc. ( she might even be sainted one day ! )

She should move there permanently though, giving someone with some more humility; time at the trough.

Plenty of animals there to eat too !

posted on Sep, 6 2012 @ 03:11 AM
It's not over till the fat lady sings...

If she was on $2 an hour she will be singing a whole different tune

edit on 6-9-2012 by denver22 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 6 2012 @ 03:27 AM
Gina has always been causing trouble...

The long-awaited findings in the Lang Hancock coronial inquest have been handed down in Perth and the coroner has found it was death by natural causes. Mining magnate Lang Hancock, who died in 1992, became the subject of an inquest after his daughter Gina Rinehart pushed hard for further investigation. Doctors had decided Mr Hancock died as a result of a combination of serious health problems, but over the past two years Gina Rinehart's lawyers have been arguing that Mr Hancock's wife Rose stressed him to death.

this archived article from the Guardian gives a bit more detail...

But was it all a pack of lies? The inquest sensationally changed tack when one of Rinehart's private investigators, Colin Pace, switched sides, handing over files to Porteous and revealing that Rinehart's money-is-no-object approach to the case led her to pay witnesses up to £70,000 each to testify against Porteous.

funny how the one of her senior legal staff who assisted in the above are now in an awkward... well Im not wont make too much about the Rayney trial till the verdict is in..

edit on 6-9-2012 by cartenz because: Im happy to take a Job at rio to keep quiet

posted on Sep, 6 2012 @ 03:28 AM

Originally posted by borntowatch
When the Chinese start buying only out of Africa and South America because Australia is to expensive, I hope you remember her warning.
I cant believe people cant see the reality
edit on 5-9-2012 by borntowatch because: (no reason given)

yes you are correct on that point, i think she just needs to be carefull how she words things if she still wants to have people on her side. Most of what she says does make sense 100%

posted on Sep, 6 2012 @ 03:43 AM
how many people did she eat to become that fat?

posted on Sep, 6 2012 @ 03:44 AM
Why does she look like that if she's so rich?

There's no reason any billionaire shouldn't look like a model.

posted on Sep, 6 2012 @ 03:45 AM
reply to post by craig78

people who probably dropped out of high school are able to demand salaries in the hundreds of thousands

You almost had me until you said this.
i really don't see how education has anything to do with how much someone dedicates themselves to their work.

Love and harmony

posted on Sep, 6 2012 @ 03:47 AM
reply to post by craig78

Hi craig78.

How much did Gina promise to pay you if you sign up to ATS and defend her?

I'm being a bit cheeky. I actually agree with what you say about the current issues mining magnates and our Government have caused.

I still think Gina is a terrible person though!
edit on 6/9/12 by TRiPWiRE because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 6 2012 @ 03:51 AM
Why are rich people so damn stupid? Why shouldnt everyone have the oppurtunity to be rich like her majesty?

Why not call for africans to be paid more?

posted on Sep, 6 2012 @ 03:53 AM

Originally posted by MasonicFantom
Why does she look like that if she's so rich?

There's no reason any billionaire shouldn't look like a model.

She wouldnt look good skinny either. She probably spends a million a year on candy bars

posted on Sep, 6 2012 @ 03:58 AM

Originally posted by TRiPWiRE
reply to post by craig78

Hi craig78.

How much did Gina promise to pay you if you sign up to ATS and defend her?

I'm being a bit cheeky. I actually agree with what you say about the current issues mining magnates and our Government have caused.

I still think Gina is a terrible person though!
edit on 6/9/12 by TRiPWiRE because: (no reason given)

Social Media Coordinator? probably $30-35AUD per hour, but being Rio, more like a $120k salary?

posted on Sep, 6 2012 @ 04:14 AM
Wow 8 pages in and we're all still hung up on the $2 an hour thing!

Not once does she say Australian workers should earn that.

What she is saying is that because of our higher wages, we aren't competitive with other nations. And she's 100% right!

If we were competitive, our car manufacturing industry wouldn't be almost dead.

Why do you think call centers have been moved offshore?
Why do you think QANTAS recently shifted a lot of its operations over seas?

Let's put this in the perspective of a small business:

X supplier costs $10 and Y supplier costs $5... Who's going to get the business??

edit on 6-9-2012 by AlphaHawk because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 6 2012 @ 04:14 AM
Take all her money away and tell her to work for $2. dollars a day and pay all her bills, she needs the exercise anyways. She is sooo bloated. Even her brain is bloated to make a statement like that. See what greed does to a person. Look at it, it is soooooooo ugly.

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