posted on Sep, 21 2012 @ 11:41 AM
reply to post by OldSchoolMom
Thank-you...I will check out his thread....and I have really found great value and insight in this thread......
Today is an interesting day in my nephew who just turned 18 is off to UCLA today...he is a brilliant kid...he is a math wiz...could put
together a complicated lego set in a matter of hours at age 6...and I am happy and proud.....but I also feel some sadness...because I know he really
doesn't get it.....he has totally conformed....he does not question government......
Meanwhile I get to spend the evening with my 14 yr old niece tonight...I know this day will be hard for her...her big brother will be gone
.......anyways I will try and be a good aunt and make her a nice dinner and bring over some jewelry making stuff,,,it's a "girl thing"....♥
edit on 21-9-2012 by MountainLaurel because: (no reason given)