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Who Controls Our Children? /The secret War Against America

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posted on Sep, 5 2012 @ 06:20 AM
I look at all these fears, concerns and speculations over the changes that have been occurring here in America. One common theme seems to be, what is really happening, who is doing what, and what does it mean?

I was speaking with a friend about a controversial issue, all of the sudden she hiccuped and it appeared as if her brain reset. I was astonished...did I just witness that? Let me rephrase this, the moment I said a particular word her brain ceased like an engine ceases in a car and the conversation stopped, took a turn..however you want to say it, it was over.

Wow..(caught my interest) my immediate reaction was to play with this curious phenomena because I am compelled to understand things. So I tried again, this time instead of using THAT particular word, I replaced it with a synonym. This time using the synonym instead, our conversation got further and we were able to get just a little closer to understanding each other.

How is it that this woman's brain misfired when I used one word but not when I used another word with basically the same meaning? I had to do some research, because we have a problem when there is something disrupting our conversation from getting into any depth AND because of it creating a communication barrier. How can we understand each other if we can't even get to the root cause of an issue?

What I learned is people are being conditioned, trained... like an animal who will salivate at the sound of a bell (trigger) because he thinks there is a treat coming for him to enjoy in the near future. Like the "1" and "0" (stop and go) in a computer program.

So, who is doing the training? Who is being trained? What is being trained? Ah..... well this is what I am going to try to explain and discuss here in this thread.

So here is my thesis: America has been in a secret and psychological war and the enemy won by subverting our most sacred institution: the education system and have our most cherished possession: our children's minds.
Through useful idiots within our system using intentional deception, psychological tactics, and methods they have subverted our institutions, our minds and played us like puppets.
I welcome everyone to prove or disprove my thesis.

For the purposes of maintaining credibility and to foster good communication, if possible refrain from linking subjective materials as supportive evidence, try to avoid using common trigger words by using a synonym instead whenever possible.
I will call out any doublespeak
(definition of doublespeak: language used to deceive usually through concealment or misrepresentation of truth example: Pre-emptive strike" instead of unprovoked attack).
I will also call out claims of fact that are not accompanied with supportive evidence (I ask that everyone who participates in this discussion diligently do the same, thank you).

First, I would like to present a 17 minute video of Tomas Schuman (Yuri Bezmenov) a defector from the Russia.
He explains a little bit about how the war has been won against American's without a single shot fired...enjoy.
Title: Former Russian Agent: Public Schools Targeted!

Interesting yes? how are they doing it?? Meet Charlotte Iserbyt, she served as Senior Policy Advisor in the Office of Educational Research and Improvement (OERI), U.S. Department of Education, during the first Reagan Administration. She blew the whistle, I love her because she did the right thing regardless of the cost.

Hey, here is a free copy of her book: The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America
I could stop right here because this woman has been able to explain everything that is being done in the education system in this book.

from her book:
The reason Americans do not understand this war is because it has been fought in
secret—in the schools of our nation, targeting our children who are captive in classrooms. The
wagers of this war are using very sophisticated and effective tools:
Helegelian Dialectic(common ground, consensus and compromise)
Gradualism(two steps forward; one step backward)
Semantic deception(redefining terms to get agreement without understanding).

Here is shortcut video for those who just don't have time or energy to read the book.....
Title: Charlotte Iserbyt - The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America

excerpts repeated:
Conclusions for recomendations for social studies: "get rid of american history change it, we don't want the the children to grow up knowing that we have a bill of rights or a constitution or that there was an American revolution who George Washington was, etc. etc".

"You don't know when something has been taken away from you if you didn't know you had it in the first place".

School to Work Agenda
(The Soviet polytech system, the government in partnership with private sector ..they determine how many doctors, janitors, lawyers,are necesary and there is no freedom whatsoever for the individual and no upward mobility forever).

"This is a call for a socialist America, We will just use the schools to change America from a free individualistic economy to a planned socialist economy in the new order". -Carnegie 1934 (can follow up their tracks up to today)

1945-Alger Hiss (most instrumental in putting us under the communist United Nations).

1969 The funding of the National assessment which is now mandatory under the "No Child Left Behind Act" (60% of which is politically correct)

1985 Ronald Reagan signed the agreements with Gorbachev merging the two education systems
putting us under the communist United Nations (Americans think comunnism is dead)
and so on....
The plan has been carried out.

I once was a teacher....

Back in 1989, I was angry when we were supposed to trick kids into revealing personal information about their home and family members through assignments, this was new and I refused. Bam...that fast, I was no longer needed. I tried to tell everyone who would listen and my character was slandered and I was made out to be a kook by the same types of people who jumped on this bandwagon of change for that paycheck.

Every career I sought into to provide a living for myself I found to be controlled and deceptive... I also took a few years in psychology before I realized that in order to have this career I would be used to further control and deceive, objectify (medical profiles) so I couldn't in good conscious continue...Mental Health, Education and Social Control

This global government is communist, America will conform.

posted on Sep, 5 2012 @ 06:36 AM

"This is a call for a socialist America, We will just use the schools to change America from a free individualistic economy to a planned socialist economy in the new order". -Carnegie 1934 (can follow up their tracks up to today)

I googled this quote and the only place that it returns to is this where did it come from? Did you make it up?

But uh, the TPTB are failing their "socialist" agenda horribly because anything remotely related to communism is taught to be the worst thing next to Hitler in school. I graduated 3 years ago, so it's not like I'm old or anything. The whole motto of high school is graduate, so you can go onto college, get a degree and maybe one day you'll be rich. That's rather UN-communistic.

This global government is communist, America will conform.

Yeah, sure, that's why corporations rule the wold, capitalist and fascist corporations. The global government plan is to bring back feudalism.

edit on 5-9-2012 by RealSpoke because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 5 2012 @ 06:43 AM
reply to post by OldSchoolMom

Thank you for posting this thread.
It really does deserve our attention.

Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt - Tells the uncomfortable truth that so needs to be heard

Star and Flag and respect to you

posted on Sep, 5 2012 @ 06:50 AM
reply to post by RealSpoke

I googled this quote and the only place that it returns to is this where did it come from? Did you make it up? But uh, they are failing horribly because anything remotely related to communism is preached to be the worst thing next to Hitler in school. I graduated 3 years ago, so it's not like I'm old or anything. This global government is communist, America will conform. Yeah, sure, that's why corporations rule the wold, capitalist and fascist corporations. The global government plan is to bring back feudalism.

Listen sweetheart, I provided links to hours of material, I have studied this issue for years... if you don't have the time to even check any of the resources before you comment, scatter off... you won't "get it" anyway.

posted on Sep, 5 2012 @ 06:55 AM
Lets not forget how great schools have become.....

A fifth grade teacher allegedly helped students cheat because they were "dumb as hell."

Teacher: Students ‘dumb’ so I helped them cheat

If you need me to post all the child predators that teach our children, I can also.

Morals and principles, are not what they were, back when teaching meant something.

posted on Sep, 5 2012 @ 06:57 AM
I believe Socialism is the grandest theory ever presented, and I am sure it will someday rule the world. Then we will have attained the Millennium.… Then men will be content to work for the general welfare and share their riches with their neighbors.
Andrew Carnegie in New York Times (1 January 1885) "A Millionaire Socialist"

Seems like a warping of this quote here

None the less socialism and communism are not the same thing and I am actually a fan of socialism but not communism. Socialism does not remove the free will or creative spirit of a society, Gene Roddenberry's Star Trek was an example of socialism done well, a society in which all share to a sustainable degree and those who choose to strive can still have more in a Capitalist fashion. Communism implies all being absolutely equal which of course died because there is nothing to strive for just like Capitalism is dying from the abuse of greed

All battles go through a simple process, conflict, resolution, merger

I honestly think what we see and have no other name for as Socialism that all Nations seem to be moving in the direction of is simply nothing more than the Fusion of Capitalism and Communism into something new, don't think it's a threat

However I did star and Flag this thread because the manner of leaving people no choice is disgusting

Socialized capitalism.... sure go for it, this IS the realm of Govt, economics, public welfare

It has NOTHING to do with social daily life and it is indeed very Nazi like for govt to enter these realms, Feudal? Fascist? It doesn't matter. Socialism has nothing more to do with our lives than leveling the playing field a bit from birth economically issues like slightly higher taxes for health care and access to a REAL education and food and shelter. Entering our personal lives via the educational system is of course disgusting.

posted on Sep, 5 2012 @ 06:57 AM

Woodrow Wilson himself advised: "We want one class of persons to have a liberal education and we want another class of persons a very much larger class of necessity in every society, to forgo the privilege of a liberal education and fit themselves to perform specific, difficult manual tasks." The "much larger class" to be shunted into the then new vocational and industrial curricula were, needless to say, the less affluent. As J. E. Russell of Columbia Teachers College remarked in 1905: "How can we justify our practice in schooling the masses in precisely the same manner we do those who are to be their leaders?"

I disagree with what you are saying.

The rich do not want the poor to have a good 'education'. It has always been that way. It has nothing to do with communism and certainly nothing to do with socialism.

posted on Sep, 5 2012 @ 06:59 AM
reply to post by OldSchoolMom

I searched the book you linked and the web pages, the quote was not in either. The quote also pulls only one result on google, which is this thread. So did you make it up or what?

I have studied this issue for years..

I'm not sure you have. You seem to be in denial that capitalism is brainwashed into Americans since birth.

you don't have the time to even check any of the resources before you comment, scatter off... you won't "get it" anyway.

This content isn't new to me. I've listened to all of the Alex Jones Charlotte Isyerbit interviews like a year or two ago.
edit on 5-9-2012 by RealSpoke because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 5 2012 @ 07:05 AM
reply to post by OldSchoolMom

One question.
What was the word that brought the conversation to full stop?

posted on Sep, 5 2012 @ 07:08 AM
reply to post by freemarketsocialist

I disagree with what you are saying. The rich do not want the poor to have a good 'education'. It has always been that way. It has nothing to do with communism and certainly nothing to do with socialism.

This is actually sad... Had you viewed the material you would know what this thread is about....maybe I am wrong, it is possible your brain saw a "trigger" and your brain also hiccuped. *Shrugs. I am saying the education has been hijacked and the purpose of education is to deceive, manipulate generations of people into wanting a system that in reality will enslave them. Thanks for your empty contribution and not elaborating on this are a prime example of the product of the system I speak of.

posted on Sep, 5 2012 @ 07:12 AM
I have heard through the conspiracy grapevine that NLP techiniques are now being used at public schools.

Indeed, I also read somewhere that TPTB noted to win over the people they must steal a generation of children.

posted on Sep, 5 2012 @ 07:16 AM

Originally posted by freemarketsocialist

Woodrow Wilson himself advised: "We want one class of persons to have a liberal education and we want another class of persons a very much larger class of necessity in every society, to forgo the privilege of a liberal education and fit themselves to perform specific, difficult manual tasks." The "much larger class" to be shunted into the then new vocational and industrial curricula were, needless to say, the less affluent. As J. E. Russell of Columbia Teachers College remarked in 1905: "How can we justify our practice in schooling the masses in precisely the same manner we do those who are to be their leaders?"

I disagree with what you are saying.

The rich do not want the poor to have a good 'education'. It has always been that way. It has nothing to do with communism and certainly nothing to do with socialism.

I'd disagree with that

I don't think the Rich believe most of the poor are CAPABLE of having a good education with a bottom line philosophy being "those that can rise will" but it is not economically viable to attempt to or even inappropriate to mislead the masses into thinking they are capable it is better to create a social order in which they are dealt with effectively put to work in some sustainable and productive manner.

As IS the reality 50% of the people at any given time will be born less capable mentally, truly unable to cope with the higher philosophies and sciences of the day etc.

In this they would be CORRECT

However the conflict arises from within those masses as those who ARE capable get stuck in the pit so to speak, in all reality the "those that can will rise" philosophy is simply not true, from within the ranks of the wealthy there are always those who have done such a thing and this of course is the justification but the reality is for every one among the poor that succeeded because he/she is capable 5 others get left behind due to circumstance. The eternal battle being the capable among those branded disenfranchised get really pissed off and eventually turn everything on it's ear

Some manner in which all people truly get the chance has to be implemented or this ridiculous cycle will never end.

posted on Sep, 5 2012 @ 07:18 AM
reply to post by OldSchoolMom

It is rather worrying that everything that the KGB defector (Yuri Bezmenov) predicted would happen is happening.

During the cold war, Communist infiltration was extensive at the highest levels in the West. For instance, the UK's MI5 (secret service) suspected that British Prime Minister Harold Wilson was a KGB agent.

MI5 secret file on Harold Wilson: KGB contacts made him a suspect

Many people assume that Communists agents in the West somehow ceased to exist when the soviet union collapsed.

They didn't.

edit on 5-9-2012 by ollncasino because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 5 2012 @ 07:23 AM
Have not verified this, but interesting none the less.....

In 1889, William Torrey Harris, the U.S. Commissioner of Education, told a high-ranking railroad official that the schools were being scientifically designed not to over educate children. He believed that the schools should alienate children from their parents and religion. In 1890, Carnegie wrote eleven essays which were published under the title The Gospel of Wealth. The underlying premise was that the free-enterprise system had been locked-up by men such as himself, J.P. Morgan, and John D. Rockefeller, and that they not only owned everything, but also controlled the government. His worry, was that subsequent generations would realize this, and work against them. His solution was to control the education system, and to create a direct relationship between the amount of education a person had, and how good of a job they could get. Therefore, this created a motivation for children to attend school, where they would be taught only what the social engineers of this country wanted them to know.

John Dewey, known as the "Father of American Education," was a Socialist, and a founding member of the Intercollegiate Socialist Society (who changed their name to League for Industrial Democracy, which he became the President of), and one of the 34 signers of the Humanist Manifesto in 1933. In his My Pedagogic Creed (1897) and The School and Society (1899), he expressed his belief at how the schools should be instrumental in developing a socialist society in America." His system of 'progressive education' would deemphasize academics, and use psychology to do that. The July, 1908 Hibbert Journal quoted him as saying: "Our schools . are performing an infinite significant religious work. They are promoting the social unity out of which in the end genuine religious unity must grow."

The Carnegie Endowment and the Ford Foundation

posted on Sep, 5 2012 @ 07:27 AM
reply to post by OldSchoolMom

I will add some information to help those who didn't review linked material to show it is the same.. the link to the resource will be at the end of this page.

This is a comparison of the soviet education and the American education:

Soviet GOAL: "The pedagogical legacy of Krupskaya, the founder of Soviet pedagogics, meets the objective needs of socialist society and is an extremely valuable contribution to the theory and practice of educating the new man."

America GOAL: "[Our objective] will require a change in the prevailing culture--the attitudes, values, norms and accepted ways of doing things."[1]
Marc Tucker, the master-mind behind the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 (WIA). He is calling for a paradigm shift--a total transformation in the way people think, believe, and perceive reality.

New beliefs:

Soviet: "The curricula must lay the foundation of a communist world outlook... Initially, the work of the scientific-pedagogical section proceeded in that direction." 101-102

America: "Radical changes in attitudes, values and beliefs are required to move any combination of these agendas." Marc Tucker's 1992 letter to Hillary Clinton


Soviet: "Constantly consulting Lenin, she clearly formulated that tasks of socialist schools. Krupskaya attached particular important to the link between school and life and to the participation of schoolchildren in labour."

(1932: "The Society of Marxist Pedagogues considers the questions of vocational orientation and choosing an occupation a component part of making the school polytechnical; they consider the introduction of polytechnical education to the schools a major part of t the struggle for socialism." 148)

American: "A renewed federal focus on youth challenges local communities to achieve a level of collaboration that brings together local workforce training providers, schools, community organizations, business and
others in an effort to develop an overall youth training and employment system including improved linkages with local labor market needs Local youth programs will be linked more loosely to local labor market needs."
"Create the comprehensive service delivery system based on sound individual assessments" Workforce Investment Act

Social trans-formation

Soviet: 1936: In the earliest days of its existence, Soviet power began to smash the class barriers and has reorganized the entire system of public education, striving in every way to arm workers with knowledge and selections from the total sum of knowledge that which is most essential for the cultural growth of the masses." 150

America: "....what we are about is total restructuring... What it amounts to is a total transformation of our society. We have moved into a new era... I'm not sure we have really begun to comprehend and act on sufficiently is the incredible amount of organizational restructuring and HUMAN RESOURCE development restructuring." McCune, speaking at the 1989 Governors Conference on Education

No contrary facts or certainties (need this repeated? NO CONTRARY FACTS OR CERTAINTIES)

Soviet: A uniform labour school was established whose curricula were freed from obsolete nonsense.... The reorganisation of the system of public education along new lines was carried out at a time of ... a radical reorganising of the entire social structure." 150

America: "What the revolution has been in curriculum is that we no longer are teaching facts to children.... we no longer see the teaching of facts and information as the primary outcome of education. We use facts and we use changing facts in a variety of ways to teach them information processing." Shirley McCune

Multi-cultural indoctrination

Soviet: "[1926] Above all, we must awaken in children a deep interest in social phenomena. This is one of the guiding principles of the programmes developed by the State Academic Council -- namely, to open the eyes of children to what is taking place around them...." 116

America: The goal and process are explained in chapters 5 & 6 in Brave New Schools: "Establishing a Global Spirituality" and "Serving a Greater Whole." and cont..
edit on 5-9-2012 by OldSchoolMom because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 5 2012 @ 07:38 AM
reply to post by OldSchoolMom


Manipulate Feelings:

Soviet: The methods employed in following these programmes should also provide an emotional impetus.... A school's success is measured by its ability to educate children so that they will be actively concerned with all social issues. The old schools were indifferent to everything. As to Soviet schools, everything is their concern." 116
That's now true in America-- even with math. See 'Fuzzy' Math May Eventually Give Students the 'Blues'

America: "We have to understand that the only way anyone ever learns is from their own frame of reference, and that all learning begins with the affective [dealing with feelings and emotions] parts of life."
Dr. Shirley McCune, keynote speaker at the 1989 Governors Conference on Education, led by Bill Clinton

Instill socialist values (you are a socialist because you were trained to be...history has shown this to be a miserable existence for those who live under it... but, you weren't taught what government you are throwing away

Soviet: "As a child learns to express his own thoughts and feelings, he becomes interested in the expression of thoughts and feelings of others.... Schools should strengthen and deepen the child's awakened social instincts, and show him that human life in society is founded on labour, teach him to rejoice in creative productive labour and make him feel that he is part and a useful member of the a community. ... 50

America: "...foster inclusionary strategies for integrating workforce training, education, and other community offerings to local youth...." Vision
"It is important to emphasize local flexibility to bring positive social behaviors and soft skills training into he mix of services provided to each youth. Such skills, including appropriate attitudinal development and self esteem building will help to enable event he hardest to serve young person to succeed....." Vision

Group thinking:

Soviet: It is extremely important that work be of a collective nature...." 50

America: Group thinking, group work and group grades has become the norm in classrooms everywhere.

Critical thinking:

Soviet: "...there is a profound self-analysis and systematisation of acquired impressions. Adolescents study themselves, society, and various branches of knowledge and types of skills. Critical thinking is then especially active. ... It is extremely important that by that time, the pupil possess a sufficient store of impressions and facts.... This is the period during which a worldview is developed. Thus it is especially important that pupils be given a method, a guiding light by which to organise the knowledge they have acquired." 51

America: [C]ritical thinking means not only learning how to think for oneself, but it also means learning how to subvert the traditional values in your society. You're not thinking "critically" if you're accepting the values that mommy and daddy taught you. That's not "critical."[xxii]

Raymond English, Vice President of the Ethics and Public Policy Center, presented this negative summary of a scheme already established in U.S. schools to the National Advisory Council on Educational Research and Improvement. See Mental Health and New Meanings

Inspire social activism:

Soviet: But this is not all. All pupils should acquire the habit of taking an active approach to each question. A road must be repaired. It is in a poor state. ... This worries them. and the next step is this: what can we, the school collective, do in order to put things right?" 116

America: Both "whole language" and the "consensus process" use stories and illustrations that evoke feelings and build politically correct social concerns, motivating students to become activists for a new world order.

Youth Groups:

Soviet: "The Young Communist League now faces the task of planning the work of the Young Pioneers for the next five-year period." 96

America: The Youth Council as a Catalyst for Systemic Reform. Central to implementing this new vision for serving youth is the establishment of the local youth council, an integral part of the local Workforce Investment Board. WIA Vision


posted on Sep, 5 2012 @ 07:45 AM
reply to post by RealSpoke

I searched the book you linked and the web pages, the quote was not in either. The quote also pulls only one result on google, which is this thread. So did you make it up or what?

Sweetheart... The book I linked everyone to is about 750 pages... You are either an amazing speed reader or a liar. Understand that those who taught you that deception is a handy tool also have used it on you. I am sorry for that, but many of us didn't know this was going on.

posted on Sep, 5 2012 @ 07:54 AM
reply to post by TheMindWar

Indeed, I also read somewhere that TPTB noted to win over the people they must steal a generation of children.

Yes, the first video I posted explains the process... here 3 generations have been effected... so the education system has served the critical part for the next phases to be implemented... as you see the healthcare act, patriot act, etc... all those things connect and work together for the global system.

Now maybe people can understand where all these socialists popped up, we gave our children over and trusted them to teach our American system but, they taught the soviet system because it is to be part of the global system.

posted on Sep, 5 2012 @ 09:29 AM
reply to post by penninja

I intended to expose the flawed training that is happening in our schools, socialism is just one of the "whats". If people were educated in history they would know that the socialist system has been tried and tried again and has had miserable results. There is a lot of psychological manipulation and deceit being used to manipulate kids to desire and think whatever the government wants them to desire and think. You see, my point is, they have used the education system to brainwash people, not educate them. These people have been brainwashed to believe distortions of the truth of history. We all have to a degree.

Let's take for example that in the socialist system you are in school and you get to take your pick of jobs offered... you get three choices... all of them are horrible in your opinion....some other guy who was in your class and was a bully (you hate him) get his list of job choices and all three of his choices are jobs you would rather have. In fact, one of his choices might make him your boss. In a socialist system tough luck.... pick the crappy job from your list, it's your for the rest of your life ok.....

Now, you take your heavy labor job, the bully is your boss, for life.
Based on the job you have, you get an apartment that is just 6x10' in size and you must share a bathroom with every other person living on the same floor. you all get to share a kitchen... don't forget to clean up after yourself.
Meanwhile, your boss, based on his job gets a bigger apartment 10x10 livingroom, a 10x10 bedroom and a fully modernized kitchen.
No change to upgrade jobs or apartments baby... thats what you get. oh, you do get healthcare '
We have tons of other factors to consider but for now...please tell me how that is better than the system we have right now?
edit on 5-9-2012 by OldSchoolMom because: (no reason given)

edit on 5-9-2012 by OldSchoolMom because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 5 2012 @ 02:18 PM

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