posted on Sep, 3 2012 @ 03:18 PM
There is no one size fits all psychology or philosophy for how to deal with a situation. Thinking there is is probably a sign of narcissism
kid, but not entirely...
So most simply disagreements are barely noticed by me in most situations. I reason it matters so little, why bother? Still, there have been times in
my life where someone whom I care about dearly has obviously stepped over the line, and continues to do so.
Like my ex. In her mind it was the right thing to do to lie to me and say she didn't cheat on me. Apparently just before we broke it off, she went to
a party and was all over some guy. She then flipped out on me the next day for not being with her...when I already asked her twice if I could sit this
one out and she said, "sure" I knew something was wrong from her flipping out for the first time in our near year relationship...
I confronted her with the contradictions, and I could tell instantly by her tone, and choice of words she was continuing to lie to me, so I continued
to call her out...and it just kept going...yea, it would have been more reasonable to just leave the trash and never talk to her again, but I choose
to keep begging her to give me two bloody minutes of honesty...never happened, she pushed away and ended up doing all sorts of manipulative moves to
mind-# me from this point on...I finally blew my lid and started cursing at her when we talked and I knew she was lying...she felt justified in filing
a false report of harassment, and now it's on my record for life....psycho bitch.
Sometimes it's best to stand your ground. I still feel it was the correct move, even after it was all said and done. Hopefully she won't ever try to
pull that bs on anyone else again. I was true to myself, and in my mind that's all that mattered.
Am I infected with narcissism? Yep, we all are in this messed up society. I see no reason to think it will get better anytime soon.