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Are You Offended??? SO WHAT!!!

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posted on Sep, 3 2012 @ 02:31 AM
I also wanted to comment on the little problem of outlining others as being narcissistic....

It is one that comes up whenever lay people start to point fingers and use these labels, like accusing others of "projecting"- A narcissist tends to see himself as superior to others, all blame projected upon others, all faults or weakness projected upon others.... so if you are sitting there claiming "I am different than you, you are a narcissist."

How can you be sure you are not just a narcissist yourself, seeing yourself as superior (falsely) and projecting your own faults upon the other??

It's like the question, if insane people do not know they are insane, how can you know you are not?

posted on Sep, 3 2012 @ 02:35 AM
reply to post by Bluesma

That is a great point, and to be clear I never disassociated myself from this. In fact my posting history will clearly demonstrate that I'm well aware of my own faults!

I'm not addressing any one person, or even group of people in this thread. I am trying to demonstrate a cultural phenomenon of closed mindedness that seems to be becoming worse as media, more and more glamorizes selfishness and lack of empathy.

As for me? Shameless and hopeless wreck of a human being with more faults than you could count! ( but aware of it and working hard to fix it! )


posted on Sep, 3 2012 @ 02:42 AM
reply to post by Hefficide

Survival of the fittest. People will always kick someone when they are down even if it means they can gain even one loaf of bread. If that means they can gain social favor by "being offended" about something then they will do it regardless of logic and righteousness.

So... lets take that a step further. What would you think about a person who is offended by people who make a habit out of being offended? For every action there is a reaction and is it justified?

People hate the bearer of bad news and people hate the guy who is there to tell them how it is behind all the BS, that doesn't necessarily mean said person is wrong. It seems most of the time, the guy who is standing in the back shouting "wait a minute here!" is the guy who will end up being right in the end, even if he is ostracized for the moment.

I feel like you made this thread for me. In all my criticism and hatred for human nature, all I ever wanted was for people to come to their senses and better this world.

Not sure if that's even akin to what you are saying, but that's what I got from it.
edit on 3-9-2012 by RSF77 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 3 2012 @ 02:56 AM
reply to post by Hefficide

I understand what you are saying. However, it seems you missed the point of ' Human '. Our ability to perceive the world around us, of course varies, but is influenced by the people around you just as much as your own opinions.

Humans are naturally ' social ' and desire contact with other humans.

If humans could not form thought, or opinions as we understand them now, we would be no better than a grain of sand. Just another species with nothing special about it and is completely blank inside reliant only on instinct and the few emotions we could actually associate with instinct, survival.

Not only do humans survive, we form thoughts, ideas, and philosophy and we ' socialize ' based upon our accepted and formulated self morals.

Our entire lives are based off of the morals we accept and are born with. When some one offends ' you ' , is it not like that person is attempting to tear down the walls in which your entire life is built upon? You are yourself's number one fan.

It is NORMAL to be offended when some one insults the walls of morals and philosophy you have formed your life around. If this was false, then the people who ' ignored ' the people who offended them would obviously die off. The people who wish to defend their beliefs and morals would do so, and those who didn't would obviously get the shorter end of the stick, reiterated.

So, you spread your ideas and legacy, or you die with your virtual secrets and are forgotten all the more quickly.
edit on 3-9-2012 by milkyway12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 3 2012 @ 03:01 AM

Originally posted by MikhailBakunin
yeah, I agree with the OP.


we're really here to be offended or try to be offensive... that's all...

We feed on that need for an opposition... if human's can't find a way to resist we'll build it up and let it out in the wrong places... for the wrong purposes... and THAT, my friends, is where ATS and most pud-whacking sites play a role into your daily lives.... feeding off of YOU and YOUR NATURE for the offense/defense theory brought by this thread.


"We"? As Mark Twain said, "Only kings, presidents, editors, and people with tapeworms have the right to use the editorial 'we.'" You admitted to being the host for a disguised parasite, so perhaps it's OK for you to speak in the plural; but please don't speak for me. I can speak for myself, thanks.

I don't fit your generalization. I am indeed a truth-seeker; I don't deliberately offer offense; I try not to take offense. Being human I don't do any of this perfectly, but I try. I'm sure there are plenty of others out there just like me.

Part of the problem may be that people who do match your description are simply noisier. They show up more often, spend more time shrilling their crap, crank out more screed, and thus get more attention. The quiet, reasoned discussions get out-shouted by these louder folks.

Think of ATS as you might a gold mine. There may be treasure in there, but you have to sort through a lot of crap to find it. There's no guarantee of success. But if you don't dig, you won't find anything worthwhile.

posted on Sep, 3 2012 @ 03:06 AM
Lets use a good example:

Someone throws nuts at someone and calls them an animal.

If someone who had nothing to do with the above situation was offended by it would that person be using the "being offended" thing to project their own hatred on to the world? Or is it justified to lash out at people based on things that others do and situations that aren't under their control?

It's become a fad to "be offended". People make money by merely being offended, I don't think that is right.
edit on 3-9-2012 by RSF77 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 3 2012 @ 03:31 AM
I don't mind sauces on steaks... be my guest... but (and there is always a but) I WILL DRAW THE LINE WHEN KETCHUP GETS ANYWHERE NEAR AN EGG!!


posted on Sep, 3 2012 @ 03:37 AM

Originally posted by milkyway12
reply to post by Hefficide

I understand what you are saying. However, it seems you missed the point of ' Human '. Our ability to perceive the world around us, of course varies, but is influenced by the people around you just as much as your own opinions.

Humans are naturally ' social ' and desire contact with other humans.

If humans could not form thought, or opinions as we understand them now, we would be no better than a grain of sand. Just another species with nothing special about it and is completely blank inside reliant only on instinct and the few emotions we could actually associate with instinct, survival.

Not only do humans survive, we form thoughts, ideas, and philosophy and we ' socialize ' based upon our accepted and formulated self morals.

Our entire lives are based off of the morals we accept and are born with. When some one offends ' you ' , is it not like that person is attempting to tear down the walls in which your entire life is built upon? You are yourself's number one fan.

It is NORMAL to be offended when some one insults the walls of morals and philosophy you have formed your life around. If this was false, then the people who ' ignored ' the people who offended them would obviously die off. The people who wish to defend their beliefs and morals would do so, and those who didn't would obviously get the shorter end of the stick, reiterated.

So, you spread your ideas and legacy, or you die with your virtual secrets and are forgotten all the more quickly.
edit on 3-9-2012 by milkyway12 because: (no reason given)

I think what he's trying to express is how society has evolve to today where we get divided on the most stupid and basic things that just doesn't make sense to start with and trying to understand how we got there... Nobody takes the time to take a second and think "Well... could I be wrong, I'll listen to what this dude has to say maybe it make sense..." instead they'll try to lynch you and if by any mistake you can prove them wrong they'll just get twice more mad without ever excusing themselves.

Take a look at kids on games, 10 years ago I used to play UT and Quake2 XCTF and you'd be shunned upon if you would ever even think or caught using a cheat or a aimbot... Today your a loser if you don't cheat pretty much... I stop playing PC games simply because of that... A guy would get on a server and pretty much spin 360 and kill 5 people with headshots in 1/4 of a second and every body admires him and wants to have the cheat.

Dare talk negatively about it and you get jumped by 10 angry kids for calling it out, in the past skills used to be praised upon now the better man is the one with the better cheat...

Its like people are living in a fantasy world where it doesn't matter if your wrong or cheating or what not as long as you make the top of the scoreboard or have the last word its as good as it get and there's "nothing wrong with that"

I don't get it... I just don't get it... nobody seems to have the desire of being legit and to earn sh!t its all about winning and the end always justify the means... This type of thinking is so flawed I can't even begin to imagine if it keeps up what this world will look like in ten years from now.

I blame the school system at some point for pretty much manufacturing clones with no self awareness just to keep doing the same repetitive task or giving awards to everyone because "everyone's a winner" which turned out the new generation into cry babies that can't accept being wrong or losing at something as a sign to just apply yourself and get better.

Its all about ends and the dirtier the better.

posted on Sep, 3 2012 @ 03:57 AM

Originally posted by _R4t_
I blame the school system at some point for pretty much manufacturing clones with no self awareness just to keep doing the same repetitive task or giving awards to everyone because "everyone's a winner" which turned out the new generation into cry babies that can't accept being wrong or losing at something as a sign to just apply yourself and get better.

I blame popular culture (though in a free world nothing you can really do about that), horrible television that encourages emotion-driven behavior and utter lack of disciplinary parenting.

Freedom and responsibility don't seem to mix very well. It's a shame.
edit on 3-9-2012 by RSF77 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 3 2012 @ 03:58 AM

Originally posted by _R4t_

Originally posted by milkyway12
reply to post by Hefficide


I blame the school system at some point for pretty much manufacturing clones with no self awareness just to keep doing the same repetitive task or giving awards to everyone because "everyone's a winner" which turned out the new generation into cry babies that can't accept being wrong or losing at something as a sign to just apply yourself and get better.

Its all about ends and the dirtier the better.


Oh yea?? I blame that rash of online IQ tests a few years back making everyone think they are smarter than they actually are!!

I am OFFENDED you think it is so simple!! Have at you!!

posted on Sep, 3 2012 @ 04:02 AM
Man I fail at quoting formats...

My apologies...

Hope I didn't offend anyone...


posted on Sep, 3 2012 @ 05:53 AM
You can no more "offend" a truly mature, truly Spiritual human being than you can offend a statue.

Here is the wisest and greatest teacher on "being offended" that it was ever my pleasure and privilege to study with for many years.

His insight, wisdom and grasp on the human condition was second to none and nobody I've come across since even comes close in comparison.

edit on 3-9-2012 by lapi7 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 3 2012 @ 06:14 AM


posted on Sep, 3 2012 @ 06:59 AM

I Think This Video Is Of Relevance

posted on Sep, 3 2012 @ 07:17 AM
reply to post by definity

Good grief! I was just about to post this very video!!! Your posting of this before me offends me! I am now going to get leprosy! Darn you!!!!

There used to be a longer cut of this video on youtube, but I can't find it. This guy is excellent and right on the money.

posted on Sep, 3 2012 @ 07:29 AM
reply to post by Hefficide

Which side of the door are the dogs on ? Do sheep go through gates ?

posted on Sep, 3 2012 @ 07:49 AM
Again - /?
Have (mere) children become The Cripplers too ?

Tell them all to shut the # up then !

posted on Sep, 3 2012 @ 08:03 AM
We all need to have a serious look in the mirror. One of the best threads on ATS...ever! I feel like i've just had some ats group therapy. Thank You

Can't believe how many comments were about the bbq

edit on 3-9-2012 by Samuelis because: vid change

posted on Sep, 3 2012 @ 08:24 AM
Excellent thread Heff and a good allegory for a problem we all experience and contribute to. I have had that exact same argument..."You're ruining that need to learn what's good"...which was actually not directed at me, it was directed at my teenage daughter...seeing how the family doesn't have virgin ears...I quickly responded in her defense..."You need to stfu and worry about what you stuff in your own pie hole"...they looked at me rather shocked and the fight was over...

Anyway, that was my own ketchup tale.

But it is a great parallel to how many feel that their opinion is divine wisdom...knowledge falling down like manna from heaven...and woe to those who resist such MUST be stupid or have something wrong with you.

It doesn't matter if it's politics, business or even cuisine...each and every one of us are guilty to a point of trying to make others into our own image...crazy isn't it? I guess in some way, we are trying to build a collective of like thinking people...if we all think and feel the same....instant harmony right? Also...instant misery...if I was just like everyone else, I think I'd prob jump off a cliff somewhere...

And that too is funny...we want our individualism...but we want others to be like us...if that is not a paradox...I don't know what is...HA!

Thanks Heff...Nice thread to start the day with...

posted on Sep, 3 2012 @ 08:25 AM
well driend,it seems as though i'm one of the few that read your post(s) in it's entirety!
i totally agree,and ive noticed this 'trend' in social conditioning for many years.
and,yes,it is working perfectly 'en masse!'
more so in the last 10 years or so with all the social networking,smart phone tech out now.
the media was the perfect tool for the cloning of our society,and dismissing of our core,family values.
every one has the need to feel 'special',but not so far from the mainstream to be called 'weird'!
we all have the longing to be wanted,to be accepted.
for instance,my sister has a blackberry(as does all her friends-because thats what everybody has!)
me and my parents have 'ghetto' cell phones that make calls as good as her blackberry.
but in her opinion,we are so 'out of the times' to her,she just thinks she is automatically more 'worldly' than us!
we have constant 'discussions' on a variety of topics.
i have to add that i am very much more read than she,and it infuriates her when i use my intellectual prowess against her dime store theories!
so,in her narcissistic rage,she will attack my lower income,lack of the latest material toys and such.
it bugs her more when that attack doesn't affect me,and it actually saddens me to know she has to make monthly payments on all these 'UN-necceties. she bought a 50" plasma t.v. for $2000,and she just had to rub it in my face.
a month later i was at the dump and seen an older 50" flatscreen t.v.,and i bought it for $20 . the guy said it didn't work. of course it didn't work,it was missing the power cord! so i put a new one on,and it works fine!
when i showed my sister,she got so mad at me! "well thats 10 years old!" she screamed,but i said "it works as well as yours!"
silly thing is,i rarely watch t.v.,and she knows it!!!
but your theory is sound in my opinion,and i do see the fall of western civilization,right before my eyes!

like the rage song you posted - know your enemy!!!!
i do,ind i live by it!

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