reply to post by JohnCreed777
I would consider myself an empath. I can often feel what other are feeling or understand what they are thinking. The manipulation of emotions is not
hard when one understands them depending on the emotion, but manipulating anyone's emotions is to some extent wrong, because you are manipulating
someone to think or feel a certain way they may not normally feel otherwise. Often times it is as simple as observing body cues but sometimes it's
more then that, like feeling a sort of emotional vibrational energy....that sounds weird but it's the best way I can describe it.
I'll try to give you an example:
Room mate comes home, doesn't really say anything to me, no big deal, doesn't slam the door, just goes to his rooms and turns on his xbox. That
sounds pretty normal doesn't it? For whatever reason, on that particular day I seem to feel something "wrong" with the emotional energy surrounding
my room mate, it's not something I can see or hear...I sort of feel feeling tension in a room....Most people that don't consider
themselves empaths can identify with that feeling. In any case I go to his room and ask him what's up, how has his day been, how's he feeling, that
sort of thing. My room mate goes on to explain how sad he is how lonely he feels. Now at this point manipulation isn't hard. I've already started
the process, just by letting him explain how he's feeling I've done two things. I've gotten a greater understanding of his position and why he
feels the way he does, and I've also put myself in a position to influence these feelings just by saying something in return because he has has
trusted me with the knowledge of his feelings, he has confided in me.
I could tell him that he's boring, or ugly, or what have you and make him feel worse, he might fall into a great depressive funk, get mad, or hell
even kill himself if I were harsh enough.
I could comfort him and tell him that life is hard, and sometimes it is difficult to be alone when everyone around you seems to have a partner, but
that while this might feel painful now it is a fleeting moment in an otherwise long life that will very likely be filled with better experiences and
new people that will make him feel less lonely from time to time. Saying something like this would probably make him feel a little better and his
emotional vibrational energy would simply change to be less extreme. (become normal)
I could encourage him to go look for companion ship and tell him good qualities about himself and that if he really doesn't want to be alone he
should be outgoing, get out of the apartment, and seek friendship and more from outside the apartment. This will not only typically reverse negative
feelings but may even make him feel good and in some ways more confident in his future endeavors.
This is the physical part part of the "empath" power. Communication is key, however, that doesn't mean that all of it is physical some of it can
simply be energy manipulation. Sometimes when I'm feeling what someone else is feeling their feelings can be so powerful it makes me feel the way
they are feeling. I usually try to block off these things as it isn't terribly healthy. However, through practice I have also learned to internalize
these feelings and change them through optimism and subtle vibrational energy. If one is extremely experienced with vibrational energy they can extend
their vibrational energy to others to slowly change the way they feel. Which is what a lot of people do unconsciously to empaths.
Now, much of this might just sound like normal human empathy and to some extent it is. However, those that call themselves "empaths" seem to have a
better understanding or use of empathy then the average person. Some empaths even have the ability to heal physical fatigue simply by moving their
hands around a person and claim they emit a "light" form their hands. Although I feel vibrational energy and to some extent can manipulate it, I
don't have the ability to heal like that. I hope this helps. It may sound like I'm talking out of my butt because I have no scientific evidence to
explain these events, merely my experiences.
I will say this however, being an empath or being around an empath that is inexperienced can be dangerous because it can be a difficult ability to
control, and pushing anyone too hard emotionally is never a good thing.
I hope this post helps.