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Empaths and thier "powers" fiction or reality?

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posted on Nov, 15 2013 @ 03:40 AM
reply to post by JohnCreed777
Hello JohnCreed777,

I have to agree with so many of the responses. I have not heard of using empathic abilities to negatively affect someone else. I think, IMO, the only person an empathic person can affect is another empath. I notice that when my boss is in the evil possessed mood, another of my co-worker becomes affected also. We both have to get out of the vicinity of our crazy boss.

I need to learn some of the skills needed by empathic people to block out strong anger, hate, sadness, depression and self loathing. Last week my boss came to work in the evil possessed mood, projecting their anger towards other. I can barely function when this occurs. I become overwhelming disoriented, can't concentrate or function, and if I fail at blocking some of it out, I become highly agitated and take on the same angry feelings. Most times I have to run home to my sanctuary without people. I can't wait to retire so I won't have to be exposed to so many different emotions in the work place. It is mentally and physically draining.

So far, I have found the most powerful emotions are happiness, love, hate and anger. I strive to be around loving, happy, positive and down to earth people.

I wish I didn't have the ability to feel what others are feeling and/or thinking. When I say thinking, I don't mean reading minds, I mean their thinking causes a response in them that manifests the same as emotions. Another thing an empath does is read body language along with the emotional output of another person - this is doubly disturbing and draining.

Yes, an empath can give readings of another person, but those are called skilled empaths. I am no where near being a skilled empath as I only realized within the last year that I am one. Not knowing is the worst thing. I now understand why I always felt the world was crashing in on me, a total outsider, even at home. I felt a weight so heavy on me from as far back as I can remember. And without loving parents, I became a total introvert, confused, lonely, and suicidal by the time I was 11 and life didn't get better until I learned I was an empath, almost 40 years later. opps, gave away my age. . .LOL.

What I find strange about being empathic is that I still try to see the good in people/life. I try. . . I also think because of being empathic, I realized I can give people comfort when they need it - a compliment, a word of encouragement, a simple hug, or just bringing calm and quiet while in their presence.

Even with everything I have gone through in my life up until now, it has never crossed my mind to use my "gift" for anything but good.


posted on Nov, 15 2013 @ 04:08 AM
reply to post by timetothink

Hi timetothink,

Yes, and when the phone rings the butterflies worsens and before you pick up that phone, you know it's bad news. My recent experience with this and most powerful, started in late September 2012. I had these horrible butterflies, doom and gloom, and anxiety attacks for close to 11 months starting in September 2012 up to July 18, 2013. I was working on home upgrades and was obsessive about finishing them so that I could see them before I died. I finished in late May 2013 after working on them night, day, lunch time, holidays, etc. Once done, I was waiting for the bad thing to happen to me. Well on July 18, 2013, I found out my spouse was hiding the fact he had terminal cancer. He died on August 24, 2013. July 18 is when all the doom, gloom, dread, anxieties and looming death or disaster went away. It was his emotions about his impending death that I was experiencing. BTW, he loved all the upgrades I did, he got to see the finished product. I miss him.


posted on Nov, 15 2013 @ 08:27 AM
I didn't know there was such a thing as empaths until I was in my 30's but when I read about it I knew that's what I'd been experiencing all these years.
I don't like crowds or watching television. It's a sensory overload.
My middle daughter is a more sensitive empath than me. She IS able to affect the emotions of others. I've seen it in action many times. We've had chats about empathy and her concern is that she stay "pure" and not use her ability unwisely.

posted on Nov, 15 2013 @ 08:49 AM
Im a empath. But manipulating emotions is something that isn't true for me. Empath is more of a curse absorbing peoples emotions. I can have good or bad days (not bi polar). But it makes me have the emotions of a teenage girl, very uncontrollable. Its nothing....

posted on Dec, 7 2017 @ 09:08 PM


posted on Dec, 7 2017 @ 09:11 PM

originally posted by: timetothink
reply to post by PsyMike91

I'm with you, Mike, never heard of special powers.

I just feel others emotions, even animals, as if it's mine.

Just way too emotional, have to close myself off from people.

An empath's responsibility is to bring peace to an entire room. Could you imagine being so zen that your very presence heals those who are with you?

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