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Their OWN words tell the story (Shadow Government, The FED, One-World Government)

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posted on Aug, 31 2012 @ 10:04 AM
I do remember when the x-files were on tv and someone interviewed producer Chris Carter and he was told be serveral individuals that he (Chris Carter) does'nt know how close to the truth many of the episodes really are.

posted on Aug, 31 2012 @ 11:57 AM

Originally posted by jtap66
reply to post by saladfingers123456

The initial posts were great. It's just frustrating when real-world issues are muddied up with ridiculous crap about make-believe monsters.

Fair enough, and yeah I kind of agree. I have an open mind to many concepts...

But if this thread was to open minds to a nuts and bolts reality of a secret takeover... talking about devil worship and all the rest isn't going to win anyone over to the cause. It will more likely push them away. So mind opened, and then within a few posts, closed again. This kind of information needs to be shared without muddying the waters, in that we need as many people on board as possible.

Talk of satan, or anything else is pure speculation. The NWO is not speculation, it is quite real. It doesn't matter what else you believe when opening minds... keep it real... with something you can hang your coat on, or you'll lose people fast.

posted on Aug, 31 2012 @ 07:57 PM

Originally posted by saladfingers123456

Originally posted by jtap66
reply to post by saladfingers123456

The initial posts were great. It's just frustrating when real-world issues are muddied up with ridiculous crap about make-believe monsters.

Fair enough, and yeah I kind of agree. I have an open mind to many concepts...

But if this thread was to open minds to a nuts and bolts reality of a secret takeover... talking about devil worship and all the rest isn't going to win anyone over to the cause. It will more likely push them away. So mind opened, and then within a few posts, closed again. This kind of information needs to be shared without muddying the waters, in that we need as many people on board as possible.

Talk of satan, or anything else is pure speculation. The NWO is not speculation, it is quite real. It doesn't matter what else you believe when opening minds... keep it real... with something you can hang your coat on, or you'll lose people fast.

Okay, so instead about complaining how the thread has gotten off topic or has been forum slid, let's get back on topic and discuss the OP, relatively easy to do.

So these quotes pretty much prove the existence of a secret controlling world order, that is the real power behind the throne of most governments.

So where do we go from here? How do we fight it? What is their agenda?

I would say aiding awareness is the first step. I think there are many good people who have been conditioned by the methods of control of this cabal, who if aware of this; would rethink much of their priorities in life. Of course not all, but if even one in 50 or 1 in 100 were to join the fight, we would have numbers on our side in short order.

posted on Aug, 31 2012 @ 10:11 PM
This is an amazing assortment you have taken the time to gather, thank you it makes for much easier reference. Its not surprising in the least, they aren't hiding from us they're just smart and the people ignorant. But many people are opening their eyes, so one day we may have justice. The people.

edit on 31-8-2012 by ProspectPhilosopher because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 1 2012 @ 09:03 AM

Originally posted by betheflow

The Great Con Job

I find it interesting that this is being showed on MSNBC. I had the understanding that the media was controlled by the "Elite", who also control the banks. Why would they allow themselves to be exposed?

posted on Sep, 1 2012 @ 09:22 AM
reply to post by GezinhoKiko

wow , this is the best wisdom ive seen here today.....

posted on Sep, 1 2012 @ 09:24 AM

Originally posted by saladfingers123456
For such a highly flagged thread, it seems to have slipped off the front page with extreme speed... while others with no where near as much interest still sit there. A conspiracy in itself? Or am I misunderstanding how this new front page works?

no, dude, dis info agents out number civilians 5;1.--their numbers!

posted on Sep, 1 2012 @ 09:28 AM
reply to post by jtap66

true wisdom is had when a man can entertain ALL concepts WITHOUT falling for it.

posted on Sep, 1 2012 @ 10:57 AM
I think it’s clear that there has historically and recently been a trend, or an agenda if you prefer, which has as its end global consolidation and governance. But I have some doubts as to how integrated, consistent, persistent, and organized that agenda truly has been.

Many people involved in this agenda historically, including some of those quoted herein, have had profound philosophical and political differences and even conflicts. Take Kissenger and Brzezinski for instance. Both have been bandied about as prime movers in these ostensibly secret circles and their aims, but both disagreed over how to proceed in numerous affairs of state and on the international stage. Particularly during the Cold War. And these divisions are often clearly not merely for public consumption, but drive real policy and result in conflicting implications.

So I think it’s worth considering that while there appears to be a clear agenda and trend over time, it may not be the unified, cohesive conspiracy many envision it as being. The larger agenda itself may indeed be the sole shared ideal, and the methods, means, philosophical outlooks, and practical implementation may vary over time, with different names, faces, circles, and centers of power.

It is human nature for there to emerge divergent positions in any sufficiently large group of cooperating individuals, and so it seems improbable to me that such a cohesive agenda could be so specifically and systematically shared for so long by so many.

That does not discount the possibility, or even the likelihood - as seems clear based on existing evidence - of a shared agenda in principle, however. Something along the lines of, "we will when the opportunity presents itself, attempt to use what means are available to us as captains of industry, finance, and politics, to drive humanity sociologically, psychologically, financially, and politically toward a unified global governance or at least some measure of unified global control and interdependency." What that means to each individual among their ranks might mean very different things, as it would no doubt to each of us.

edit on 9/1/2012 by AceWombat04 because: Typo

posted on Sep, 1 2012 @ 11:47 AM
reply to post by AceWombat04

A very valid point. Reading that has also led me to believe that if there are secret organizations attempting to ruin the world with their secret agendas, then it would only make sense that there would also be organizations behind the scenes attempting to prevent them from reaching their goals.

My question is, are there, to any ones knowledge, "secret" or behind the scenes organisations with agendas to stop the corruption?

posted on Sep, 1 2012 @ 01:35 PM

Originally posted by AceWombat04
I think it’s clear that there has historically and recently been a trend, or an agenda if you prefer, which has as its end global consolidation and governance. But I have some doubts as to how integrated, consistent, persistent, and organized that agenda truly has been.

Many people involved in this agenda historically, including some of those quoted herein, have had profound philosophical and political differences and even conflicts. Take Kissenger and Brzezinski for instance. Both have been bandied about as prime movers in these ostensibly secret circles and their aims, but both disagreed over how to proceed in numerous affairs of state and on the international stage. Particularly during the Cold War. And these divisions are often clearly not merely for public consumption, but drive real policy and result in conflicting implications.

So I think it’s worth considering that while there appears to be a clear agenda and trend over time, it may not be the unified, cohesive conspiracy many envision it as being. The larger agenda itself may indeed be the sole shared ideal, and the methods, means, philosophical outlooks, and practical implementation may vary over time, with different names, faces, circles, and centers of power.

It is human nature for there to emerge divergent positions in any sufficiently large group of cooperating individuals, and so it seems improbable to me that such a cohesive agenda could be so specifically and systematically shared for so long by so many.

That does not discount the possibility, or even the likelihood - as seems clear based on existing evidence - of a shared agenda in principle, however. Something along the lines of, "we will when the opportunity presents itself, attempt to use what means are available to us as captains of industry, finance, and politics, to drive humanity sociologically, psychologically, financially, and politically toward a unified global governance or at least some measure of unified global control and interdependency." What that means to each individual among their ranks might mean very different things, as it would no doubt to each of us.

edit on 9/1/2012 by AceWombat04 because: Typo

This is probably the most intelligent view on the subject I've ever read.

It really sheds light on the whole thing, and on our own ideas regarding whatever NWO there might be. People's own fears and beliefs about this tend to be actually quite simplistic, as if NWO has this perfectly executed plan with no problems whatsoever.

There ARE problems. First of all, according to a few things I've read, they were supposed to have done a lot more by now than they have, in something like 2008.

There could easily be faction within their ranks that seek to destroy some of their plans, and why not? Some of the people who disagree with them, but are already PART of them have enough power and influence to be ABLE to destroy certain plans.

Not to mention that the amount of information that's out there now for the general public is far too rampant for them to carry out many things. I don't think they saw the Internet coming.

Personally, I believe it when I've read that many of them have given up the grander idea because they're realizing that it's becoming impossible.

And I still believe what I always say: not once in history has such a plan ever been successful for any amount of time. There is # that humans will never put up with.

The BASIC plan is rooted in insanity, and attempted by what amounts to as insane individuals. For that very reason, despite all their power, intelligence, money, their own illusions prevent them from seeing their own inevitable failure.

I think one of the elements people have to really think about is that people believe what they want to because what they believe has meaning and value for them. To believe without question that we are doomed and powerless says a lot about the individual espousing that belief.

posted on Sep, 1 2012 @ 01:53 PM
Amazing thread.

Saved in my favorites for when i have more time to read everything and watch the documentaries i haven't already seen.

Many thanks

posted on Sep, 1 2012 @ 04:06 PM
reply to post by betheflow


I feel like I must be in the twilight zone to be living in such a world.

posted on Sep, 1 2012 @ 04:47 PM
Please spread this video around the world; timing is critical!!!!!
Geoengineering the weather to globalist ends while destroying the natural ecosystems.....

posted on Sep, 1 2012 @ 05:28 PM
Spoken as a fEAther in one's cAp.

And the Beat goes on.....the very fleecing of the Souls of Terra.
Whether one's Aura is as an halo of Ambience or as a static spark, the evidence is all over one's beeing.
When attUned to the Right Frequency in 528 Hz, life is as a box of chocolates.
You may not know what your going to get; though are ready for everything.
Why Fear the Flesh when the Soul is Eternal?

The Blasphomy of Baphomet is as the indifference to one's very life a huge sucking sound of your very life's +E-nergy.....for a sure way to destroy a being is to steal it's very energetic essence of being.
Freewill implies a 'choice' for a reason.
Please choose wisely from herefOUrth.

edit on 1-9-2012 by Bluemoonsine because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 1 2012 @ 11:32 PM
If I were to guess...I would say either the Bilderbergers, or Military Industrial Complex or both for that matter. The current Pope of Rome has asked for in so many words; one leader to rule over Europe to specifically solve the financial issues, this leader may temporarily solve the same issues in the U.S. That leads me to believe the U.S. may be pushed into joining the E.U. or a soon to be reformed E.U. or U.N. really not difficult to accept, the U.S. is already a member of the U.N. and NATO.

Many Bible Prophecy students, pastor's, preacher's and the like believe that soon Europe will turn into a "Ten Nation Confederacy", ten leaders will control Ten Countries and one Supreme Leader will head The Ten.
The U.S. Federal Govt. is complex with many Law Enforcement Agencies and Armed Forces, Active, Inactive, Active Reserves, Reserves, Inactive Reserves, Guard and Special Forces/Special Operations along with State and Local Police.

Last time I researched U.S. (IC) Intelligence Community, there were 16; "Good Grief", most I have never even heard of, but there they are and have been for awhile now.

If a One World Govt. is looming on the horizon; I just hope that it will not turn out like the movie "Soylent Green"...aaaaaaah
) the way, what are Jalapeño Cheez It Crackers really made of??? Hmmm...No but on a serious note, there are most likely many Military, (IC) and Law Enforcement employees being compartmentalized for (SAP) Special Access Programs. I once heard a comment, something along the lines as: "out of all satellites in orbit, 90% are looking back at Earth, you would think they would looking into space".

posted on Sep, 4 2012 @ 10:30 AM
reply to post by betheflow

Magnificent post


From the shadows they have engineered every major war, revolution and recession. They control everything you read, everything you hear and everything you see. They have managed to indoctrinate an entire populace to their way of thinking and have infiltrated key positions in places of authority and it is from the shadows they have created a new political order, a new economic order and most sinister a new religious order. Their ultimate aim is total global domination and they will stop at nothing to reach their goal. The goal that was outlined in a speech given by a former President of the United States, George Bush "What is at stake is more than one small country it is a big idea a New World Order".

posted on Sep, 4 2012 @ 02:02 PM
Originally posted by PlanetXisHERE
So where do we go from here? How do we fight it?

We must not physically fight, we must find a better way & then utilize this illusion of Democracy to DEMAND IT (it takes 51% of people).

Any Fool can complain but without a solution it just causes negativity.

I don't apologize for being an advocate of an RBE (Resource Based Economy), I simply am, but just imagine if the advocacy groups (Zeitgeist,Venus, RBEF, etc..) embraced the following principles at core.

The NAP (Non Aggression Principle) so loved by Libertarians & True Anarchists
Freedom to live outside the RBE circular Cities in the wild (without interference)

The ultimate Ying & Yang of Lifestyle choice

The opportunity of our Age is to accept what the OP has said, then use this as leverage to make things better for our children.... but we need to know what better is!!!!

posted on Sep, 5 2012 @ 04:39 PM
You quoted Benjamin Disraeli from his 1840's book.

Did you know that Disraeli is the architect of the 20th century's World Wars? Russia and Germany used to be allies, but Disraeli (a Rothschild stooge) drove a wedge between them (long story) so that the Globalists could pit the two powers against each other and destroy both of them.

posted on Sep, 5 2012 @ 06:06 PM
Personally I feel some of those quotes are taken out of context. Some may be referring to organized crime or even organized commerce, but I don't necessarily believe the author particularly meant "Illuminati."

People love to bash the bankers all the time and say they are behind the Illuminati. But the real truth is that banks fail all the time....even big ones.

the real truth is that there IS no "Illuminati" as most people know it, talk about it, or recognize it on this site. There are powerful people in the world who try to create allies in business, government, etc... A real world survivor scenario on the business front. There is also organized crime who ALWAYS operates in secret. And while these things sometimes operate in tandem, it isn't always that way and it isn't for the purpose of some shadowy secret cabal who is trying to control humanity. Oh, I'm sure there is some rich (or poor) nutcase out there with those illusions of grandeur. But the wealthy, as a whole, simply don't operate under that concept.
edit on 5-9-2012 by CIAGypsy because: (no reason given)

edit on 5-9-2012 by CIAGypsy because: (no reason given)

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