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Men's rights to Women's reproductive organs - You don't have any.

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posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 09:58 AM

Originally posted by Flighty

but you dont have a right to force another human being against her will to bring the child to term.

Yeah but no woman has the right to force fatherhood on a man who doesn't want to be a father either.

Heeeey! Well you know what? It's all good. I'm going to start having sex with as many women as I can and I don't even have to take responsibility for the child if she has one.

No. That is not the way either. That is also unfair. Both male and female have to take responsibility.

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 09:58 AM

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 10:02 AM
So basically. Your whole arguement states that only the woman can determine whether the future entity may live or die. I'm sorry but a choice like that shouldn't even be made by the parents but since it's not like we can ask the unborn fetus, the next best thing would be too have both parents decide.

I really don't know what to say other than no one has the right other another person. Neither woman or man should decide this.

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 10:02 AM

Originally posted by CynicalDrivel
reply to post by SearchLightsInc

*nipped in the bud. Although nipping in the butt would be funny.

If you don't want to give your body as a part of your contract, then don't get married. Problem is, people forget what marriage is about.

About the bud, that is my mistake, sorry lol

Sex happens outside of marriage so that changes nothing. How many people do you know that take their vows seriously? I agree that if you dont believe in god and all of that stuff, dont get married in "his eyes"

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 10:03 AM
reply to post by SearchLightsInc

So, the only answer to not having kids with someone you don't want to have kids with is abortion? Did you ever think of just not having unprotected sex with that person. Same goes with too mentally drained to have kids, and every other excuse you gave as to a woman should have a right to an abortion. All you need to do is not have unprotected sex. That's it. Or if you get caught up in the heat of passion, take the morning after pill. Everyone seems to have to face the consequences of their actions except for women when it comes to child birth. There is really only one way to get pregnant, and if you haven't figured out yet how that is, you should really not be mentally capable of deciding to get an abortion. You want to say men have no rights over a woman's reproductive organs, you are right, however, once a woman opens herself up to a man and receives his seed willingly, that's her given up her choice to not get pregnant. An unborn baby is not part of a woman's reproductive organs, it is an unborn baby. So if woman want to be in charge of their reproductive organs, than be in charge. Don't let men get in there that you don't want in there. Be selective on who you have unprotected sex with. That is being in charge of your reproductive organs, not the "oops, I had consensual sex with him, now I'm pregnant, but I don't want to be", that's just being irresponsible, and extremely lucky the government allows you a mulligan every time it happens.

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 10:05 AM
reply to post by SearchLightsInc

So the way it stands is men don't have any control over their sperm after ejaculation and are at the whims of the female if a pregnancy results. A woman decides if a man becomes a father or not. And yet, women want control of IF and WHEN they becomes Mothers.
I think either both have a say for self determination or NEITHER of them do.

Didn't mean this comment at you directly but just putting it out there generally.

Something really needs to be done about this. It's been going on for decades for now and still nothing is being done to rectify the inequality so we can all move forward more enlightened.

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 10:07 AM

Originally posted by Myendica
reply to post by SearchLightsInc

i never got a say in my circumcision. And I never tried to force a woman to do anything. But it seems only womens opinions matter..

Man should have a say about their foreskin, Women should have a say about carrying a baby in their bodies for 9 months. That's how i feel.

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 10:08 AM

Originally posted by Flighty
reply to post by SearchLightsInc

So the way it stands is men don't have any control over their sperm after ejaculation and are at the whims of the female if a pregnancy results. A woman decides if a man becomes a father or not. And yet, women want control of IF and WHEN they becomes Mothers.
I think either both have a say for self determination or NEITHER of them do.

Didn't mean this comment at you directly but just putting it out there generally.

Something really needs to be done about this. It's been going on for decades for now and still nothing is being done to rectify the inequality so we can all move forward more enlightened.

BEST COMMENT IN THIS THREAD SO FAR! This is what it is all about people!

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 10:10 AM

Originally posted by SearchLightsInc

Originally posted by Myendica
reply to post by Benevolent Heretic

ha.. Cause all isms are bad. Feminism.. Racism. Is there even such a thing as "malism?". Im not saying a women cant have an abortion, but the op is on awitch hunt to prove she can keep here ego intact with such one sided view ism.

My mission is to preserve a woman's rights to control over her own body. Its not a witch hunt. You know how most men feel about having people take a flap of skin off their penis, well guess what? Women have a problem with men trying to own and command their reproductive organs.

I wish there was never rape, and I wish there was never abortion. But.. I cant stop them. I can only try and tell them to mke conscious and well thought out decisions.. Which for some reason makes people upset when they have to think of others before making decisions.

A rational woman will consider her partner's feelings, but if she decides she doesn't want to have a child a man has no right to dictate differently. You cant force her to bare children. Move along, find a woman that does.

We DESERVE equal rights. Why are progressives so adamant that men, of a certain persuasion don't need rights?

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 10:10 AM

Originally posted by IntoxicatingMadness
So basically. Your whole arguement states that only the woman can determine whether the future entity may live or die.

Pretty much, its her body, her choice.

I'm sorry but a choice like that shouldn't even be made by the parents but since it's not like we can ask the unborn fetus, the next best thing would be too have both parents decide.

I cant understand what it would be like to be kicked in the testicles, a man cannot fully understand what its like to be pregnant. Its not his body therefore its not his decision. His opinion and feelings mean alot, but they are not the most factor and neither are they the decision maker.

I really don't know what to say other than no one has the right other another person. Neither woman or man should decide this.

Well i agree that no one has the right to command another person, i agree that its a woman's right to decide the fate of the "baby"

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 10:11 AM

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 10:12 AM

Originally posted by SearchLightsInc

Originally posted by Myendica
reply to post by SearchLightsInc

i never got a say in my circumcision. And I never tried to force a woman to do anything. But it seems only womens opinions matter..

Man should have a say about their foreskin, Women should have a say about carrying a baby in their bodies for 9 months. That's how i feel.
well thats not the way it is. If it were a perfect world, all aborted children would be raised surogately. Like I said, im not for abortion, but I understand theres circumstances that arise. So im not against it. But there are women who have had multiple abortions, and that should be a crime.

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 10:12 AM

Originally posted by Jepic

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
reply to post by Jepic

Originally posted by Jepic
Both parties should only have sex if they have accepted the fact that there is a risk that she will get pregnant and also accepted the fact that they have to take accountability if the worst case scenario arises out of casual sex.

That's a great personal standard for you to set for yourself and any woman you have sex with. But it simply cannot be forced or her or on society. When you have sex with a woman, and your sperm goes into HER body, you are, in essence, GIVING UP your right to what happens for the next 9 months. You have to know that. Make your decisions accordingly.

So basically your ideology is as follows.

1. Both partners decided to have sex with a risk that there is going to be a pregancy. But if there is a pregnancy, it's enitrely the man's fault.
2. And she decides what happens with the baby.

Bottom line. He is responsible for impregnating her. She is not. For a bonus she gets to have the last say on what happens to the baby.

Well are we living in a world of chocolate and roses, are we...

Who said both partners decided to have sex?

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 10:13 AM

Originally posted by HamrHeed

We DESERVE equal rights. Why are progressives so adamant that men, of a certain persuasion don't need rights?

This has NOTHING to do with being "progressive" Its about a woman having rights to her own reproductive organs. This topic is not political. Its about acknowledged and respecting a woman and her rights to her body.

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 10:14 AM

Originally posted by Endorra

Originally posted by Jepic

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
reply to post by Jepic

Originally posted by Jepic
Both parties should only have sex if they have accepted the fact that there is a risk that she will get pregnant and also accepted the fact that they have to take accountability if the worst case scenario arises out of casual sex.

That's a great personal standard for you to set for yourself and any woman you have sex with. But it simply cannot be forced or her or on society. When you have sex with a woman, and your sperm goes into HER body, you are, in essence, GIVING UP your right to what happens for the next 9 months. You have to know that. Make your decisions accordingly.

So basically your ideology is as follows.

1. Both partners decided to have sex with a risk that there is going to be a pregancy. But if there is a pregnancy, it's enitrely the man's fault.
2. And she decides what happens with the baby.

Bottom line. He is responsible for impregnating her. She is not. For a bonus she gets to have the last say on what happens to the baby.

Well are we living in a world of chocolate and roses, are we...

Who said both partners decided to have sex?

Well correct me if I'm wrong but aren't we all discussing this situation from the the starting point that both decided to have sex. Because if we are talking about rape it's a completely different approach.

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 10:15 AM
There is a reason that kid is there. There is a reason for everything. The baby has a purpose in the grand scheme of things. Otherwise it wouldn't be there. You want to call it God's plan or the creator's plan or the architect's plan, go ahead.

There is a soul involved here and it is being erased from the equation by the two people responsible for it. Do you have a soul? Where do you think your sentience comes from? Do you think it's just your brain, or do you see the bigger picture?

That life isn't yours to play with, to juggle, to throw back and fourth, to use against each other.

Yes, we are slaves to our biology. There is a reason. That's how we we're designed to propagate the species. Deal with the consequences of your actions. You have a choice as to whether or not you engage.

You can say no. The child cannot.

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 10:15 AM

Originally posted by Flighty
reply to post by SearchLightsInc

So the way it stands is men don't have any control over their sperm after ejaculation and are at the whims of the female if a pregnancy results. A woman decides if a man becomes a father or not. And yet, women want control of IF and WHEN they becomes Mothers.
I think either both have a say for self determination or NEITHER of them do.

Didn't mean this comment at you directly but just putting it out there generally.

Something really needs to be done about this. It's been going on for decades for now and still nothing is being done to rectify the inequality so we can all move forward more enlightened.

This message needs to be received by more and more IMO

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 10:15 AM

Originally posted by SearchLightsInc
I cant understand what it would be like to be kicked in the testicles, a man cannot fully understand what its like to be pregnant. Its not his body therefore its not his decision. His opinion and feelings mean alot, but they are not the most factor and neither are they the decision maker.

If you have ever had really bad ovary cramps during a period then I think you pretty much know what it is like to be kicked in the testicles.

I would have a baby if I could and if it was my role in life. I would also never destroy the baby if my wife was the one who got me pregnant and really wanted me to have the baby. I would say... damn... oh well, I should have thought of that before I had sex. Life is life. I'll do what I gotta do and be responsible for my actions.

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 10:16 AM
reply to post by SearchLightsInc

You seem to be confused.

The pro-life position isn't about men having rights over women's reproductive's about advocating for rights of all living humans...including unborn humans.

It's a very simple side advocates for the legal murder of innocent humans...and one is against the legal murder of innocent humans.

I feel comfortable with my position...I don't even have to make any justifications for it or try to dehumanize the unborn human to make myself feel better...that's not the case with people who support abortion.

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 10:16 AM

Originally posted by Jepic

Originally posted by Flighty

but you dont have a right to force another human being against her will to bring the child to term.

Yeah but no woman has the right to force fatherhood on a man who doesn't want to be a father either.

Heeeey! Well you know what? It's all good. I'm going to start having sex with as many women as I can and I don't even have to take responsibility for the child if she has one.

No. That is not the way either. That is also unfair. Both male and female have to take responsibility.

I think both people have already proven their irresponsibility once an unwanted pregnancy has occured.
And we aren't living in Victorian times when women were virgins until marriage. Females have sex for pleasure just as much as men do.
The only diffence is one has control of whether it leads to parenthood and the other doesn't as it currently stands.

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