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Men's rights to Women's reproductive organs - You don't have any.

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posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 09:30 AM
Op is absolutely right. Not sure where the law says is the last change to abort but the fact of the matter is that a baby is not a living being untill it can survive on it's own.

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 09:30 AM
reply to post by SearchLightsInc

"In that 9 month period men dont really do much, dont take more credit than you should."

Have you ever been a man and taken care of a pregnant woman? Then you don't know what you're talking about.

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 09:31 AM

Originally posted by SearchLightsInc

Originally posted by Socrato
No one would argue that a woman has a right to her body, but when she agreed to have sex with a man she agreed to risk getting pregnant.

In the age of the 21st century, risk of pregnancy in the fist world isnt as high as what it was. We've has such a thing as the sexual revolution in which women could embrace their bodies and sexual needs without constant threat of pregnancy. When she agree'd to have sex its very unlikely she was agreeing to risk pregnancy, she was more than likely agreeing to show physical affection to another human being - Yano, like were suppose to. If you only have sex to procreate then i feel sorry for you.

A baby is a separate entity which is NOT the woman's body.

That "baby" cannot survive without the woman's body, so by rights, she's laying down the law here, not the father and not the "baby"

It is a new body created by the man AND woman.

A man jacked off and he's got bragging rights for doing Sweet F.A for 9 months? NOPE. Its in her body and if she doesn't want it then like i say, TOUGH LUCK. Perhaps god should have given you a vagina?

Yes it happens to reside inside the woman's body

Its not coincidental my love, there's probably a good reason why dont have the capacity to give birth. Her body, her choice.

It's not about whether she was agreeing to risk pregnancy or not. It's that when a female and male have sex there is a risk that she will get pregnant. Just because she did it for pleasure and not to have a baby doesn't mean that if she gets pregnant she has full rights to the decision making for the baby. I mean to think that would even be hypocritical on her part. She had sex with a man to have pleasure and not to get pregnant, yet if she gets pregnant she controls the baby's destiny anyway. No. That is absolutely unfair: And we should all strive to make this planet we live in a fairer place to live. Not make it unfairer because life is already unfair.

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 09:33 AM
reply to post by Benevolent Heretic

ha.. Cause all isms are bad. Feminism.. Racism. Is there even such a thing as "malism?". Im not saying a women cant have an abortion, but the op is on awitch hunt to prove she can keep here ego intact with such one sided view ism. I wish there was never rape, and I wish there was never abortion. But.. I cant stop them. I can only try and tell them to mke conscious and well thought out decisions.. Which for some reason makes people upset when they have to think of others before making decisions.

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 09:34 AM

Originally posted by FlyersFan
So ... a man only has rights and obligations to his children if ...
- the children are born and in need of money.
- the pregnant woman says she is keeping the baby and needs financial support from the man.

Until the baby is born men have no rights over that unborn child. If it was being grown in your bod the matter would be different. This thread isnt about child support or custody case's, its about a woman's right to her own reproductive organs. If she decides to keep a baby you dont want then you shouldn't be forced to pay for that child.

So to the men out there .... don't get a woman pregnant unless you are prepared to give up your parental rights.

Dont get a woman pregnant and expect her to carry your child to term because you want her to. And dont start banging on about rights over her body when you simply dont have any.

Also, don't get a woman pregnant unless you are prepared to give up your money to support the child if the mother decides not to kill the child in the womb.

Exactly, keep your trousers up and stop sleeping with women that are pro-choice, it would stop a lot of drama, would probably benefit society greatly. You have a personal responsibility when it comes to sexual relationships, my advice to you is not sleep with women who you dont really know.

Bottom line ... be careful with your 'special men' .... (hit tip to 'That 70s Show')

Yup, personal responsibility - We all have it.

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 09:35 AM

Originally posted by PsykoOps
Op is absolutely right. Not sure where the law says is the last change to abort but the fact of the matter is that a baby is not a living being untill it can survive on it's own.
cool, so we can abort up to, what.. The age of 9? Wen can a child survive on its own? My 19 month old is a pain.. Should I just do what the op said and "nip it in butt?" or "bud".
edit on 26-8-2012 by Myendica because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 09:35 AM

Originally posted by Socrato
"You dont have rights over someone else's body."

Oh I forgot a baby isn't someone else.

Not yet it isn't - hence the term "fetus."

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 09:35 AM
(nevermind I misunderstood something)
edit on 26-8-2012 by SpearMint because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 09:35 AM
Women should be responsible for their birth control if they really want to be in charge of their body. Don't want to carry/give birth? Don't get pregnant. The woman has complete control over the situation before the clothes even come off. Sure the men should take precautions as well to protect themselves from the consequences of unwanted pregnancy, but as it's the woman carrying/birthing then ultimately it's the woman's resposibility to take preventive measures. There are a variety of methods to use, not all restricted by prescription. Some are even free like condoms given away at clinics or abstinence. He won't wear a condom? Don't have sex with him.

It's true that a man cannot carry or have a child, so his stake in it is very low. Pregnancy cannot occur without the woman's reproductive organs. That being the case, logic would seem to dictate that the woman must be in control of her body. If you know you're going to be sexually active, take steps to prevent unwanted pregnancy before the heat of the moment arrives. Why wait until abortion is on the table to start taking control of your body? Don't let it get that far. It is, indeed, your body your choice and that goes for everyone across the board. Choose to use birth control, men and women. Choose like-minded sex partners. Be smart about sex before you get to the bedroom, can't stress that enough. You'll be thinking a lot clearer and straighter at RiteAid at 3pm on Tuesday than on the couch at 10pm on a hot Saturday night. The woman has to carry it and go through the physical and social upheaval. The woman has got to be smart about it. She has the right to abort. Both have the obligation to prevent.

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 09:38 AM

Originally posted by Myendica

Originally posted by PsykoOps
Op is absolutely right. Not sure where the law says is the last change to abort but the fact of the matter is that a baby is not a living being untill it can survive on it's own.
cool, so we can abort up to, what.. The age of 9? Wen can a child survive on its own?

I would think if it is inside someone else's body the "sponsor" host to the growing fetus, should be the one making decisions regarding their own body and it's contents. Otherwise the host is not free.

If you can't make decisions regarding your own body - you are not free.

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 09:38 AM

Originally posted by Socrato
Then this woman is an idiot. Everyone knows that having sex means you are risking making a baby. If she is too childish to handle that then she is not mature enough for sex.
edit on 26-8-2012 by Socrato because: (no reason given)

No contraception is 100% but 99% is pretty damn close. Im not an idiot for suggesting that there's very little risk of getting pregnant if you're on the pill, like i say, 99% is a pretty compelling number.

I think you need to realise little guy, that women have sexual needs and in the 21st century they are perfectly at their liberty to engage in sexual encounter's without a serious risk of pregnancy.

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 09:40 AM
reply to post by Myendica

Originally posted by Myendica
Cause all isms are bad. Feminism.. Racism.


All bad, huh? Strange position, but you're free to take it.

Im not saying a women cant have an abortion, but the op is on awitch hunt to prove she can keep here ego intact with such one sided view ism.

Ah! I see. You've got the OP all figured out and their reasons for having their opinions and views is to keep their ego intact... Another interesting position.

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 09:40 AM

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
reply to post by Socrato

Originally posted by Socrato
Oh and stop sleeping around too.

Oh! We hit the jackpot!

If a man and a woman have consensual sex and a pregnancy results, the man gets "cheated" out of his choice and the woman's a whore. The man becomes the victim and the woman is "sleeping around"...

You know why men get so frustrated with their lack of control over women and their bodies? Because many men HATE feminism. They've done all they can to oppress the women's independence. They intend to keep us from rising up, by any means necessary, including calling us such names as "feminazis", selfish and whores and making laws against our autonomy.

Their mindset is that as long as a woman has sex because she wants to procreate, we can allow that, but if she has sex for her own pleasure, and gets pregnant, then she's a worthless whore who is "sleeping around".

If a woman deigns to have sex for any other reason than to serve the family (procreate) she should be punished for being selfish and promiscuous.

I hear these men say that if a woman doesn't want to get pregnant, she shouldn't have sex. My question is if men are so concerned about the possibility of a unwanted pregnancy, why don't THEY quit having sex? Why don't THEY atop "sleeping around" like whores? If they're so concerned about creating an unwanted child, and having a "say" in abortion, why don't THEY guarantee that the woman doesn't get pregnant by refusing to have sex with her? That's what they expect of us. Why don't they ask the same of themselves?

Both parties should only have sex if they have accepted the fact that there is a risk that she will get pregnant and also accepted the fact that they have to take accountability if the worst case scenario arises out of casual sex.

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 09:42 AM
reply to post by SearchLightsInc

She willingly got pregnant..... Without my knowing. Notice how I am the only one still in my sons life.

But, everything would have been A-okay had she been forced to live on the street, with her somewhat rare pregnancy complication (vasa previa), with no job (while I paid the doctor bills as well) / car / place to live and when she ruptured and had less than 5 minutes to get to the hospital before the child bled out. My son would still be here?

Wow, those doctors really are quacks! Why do women need hospitals? The Female body can do everything on its' own!

I am withdrawing from this conversation, no point in debating when you're unwilling to see any variation other than your point of view.


posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 09:43 AM
reply to post by SearchLightsInc

I am sure this has been said, but I am not reading the entire thread to find the convo, I simply wish to reiterate this one particular thing.

You said a woman does not have the right to sperm jack a man have his baby and force him to pay child support for a child he does not want...

but here you are wrong, in the same consentual sexual relationship that got a woman pregnant can get a man an obligation for life he does not want, should the women so choose, and if she has the right to that decision (ie: a sperm jacking!~), then he has a right to have rights in THIS one!
edit on 26-8-2012 by OpinionatedB because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 09:43 AM

Originally posted by ollncasino
reply to post by SearchLightsInc

Wife whose husband became secret sperm donor calls for change in the law to require partners' consent

The wife of a man who donated his sperm without her knowledge is campaigning for married men to require their spouse's consent for the process.

She argues that in married relationships, sperm donation should be a decision both parties are involved in; she says in marriage, sperm should be considered some kind of 'marital asset'.

Daily Mail

The irony, the double standards

One women in how many billions on this planet? You think that turns this argument on its head?

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 09:43 AM

Originally posted by torque
Women should be responsible for their birth control if they really want to be in charge of their body. Don't want to carry/give birth? Don't get pregnant. The woman has complete control over the situation before the clothes even come off.

275 pound man with a good buzz on
suddenly decides he wants to mount
the 100 pound girl alone in the room with him.

Oh yeah...she's got all the control.

Now carry that baby bee-ach.

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 09:44 AM
reply to post by Jepic

Originally posted by Jepic
Both parties should only have sex if they have accepted the fact that there is a risk that she will get pregnant and also accepted the fact that they have to take accountability if the worst case scenario arises out of casual sex.

That's a great personal standard for you to set for yourself and any woman you have sex with. But it simply cannot be forced or her or on society. When you have sex with a woman, and your sperm goes into HER body, you are, in essence, GIVING UP your right to what happens for the next 9 months. You have to know that. Make your decisions accordingly.

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 09:44 AM

but you dont have a right to force another human being against her will to bring the child to term.

Yeah but no woman has the right to force fatherhood on a man who doesn't want to be a father either.

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 09:46 AM

Originally posted by Socrato
reply to post by SearchLightsInc

"In that 9 month period men dont really do much, dont take more credit than you should."

Have you ever been a man and taken care of a pregnant woman? Then you don't know what you're talking about.

Well sweetie i know enough to know that rubbing her feet isnt the difference between life and death of an unborn. Dont take more credit than you should, what a woman goes though in pregnancy isnt something a man can experience or fully comprehend.

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