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Explosive 9/11 Documentary About To Air On Public Television In United States

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posted on Aug, 20 2012 @ 06:23 AM
Who is this susan lindauer person? what kind of staged stuff is this?
She just comes out of the wood work and fills us in? Has to be fake.

posted on Aug, 20 2012 @ 06:28 AM

Originally posted by patrick1000
Who is this susan lindauer person? what kind of staged stuff is this?
She just comes out of the wood work and fills us in? Has to be fake.

There's a HUGE difference between you not paying attention and something being new.

Use the search feature on ATS and you'll find dozens of things about her.

posted on Aug, 20 2012 @ 06:46 AM

Originally posted by chuckMFd
This documentary has been out for atleast a year... Some very damning evidence against the official story! The fact that the NIST report clames the molten metal filmed spilling out of the side of the tower is melted aluminum, when infact molten aluminum is silver in color and molten iron is yellow and orange. Also the nano thermite particles found in the dust were found to still be reactive! Architechs and engineers for 9/11 truth definately has the backing of the scientific community since the official story cotradicts the fundamental laws of science itself.

This is a perfect example of how not to do your thinking. You seize on a single element that the video tells you to think about, you are told the situation by the video and accept it, now you are shouting about how the 'official story' "cotradicts" what you call "fundamental laws of science"

Allow me to enlighten you. Molten Steel does not flow over Molten Aluminium. The Scientific Community has completely panned this and most other 911 truth documentaries, and even with his massive list of experts (they're presented with a form after watching this biased 'documentary') he can only call on a couple of choice quotes, and they're unfortunately tainted with 'nuclear detonations' and 'beams from space' rubbish.

It's a scam, designed to fund Richard Gage's new lifestyle of flying around the world and being lauded as a hero by those who fund him.

posted on Aug, 20 2012 @ 06:49 AM
You know the last 9 days have been nice.
Kind of like a vacation.

Keep in mind just because it's on PBS doesn't make it true.

posted on Aug, 20 2012 @ 06:52 AM
Ohh noes, Not another 9/11 thread. I think over just about 12 years people do realize it was an inside job, they're so many documentaries on this subject, we all believe it..So why make more threads about it over old stuff? I still can't believe people still research this subject over so many years..The facts have been made like 8 years ago lol, move on?

posted on Aug, 20 2012 @ 07:41 AM
Are these the same people who put out the “true” documentary “Mermaids: The Body Found” about the mermaid killing and subsequent government cover up?

For those who believe no proof is needed. For those who don’t believe no proof will do, or something like that.

posted on Aug, 20 2012 @ 07:46 AM
reply to post by D1Useek

I've seen enough proof like as I said 8 years ago to belive it was an inside job. I don't think I'll need anymore to belive it. But if they're any proof of it not being an inside job, I'm pretty open minded and curious to read it.

posted on Aug, 20 2012 @ 07:55 AM
reply to post by live2beknown

I'm pretty open minded too...but surely the burden of proof lies with the person claiming foul play?

posted on Aug, 20 2012 @ 09:09 AM

Originally posted by live2beknown
reply to post by D1Useek

I've seen enough proof like as I said 8 years ago to belive it was an inside job. I don't think I'll need anymore to belive it. But if they're any proof of it not being an inside job, I'm pretty open minded and curious to read it.

I have yet to see ANY undebunked evidence of it being an inside job.

I am a reformed truther.

posted on Aug, 20 2012 @ 09:16 AM
reply to post by longlostbrother

I've yet to see anyone debunk the evidence presented in this video, so.......where does that leave us then? BTW, calling someone a "silly truther" or similar, is not debunking.

posted on Aug, 20 2012 @ 10:52 AM

Originally posted by Flatcoat
reply to post by longlostbrother

I've yet to see anyone debunk the evidence presented in this video, so.......where does that leave us then? BTW, calling someone a "silly truther" or similar, is not debunking.

A lot of that stuff is debunked or completely meaningless.

Show me another structure like WTC7, that had a unattended fire, starting on it's roof, full of furniture and all the other crap in WTC7.

You can't.

You can show be similar things, but that's not the same thing.

The "experts" in that video act as if something improbable happening is proof of something other than: something improbable happened.

As for the "evidence" they present of "boom boom boom" - that's a very typical lie. Those people aren't describing squibs, which by the way are VISIBLE and AUDIBLE and are NOT on any of the video footage, not described by any witnesses except so called "truthers." those people are describing the floors pancaking. And guess what, Pancaking is NOT what demos create.

There's NO SUCH THING as top down pancaking demolition. Explosive demos pull the supports from all the floors, simultaneously, so the building seems to disappear into the ground... the Twin Towers collapsed top down. That is NOT a demolition technique.

If you WATCH actual demos, and you should do that, you'll see that they don't ACTUALLY look like the Twin Towers at all. They look like vernaige demos in France, where structures are weakened, and the weight of the building above the weakened floors cause the building to pancake down.

Explosive demos make building collapse as a single structure, in all at once. Not top down.

There's NO evidence of the thousands of timed explosions that wouldn't been required to demo the towers, or the WTC7 building, and the building all collapse top down.

Watch that. Note all the explosions running up the building? Visible and audible? Yes. Then note how the TOP of the building stays intact until almost the very end, the building is detroyed, "bottom up" as it collpases. This is to ensure it doesn't fall over.

Now watch this.

Here's another verniage clip: No explosions; the collapse looks so similar to towers.

Notice, the lack of audible explosion? Notice how these buildings pancake down?

Which looks and sounds like the Twin Towers and Building 7? Now watch this

IF you go to about 1:44 you can see the top of the building collapse DOWN to the damaged section, which doesn't move until it's hit by the collapsing part. Just like the verniage videos.

Actually try and watch those with an open mind, if possible. Think about what I'm saying to you.

This is all basic stuff, but stuff that the truthers refuse to address, as it blows all their little make believe theories or nuclear blasts, scalar weapons, nano-thermite, invisible planes, etc., etc.
edit on 20-8-2012 by longlostbrother because: (no reason given)

edit on 20-8-2012 by longlostbrother because: (no reason given)

edit on 20-8-2012 by longlostbrother because: (no reason given)

edit on 20-8-2012 by longlostbrother because: (no reason given)

edit on 20-8-2012 by longlostbrother because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 20 2012 @ 10:54 AM

Originally posted by live2beknown
Ohh noes, Not another 9/11 thread. I think over just about 12 years people do realize it was an inside job, they're so many documentaries on this subject, we all believe it..So why make more threads about it over old stuff? I still can't believe people still research this subject over so many years..The facts have been made like 8 years ago lol, move on?


It's like they are living in a time loop sometimes.

Instead, how about these people focus on something that they can change?

posted on Aug, 20 2012 @ 10:58 AM
reply to post by longlostbrother


posted on Aug, 20 2012 @ 01:23 PM
reply to post by longlostbrother

Whew! Well, where do I start?

Show me another structure like WTC7, that had a unattended fire, starting on it's roof, full of furniture and all the other crap in WTC7.

For a start, the fire was apparently on the 12th floor (the one that caused the building to collapse) so I don't know where you're going with this "roof fire" and generally most buildings are full of furniture and other crap......

As for the "evidence" they present of "boom boom boom" - that's a very typical lie. Those people aren't describing squibs, which by the way are VISIBLE and AUDIBLE and are NOT on any of the video footage, not described by any witnesses except so called "truthers." those people are describing the floors pancaking. And guess what, Pancaking is NOT what demos create.

Well I'm sure all the firemen and other witnesses who described explosions would be surprised to know that they are considered "truthers" by people like you... and there is audio of explosions.

There's NO SUCH THING as top down pancaking demolition. Explosive demos pull the supports from all the floors, simultaneously, so the building seems to disappear into the ground

Like building 7 you mean?

If you WATCH actual demos, and you should do that, you'll see that they don't ACTUALLY look like the Twin Towers at all. They look like vernaige demos in France, where structures are weakened, and the weight of the building above the weakened floors cause the building to pancake down.

Yes but in those cases the building is pre-weakened and the "top half" is basically the same size as the "bottom half" ...not 15 floors crushing 80.

This is all basic stuff, but stuff that the truthers refuse to address, as it blows all their little make believe theories or nuclear blasts, scalar weapons, nano-thermite, invisible planes, etc., etc.

I've never mentioned any of that stuff...It's generally the debunkers who like to bring up "laser beams" and "invisible planes"...
edit on 20-8-2012 by Flatcoat because: ¡porque!

posted on Aug, 20 2012 @ 01:24 PM

Originally posted by longlostbrother

Here's another verniage clip: No explosions; the collapse looks so similar to towers.

Notice, the lack of audible explosion? Notice how these buildings pancake down?

First off, all these buildings are vastly smaller than the two Twin Towers were and, from what I can tell, are a lot less sturdy than the Twin Towers were also. Besides, if what you're implying here is that the two impacts from the planes were enough to take down each tower, it doesn't explain all the thermite/thermate evidence in the ruins, the mangled mess of melted metal, all the squibs, the weird construction going on in the buildings weeks before the attacks, and plenty of other evidence to go against the official story.

And then, of course, there's Building 7, the Pentagon, and all the evidence to how the attacks were a perfect catalyst to the War on Terror. This video only proves the official story is true if you ignore too much evidence to go against the official story, or are ignorant of it.

Originally posted by longlostbrother

Watch that. Note all the explosions running up the building? Visible and audible? Yes. Then note how the TOP of the building stays intact until almost the very end, the building is detroyed, "bottom up" as it collpases. This is to ensure it doesn't fall over.

This is a little more convincing, but again, to accept this as enough to prove the official story is wrong, is to ignore other evidence. There in fact was audible explosions before the actual collapse. Here's a nice video to show this:

Once again, however, this argument you present also fails to explain all the wreckage of the buildings.

Originally posted by live2beknown
Ohh noes, Not another 9/11 thread. I think over just about 12 years people do realize it was an inside job, they're so many documentaries on this subject, we all believe it..So why make more threads about it over old stuff? I still can't believe people still research this subject over so many years..The facts have been made like 8 years ago lol, move on?

Finally, I fail to see the logic behind this statement completely. I can understand that it might get annoying to some people after hearing about 9/11 conspiracy theories so long after the actual event happened, I've been annoyed by it a few times myself, but that doesn't mean we should stop thinking about it and researching it. The ramifications it had to the United States, and the entire world for that matter, were huge. Besides, it wasn't even that long ago. This September will only be eleven years. You can't tell me we should stop researching so many other things because they happened in the past. What about the JFK Assassination, the Gulf of Tonkin Incident, and Roswell in 1947? Better yet, forget about the conspiratorial things, should we just stop researching history altogether because it happened so long ago? Of course not, there's a whole lot to learn from history, and it's when we stop looking at history that we run into trouble.

As cliché as it may be becoming, it's wisdom still remains true:

“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to fulfill it.” – George Santayana

posted on Aug, 20 2012 @ 01:27 PM

Originally posted by longlostbrother

Originally posted by TheMindWar

Originally posted by SteveR

Originally posted by TheMindWar
Americans will never, ever be able to move on from 9/11 untill those whom are truely responsible are behind bars.

Those "truly responsible" died in the plane crashes.

The documentary is a money spinner designed to give people like you what they want to hear. Nothing more nothing less.

You obviously are oblivious to the evidence. There is enough evidwnceto convict those in government for this crime and you know it IMO.

No there's not.

What evidence do you think you have?

As i said, you are obviously oblivious to the evidence. Maybe when you have researched for a couple of years then you may get a little more respect from me. Untill then, fish somewhere else.

posted on Aug, 20 2012 @ 01:29 PM
reply to post by patrick1000

Susan Lindauer is a whack job........

Susan Lindauer (born 17 July 1963) is an American journalist and antiwar activist.

In 2003 she was accused of conspiring to act as an unregistered lobbyist for the Iraqi Intelligence Service and engaging in prohibited financial transactions with the government of Iraq under Saddam Hussein.

Lindauer was found mentally unfit to stand trial in two separate hearings. During her incarceration she won the right to refuse forced antipsychotic medication to make her competent to stand trial. She was released in 2006 and all charges were dropped in 2009.


Operative phrase - "Mentally unfir to stand trial...."

For years been involved with governments of Libya and Iraq

Not what you call a mentally stable and credible person.......

posted on Aug, 20 2012 @ 01:31 PM

Originally posted by longlostbrother

Originally posted by TheMindWar

Originally posted by SteveR

Originally posted by TheMindWar
Americans will never, ever be able to move on from 9/11 untill those whom are truely responsible are behind bars.

Those "truly responsible" died in the plane crashes.

The documentary is a money spinner designed to give people like you what they want to hear. Nothing more nothing less.

You obviously are oblivious to the evidence. There is enough evidwnceto convict those in government for this crime and you know it IMO.

No there's not.

What evidence do you think you have?

Actually, I understand your problem. This video may help you come to terms with the truth. As they explain some people just cant handle the truth, its called denial and its a natural defense mechanism that some people have when faced with trauma. Hope this helps you

edit on 20-8-2012 by TheMindWar because: Vid edit

posted on Aug, 20 2012 @ 01:42 PM
reply to post by signalfire

Looks like this is the 9/11 nuthouse......

There are now nuclear weapons of any given yield, radiation signature (including very low radiation) and size. They can be hidden in your lunch bag, purse, or a potted plant. They can look like that upgrade to the secretary's computer that someone just showed up to install. No wiring of the building required, no security shut down required, except perhaps pulling the bomb-trained dogs out of the building as was reported.

Small yield tactical weapons, placed perhaps on every other floor, set off by remote control. Nothing else apart from possible black project weapons we don't know about, explains what we saw that day.


Still not explained lack of any radiation at WTC or that were no radiation casualties

Smallest tactical nuclear weapons developed were the MK 54 warheads for "Davy Crockett" recoiless
launcher of the 1960's

The smallest warhead setting of 10 tons (.01 kt) wouldt lethal dose of radiation for 350 meters, almost
quarter mile down range

Yet we have SURVIVORS INSIDE THE BUILDING who show no signs of radiation exposure, physical trauma
from collapsing building yes Radiation NO

The NYC Department of Health had a Health Physicist on the scene - no radiation was detected by their

Add to that various Haz MAt teams who surveyed the site for weeks afterward detected nothing....

posted on Aug, 20 2012 @ 01:51 PM

Originally posted by thedman
reply to post by signalfire

Looks like this is the 9/11 nuthouse......

There are now nuclear weapons of any given yield, radiation signature (including very low radiation) and size. They can be hidden in your lunch bag, purse, or a potted plant. They can look like that upgrade to the secretary's computer that someone just showed up to install. No wiring of the building required, no security shut down required, except perhaps pulling the bomb-trained dogs out of the building as was reported.

Small yield tactical weapons, placed perhaps on every other floor, set off by remote control. Nothing else apart from possible black project weapons we don't know about, explains what we saw that day.


Still not explained lack of any radiation at WTC or that were no radiation casualties

Smallest tactical nuclear weapons developed were the MK 54 warheads for "Davy Crockett" recoiless
launcher of the 1960's

The smallest warhead setting of 10 tons (.01 kt) wouldt lethal dose of radiation for 350 meters, almost
quarter mile down range

Yet we have SURVIVORS INSIDE THE BUILDING who show no signs of radiation exposure, physical trauma
from collapsing building yes Radiation NO

The NYC Department of Health had a Health Physicist on the scene - no radiation was detected by their

Add to that various Haz MAt teams who surveyed the site for weeks afterward detected nothing....

There were no nukes used but it was still an inside job and everyone knows it. There is no denying the evidence. Indeed, when deniers are faced with solid evidence they just change the subject or go on the attack. Pretty sad really. I have posted the 9/11 denial video and not one, not one, 9/11 denier will honestly comment on it. That speaks volumes in itself and everyone can see that.

People can try and hide the truth but it never goes away. People are still talking abiut JFK for god sake so 9/11 will go on for so much longer. People need to face the facts now, our governments are seriously criminal, absolutely and 100% without doubt.

If they are happy to pollute a country with uranium for 4.5 BILLION years they would have no problem blowing up a couple of buildings with some people in.
edit on 20-8-2012 by TheMindWar because: Typos

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