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U.S. Women and the Princess syndrome

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posted on Aug, 15 2012 @ 08:23 AM
The problem in society today is people are rewarding themselves with stuff that they don't need because they think they deserve it. This is a capitalistic ploy started by big business and deathdating and planned obsolescence are part of this scheme. Reward yourself again when stuff wears out or gets out of style.

posted on Aug, 15 2012 @ 08:29 AM

Originally posted by RealSpoke
A lot of guys feel they are entitled to a good looking woman even if they are fat themselves, have no car, refuse to work, have 2 baby mommas, live with their parents etc. When a girl disses them they tend to whine about how girls are stuck up and only care about materialistic things. It's just like no...females just do not want bum ass dudes.

But that's pretty much the norm now. I had an ex who wanted to live with his mama, work only when he felt like it, was fat and expected me to stay skinny. That's why he's my ex. Women like a man who is ambitious and cares about taking care of his family. I don't need a lot of money, nor do I want it, but I do want a man who wants to take care of his family, make sure things are taken care of with house, bills, food, etc. and I'll be by his side, doing the same. I've seen a lot of men who want to lay up under their women all day long, let them have the babies, let them work, let them pay bills. It's just wrong.

posted on Aug, 15 2012 @ 08:44 AM
reply to post by dominicus

I what you are saying and where you are coming from... But

The Princess syndrome is this whole persona that many women take on where they feel they should be treated like royalty,

Well see, that's the thing, I think women should be treated like royalty. If you found and woman who loves you, doesn't she deserve to be treated like a queen? Doesn't she deserve your attention?

now, the whole money thing, that's not really new, I think it's just more apparent with the ridiculous crap these women feel the need to encase themselves in.

Here's a hint...
If your sunglasses are so big they cover your entire face, you look retarded, not "hot".
Leggings are NOT pants. Your butt doesn't look good in them, your friends are lying.
Fake spray on tans look orange and ridiculous.

My sister is one of these women. Granted, she works at a beauty college and works with reality tv stars, she is indeed one of them.

I think you left something out..

U.S. Women and the "spoiled" Princess syndrome

And, I'm Canadian, this is not strictly an American thing.

But don't fret, for every one of them, there is a nice down to earth woman just waiting for a decent guy. You just need to find them, and let me tell you, they aren't hanging around these spoiled brats. Society has done this through marketing.

Think about TV, if you watch it. I haven't had cable in years, but around christmas time when visiting family it's hard not to be bombarded with commercials.

"Tell her you love her with diamonds"

Ahh, I see, so my love for you is directly proportionate to the amount of money i spent on a useless diamond ring or earrings? Of course it's not, and if you loved me, you wouldn't require expensive tokens like that. But society has created a generation of self centered, self entitled, useless idiots.

I've never been interested in those girls. Not in high school, not in college, not now. The saying goes nice guys finish last, that's not entirely true.

But never "settle". You know what you want and need, do not settle for anything less, this goes for the ladies and the gents. Some of these princesses will grow out of it, many won't, but they will take you for a hell of a ride til you are broke, then move on to the next host, like a virus.

Society dictates what's "in" and society gets it's talking points from marketing and advertising. Hell, I can't even buy a decent pair of jeans anymore because all the stores carry "skinny" jeans and ridiculous looking crap. It's not that there isn't a demand for normal stuff, there is, but the demand is meaningless if it goes against the direction set out by the marketing firms.

And this is taking root at a very young age.

Stripper pole playset for kids 5 and up? Really? I'm not making that up, I think it was target or walmart but you can google it.

Shorts for a 7 year old girl that say "juicy" on the butt?

Bikini swim suits for preteens?

This is not the world I grew up in

posted on Aug, 15 2012 @ 08:48 AM
American girls (as depicted by TV shows) are very, very annoying.

Sometimes I think 9/11 occurred as a result of intelligent people (accidently) watching Tv shows such as my super sweet 16 and thus decided to take matters into their own hands.

But seriously aren't Americans raised (wrongly may I add) to believe they are somehow superior to every other nation and race on the planet?

It's no wonder America is going down the drain.


Come on China, you're the next super power, hurry up.

posted on Aug, 15 2012 @ 08:54 AM
reply to post by dominicus

I answer questions from teens and young married couples often. The common thing I find is that people go after what they desire. Guys cant complain when they get a shallow girl because they used shallow reasons for their choice in the first place. Girls can't complain when they get a jerk because they tolerate it. There are all types of people out there, fish in the right pond with the right bait you will catch the right fish.

posted on Aug, 15 2012 @ 08:55 AM
reply to post by dominicus

Dude, really? Mail order bride? Come on? I hope that was a joke? I mean it's kind of hard give legitimacy to your criticisms when your seemingly OK with what is basically human trafficking. If that's not a joke, and your the kind of guy who would take an oppressed woman from another country engage in sex with her that she is only giving you for the chance to do things like eat, and feel good about it because she's subservient enough - then it's obvious why the women in your life are being mean to you. They aren't princesses. They just think your a bad guy and send back what you are putting out. People attract these kinds of things for a reason. Yours may be pretty obvious.

posted on Aug, 15 2012 @ 09:01 AM
I haven't bothered to read through every post here, but I wanted to throw in my two cents.
No, we're not ALL princesses, at least not in the sense you have stated.
There are MANY of us who do not NEED a man for anything. We are independent, self-sustaining, hard-working, etc etc.
I am 33 years old. I am the mother of 2 wonderful children, the step-mother to 3 more, wife to a man who had humble beginnings, and has humble means still, as do I. I love him for what we are together, I love him for how much he loves me, I love him because IF he had the moon, he WOULD give it to me. But, as it is, we have little, drive an old vehicle (yes, one between us both), live in a shabby home. But I wouldn't change it for the world because I have more than any princess will ever find.
I think you just need to look to a different "type". The true beauties don't know they're beautiful.

posted on Aug, 15 2012 @ 09:08 AM

Originally posted by BASSPLYR
reply to post by Daughter2

Hey guys next time you are at a bar and start talking to a new girl time how long it takes for her to ask qualifying questions like. What do you do for a living? Where do you live? (If its an apartment the next question will be 'do you have a roommate?') What kind of car do you drive? etc... these days its probably asked within the first two minutes of conversation. It's pretty untactful an insulting to the guy who is aware of the stunt the girl is trying to trying to measure whats in your pockets.

edit on 14-8-2012 by BASSPLYR because: (no reason given)

So True!...

posted on Aug, 15 2012 @ 09:17 AM

Originally posted by MrMysteryMan

Originally posted by BASSPLYR
reply to post by Daughter2

Hey guys next time you are at a bar and start talking to a new girl time how long it takes for her to ask qualifying questions like. What do you do for a living? Where do you live? (If its an apartment the next question will be 'do you have a roommate?') What kind of car do you drive? etc... these days its probably asked within the first two minutes of conversation. It's pretty untactful an insulting to the guy who is aware of the stunt the girl is trying to trying to measure whats in your pockets.

edit on 14-8-2012 by BASSPLYR because: (no reason given)

So True!...

Maybe that's to get the guy to stop staring your chest when you're talking.

posted on Aug, 15 2012 @ 09:19 AM
Does anyone else think reality tv is somewhat a underlying cause in this "enititled" attitude? From personal experience I have noticed that after becoming interested in certain shows such as "Real Housewives of X" and other BS, TV trash like it, has definitely caused the woman in my life to seem to think she needs to be treated like royalty.

What most of the women watching this crap fail to realize is that even though these idiots have nice things, good life on the exterior, they are not truly happy. Most of the marriages fail, due to infidelity, monetary issues, etc.

posted on Aug, 15 2012 @ 09:20 AM
reply to post by dominicus

All women want to be treated like a princess, where they are from is irrelevant.

The problem with American men is, that they put up with the behavior of american women. IF you treat a woman like a princess and she acts like a real witch to you it means she does not appreciate it and if she does she does not know how to show her appreciation. YOu either need to tell her to clean up her act or move on.

IT is simple as that. Guys are really in the drivers seat when it comes to women. A man can get a woman at any age. At age 33 my dating range was 18-45. Women as they get older become less attractive and they become bitter . Men get better as they get older.

Having said that I got tired of dating american women and started dating european women and married a figure skater from russia who traveled all of europe participating in competition. Before I met her I met a mixed bag of different types of women from ukraine, uk, russia, and spain. Some were just as nutts as american women but in my opinion had a better head on their shoulders than american women.

edit on 15-8-2012 by votan because: (no reason given)

edit on 15-8-2012 by votan because: (no reason given)

edit on 15-8-2012 by votan because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 15 2012 @ 09:21 AM
Yeah, it's really not just American women. It's people in general.

I've got a few male friends (not very close) who are really fat/scruffy/otherwise unhealthy or unhygenic, ungrateful, unambitious, started their first year of undergrad three times over, etc... you get the picture. But you'll be listening to them lust after the latest page 3 girl while they tar and feather the girl-next-door who doesn't happen to have on-hand access to a Photoshop user. They aren't looking for a significant other - they're looking for a chew toy.

Then there are some of my female friends who are just the same (a lot more hygenic, but hey, people would assume that I guess). If a man isn't tall, rich and well-endowed, then he's still a boy as far as they're concerned, and boys are stupid. Throw rocks at them.

Do these men and women have the potential for greatness? Not for me to say. However, their expectations of others compared to their expectations of themselves are ridiculously skewed to say the least! They're all English, but you'll definitely find the growing trend of entitlement almost everywhere these days.

Now in concerns to the OP... why a mail order bride? She'll be the carbon copy of what you're complaining about. The only difference is that so long as you give her a regular fix of cash, she'll say yes to anything. Is that really what you want? A conditional doormat?

That being said, doormats go both ways. Unless you're living with someone, why the hell should you pay their bills and rent? If you're living together, then an arrangement should be made when considering both incomes. Giving them spending money out of your pay packet? Out of the question! If kids are involved? Take care of the kids, not the mother. Why are there able-bodied adults in this world who feel the need to be 'taken care of'? It's insane!

When I hopefully find my future wife, we'll be partners in crime. But we'll have our own lives, our own minds, goals and aspirations. We'll have our own careers. But we'll use our spoils to build a life together. Comrades who happen to share a bed. One will help the other up when they fall, but no one is being carried for the ride. That is the sole luxury of the infant, and no one else.

posted on Aug, 15 2012 @ 10:07 AM
your right op, not only that is theres also many white knights who cater to their every need like whipped dogs making the problem even worse

posted on Aug, 15 2012 @ 10:14 AM

Originally posted by dominicus
I just wanted to bring to attention that I have been noticing an increase of the egotistical "Princess Syndrome" in American Women.

The Princess syndrome is this whole persona that many women take on where they feel they should be treated like royalty, that they are in some kind of reality TV show, that they deserve the utmost attention, an entire paycheck spent on them, and only date the proverbial steroid jacked shallow douche-bags that we see on shows like Jersey shore.

I think it's a combo of the "American Dream" being instilled in them since birth coupled with all of these realty tv shows where the most abrasive and egotistical girl, becomes the most famous and most popular. It's literally polluted women's characters.

Reality will come crashing down on them with a vengeance when they squeeze out a few kids and put on 30 lbs that they will struggle with the rest of their lives. Reality will hit them when they start to lose their looks and their shallow personality is not enough to keep their husbands/boyfriends interested in them anymore. Parents need to teach their daughters to be beautiful inside.

posted on Aug, 15 2012 @ 10:17 AM
I wouldn't even date a woman who watched Jersey Shore as a matter of principle. However if I found out she was a member of ATS she would go to the front of the line!

posted on Aug, 15 2012 @ 10:18 AM

Originally posted by maus80

Originally posted by Brown Bear

"survive your 20's with a vasectomy and have it repaired in the 30's and save yourself the inevitable grief and years of child support and alimony to a woman you detest (18 years)."

Isn't telling your sons that the only way they will be able to remain childless is to not be physically able to reproduce, kind of admitting to them that you think they are morons?

Seriously, how about them just not having unprotected sex? Because honestly, guys who aren't smart enough to use condoms are just as horrible as the women you are talking about.

When you start having more sex you'll quickly discover that condoms are a poor second and very unreliable for a number of reasons. Condoms don't stand up in a Court of Law either which is where you're sure to find yourself. If guys don't watch out for themselves the Social Courts will.

Ask your fathers. Every one I know says that the 2 happiest days in their life were when they divorced that monster, and the second, when child support finally ended 18 years later.

There are reasons your father and mother are divorced... and you'll find out soon enough for yourself.. Meanwhile getting a repairable vasectomy will save every young man years of grief. And prevent some woman from taking you to the cleaners.

edit on 15-8-2012 by Brown Bear because: (no reason given)

edit on 15-8-2012 by Brown Bear because: (no reason given)

edit on 15-8-2012 by Brown Bear because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 15 2012 @ 10:26 AM

Originally posted by clayb2004
Does anyone else think reality tv is somewhat a underlying cause in this "enititled" attitude? From personal experience I have noticed that after becoming interested in certain shows such as "Real Housewives of X" and other BS, TV trash like it, has definitely caused the woman in my life to seem to think she needs to be treated like royalty.

What most of the women watching this crap fail to realize is that even though these idiots have nice things, good life on the exterior, they are not truly happy. Most of the marriages fail, due to infidelity, monetary issues, etc.

The really terrifying shows are the ones where the 5 year old girls are dressed up for pageants in all sorts of adult clothing and makeup. In my viewing experience the mothers as well as daughters were behaving wildly.

posted on Aug, 15 2012 @ 10:33 AM
Don't understand this thread much. I know the intentions may be not the same as another who used that term. His use of "princess" era ending, truly meant (as I read between the lines of some of his posts to guess he was Brotherhood type and sharia) that women's equality was over. And he really didn't have a clue for NOPE. We would all carrying big clubs and bear spray wearing whatever we pleased.

And then the typical mail order bride. A real push on trying to find docile, and obedient second class citizen women.

For some reason seeing agenda.

If its not, and someone is just talking about having dated the wrong girls, or even more so, communicating at the beginning, finances, and tapping dates low on cost, while getting to know someone. For while the economy is crashing, women don't usually work for the same wage as most men. This might be different now with so much shortage. Most of the women I knew, simply could never afford dinner and a night out, if it was split. They weren't eating well period. So the other side of the coin is not spending money but going for coffee and a walk along the beach instead. Nicer too.

posted on Aug, 15 2012 @ 10:38 AM
reply to post by dominicus

These are the words of an insecure man who is too weak to put in the effort to improve himself to find a good woman.

Really, thats what it is, isnt it? You complain women only want "steroid, Jersey Shore boys", but they dont. They may want a fling with that guy, but the one they will marry will be a man who can provide and love. I suspect you cant do either, especially provide.

And while yes, there are princesses out there, there always has been. If thats not what you want, there are many, many other girls out there. Not all of them princesses. But really, if ALL girls are princesses as you say they are, wont some of them, say, the ugly ones eventually have to lower their standards? After all, they cant ALL land steroid junkies. Maybe one of those will lower their standards and go out with you?

Yeah, and honestly? Mail order bride? You truely have outted yourself as someone who is hopeless when it comes to finding women.
edit on 15-8-2012 by nightbringr because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 15 2012 @ 10:41 AM

Originally posted by nixie_nox
reply to post by skepticconwatcher

It is a new spin on trying to say that he wants the bitch to wait on him. So he can only justify his attitude by claiming something is wrong with women.

I hate to jump into this, but are you really unable to see that something indeed is "wrong" with women? Very wrong.

One of the first things people notice when they tourist in America is the children, and the question is: "what happened to them?" The second question is: "what happened to the women?"

Statistically speaking, women have abandoned their traditional roles of raising children and mostly seem unable to hold their family together in any case. They have abandoned their strengths to pursue their weaknesses... and have failed miserably.

Many of them are totally out of tune with both Nature and the Spiritual, and the responsibilities of both, and the evidence is everywhere to be seen. So what is there to be proud in the pudding that women have made for themselves and their children?
edit on 15-8-2012 by Brown Bear because: (no reason given)

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