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To the abductees

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posted on Aug, 16 2012 @ 10:32 AM
for druscilla..simple truth! stop judging! but i really dont care

edit on 16-8-2012 by kauskau because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 16 2012 @ 10:37 AM
I completely understand Darryl Anka and Bashar, and how it works compared to how you think it works.

You think something like this is going on:

When in fact, it's just the same old sham of someone pretending to be a sock puppet for some higher power, just like the video Gortex provided earlier about how to speak Venusian.

I'll keep my faith in David Blaine, because, he actually produces and GIVES AWAY money.

posted on Aug, 16 2012 @ 10:56 AM
reply to post by Druscilla

one day you will change your mind about bashar and et contact: thats a prophecy that will come true and you will remember this conversation and learn a lot from your own way of pushing away this possibilty. and thats the way it has to be. And its a great opportunity to learn something for all of us.

Because for all of us there were moments where we just did not SEE because we just did not trust our senses.

One day you will watch a bashar video and you will understand that the "proof" that he is not a liar was the whole time in front of you!! It was his frequency and the way he talks. The evidence was : Himself!

one day you will trust your senses and KNOW how a lie feels, how a fraud talks. And you will ask yourself: how could i not see heart, authencity and flow when it was in front of me. You will understand that a lie can not work on that frequency. You seem to be in a world where people can trick you.
I am not in that world. I can´t be tricked by a person.

This is not meant provocative.. It will happen that way when you still have more than 10 years here..

I will never be able to be sceptic about bashar no matter what darryl does because i SEE and LISTEN and FEEL.....
I can be tricked by objects, i can be tricked by CGI...but i cant be tricked by a person for more than 5 minutes...and now i listened to bashar for over 100 hours...and he and maybe U.G Krishnamurti are the one of the few teachers i ever respected!
I dont care if you believe him or not. Its your choice and you will learn from that.

People like you will not even understand that real masters of mind are and were among humans...
you can only be against something. You are destorying everything people believe in because you can´t trust anything....

and thats also a way of finding truth. its ok. But its not my way. Because you are ignorant and ineffective in destroying everything. Of course at the end you will understand the truth as the positive seekers understand it: everything is neutral. Only experience is real. You exist!

U.G Krishnamurti

edit on 16-8-2012 by kauskau because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 16 2012 @ 11:09 AM
reply to post by kauskau

Perfect video, but it also made me realize that I need to stop judging people that take a hard line on certain subjects. I'm going to make an effort to stop reacting so quickly to people that bring such a negative, cynical, passive aggressive, narcissistic approach to their posts. It only brings my energy level down too.

posted on Aug, 16 2012 @ 11:14 AM
reply to post by kauskau

In other words, in spite of any and all evidence to the contrary regarding what you have convinced yourself into believing, you will continue to believe.


Because out of all the other people that do the same exact thing, your precious Daryl Anka must CERTAINLY be the REAL thing (sarcasm).

Go right ahead. Feel free to worship at his feet.

Flooding threads with your worship, and attempting to set up thinly veiled recruitment drives, however, will always attract people that will give you similar criticisms, even if you post 2, 3, 4 , or 5 times in a row.

What's funny is how awfully defensive you are of this character.
Why so defensive?

It wouldn't surprise me if Kauskau was either Daryl Anka, or someone that works for Daryl Anka; tasked with hanging out on conspiracy and fringe websites to spread the word of Bashar so more money will come in.

Who's the sock puppet now?

Have your way. We disagree, and we'll always disagree as will many others.
I refuse to sit still and stay quiet in the face of obvious fraud, so, whenever threads like these pop up, expect me, or someone like like me to come along shortly.

Regarding aliens showing up, I wager IF aliens ever do show up, anything and everything anyone and everyone thinks they think they know about aliens will soon be found to be entirely false.
I expect aliens showing up to be something unexpected, like District 13, War of the Worlds, or something else that has absolutely nothing to do with all the pop culture alien nonsense of greys, reptilians, pleadians, etc.

We'll see, or, more likely not, when nothing ever happens.

posted on Aug, 16 2012 @ 11:15 AM

Originally posted by kauskau
reply to post by Druscilla

One day you will watch a bashar video and you will understand that the "proof" that he is not a liar was the whole time in front of you!! It was his frequency and the way he talks. The evidence was : Himself!

ha. no. i'm quite done watching bashar videos. don't waste anymore of your time drus. obviously OP has paid his cult...i mean membership dues and doesn't wanna look silly by backing out and actually thinking for himself. blind, deaf, and dumb are the preferred candidates for the church of bashar.

posted on Aug, 16 2012 @ 11:23 AM
reply to post by notkmarx

As is with all cults. They attract the soft headed and gullible.
"Sheep of the Lord"; sound familiar?

Anyway, I'm done for now, but, as before, I may pop up again, because OP has a habit of post-flooding videos, and 2, 3, 4 posts in a row to make sure that only his posts show up on one page to make it looks like this thread is filled with only good posts with no "negative" posts to be seen; a predictable tired tactic of frauds and charlatans.


posted on Aug, 16 2012 @ 11:26 AM
reply to post by Druscilla

i am not worshipping him. I am worshipping that we have real alien contact!

What's funny is how awfully defensive you are of this character. Why so defensive?

its a mixture of wanting to explain something but not being able to do that because its to complex to say in another language that i dont master...and being frustrated to hear the same things over and over again from the sceptics.

That frustrates me because i really just want to share the "joy" that lies in the truth of our civilisation already HAVING CONTACT TO ET!!! THATS JUST AWESOMe..its a wonder...its a miracle...its real.
But only a few know it..thats just a joke to me!
It makes me sad sometimes..but its also fascinating and interesting. Because i know: one day you will wake up to the truth that he was the real deal the whole time!

It wouldn't surprise me if Kauskau was either Daryl Anka, or someone that works for Daryl Anka; tasked with hanging out on conspiracy and fringe websites to spread the word of Bashar so more money will come in.

darryl is rich enough! My agenda only is sharing! and i know with every thread there is at least one more person that is open enough to at least give it a chance..
Thats enough for me.

We'll see, or, more likely not, when nothing ever happens.

You dont have any idea how much already IS happening. I know so many people who awakend to the same state buddha is in...and for them its just REAL....and their existence is also doubted by sceptics like you.

You just dont know how many wonders there are existing right now!!

YOu dont know how huge YOU are! you don´t know that you are an unlimited being that works on simultanious levels right now. You don´t know that only now exists LITERALLY! dont´know that you are not the person or the ego but the ego is only the object of your experience to experience 3 dimensions...You think that is all just esosteric New Age "mubo jumbo"...and i can understand that!

Cliches are the best tricks to hide truth!!! Because a truth can be burried under the sound of a cliché.

posted on Aug, 16 2012 @ 11:31 AM
you know what lets me doubt you sceptics? I would not even care where the messenger comes from and if he is a fraud when i would be able to listen to thoughtsl ike this. YOu must be on a strange level to not understand the profoundness of these words.
Maybe you did not learn enoug about life to understand that he talks truth NO MATTER IF HE IS ET OR NOT!

HOW DO YOU DESIGN YOUR REALITY!!!!!! LISTEN and FEEL your intuition saying :YES to every S I N G L E Idea....

posted on Aug, 16 2012 @ 11:36 AM

Originally posted by kauskau

i really can understand that you want to be sceptic about bashar..its the end of your WHOLE beliefsystem!!!!

I started watching and at first, the idea of your frequency and shift, this was good and seemed to tie into my own experience a couple days ago that I posted above. That is still with me, though can't unlock memories, yet, the whole time shift and realm shift was very disturbing, and now liberating, for now I realize we're standing in this school, box, our point of reference, and without movement it can best described as, access to more and different timezones/realms/realities exist al around us. That is a shift.

But then what he talks about next refers to people of your frequency around you, as if the others just faded away, but in reality they're still here, and I realized he meant a class system or being hearthless and not helping others, but we're still here. We haven't shifted.

Then the economic stuff really emphasizes we're still hear, and haven't shifted.

Shifting to me is OUT OF HERE. And if you're still here, please realize that those with Love and the true Family above, from where we came and where we hope to return but at a higher grade, roll up their sleeves and go to trenches to help always. That is what Love does.

posted on Aug, 16 2012 @ 11:50 AM
reply to post by Unity_99

jes but thats what bashar also says: real expansivnes is integration and you will integrate more and more possibilites of yourself. I am also a part of a way: one day you will know that you and me are the same..not only as a nice thougt but that what we consist of is a single kind of "god particle" that moves between all possibilities at infinite speed.....thats called love. And one day you will know: there is no seperation between you and me. THat what we are is the same.Tthats unconditional love.

And you will always search for unconditional love. The one does that by searching for a better economy..the other does it by beating a woman that is not showing love to him...the difference is: the guy that beats the woman wants love but does not integrate he will do this mistake until he recognises his error..and that will expand his view to a reflection of something which brings him closer to unconditional love.

posted on Aug, 16 2012 @ 12:13 PM

Originally posted by Druscilla
reply to post by notkmarx

As is with all cults. They attract the soft headed and gullible.
"Sheep of the Lord"; sound familiar?

Anyway, I'm done for now, but, as before, I may pop up again, because OP has a habit of post-flooding videos, and 2, 3, 4 posts in a row to make sure that only his posts show up on one page to make it looks like this thread is filled with only good posts with no "negative" posts to be seen; a predictable tired tactic of frauds and charlatans.


haha you are so paranoid!!! and distrustful ...that shows more about yourself than about me what you say.

I am just answering...and writing down my thoughts. No wonder that you see so much frauds...when you even see a fraud tactic in a man reacting.

If i wanted to have a positive effect here i would not write 3 threads in a row because usually ATS readers dont like one-sidedness and want the feeling of overcrowded discussions...
For the popularity of a thread on Ats its not a good thing when someone is writing so much in his own thread because many people here are dependent on the confirmation of the many before losing that doubtfull tendencies.

So ...WRONG!

You are really just paranoid!

posted on Aug, 16 2012 @ 12:34 PM
Hmmm... so the law of one idea. That explains some things. Infinity does't do ones. It is infinite Ones and we're infinite parts of infinity. Usually the law of one group likes to talk about all things including slavery, torture and murder as only love. There is no right or wrong. When we're here to progress, reach the next grade, and expand our soul consciousness orb to hundreds of thousands of times its size, by becoming more of ourselves as we match the frequency of ourselves again, which is Love and cannot harm, but selfless. we have some good teachers in Budda and Christ, but nothing harmful in the bible or any religion helps, the harmful, smiting and judgemental parts are the opposite of progression.

Its like infinite Fractals all at once, and if there is a God, as many think, this is the Spirit of Love and Light between Infinite Brothers and Sisters, Parents, Uncles and Aunts, Grandparents, Great Uncles and Aunts,and infinite greats who have overcome the lower frequency tests of harming others, and who have awoken more and shone their light in. For in a sense one could say the Light, or the interconnecting Light is God/Goodness/the Spirit of Peace and Love and Goodness.

But law of one is full of distortions, and my experiences have occurred all my life already.

And just 2 posts above shared a time switch to another channel after spotting what was most obviously a craft, and the whole elastic band expanding as the freeway disapeared and all pollution and we floated up over the creek through the valley and then returned. It was quite an experience while driving at 100/km hr. And this is a different type of shift in realms.

We, as individuals, are infinite parts of infinity and time is non linear, existing all at once.

He seems to mix in real quantum understandings as ET_MAN shared, with Law of One, which is more Finite than Infinite and distorted, no right or wrong.

One can also say, One is a pyramid, but Infinite Family is the inverted pyramid. The Good Family.
edit on 16-8-2012 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 16 2012 @ 12:48 PM

Originally posted by Unity_99
Hmmm... so the law of one idea. That explains some things. Infinity does't do ones. It is infinite Ones and we're infinite parts of infinity. Usually the law of one group likes to talk about all things including slavery, torture and murder as only love. There is no right or wrong.

i like what bashar says here about really changed my mind about "the evil"..

posted on Aug, 16 2012 @ 01:26 PM
I don't understand why you continue banter with Drucilla. Listen, the only way to discuss this rationally is to break down key points of what Daryl says. Stick with his points so they can be countered with discussion.

Tell me 5 key things he says that resonate within you. Not long winded things, just point form.
For example. A minute into a clip he talks about "we are only a reflection of how we perceive reality". I want you to give me your take on this. I will give you mine....

I'm going to use an anecdote. There is a not so secret society anymore called pick-up-artists or PUA for short. They consist of thousands of guys who practice all sorts of field tested techniques to attract women. Most of them need serious help in that area. After months of hanging with wingmen, sarging women for the 30-day challenge, using all sorts of rehearsed lines, openers, humor, magic tricks, NLP, etc., they finally start collecting phone numbers and dates. The object for most of them is to bed as many of the hottest women as they can.

While the majority of them believe it's all these little gimmicks and mental games they use, the truth is it's not. They've just put themselves in the reality that they are smooth talking supermodels. They've broken away from their inhibitions and made their dreams come real. They have altered their reality because they are consistently exposed to that world. There is nothing magical about this. No vibrating frequency, no alternate universe no nothing, just a different perspective.

We all do this everyday. A street person is stuck in a rut, a gambler is on a high roll, a PUA is getting action. When you continuously expose yourself to life situations, its natural for you to assimilate in a wider spectrum of culture. You go to the gym on a regular basis you're bound to meet like minded individuals, you volunteer for a soup kitchen you're likely to become part of a larger charity function. Know what I mean?

And like I've said in another post, Bashar isn't claiming anything new. What he says has been floating around for years spoken by many different people. Just watch "what the bleep do you know" for instance. What he talks about is almost an exact repeat verbatim.

posted on Aug, 16 2012 @ 01:35 PM
reply to post by FlySolo

I've been seeing what he's been saying and some parts are very good, but the last part is not, so its trying to wed quantum reality and infinity with finite law of one and abstract thoughts of no right and wrong. So watching with discernment and questioning it is important. There ARE infinite channels and realms and its all around us, our body suit only picks up a limited amount of information and UV rays that can be seen. In the sun's glow there is far more information, and if you could stand in a CME or Glow, out of Body, it all would be there. Infinite colors beyond our imagination.

Everything is a frequency match, our next steps.

However to suggest that we choose here, and to walk away form those in need totally hijacks the purpose of the test here, where we are to grow our consciousness bigger.

edit on 16-8-2012 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 16 2012 @ 01:50 PM

Originally posted by Unity_99
reply to post by FlySolo

I've been seeing what he's been saying and some parts are very good, There ARE infinite channels and realms and its all around us, our body suit only picks up a limited amount of information and UV rays that can be seen. In the sun's glow there is far more information, and if you could stand in a CME or Glow, out of Body, it all would be there. Infinite colors beyond our imagination.

Everything is a frequency match, our next steps.

However to suggest that we choose here, and to walk away form those in need totally hijacks the purpose of the test here, where we are to grow our consciousness bigger.

edit on 16-8-2012 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

I'm all for that. I should say I believe in higher frequencies, alternate realities/worlds and pretty much anything paranormal. But there are limits.

but the last part is not, so its trying to wed quantum reality and infinity with finite law of one and abstract thoughts of no right and wrong. So watching with discernment and questioning it is important.

Hmm sounds a lot like Tao Te Ching and the writings of Eckhart Tolle. The Chinese and Hindu's have been speaking of this for centuries. Just, he's got his own spin on it. The Tao speaks of an unseen wave of energy, the force. Good/bad, yin/yang, embracing all outcomes as singular. Best summed up as, "It is what it is" Again, he's not teaching anything new at all. This has been the philosophy for a thousand years.

ETA: I wouldn't be surprised if this guy spent some time in Asia. Has anyone done any digging?
edit on 16-8-2012 by FlySolo because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 16 2012 @ 02:07 PM
reply to post by FlySolo

Hindu's never meant in the way of the Law of One, nor Buddhists, they carefully choose to not harm, not even a fly or insect. And practice something in a different connotation. There is a grade or level and I believe all souls grow up, in time. We're in an artificial kind of reality. All holograms are constructs. Its all waves.

Perception - The reality beyond matter

And have had experiences relating to this. Cme's really bring alot of information when you're waking up.

However, the thing we're not from here, this is like an old dusty dvd on the shelf, its already finished, and we just have to remember that, because we wake up and are more of ourselves.

I wrote about this very odd experiencing the other day after seeing what I knew was a craft, for it was perfectly symmetrical.

This whole thing stretched like a rubber band, where I thought, its a mothership. Then instantly I knew there was a creek and a valley, and at that moment on the freeway drove over a small bridge and the whole freeway, pollution, pavement, houses, disappeared, and we were floating up the valley following this river/creek. It was pristine and a different time/space continium, totally different space, and if anything happened, that was taken, but it contracted and was returned to this freeway at 100/km hr.

For days I have been dealing with the time slip. For in our waking moments, in this body suit, the time program is very strong and it really is disturbing to have something else occur, something around us, unfold, that is not our time frequency. As if hours of our time could be seconds of theirs kind of thing. Most odd experience, and yet, suddenly it all made sense.

We are standing still, almost with change the clip changes, but movement is just change and these body suit waves we're comprised of, flit in and out, new composition each time.

From this perspective, we awaken more, become more of ourselves in other timezones, but all at once, we can reach into and become a greater portion of ourselves, that one who is through these tests and progressed even, or on the journey towards that place.

Its all about awakening, kocking on the soul and saying, "Hey soul, what am I here for? Want to do something and help, suspect there are things in me blockign all of this and would like help/direction to overcoming this."

But without Love and caring for others, its all useless. Everything is useless and means nothing if you're not operating from a perspective of others, for Infinity is Family.

With this man, he is sharing out of the box ideas, and if one has discernment about Love and choosing to care for others, when listening, there is a lot of interesting information.

But I got that and more from ET_MAN's posts, and from Sleeper/Lou Baldin's.
edit on 16-8-2012 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 16 2012 @ 02:09 PM
reply to post by FlySolo

I don't understand why you continue banter with Drucilla. Listen, the only way to discuss this rationally is to break down key points of what Daryl says. Stick with his points so they can be countered with discussion.

hm ok i´ll try my best but the problem is: i am better in understanding english than speaking in a complex way. And this topic is not a topic which could be broken down to easy concepts without drowning it "in seemingly chliches" until the beliefsystem of the people discussing this is similar.

Many people that understand that bashar is "the real deal" already have a spiritual background and came to some insight about themselves.

My beliefsystem which i had before i "met bashar" was as follows and already consists of concepts i understood after a long journey of seeking, meditating and reflecting thoughts from "masters of zen, buddhism, christian mystique etc". We could discuss for weeks if not months about these core concepts but i hope you just accept that these concepts are not just "new age concepts"..they are profound and deep and are not just theory. But to discuss these concepct would take a long time so maybe i you dont understand something and are really interested you can study the sources i will give you in the next sentence. .
If you dont understand these concepts you will find them in any teachings of what we call the "enlightened beings", "shamans", saints etc.. of different cultures and times. (as Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki, Nisargadatta, Rick Linchitz, Wei Wu Wei, U.G Krishnamurti, Papaji, Ramana Maharshi, Mooji, Buddha, Meister Eckehart, etc etc)

Core Concepts in random order:

Seperation is an illusion.
Every little thing/object/phenomenon is empty in its nature but working in harmony with other phenomenas. You can not perceive any singularity because there is no autarchy in one thing...YOu can only perceive "relations".

There is nothing without perception.

Consciousness is not a product of the material world but the source of matter/substance.

Everything you perceive is not what you are but a reflection of that what is NO OBJECT and experience itself in all objects as the absence of itself! (=Subject).
You as the perceiver are not born in this world. THe world is born within you.
Identification is only a phenomenon. THat what you are never entered this world! That which you are (perceiver) never is object of the dimensions you perceive.
Belief is all that is hindering you from understanding that you are unconditional. The unbroken perceiver which can never know itself!

Awareness is only a product of a reflection that switches between different objects of perception. Identifiaction is the definition of an object of perception as the subject of perception.

Bashar now introduces physical concepts to explain what masters of zen, buddhism etc already described

edit on 16-8-2012 by kauskau because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 16 2012 @ 02:35 PM

Tell me 5 key things he says that resonate within you.

first it resonates with me that he speaks from what i call "the zen state of flow"...
thats so fundamental that its not just about what he talks but from which state..

what resonates with me? watch for example the video about "the evil"....almost everything resonatest with me he says...really..and i never had that before with a teaching or a person..

There is nothing magical about this. No vibrating frequency, no alternate universe no nothing, just a different perspective.

who says that the one excludes the other..

a different perspective IS a different frequency.
what do you think matter is? it is vibrating,,in germany we call that Welle/ Teilchen Dualismus...its not matter but its also not a wave....and frequency is how you measure the rate..

everything is frequency...matter..a thoght intention..

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