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I don't care about the rules on this one, I'm too upset, furious, stunned, whatever.

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posted on Aug, 8 2012 @ 09:39 AM

Originally posted by Amanda5
Abortion is a difficult issue but I still believe in freedom of choice.*snip*

So, please explain when the person that was aborted gets to choose anything? According to this doctor, he's killing babies. Not lumps of tissue, but living people. According to science, same thing. Don't all those people get a choice, too?

posted on Aug, 8 2012 @ 09:39 AM

Originally posted by jimmyx

i think abortion rights people should have blown-up color pictures of dead women that bled out between their legs, all from botched abortions, standing in front of churches every sunday...big 4 ft by 6 ft color photos.

I would be down for this...Im free Sundays....can I bring a date?

posted on Aug, 8 2012 @ 09:45 AM

Originally posted by snewpers
reply to post by Stormdancer777

hmm Saving children from a child predator is just fine.
A fair warning is something we all need from time to time.
But abortion is a choice people should be able to make.
If you are against it, fine. That's obviously your choice...

You seem to be a brick wall too


Yet saving them from death is somehow wrong in your eyes? A predator is a predator. Someone killing a helpless unborn baby is the worst sort of predator. Yes, BABY. I have seen, with my own, very early ultrasounds. At 5-6 weeks, you can see the heart beating. At 11.5 weeks, we could see the arms and legs, and tiny little hands and feet, fingers and toes, and beautiful profile, of my daughter. 11.5 WEEKS. From conception, each baby has their own unique DNA. Why do you think people should be allowed to choose to kill a child before a certain stage of development?

posted on Aug, 8 2012 @ 09:48 AM

Originally posted by jimmyx
i think abortion rights people should have blown-up color pictures of dead women that bled out between their legs, all from botched abortions, standing in front of churches every sunday...big 4 ft by 6 ft color photos.

Then you had better add all of the murdered children's pictures as well. Those cut up, those poisoned by saline, all of them. Nope, that you would call "wrong".

posted on Aug, 8 2012 @ 09:51 AM
Why are you mad at the doctor? Because he performs abortions or because of his comment? How many black families adopt? How many black babies are adopted by other ethnicities? He could have left "ugly" out of it, that is his opinion, but the rest is true. Who would adopt these babies if they were born?? You? Why would anyone so dead set against abortion give birth to their own child/children instead of adopting all of these unwanted children that are already here or ones who may be killed otherwise?? What great service are you doing for humanity that gives you the right to scream at others about what they are doing?

posted on Aug, 8 2012 @ 09:53 AM
reply to post by LadyGreenEyes

Im not saying abortion is right, personally i think it isnt....BUT other people should butt out of other peoples lives and let them be free to do what they want with their own bodies......what do you care? Is it your body? Are you the one going to hell or something for an abortion that you have no say in? Do you really think god judges like that so generally?

I live by a simple rule, if it aint mine, I don't *&$%! with it. That includes another persons body whether i agree with what they do to it or not. Its their freedom, not yours. Now when someone forces you to have one...entirley different story...cause then it isnt yer choice now is it?

posted on Aug, 8 2012 @ 09:53 AM

Originally posted by LadyGreenEyes

Originally posted by Amanda5
Abortion is a difficult issue but I still believe in freedom of choice.*snip*

So, please explain when the person that was aborted gets to choose anything? According to this doctor, he's killing babies. Not lumps of tissue, but living people. According to science, same thing. Don't all those people get a choice, too?

What choice do they have either way?

Do people choose the family they grow up in?

Do they choose the #ty neighborhoods they may have to endure?

So we should just give life a chance no matter what? Just keep on pumping out poor babies that will likely lead to a further degeneration of society? I think it's short-sighted.

Not counting the few who try contraceptives and it fails or are raped, the majority of these people knew they were in no position to have a baby, yet got pregnant. That shows you the kind intelligence we're dealing with here.
edit on 8-8-2012 by unityemissions because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 8 2012 @ 09:55 AM

Originally posted by Stormdancer777
If you think I have been there I have, my last pregnancy was high risk, the first words out of the doctors mouth were, do you want an abortion?
I told her I didn't believe in it, then she asked me if I wanted amniocentesis, I said no, what's the point?

So I spent months in bed, lost thirty pounds during the pregnancy, the doctor was worried the whole time, I wasn't.

Heather was born and she was gorgeous, the doctor actually came into my room late that night and we both cried together.

Today, Heather is 24.

I just wanted to add, that I knew her before she was born, from the moment I found out I was pregnant, she was Heather, it was like that with all my children, they immediately had a place in my heart, they were real,
edit on 093131p://bWednesday2012 by Stormdancer777 because: (no reason given)

With my third, the doc was pushing for amnio, too. Why? Because she was sideways, the placenta had been low (which would in fact make amnio more risky!), and because I was in my 30's. I told him no, that I wasn't interested, and that it would not matter, because I would not abort even if there was some issue. He actually got all offended. It's also known that in many cases where a mother was told the baby was "not right" as a result of amnio testing, after they had the child, the baby was perfectly normal. So either the tests aren't accurate, or the docs were selling lies, and hoping to abort. Either way, chilling to think how many might have aborted based on such things!

Loved all mine from the start, too. Including the ones we lost. They have names as well. Would not trade a one we have for ANYTHING. Would not have aborted had I had to die to have them. I'd die for them now.

posted on Aug, 8 2012 @ 09:56 AM
Gotta love how all these people against abortion are having their own children instead of adopting children that were given up. You have no right.

It's like complaining about the president when you didn't vote.
edit on 8-8-2012 by WildWorld because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 8 2012 @ 09:57 AM

Originally posted by LadyGreenEyes
Why do you think people should be allowed to choose to kill a child before a certain stage of development?

Because they choose to, and it's not for others to force their beliefs or choices onto them.

posted on Aug, 8 2012 @ 09:58 AM

Originally posted by unityemissions
reply to post by LadyGreenEyes

Eugenics is the "applied science or the bio-social movement which advocates the use of practices aimed at improving the genetic composition of a population", usually a human population.[

So evil!!!

There are a lot of them around today, too. You want a real chill? Read up on "utilitarian bioethics". They are as evil as eugenicists and then some! This is the sort that tells us we should tell older people to "find an alternative" rather than get some expensive medical treatment. "Alternative" in that case meaning go off and die, and don't waste "our" resources. Same folks that push for "euthanasia" laws, and think anyone disabled should be "put down". A lot of evil people around these days.

posted on Aug, 8 2012 @ 10:04 AM
reply to post by LadyGreenEyes

In some cultures, people feel ashamed enough that they are not able to contribute to their society that they willingly take their lives.

I'm not seeing the evil of putting resources where it does the most benefit for the people.

If I was sufficiently disabled, I'd seek an easy out.

It just makes sense.

posted on Aug, 8 2012 @ 10:04 AM

Originally posted by Kastogere
reply to post by LadyGreenEyes

Im not saying abortion is right, personally i think it isnt....BUT other people should butt out of other peoples lives and let them be free to do what they want with their own bodies......what do you care? Is it your body? Are you the one going to hell or something for an abortion that you have no say in? Do you really think god judges like that so generally?

I live by a simple rule, if it aint mine, I don't *&$%! with it. That includes another persons body whether i agree with what they do to it or not. Its their freedom, not yours. Now when someone forces you to have one...entirley different story...cause then it isnt yer choice now is it?

I am all for "live and let live", to a point. The problem with abortion is that it is NOT "live and let live", because every abortion kills a human being. I care because those children never get to speak for themselves. Because, as you said, abortion is wrong. I even care for the mothers that do it, because they set themselves up for so many problems. And I care because we are supposed to. God cares about me, and I don't deserve it. How can I do less than care about other people, that are lost? About lives taken? I care because He does, and doing less would be a disservice to the one that died for me.

Their freedom? What of the freedom for the children that die? Is a person still in the womb somehow less human? Why? Because they are unable to survive on their own? So is a newborn. Have you ever listened to arguments in support of partial birth abortion? They are horrible to hear, but very telling regarding the people supporting abortions, especially that sort.

Let those people go kill themselves if they want, but I draw the line at helpless babies.

posted on Aug, 8 2012 @ 10:07 AM
I'd like to know what the people in this thread against abortion and against what the doctor said have done to help the black community with this problem?????
Maybe you're like the people at the doctors door?
If the doctor stops performing these abortions of "ugly black babies" are you going to adopt them?
edit on 8-8-2012 by WildWorld because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 8 2012 @ 10:12 AM

Originally posted by unityemissions

Originally posted by LadyGreenEyes

Originally posted by Amanda5
Abortion is a difficult issue but I still believe in freedom of choice.*snip*

So, please explain when the person that was aborted gets to choose anything? According to this doctor, he's killing babies. Not lumps of tissue, but living people. According to science, same thing. Don't all those people get a choice, too?

What choice do they have either way?

Do people choose the family they grow up in?

Do they choose the #ty neighborhoods they may have to endure?

So we should just give life a chance no matter what? Just keep on pumping out poor babies that will likely lead to a further degeneration of society? I think it's short-sighted.

Not counting the few who try contraceptives and it fails or are raped, the majority of these people knew they were in no position to have a baby, yet got pregnant. That shows you the kind intelligence we're dealing with here.
edit on 8-8-2012 by unityemissions because: (no reason given)

They would have choices, the same as the mothers that kill them. YES< we should allow each person to live. Being poor doesn't necessarily mean a bad life. Yes, I understand a lot of these people don't care, are not smart enough to not get pregnant in the first place, and so forth, but making it legal to kill off any babies that result isn't helping anyone. The place to start is in teaching self respect, moral values, and abstinence. Yes, it can, and does work. Since people were told they could do as they please, the increase in unwanted pregnancies has skyrocketed. When teens start learning that they do NOT have to go around having sex, that it isn't "acceptable", those rates drop.

As for rape, I knew someone once that was raped, and became pregnant. When I met her, she attended the same church, and most thought her daughter was her little sister, a story her parents told to protect her reputation. Her friends knew the girl was her child, though. She stated that she never considered abortion, because she didn't feel it would be right to punish a child for the crime of their father. Beautiful, sweet little girl.

I think society is harmed far more by the treatment of the unborn as "subhuman" than any number of unwanted live births could cause.

posted on Aug, 8 2012 @ 10:13 AM

Originally posted by WildWorld
Gotta love how all these people against abortion are having their own children instead of adopting children that were given up. You have no right.

It's like complaining about the president when you didn't vote.
edit on 8-8-2012 by WildWorld because: (no reason given)

What, you think people against killing children should not be allowed to have any? Really? Besides which, a lot of people DO adopt. Being against murder doesn't mean you should be willing to have all the victims move in with you, does it?

posted on Aug, 8 2012 @ 10:14 AM

Originally posted by khimbar

Originally posted by LadyGreenEyes
Why do you think people should be allowed to choose to kill a child before a certain stage of development?

Because they choose to, and it's not for others to force their beliefs or choices onto them.

So they can choose state sanctioned murder, and you have no issues with that. I guess you also support the choice of those parents that killed their born children, too, right? Their beliefs, their choices, right? What's the difference?

posted on Aug, 8 2012 @ 10:17 AM

Originally posted by unityemissions
reply to post by LadyGreenEyes

In some cultures, people feel ashamed enough that they are not able to contribute to their society that they willingly take their lives.

I'm not seeing the evil of putting resources where it does the most benefit for the people.

If I was sufficiently disabled, I'd seek an easy out.

It just makes sense.

Would you think it was right to tell others that they should "seek an easy out"? Or force one on them? That is what those people are all about. Anyone they feel isn't deserving, they believe should be put to death. When dictators do that, we call them evil, but when masses of clinics do, and people push for death for the elderly and disabled, it's "saving resources"? WOW. So Hitler was right, because he wanted the resources for the people he felt were more beneficial?

posted on Aug, 8 2012 @ 10:19 AM

Originally posted by WildWorld
I'd like to know what the people in this thread against abortion and against what the doctor said have done to help the black community with this problem?????
Maybe you're like the people at the doctors door?
If the doctor stops performing these abortions of "ugly black babies" are you going to adopt them?
edit on 8-8-2012 by WildWorld because: (no reason given)

Speaking up on the issue, trying to fight the problem at the source, doing things like that video to show the truth behind the industry, etc. A lot of people adopt babies of other skin tones, and they don't care about color. If murders stop killing people, are you going to support all of their intended victims? If not, you should be pushing to legalize murder, right?

posted on Aug, 8 2012 @ 10:20 AM

Originally posted by LadyGreenEyes

So they can choose state sanctioned murder, and you have no issues with that.

Interesting semantics how you immediately emotionally label it 'murder'. Anyway, yes they can and no I don't.

Originally posted by LadyGreenEyes

I guess you also support the choice of those parents that killed their born children, too, right?

Wow, massive strawman fail. Really? That's the best you've got?

Originally posted by LadyGreenEyes

Their beliefs, their choices, right? What's the difference?

The difference is the law. It's not complicated.

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