posted on Aug, 2 2012 @ 04:33 PM
Get a gun, learn how to use it, go to the range regularly, become familiar with the safety protocols and how to operate it in a manner that does not
endanger you or others.
Then, if you want to go further, get your CCW if you feel that, after becoming a 2nd amendment rights holder is right for you, you'd actually like to
be effective in treacherous situations.
Thing is, you may not want to harm another being but that's now. Later, when the tides are turned and there's an absolute need for defense, your
mind may be changed. The best thing about being a gun owner, a trained one at that, is that you may NEVER need to use it, ever. But should you need
to, it is one thing you simply do not have to worry about.
The other thing is...hey, its a lot of fun shooting a gun at targets. I mean I have a total blast each and every time I'm at the range. It feels
good, exercises the mind, and puts a smile on my face with each clip I put through paper.
Get a gun, be responsible, get a safe to put it in or some other safety measure, and learn how to use it.