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Obama backs race-based school discipline policies

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posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 09:57 PM

Originally posted by Kashai
Skin color has nothing to do with intelligence or behavior, it is simply a means related to survival (in regards to DNA] to deal with environmental conditions... Clearly there is an absurdity apparent, how is it possible that 36 million out of 313 million people are a majority in prisons? Especially given that the genome project identified skin color are one of the more irrelevant factors in the human condition (in relation to DNA components). There is absolutely no reason to suggest that simply based upon physical structure, that blacks should behave worst or for that matter better than any other race.

It must relate to how certain people are treated.....

Any thoughts?

Race is not strictly skin color and it is not the only determining factor. That is why we would not expect an Indian mathematician with jet black skin to be less intelligent than a lighter skinned African American from Detroit. There is no such thing as equality even amongst members of a family so why would you pretend that this would be the case amongst all classifications of people? If you are wanting a racial argument then I would invite you to visit[url=] Robert Lindsay's site (

posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 10:01 PM
reply to post by RealSpoke

I just want people to stop ignoring history and getting offended if someone mentions it.
agreed and it would be equally helpful if both ppl and da POTUS would stop with the race-based ANYTHING ... it's wrong, it's always been wrong and now is the worst time ever to implement more of it.

as for history, learn it, then you can comfortably comment on it.
as it stands, you have much to learn.

posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 10:04 PM
Wrong...I am saying that skin color has nothing to do with intelligence or behavior, there is absolutely no reason to suggest otherwise. Human beings are in fact human beings despite physical differences or appearances, the fact that there appear to be differences is related to environmental conditions.

Meaning that because Caucasians were the first to develop the means to use gun powder to fire projectiles has nothing to do with them being superior or inferior.

Any thoughts?

posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 10:07 PM
It's all Carter's fault...him and his damn Dept of Ed.

Feds have to stick their nose does not belong it these state and community matters.

Did anyone notice the part in the EO apart hiring more AA teachers to cater to AA students? how is that not racist? Think the Unions are going to go for this?

posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 10:09 PM
Separate, but equal...LOL. Funny how the Democrats are the uber racists in 2012. I guess telling black people they're too stupid to get jobs on their own merit (affirmative action) was the start.

posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 10:10 PM
reply to post by Kashai
i could give a rats pattuti what the Queen will or won't allow, this isn't England.

racism sponsored by our leaders is the worst form of racism, imho.
philosophy has everything to do with it as it is what influenced these opinions in the first place.

to my knowledge, DNA hasn't proven any such behavioral characteristics.
i think you are reaching for the stars there.
as i could be proven wrong, please provide links.

this is nothing but hyperbole you speak of ... as many of the regions of which you speak have not recovered from previous natural disasters.
and yes, i've survived my own ... 1977 Johnstown Flood (a historic one)

besides, since when are "christians" an individual ethnicity or a specific racial group in any way?

posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 10:22 PM
reply to post by Honor93

Nah, i feel Realspoke on this. Have you heard of a friend called Jim Crow laws, let's not forget Gerrymandering (but everyone does that) so lets take a look at Segragation, take notice that it lasted until 1964, oh yea.

So when you say Will Smith in MIB3, American society was segregated. I wonder if they left that notation out or they actually showed it?

So yea, the table was slanted, heavily to give Anglo-Saxons the advantage. That's how this generation was able to have what it haves. Have you ever wondered what America would be like it if, once slavery was outlawed, they kept that playing field even?

Noticed i said Anglo-Saxon. When those poor European immigrants came escaping to America from those various wars (yea, europeans did it too, just not recently so thats why no one is bitching about it) those Anglo-Saxons had their nose up in the air having a hissy fit talking out the side of their neck too. You guys should see the dribble congress was pushing!

Now today? You got the best chances. Don't be naive and think it's not out there (that scary racism) because code words and phrases are used to cover it. But it's better.. alot better than what it was. But it's still laced, heh.

This is America. We all have blood on our hands. It's a heavy burden but people are killing themselves to get here. Literally, no exaggeration. So yes, we still are still the ish. But it's still laced.
edit on 28-7-2012 by cenpuppie because: his name is Realspoke

posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 10:29 PM
The argument about being slaves is IRRELEVANT. The Jewish religion is rooted in their escape from slavery and subsequent persecutions, yet I fail to see how it has effected their bottom line. In fact you could make the an argument that it has help them unite and prosper more so than any other group.

posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 10:32 PM

Originally posted by Honor93
reply to post by Kashai
i could give a rats pattuti what the Queen will or won't allow, this isn't England.

racism sponsored by our leaders is the worst form of racism, imho.
philosophy has everything to do with it as it is what influenced these opinions in the first place.

to my knowledge, DNA hasn't proven any such behavioral characteristics.
i think you are reaching for the stars there.
as i could be proven wrong, please provide links.

this is nothing but hyperbole you speak of ... as many of the regions of which you speak have not recovered from previous natural disasters.
and yes, i've survived my own ... 1977 Johnstown Flood (a historic one)

besides, since when are "christians" an individual ethnicity or a specific racial group in any way?

For the record I do appreciate the fact that you have provided me the opportunity to present my 20th post in this forum...

You really need to do an extensive revue of the "human genome project", I have done so and can confirm the fact that race and/or color has nothing to do with behavior or intelligence. England's Queen is royally against the idea that her children should marry Christians because she feels they are inferior. Check your facts as this is true and in reality a type of racism that reuslts in the death of Christians, on a daily basis throughout the world.

Again being Black or for that matter, being Christian has nothing to do with inteligence or behavior. Nonetheless it is treated as such all the time.....

Any thoughts?

posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 10:33 PM
reply to post by cenpuppie
i will not participate with either of you to derail this topic in such a manner.
yes, i'm familiar with more of it than both of you, apparently.

got something to say regarding the Topic of this thread?

hmmmm, 1964 is the latest year you got ???
well ok then, that's still nearly 50yrs ago, so what's with the extended delay in exercising your rights ??

when did i mention smith or MIB ?? (which i've not seen btw)
when did this topic change to such subjects?

they DID keep the field even, we are ALL voluntary slaves now.
only involuntary slavery/servitude were outlawed ... geez, i wonder why ??
it's just, much like then, some have cut their govt chains and prospered.

actually, i cannot imagine an America without slavery, it's all i've ever known first hand.
and, i frequent the Library of Congress often, have you?
coming from PA, i would disagree. it is NOT better now than then.

ppl are killing themselves to break-in here.
won't you at least be honest ?
edit on 28-7-2012 by Honor93 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 10:34 PM

Originally posted by MidnightTide
reply to post by RealSpoke

Well, everyone should be able to acknowledge that slavery was part of United States history (regardless of what side you are on) that effects them to this day, but where do we go from there?

We acknowledge it then we move on. How was Germany able to lift of that scarlet letter they had? It needs to be acknowledged and all truths need to be revealed about so it doesn't happen again.

How do you erase the social and economical problems facing the African American community? To me, there is a blatant glorification of promiscuity, immorality, and to you combat something like that? This culture seems to embedding itself deeper and deeper into the black community every generation.

That culture started in the 90s with the emergence of gangsta rap. But it was different than it is today, simply because those guys started rapping so they wouldn't have to do that ish, that's why they made albums. Now it's a minstrel show. You have the rare outbreak talent, but now it's specially chosen and groomed individuals that perpetuate this lifestyle, simply because it sells, to white people!

LOL these black kids don't realize all that commercial garbage is not targeted at them, but another demographic, the white majority. What sells today? What is the majority eating up? Slide on over to itunes or turn on the radio or turn the TV to BET and watch 106 & Park (which died once Viacom took ownership. You know it's bad is BustaRhymes gets yawns while the next elementary school rap and dance routine is played all the time.

Down the rabbit hole we go...

posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 10:43 PM
reply to post by Kashai
you're welcome.
i didn't even notice that you were a noob.

i have looked into the genome project which is why i questioned the DNA says so BS submitted previously.
i am no scientist, however, i've certainly read enough of it to get that much from it.

the Queen has always been racist, this is nothing new.
however, her opinion of "inferiority" for any human just shows her innate shallowness.
(i've also read that inbreeding accentuates such traits)

i don't buy the belief that religious persecution is racism.
however, it is it's very own form of evil.

posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 10:46 PM
reply to post by cenpuppie

Umm....I think it's Realspoke

Probably worth an edit
edit on 07/27/12 by glasshouse because: content

posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 10:50 PM
reply to post by Honor93

Uh.. no? I agreed with Realspoke, gave examples why and then explained why i agreed.

But i know what your saying, that was in the past, hakuna matata! How about something recent, here ya go Countrywide Will Settle a Bias Suit. I'm not blaming anyone or saying anything because a major auto maker did the same thing (google to find out who)

they DID keep the field even, we are ALL voluntary slaves now. only involuntary slavery/servitude were outlawed ... geez, i wonder why ?? it's just, much like then, some have cut their govt chains and prospered.

Heh heh.. no.

What a minute that's why the south seeded in the first place! All of the those new states where entering the Union, free states the majority if not all if i recall correctly and they knew if more antislavery states join the union then congress would have the veto power to outlaw slavery!

That's what was their concern was. Otherwise they would have to pay to have someone pick their crops, ha! They just get migrant workers now, cheaper

edit on 28-7-2012 by cenpuppie because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 10:51 PM

Originally posted by cenpuppie
reply to post by Honor93

Nah, i feel Realspook on this. Have you heard of a friend called Jim Crow laws, let's not forget Gerrymandering (but everyone does that) so lets take a look at Segragation, take notice that it lasted until 1964, oh yea.

So yea, the table was slanted, heavily to give Anglo-Saxons the advantage. That's how this generation was able to have what it haves. Have you ever wondered what America would be like it if, once slavery was outlawed, they kept that playing field even?

My father had to beg for charity from local grocers and occasionally stole a neighbors chicken to feed his family when was a child. He did his mandatory military service and to this day has an obsession with food and generosity caused from his traumatic childhood which he doesn't talk about. When he met my mother she slept in her parents bedroom. Nobody gave them a thing yet I keep hearing of the miraculous advantage they inherited because they were white. Are we to believe that there are no white homeless people and that trailer parks and apartments are the sole provision of minorities? People are so ignorant that they ignore reality and let the media and public institutions create their world view. How could an impoverished war torn Vietnamese family become wealthy in a single generation if the arguments being made here are correct?

Have we forgotten the Great Depression, I do not think that it only targeted a single ethnic or racial group.

edit on 28-7-2012 by Wotaneyed because: elaborated on ethnic group

posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 10:56 PM
reply to post by Honor93

Clearly you didn't read my post because it was multiple states.

let's look at PA --> you know, that state that never endorsed slavery.


Not only was colonial Pennsylvania a slave-owning society, but the lives of free blacks in the colony were controlled by law. The restrictions had begun almost with the colony itself. After 1700, when Pennsylvania was not yet 20 years old, blacks, free or slave, were tried in special courts, without the benefit of a jury.

An Act for the better Regulation of Negroes" passed in the 1725-26 session, set especially high penalties for free blacks who harbored runaway slaves or received property stolen from masters. The penalties in such cases were potentially much higher than those applied to whites, and if the considerable fines that might accrue could not be paid, the justices had the power to order a free black person put into servitude

The 1780 act that abolished slavery in Pennsylvania freed no slaves outright, and relics of slavery may have lingered in the state almost until the Civil War. There were 795 slaves in Pennsylvania in 1810, 211 in 1820, 403 or 386 in 1830 (the count was disputed), and 64 in 1840, the last year census worksheets in the northern states included a line for "slaves."

At celebrations of Independence Day in the early 1830s, an author recalled years later, "part of the day's exercises which the boys took upon themselves was to stone and club colored people out of Independence Square, because ''n-word's had nothing to do with the fourth of July.' "

Free Negroes and Mulattoes cannot entertain, barter or trade with slaves or bound servants in their homes without leave and consent of their master under penalty of fines and whipping

(Sec VII) A minister, pastor, or magistrate who marries a negro to a white is fined £100

If a white cohabits under pretense of being married with a negro the white will be fined 30 shillings or bound out for seven years and the white persons children will be bound out until 31. If a free negro marries a white they become slaves during life. If a free negro commits fornication or adultery with a white they are bound out for 7 years. The white person shall be punished for fornication or adultery under existing law.

i know much more about this history than you do, heck i've lived it nearly 3 times longer

Doesn't seem like it
You're ignorant of history.

Race-based policies, both then and NOW are not how this country is supposed to be operating.

I've already said I didn't like this legislation.

posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 10:57 PM
reply to post by Wotaneyed

Yea, and there are tons of other white and black people with the same story. It was slated for an advantage.

Of course it's not going to help, if you don't take advantage
If you don't have the connection, your hurtin unfortunately.
edit on 28-7-2012 by cenpuppie because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 10:57 PM
reply to post by cenpuppie

That culture started in the 90s with the emergence of gangsta rap. But it was different than it is today, simply because those guys started rapping so they wouldn't have to do that ish, that's why they made albums. Now it's a minstrel show. You have the rare outbreak talent, but now it's specially chosen and groomed individuals that perpetuate this lifestyle, simply because it sells, to white people!
this is such bunk that it's difficult to decide where to start.
hahahahahaha the 90s you say ?? you must be young.

some would say it was the introduction of Mo-town, some would say it was the hippies of the 60s, however, should you delve into the history available to you ... many would agree that such a culture developed following Reconstruction.

apparently you aren't aware of how many white folks were beaten out of the MT clubs of the day? why shouldn't all ppl enjoy GOOD music if they choose?
why should women of one race be subject to the demonizations of women from another race just because two ppl share inter-racial love ?
why should the men suffer similar fate?

these problems are not inherrent to any race or species, they are learned behaviors.
i'll pass on the rap of today cause it just cannot compare.
in the beginning, they had some important things to say, however, today, not so much.

posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 10:58 PM
reply to post by RealSpoke

Actually the main problem in ghetto schools is that there is no discipline, not that there is more..

I certainly agree with that! Now... what do you think of discipline in ghetto homes?

See ya,

posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 11:04 PM
reply to post by cenpuppie

Heh heh.. no.

What a minute that's why the south seeded in the first place! All of the those new states where entering the Union, free states the majority if not all if i recall correctly and they knew if more antislavery states join the union then congress would have the veto power to outlaw slavery!

That's what was their concern was. Otherwise they would have to pay to have someone pick their crops, ha! They just get migrant workers now, cheaper
hahaha, aren't you funny and this isn't the topic of this thread, either.
as for migrant workers, we've got plenty, especially in the marijuana fields.

if you'd care to discuss the above topic, i'd be glad to meet you here ...
next ??

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