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James Holmes was Studying Temporal Illusions, or the Ability to "Change the Past"... or was he?

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posted on Jul, 26 2012 @ 07:46 AM

Originally posted by Finishthis

certainly firing that many rounds would have an effect on his ability to fire the weapon. (???)

I also don't believe he was drugged during the shooting, he was supposedly on Vicodin, from my experiences I know for a fact you can't shoot a gun on a couple pills of Vicodin, you'll fall over because you can't stand, because the world is moving in slo-mo. (Absolutely incorrect. I can take 3 and work an 8 hour shift.)

The local police and intelligence were sitting around playing barbie all day or what? (???)

posted on Jul, 26 2012 @ 07:50 AM
reply to post by darkbake

I have not read all your post. But with hypnosis it is possible not only to alter and change memories but to create temporal effects (compression and extension). This seems in line with what you wrote...

posted on Jul, 26 2012 @ 08:13 AM
reply to post by darkbake

darkbake Thank for the thread on Holmes - As a complement to your initial post I would like to add something I think is significant -
In this video, which has Holmes in the background, but instead of hearing Holmes giving his presentation we hear and see an FBI profiler Brad Garrett, as he dissects the mind of the suspect.
FBI Profiler analyzing Holmes on ABC News

The video was also discussed here on pg 12 of this thread – Something struck me about the Colorado killers picture., page 12

edit on 26-7-2012 by Vitruvian because: Spell

posted on Jul, 26 2012 @ 08:21 AM

Originally posted by bluemirage5
reply to post by Yosemite Sam

My gut instinct tells me there IS a foreign link somewhere amongst all of this

I recall some years ago reading up on an article how Govts use "operatives" from foreign countries to pull off an attack.

An inkling of proof would be nice. An Iranian shoe print etc....

posted on Jul, 26 2012 @ 08:29 AM

Originally posted by darkbake

Originally posted by Yosemite Sam

So, there HAS to be a multiverse in order for me to change my mind? Is that what you said?

Yeah, you put it very simply, which is cool. If there wasn't one, there would only be one universe, one possibility, no changing your mind, everything would be predestined.

Here, check this out:

Cern Scientists Eye Parallel Universe Breakthrough

It might help clear up what is misinformation and what isn't a bit.
edit on 26-7-2012 by darkbake because: (no reason given)

edit on 26-7-2012 by darkbake because: (no reason given)

No, I get the concept and the science. I just interpret the reality and the resulting implications differently then you.

posted on Jul, 26 2012 @ 09:34 AM

Originally posted by Char-Lee

Originally posted by Bilk22
reply to post by darkbake

I started a thread regarding the idea that he was conducting some form of experiment in perception, a rather sick one, where he was not actually part of the shooting, but instead made himself appear to be through illusion. He'll have corroborating witnesses that place him somewhere else during the shooting. He then parked outside the theater near the exit, with equipment identical to that used in the crime. The actual shooter vanished before police arrived.

His hair is colored red and he was wearing all red so that he could be easily remembered. I won't be surprised to hear a report that some guy was in a nearby 7-11 or somewhere, at the time of the shooting, that fit his description. I just have some odd feeling the police are following all sorts of leads down a rabbit hole.

I guess we'll have to wait to hear more. He has not yet been formally charged, which is quite odd if they have incontrovertible evidence.
edit on 24-7-2012 by Bilk22 because: spelling

The latest one I saw on Fox this morning is truly odd.

The story of the Psychology professor calling the police to tell them he has a packet he believes is from Holmes. When it wasn't, for some strange reason the search the huge mail room...there they find a package from Homes to this professor and in it a notebook of stick figures killing people.

Weird...why did the Physiology Prof think the package was from Holmes?
Why did he somehow know Holmes sent him the notebook?
Why would they search the mail room when they say he did not know the Professor?

Why? Because he was told by the FBI or someone, to expect a package and to then call the police. This part of the story just doesn't fit well. Why, after all the planning, preparation, money spent, etc. would he send something like that at least a week before the shooting? Why would he undermine all his preparation and plans like that? There's no logic in it, even though the shooting itself was illogical.

posted on Jul, 26 2012 @ 12:36 PM
reply to post by darkbake

I still do not know a whole lot about Quantum Jumping, but Burt Goldman swears by it. It seems like his Quantum Jumping Theory and the Temporal Illusion Theory could be connected in a way.

He says that there are alternate universes created with every single decision we make in our life. He also believes that you can tap into one of your other 'selves' and gain information from them through a type of meditation. I have done a few of his exercises and there is something there besides just BS. I speculate that maybe we are living in the universe where Holmes performed the massacre, and he may in his alternate self that didn't perform the massacre try and prove that both occurred somehow. Instead of an illusion changing the past, a parallel alternate universe with the same results of changing the past.

Any thoughts?

posted on Jul, 26 2012 @ 12:55 PM
reply to post by Stiffolous

A recent ATS thread has Holmes claiming Amnesia, and not knowing why he is in court. This actually lends itself to the timeline shifting theory...

But we might not have time to figure it out, I think there might be an internet outage once Damascus is hit on Sunday.

posted on Jul, 26 2012 @ 12:59 PM

Originally posted by Vitruvian
reply to post by darkbake

darkbake Thank for the thread on Holmes - As a complement to your initial post I would like to add something I think is significant -
In this video, which has Holmes in the background, but instead of hearing Holmes giving his presentation we hear and see an FBI profiler Brad Garrett, as he dissects the mind of the suspect.
FBI Profiler analyzing Holmes on ABC News

The video was also discussed here on pg 12 of this thread – Something struck me about the Colorado killers picture., page 12

edit on 26-7-2012 by Vitruvian because: Spell

You mean he likes the sound of his own voice. These "experts" make me sick.

posted on Jul, 26 2012 @ 01:27 PM
reply to post by darkbake

i'll discuss the optical illusion and start off by first making it clear that both me and my wife saw it at two different times, but the content was identical and we didn't discuss it until this past Sunday and only yesterday did it begin to make sense.

When I saw it last thursday afternoon, as I saw it, the word that popped into my thoughts was "Whore".

When my wife saw it last thursday, in a 'flash', as she described it, the very same word, Whore, popped into her head.

now, when reading other things about this story yesterday, it was stated that James Holmes traces his ancestry to the Mayflower and his religion is Presbyterian...he's a Pilgrim, long story short. His actions revealed something long hidden...that being the secret to Pilgrim success in America, which is acting as functionaries for foreign powers against anyone they come around.

the optical illusion was the betrayer, the whore, turning on his neighbor in pursuit of greater power for himself.

this is what James Holmes is and what he proved that he is by his actions last Friday morning.

on to Damascus...Syrian cities are a ruin, the people are refugees and dead bodies litter the streets. Assad has betrayed his people in an indescribable manner and I think he's already been captured.

one thing I learned from reading about the American Civil War is that political subdivisions ultimately play no part in the is illusion. I suspect this is the same way in the Syrian Civil War.

the idea of Rebel vs. Syrian Government is an illusion and the actual battlefield is more complex.

some rebels are syrians or the guests of syrians...and some are opportunists and mercenaries.

some of the government forces fight for syria and some are fighting for foreign powers against their government.

Assad was working with both sides and playing them off one another for the last 17 months to see who came out on top at which point he'd form a new system with the winner.

his capture last thursday, prompted him to betray the foreign forces he allowed into his country to use against his people and they are fleeing.

the syrian military isn't after all of the rebel groups and the actual syrians that are categorized as rebels in media are only destroying the parts of the military that have betrayed them to a foreign power.

when its over, the syrian government will continue to exist, the regime will change and Assad will step down.

just a theory.

posted on Jul, 26 2012 @ 01:28 PM

Originally posted by Bilk22
reply to post by darkbake

I started a thread regarding the idea that he was conducting some form of experiment in perception, a rather sick one, where he was not actually part of the shooting, but instead made himself appear to be through illusion. He'll have corroborating witnesses that place him somewhere else during the shooting. He then parked outside the theater near the exit, with equipment identical to that used in the crime. The actual shooter vanished before police arrived.

His hair is colored red and he was wearing all red so that he could be easily remembered. I won't be surprised to hear a report that some guy was in a nearby 7-11 or somewhere, at the time of the shooting, that fit his description. I just have some odd feeling the police are following all sorts of leads down a rabbit hole.

I guess we'll have to wait to hear more. He has not yet been formally charged, which is quite odd if they have incontrovertible evidence.
edit on 24-7-2012 by Bilk22 because: spelling

Interesting theory especially since the red hair belongs on the Riddler not the Joker who had green hair...This is so completely strange but maybe that was point!

posted on Jul, 26 2012 @ 01:52 PM

Originally posted by michaelbrux

Originally posted by FlyersFan
reply to post by michaelbrux

Awesome theory. Tell us more.
Could you be thinking of a time-line shift??
You've got me hooked. MORE!

i don't follow prophecy closely, but it all tends to deal with the destruction of Jerusalem.

the coalition of nations that were supposed to surround Jerusalem according to prophecy are all in Damascus, another city which Abraham is a prominent, and not Jerusalem, which is comparatively calm.

Russia, Syria, China, Iran...on one side.

NATO, the Arab League on the other.

various other groups and nations that don't have a prominent role.

if there has been a time line must have happened years ago.

James Holmes action took place on the 1st of Av...on the 9th of Av is the day when the temple is supposed to be destroyed. The Nine Days being a separate event within the 3 weeks. I'm thinking it was meant to represent some type of decapitation strike.

last night the movie Eagle Eye was shown and it was 12 people on the list for a manner similar to the 12 people that died in Theater Nine.

its almost like revelation; in this time line he is caught. in a different one he gets away and becomes chief of police or something.

I do most of my deepest thinking at 3am when I should be sleeping..last night, I was thinking EXACTLY along these lines. We are all witnesses to only one of the possible scenarios. In another timeline, he could have been doing something else. So could we all, really. OR, he could have understood this information and "TPTB" thought he would be the perfect operative to bring about something else.
Something that keeps nagging at me is the whole "Holmes" Sherlock. There are clues here we need to solve, and FAST.

posted on Jul, 26 2012 @ 01:54 PM

Originally posted by Bilk22

Originally posted by Char-Lee

Originally posted by Bilk22
reply to post by darkbake

I started a thread regarding the idea that he was conducting some form of experiment in perception, a rather sick one, where he was not actually part of the shooting, but instead made himself appear to be through illusion. He'll have corroborating witnesses that place him somewhere else during the shooting. He then parked outside the theater near the exit, with equipment identical to that used in the crime. The actual shooter vanished before police arrived.

His hair is colored red and he was wearing all red so that he could be easily remembered. I won't be surprised to hear a report that some guy was in a nearby 7-11 or somewhere, at the time of the shooting, that fit his description. I just have some odd feeling the police are following all sorts of leads down a rabbit hole.

I guess we'll have to wait to hear more. He has not yet been formally charged, which is quite odd if they have incontrovertible evidence.
edit on 24-7-2012 by Bilk22 because: spelling

The latest one I saw on Fox this morning is truly odd.

The story of the Psychology professor calling the police to tell them he has a packet he believes is from Holmes. When it wasn't, for some strange reason the search the huge mail room...there they find a package from Homes to this professor and in it a notebook of stick figures killing people.

Weird...why did the Physiology Prof think the package was from Holmes?
Why did he somehow know Holmes sent him the notebook?
Why would they search the mail room when they say he did not know the Professor?

Why? Because he was told by the FBI or someone, to expect a package and to then call the police. This part of the story just doesn't fit well. Why, after all the planning, preparation, money spent, etc. would he send something like that at least a week before the shooting? Why would he undermine all his preparation and plans like that? There's no logic in it, even though the shooting itself was illogical.

Yeah it seems more like some clean-up work afterwards, as people start to question their official story. This notebook thing is sort of like the "9-11 passports in the rubble" thing to me.

posted on Jul, 26 2012 @ 01:55 PM
reply to post by michaelbrux

Thought would like to read this:

Damascus and Aleppo came under shell fire on Thursday as troops loyal to President Bashar al-Assad stepped up efforts to crush rebels threatening the government's two main power centers.

Happening now.

posted on Jul, 26 2012 @ 02:10 PM

Originally posted by michaelbrux
he did change the past. the last time he committed this crime he got away.

even though he did his deed at a 'Dark Knight Rises' premier the symbolism of the his action is clear.

Being that i'm not a fan of Batman, i can only use Episode 3 of Starwars to analyze the scenario.

in a manner of speaking, he was acting as dark jedi knight anakin skywalker when he arrived at the mustafar system; when he wiped out the separatists and ended the war. only this time he's captured; along with the sidious and everyone with them is going to jail.

according to the Hebrew Calender, we are currently within the 3 weeks period where the babylonians breached the walls of Jerusalem and this coming saturday corresponds to the destruction of their temple and expulsion. james holmes is clearly an operative.

Not only operative but ancient rites, magi and sorcery is being performed as well.
Aurora- Goddess of Dawn
Columbine- Goddess Columbia
Virginia Tech- Virgin
Occultic # 9 Timing is everything-
Theater 9 on 7/20 7+2+0=9 SciFi channel will be playing the movie 9 this Saturday in the AM
Olympics start 7 days after the ritual massacre 12 people were killed and the Olympics last 12 days.
Also might add that
The Columbine killings occurred on Hitler’s birthday. The Aurora theater massacre occurred on the 68th anniversary of the attempt on Hitler’s life, July 20, 1944.

Goes back before Babylon-

The Sumerian tablet titled, ‘Enki And Ninhursag: The Affairs Of The Water-God’, reads: Ninhursag: “My brother, what hurts thee?” Enki: “my [unknown word] hurts me.” Ninhursag: “To the god Nazi I gave birth for thee.” And later in this tablet: Enki: “Let Nazi marry Nindar” The name Nazi translates to, “to destroy the past”, or “destroyed”. “Na”, is a Sumerian word that when used as a prefix denotes past-tense. “Zi”, can mean either “life”, “breath”, “soul”, or “to destroy”. In a past-tense, Na-Zi can be translated as one of the following: lived, soulless, or destroyed. Either way, Na-Zi would regard an end to life in some form or another. The traditional origin of the term Nazi is “National Socialism”. Every single person I have presented the theory of the term actually being derived from the deity claim it is merely coincidence. They say there is no way National Socialism is just a mask, a smoke screen, for the true purpose of the Third Reich. Maybe National Socialism was a convenient cover. If so, it was obviously very effective, no less.



Once you learn their language they cant really pull the wool over your eyes any longer and you start realizing that truth is actually just as strange if not stranger than Science Fiction...not just fiction.

If you can remember 3 months before 911 they performed a ritual sacrifice with Andrea P Yates where she drowned all 5 of her children. They were all named after Biblical characters, she was under the care of a MK handler Dr Starbranch (strange name) in Houston and an Arabic Psychiatrist. It also was performed on the Summer Solstice June 20-21 2001 in which a Solar Eclipse took place as well.

edit on 26-7-2012 by superluminal11 because: (no reason given)

edit on 26-7-2012 by superluminal11 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 26 2012 @ 02:17 PM
reply to post by darkbake

If what I said is true though, it may be possible that he switched places with his other self in the universe which is why he is suffering from amnesia. Because he, himself that is in this universe did not actually commit the crime.
Still just a theory.

posted on Jul, 26 2012 @ 02:29 PM

There are clues here we need to solve, and FAST.

Yeah, that's why this thread exists. I'm pretty sure there is no other place where this theory is being discussed at the moment.
edit on 26-7-2012 by darkbake because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 26 2012 @ 02:33 PM

Originally posted by Yosemite Sam
No, I get the concept and the science. I just interpret the reality and the resulting implications differently then you.

That's completely fine, the multiple universe theory is only one interpretation of quantum mechanics. As far as parallel universes affecting free will and everything, although I am convinced this is the case, it certainly isn't mainstream.

posted on Jul, 26 2012 @ 03:29 PM
In Aleppo, rebels brace for full force of Syria's Assad regime

With Syrian Army forces withdrawing from locations across the country and heading toward Aleppo, rebels there are preparing for a fierce battle for the strategic city that few expect them to win.

Perhaps this upcoming battle be an example in Quantum reality. Which is stronger, matter or energy?

When reading the headline, I recall the events of December 20, 2006, when the ICU were headed to Baidoa to finish off the Transitional Federal Government.

By December 26, 2006:

Here's a sample of the ICU statement:

Islamist spokesman Abdi Kafi said in response to the impending Ethiopian attack on the capital that "It will be their destruction and doomsday" and that "It is a matter of time before we start striking at them from all directions"

Here's a sample of the Ethiopian statement:

"A joint Somali government and Ethiopian force has broken the back of the international terrorist forces… These forces are in full retreat," Meles Zenawi told reporters in Addis Ababa, adding that up to 1,000 Islamist fighters had been killed. "A few are Somali but the majority are foreigners," he said of the dead.

By December 28, 2006:

December 28, 2006

On December 28, Transitional Federal Government spokesman Abdirahman Dinari cautiously expressed, "We are taking control of the city and I will confirm when we have established complete control… Our forces already effectively control Mogadishu because we have taken over the two control points on the main roads outside the city…

The point is there are two potential realities where only one will remain Monday morning...

in a manner of speaking...'it all comes down to this in Syria."

FYI, the battle for Mogadishu and Damascus are also far as I've seen.

posted on Jul, 26 2012 @ 03:33 PM
Loving this thread really am................

but what the hell are you all on about.......

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