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The gay agenda and why it bothers me: An analogy

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posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 12:31 PM

Originally posted by GogoVicMorrow
reply to post by resoe26

Pretty much as I said in another post:
Has a group of gay dudes ever tried to beat you to death just for being straight? Or bullied you until you tried to kill yourself for being straight? No? Well then maybe you can start to get the picture as to why they are out there in parades "proud" and supporting people that aren't out of the closet and are afraid.
edit on 24-7-2012 by GogoVicMorrow because: (no reason given)

Nope. That has never happened to me. But I have been jumped for being hispanic.
I also have never came at gay people like that. Gotta be nice to everyone. No matter what they do where they come from. But hey, talk S**T, get HIT.
Most of the homosexuals I know are chill as a cucumber and I have drank some beer, tequila, etc. with them. Cool people without a doubt.

But you can still be gay without being super flamboyant.

posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 12:32 PM
reply to post by Stormdancer777

So because you don't find them sexy, it is therefore "eww". It is either sexy or disgusting? I guess I was pointing out that there was still some emotional attachment against homosexuality, rather than just saying "nah, not interesting... I like the opposite gender", but for some reason it is an "eww" reaction of disgust.

Originally posted by resoe26
But you can still be gay without being super flamboyant.

Yeah, but why should they not be flamboyant? If they want to take pride in a part of themselves, that is their decision. People do it all the time for other subjects and sometimes heterosexuality is flamboyant. People just assume that another is straight and make sexual comments, talking about hot "chicks" they "bang" out in public in front of everyone.
edit on 24-7-2012 by arpgme because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 12:32 PM

posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 12:33 PM
reply to post by FailedProphet

I actually like your analogy. well done! I put no fault on LGBT's or hetero's for what is happening with the agenda to promote and alter society, I put the blame squarely on the government and their handlers. Any agenda is put in place to marginalize groups of people while dividing and conquering, in this case through alleged "hate" speech or intolerance. Some people on here say that LGBT's have been around forever and it's natural. I fully agree, but they also have to accept that xenophobia, racism, bigotry, etc. are also natural and have also been around forever. These are the tools used by politicians and their handlers to manipulate large groups of people through paradigm shifts in world view perception. Ruler A decides to take over the country of Ruler B for nefarious or other reasons and therefore demonizes and dehumanizes the people of Country B to make it easier to kill or control them. We have seen this play out over and over again in US, South America, Central America, Russia, China, Cambodia, Australia, India, Bosnia, South Africa, Iraq, the Congo, etc. etc. and now Iran. The war in this case however is internal and nothing trumps treason from within and the manipulation of ones own population, Cicero has a good quote on treason.

Is there an increased insurgence of what appears to be agenda driven propoganda in the media as well as peer driven management to forward an LGBT agenda? I would say yes. Is it wrong to have the sexual orientation or world view of less than 5% of the population control the other 95%? I leave that up to you, but it certainly seems like the tail waging the dog to me. Is it wrong to have employment quotas in government and possibly the private sector for women, persons of colour or LGBT's? I say it's wrong, it provides a short term gain for the people who benefit from quota rules but in reality it destroys governments, society and people's confidence in governments. A good example is Rome, Spain or Portugal. Those who do not recognize our history of errors are doomed to repeat them.

Until we are mature enough as a species to disregard these methods of control based on superficial differences, these agendas will continue to be used against us to insure that politicians and their handlers maintain control.

Cheers - Dave

posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 12:34 PM

Originally posted by lordtyp0
reply to post by Mister_Bit


Will you support my getting married to my partner of 10 years?

Absolutey, I hope you're very happy together. Seriously.

Some of my best friends are gay, not that I expect you believe that. Live and let live I say. If you're in love what matter the gender or colour or any other differences... like I say, the more people make a thing of the differences, the longer those differences exist.

We're all the same, now lets all just get along with life and loving.

posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 12:35 PM


posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 12:35 PM
I have noticed, being a student of the world, that some people are born gay, and some people choose to be gay, just as some some choose to be goth or choose to be hicks or EMO, I dont feel bad for the ones that choose to be gay. making the choice to be gay is similar(although not as harsh) to openly be pagan during the Spanish Inquisition. I think all should be free no matter how we were born and I believe we are all free to make choices and must be prepared to deal with the consequences of those choices both good and bad. To all the born gay people I suggest if you really want change, make it happen, then all the people that choose to be gay wont think its cool anymore, leave your lifestyle, and will stop making you look bad. And when i say look bad im talking about the view of your opposition, not my view.

posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 12:37 PM

Originally posted by morethanyou

When a man sticks his penis in another mans anus, its part of nature. Yes of course. Thats it!!!!

Yes, a penis is natural, an anus is natural, they both exist in nature (on planet Earth). It's not hard to understand.

Originally posted by morethanyou
AIDS - Just saying.

which anyone can catch...

posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 12:38 PM

Originally posted by arpgme
reply to post by King_John

Well , why shouldn't they have pride? Straight guys do it all the time talking about the hot "chicks" they'd want to have sex with. It's even flaunted on the movies, television, and radio a lot.

Showing homosexuality is not "forcing" it in anyone's face. No one is forcing you to be with your own gender.

That's not what I meant by flaunting it, let them talk about banging guys amongst themselves all they want. I'm talking about the "Oh my god, look at me I'm gay" type of flaunting. There's no reason to accentuate your sexual orientation gay or not, if a loud obnoxious gay guy is there flaunting it in public, that's when it starts to bother me.
edit on 24-7-2012 by King_John because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 12:41 PM
reply to post by resoe26

Yeah, they can be, but if they are super flamboyount what's it to anyone?
You getting attacked for being hispanic is no different than someone being attacked for being gay. Imagine if because you were hispanic you couldn't marry the person you love. Imagine there was a huge amount of hate and biased towards you (there are in some places I suppose, but I am talking amongst other hispanics).

As I said before. I'm not gay, but I have a friend that is. I grew up with him, I don't see why he shouldn't be allowed all the same things that I am when it comes to relationships and happiness.
edit on 24-7-2012 by GogoVicMorrow because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 12:41 PM

Originally posted by resoe26

The flaunting though is the attention thing that is a bit annoying. Where some homosexual men will do their best to talk like women, talk REAL loud so everyone around pays attention to them in all their Gay glory. It's like, "ya man, we know your gay and your proud of it" but why be so obnoxious about it. Whats the point.

There's all kinds of personalities out there - gay and straight. I am a reserved person in public, and I don't really like to listen to anyone being loud in public. I've seen women answer their cell phones and practically yell into the phone in a restaurant - it really bugs me. But, I'm a woman, so obviously I'm not against all women, just the noisy, obnoxious ones.

When I was young, I didn't know much about homosexuals. I thought they all wore little, tight spandex shorts and were all effeminate. When I was in my late twenties, I had a boss that was gay. He wasn't effeminate, but he was open about being gay. That boss became my friend for the last 25 years, and he opened up my whole world on the gay issue. I have met many of his gay friends over the years. I have met gays who were the most masculine men you've ever seen. I've met gays who were extremely conservative. I've met gays who were quiet and shy. I've met religious gays. And yes, I've met gays who wear tiny spandex shorts.

Gays are just people, and they are all different personalities - just like straights.

posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 12:41 PM
reply to post by resoe26

Originally posted by resoe26
Never heard of two men having a baby...

I've never heard of even one man having a baby. Men can't have babies.

reply to post by resoe26

Originally posted by resoe26
But you can still be gay without being super flamboyant.

Sure you CAN. But why should a person change his personality to please others?

Some people are loud and others are more quiet. Who are we to say how people's personalities should manifest?

posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 12:42 PM
reply to post by King_John

Ok, if they want attention and saying "look at me" that is not a gay problem but an attention whore problem. It happens a lot with hip-pop people trying to be the "most hood" , girls trying to be the "baddest chick", guys trying to be "the most laid" and so on...

posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 12:43 PM

Originally posted by GogoVicMorrow
reply to post by resoe26

Yeah, they can be, but if they are super flamboyount what's it to anyone?

Its annoying to me when I'm pumping gas, or at the mall, or at the park with my children, etc. I don't care if they are super flamboyant, just why do you have to be so loud and obnoxious with it. Aren't there gay guys out there that act normal no? Why do these ones have to act like psycho little childish high school girls.

posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 12:44 PM
reply to post by Mister_Bit

The day equality happens, it will stop being an issue. Its that simple. More people working to that goal of educating people, the faster that day will happen.

posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 12:44 PM
I am starting to understand.

When a man inserts his penis into a woman's vagina it is to procreate.It is how we all got here. (most of us)

When we eat, the waste products are expelled out our anus, in the form of poo poo, the waste from our food.

So a gay man can insert his penis into a mans anus, just like a womans vagina. But instead of the act to procreate, the gay man does this because he thinks that sticking his penis into the part of the human body that gets rid of the waste products is natural, normal and healthy.

Its all sounds so normal, so natural, so clean and wholesome.

I can not even imagine for one second, how this totally natural act could have any disease or risk associated with it.

After all, its so natural.

posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 12:44 PM

Originally posted by resoe26

Originally posted by InhaleExhale

Originally posted by resoe26

Originally posted by InhaleExhale

Originally posted by resoe26
reply to post by InhaleExhale

Infertile as in what?
Adoption is always an option and your family name goes on.
Win Win right.

Its a simple question does being gay mean you cannot produce children naturally? Yes or No

Never heard of two men having a baby...
Nor two women having a baby...

Im not asking what you've heard of, Im asking a yes or no question.

Why cant a Gay person have sex with the opposite sex simply for reproduction if required?

Whoa whoa.. no I never wrote that!!
No just because your sexual preference happens to be same sex, doesn't mean you can't have sex with the opposite sex for reproduction.

Isn't that when homosexuals usually do the surrogate thing?
What I was writing was it would be awesome if more people would ADOPT. Regardless of their sexual orientation. ya know?

Of coarse I agree, however earlier in the thread there were posts about civilizations failing because of acceptance of homosexuality which is why I was asking the questions I did.

For example if our current civilization had a population decrease and that all the males left were Gay, I think they would fulfill their duty and have sex with women for reproductive purposes so as that civilization can continue. Just because they might prefer man on man does not mean if required they cannot go man on woman.

posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 12:45 PM
great post op!

s&f for you.

the people who dont understand what your point is, never will, they will continue to just bury their heads in the sand and pretend its all you (and me, because i completely agree with you) and everyone should conform to whatever they want.

i dont care if youre gay or not, but if you base youre entire life and justify your entire existence around that, that makes you an obnoxious A hole in my opinion. just like the college jock who thinks the world revolves around their baseball games, or the black man who makes everything about the color of his skin. all A holes.

if you introduce yourself to me and the first sentence that comes out of your mouth is "im so and so and im gay and proud!" i will not like you. not because youre gay, because youre annoying and i dont care who you sleep with.

if you dont like it, tough. dont sit there and tell the OP or anyone else that they have to accept your opinion while you bash theirs. or at least admit youre a total hypocrite and pushing an agenda. because thats what it is.

posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 12:46 PM

Originally posted by arpgme
reply to post by King_John

Ok, if they want attention and saying "look at me" that is not a gay problem but an attention whore problem. It happens a lot with hip-pop people trying to be the "most hood" , girls trying to be the "baddest chick", guys trying to be "the most laid" and so on...

Exactly. And those are the only ones I tend to notice. Because most calm rational folks don't go up in Subway acting all obnoxious and S**T.

posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 12:46 PM

Originally posted by FailedProphet
Let me start by saying I don't hate gay people,

wow, first line is a red flag


There is always the implication that cat and dog owners are secretly jealous of the porcupine owners, but are too backwards and riddled with hate to admit their own repressed desires to own porcupines. You start to get tired of the way this plot device is unnaturally inserted everywhere, usually off-key with the rest of the movie.

for years porcupines where not allowed in movies or TV, now they are accepted like any other animal, so if you go from none to some it does seem like alot

When a a car runs over a porcupine in your town one day, it's given blaring front-page headlines and sobbing local well-wishers hold a candlelight vigil. When the same thing happens to your neighbor's cat a week later, however, nobody but the owner seems to care.

in my town we are worried as much about cats and dogs as we are porcupine it sounds like you live in a very narrowed minded town

You are annoyed at the way you are constantly having to monitor yourself and your language use. It's not that you have anything particularly negative to say about porcupines, but the need to monitor yourself verbally all the time adds stress and annoyance to your life. For example, it's no longer acceptable to say "it's raining cats and dogs." Now you have to say, "it's raining cats, dogs, and porcupines." Otherwise people will think you are bigoted and insensitive. You find yourself spending extra effort remembering little things like this whereas before you would have spoken more naturally.

if you have nothing negative to say about porcupines then why do you feel the need to monitor your speech? if you said the same thing to some of your "dog" buddies that you hang out with would they be upset?

[I hope this makes sense to some of you, at least. For the rest of you, let the irrelevant and predictable comments abou "hate" and "being in the closet" begin...

did you put this last statemnt in because you are afraid people will know the truth about you ?

edit on 7/24/2012 by FailedProphet because: (no reason given)

your argument is so full of flaws it is silly. you really come off as either a rabid porcupine basher or a self-hating porcupine. If you are a self-hateing porcupine its ok we will love you for who and what you are so open the closet door and come on out in to the sunshine
edit on 24-7-2012 by jed001 because: typo

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