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A Question For Abductees.....GPS?

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posted on Jul, 21 2012 @ 06:21 PM

Originally posted by BagBing

Originally posted by n120by60w
Implants that have been recovered from me.and others have characteristics of Tuned Cavities.

Use simple magnetic compass look for natural magnetic holes without accompanying gravintational holes.

erm... please explain in English. Pseudoscience doesn't count.

There are magnetic maps of the USA and States.
There are gravitational maps of the USA and States.

Over lay them.

All highs in one or the other will have a corresponding high on the other map.
If one occurs with out the other.
Something is amiss.
If there is no reason for the effect then - "Start here!" Is your mission Mr Phelps....


1 101010

posted on Jul, 21 2012 @ 06:28 PM

Originally posted by Druscilla
reply to post by BagBing

Sure, someone could indeed do that, but, in doing so, were this part of a funded study program, such suspicious actions could be grounds for automatic suspension from the study program.

A number of studies come with financial incentive for the participants, though usually not all that much. "Accidental" or blaming it on the aliens destruction of the GPS device could equate into disqualification.

Such measures, and countermeasures against tampering, both physical, negative incentive-wise, plus others would need be considered and worked out before enacting a study program that would certainly attract some dodgy characters.

Volunteers, doing a self study on their own, by themselves, where data from GPS is off-site, would be nice too.
Unless someone is a jet pilot, it'd likely be difficult to spoof long distance travel at improbable speeds.

Volunteer submission of self study positive hit data would be interesting as it's primarily the positive hit data that would be looked at.

I don't know what you do, but I abstract and review science literature for a living.

You're quite right, many (or most) participants receive a payment for their troubles. Between $25 and $250 (in your money?) depending. Does this obfuscate the results? Of course. But one still gets results! Better than nothing. Most result to date indicate, quite substantially, that those that claim 'amazing' things, have severe, and reproducible problems of their own. This is a fact.

This essentially invalidates certain claims from 'seers', 'contactees' and 'boardees'. They have, to a person, certain 'psychological problems'.

This, in itself, reduces claimees to, well, 'nutters'.

posted on Jul, 21 2012 @ 06:38 PM
I would request that people receiving multiple abductions and/or visitations set up night vision video cameras.

Especially if you know that activity takes place while you are in bed, at night.
Set equipment to record appropriate area.

Then come back and share footage.
edit on 7/21/2012 by SadieJane because: additional line of comment / post

posted on Jul, 21 2012 @ 06:44 PM

Originally posted by SadieJane
I would request that people receiving multiple abductions and/or visitations set up night vision video cameras.

Especially if you know that activity takes place while you are in bed, at night.
Set equipment to record appropriate area.

Then come back and share footage.
edit on 7/21/2012 by SadieJane because: additional line of comment / post

Yeah, but zero people do. Why is that?

posted on Jul, 21 2012 @ 07:38 PM
reply to post by BagBing

I don't disagree that the majority of claimant abductions may very well be the result of internalized psychological pathology.

With UFO sightings, some 95% of cases are mistaken identity for known mundane phenomena like Venus, Satellites, Chinese lanterns, Lens flare on photos/videos, balloons, and all the other usual culprits that the more gullible seem to get quite upset about when such are mentioned as rational explanations.

Similar statistics are likely probable in regard to the abduction phenomena where the majority of events are the result of sleep paralysis, side effects from prescribed medications, and/or any number of other quite rational down-to-earth possibilities.

Granted, there are an extraordinary showing of nutters in the UFOology forum. Attend any local MUFON meeting in any city, if only for observation or entertainment, and you'll find a large showing of people that should probably be under physician care and counselling for psychological imbalance, tenuous perception of reality, and other such.

On the other hand, there does indeed seem to be SOMETHING going on, despite the crack pots, nutters, charlatans, gullible, and mentally ill.

Setting up a study program for this tiny percentage that may have legitimate claim to real physical events would necessarily need contend with the larger percentage of intangible claims. Such would be a hazard, but, with awareness of the hazard, measures and countermeasures could be built into such a study to minimize such shenanigans through vetting applicants with pre-screening, break/shatter removal protocol for GPS devices, plus anything else additional as much that can be done to minimize interference and tampering by potentially suspect claimants.

Claimants could additionally be told that as requirement to participate in the study they must wear this 'bracelet' at all times to monitor their vitals, where they're kept in the dark about the bracelet being a GPS monitoring device, but have signed waivers as part of the study that legally allow for the "vitals monitoring bracelet" to actually be something quite different.

There are lots of studies that rely on some misdirection and deception regarding the participants to achieve data sets relevant to the aims of the study.

As said before though, personal self-study, where claimants wear their own GPS they've purchased themselves where all data is monitored and logged remotely, where claimants could then point researchers to the GPS service that does the monitoring for the data, this would be helpful just to have data sets of interest to look at and compare with other data sets sent in by other unrelated claimants.

edit on 21-7-2012 by Druscilla because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 21 2012 @ 07:42 PM

Originally posted by BagBing

Originally posted by SadieJane
I would request that people receiving multiple abductions and/or visitations set up night vision video cameras.

Especially if you know that activity takes place while you are in bed, at night.
Set equipment to record appropriate area.

Then come back and share footage.
edit on 7/21/2012 by SadieJane because: additional line of comment / post

Yeah, but zero people do. Why is that?

Most people that claim to be abductees describe themselves as being mind controlled through telepathy where the "aliens" know what they know, and force them to turn off the cameras, or leave areas of camera coverage before abduction events occur.

This, of course, is highly suspect in regard to being a cop-out or sham.

Designing a system to monitor abductees would necessarily require a setup that is tamper resistant against the possibility of a claimant self sabotaging.

posted on Jul, 21 2012 @ 09:05 PM
Who would do that? The leaders, and the corporations, and the industry, and the military, and the black ops and most of the professionals are all in their secrecy and already have us chipped, not just ET inplants but black op type as well. And then they really hurt you when your meditating and make life miserable, but you can rise above just about anything.

Who would do that?

And real ETs could let the occasional persons data out just to make an anomaly, but this is a school and testing ground and people arent waking up and demanding the truth and its all a test. So positives aren't going to just break the non interference they know we're here without memories to show what we're made of.

But for example, if they did want to take you, physically, or astrally, because its both, the way it happens, they would control every device you have, in you or out, 100%, and not only that, there is No Time, so you can be gone 9 days and return a nano second later.

edit on 21-7-2012 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 21 2012 @ 09:39 PM
reply to post by Unity_99

Oh yes, because Unity_99 says so, it must be pointless to even try a scientific approach to anything.

Why would anyone ever try to even think about attempting to get any kind of data from a study if Unity_99 says it's pointless and impossible?

posted on Jul, 21 2012 @ 09:40 PM
reply to post by Druscilla

I'm giving testimony. And its true, so you can mock all you want, but it will never take away from the truth.

posted on Jul, 21 2012 @ 09:43 PM
reply to post by smyleegrl

During one of my abduction periods my physical body would lie in bed motionless while my spirit was lifted onto the craft.

posted on Jul, 21 2012 @ 09:44 PM

Originally posted by Unity_99
reply to post by Druscilla

I'm giving testimony. And its true, so you can mock all you want, but it will never take away from the truth.

So you're so right you don't even need proof? So right that the proof against you is actually proof for you?

posted on Jul, 21 2012 @ 09:47 PM
reply to post by antar

They do pull people and I've been pulled a few times where I consciously knew it, but they also take physically. Its big mixed bag.

They also do missing time and time splices, because something like being gone for 9 days would be hard to hide. Time is a program.

posted on Jul, 21 2012 @ 09:55 PM
Instead of attacking people who give testimony, there has to be a kind of logic involved. Not credo or beliefs. A person who's experienced something and sought hard and had the veil lift a bit isn't going to sit back and rearrange reality for themselves, they already know, in time when its apparent and repeatable, and even some aspects witnessed by family.

But for anyone else. The question in the OP would be logically deduced on lists of possibilities and probabilities.

I'm sure there is much info to be researched for anyone seriously interested in ufology on the government coverup and corporations benefitting from the technology, and one could put on a huge list of possibilities and even probably put it on a smaller list of probabilities in the end, that the coverup would be very likely.

This would then go to the OP, which would assume that someone would do some monitoring of abductees long term, over several years.

Secondly on that list of possibilities and probabilities there should be a host of ideas and quantum physics look at time, holographic universe and wonder how come so much missing time is reported.

And then ideas could be listed as to whether ET could simply make the technology not work, splice time however they want.

So even an open mind that isn't credo, and writing from just a position that is the logic of the universe, not just an opinion, should realize, what you don't experience, and even sometimes what you do, you have to use logic, and lists of possibilities and probabilities and assume nothing, because after you do something, making the leap in saying the only truth or answer is in your narrowed probability list is actually faulty reasoning, for the truth could still be a long shot, and even something your mind couldn't comprehend to put on the list.

Same thing should be true for all scientists as well, though often is not.

edit on 21-7-2012 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 21 2012 @ 10:56 PM

Originally posted by smyleegrl
Greetings, ATS!

Just recently concluded my long trip through the southwest, one of the stops was in Roswell, New Mexico. We went to the alien museum, pretty interesting stuff overall. Anyway, as my husband and I were discussing aliens (we are both skeptics, but I have a far more open mind) a thought occurred to me.

Why not put a GPS tracking device on abductees? If they are then abducted, the GPS could provide some interesting information.

Now, I realize there are some holes in my suggestion. Some might say the aliens would notice and disable the GPS. Or if the person is simply taken into a craft that then hovers a mile above the house, would the coordinates even change on the GPS? I don't know.

Just a if anyone is getting abducted on a regular basis, have you considered trying something like this?

Thanks for the input,

Smylee when we start something like this thread then we have to pay the cost of keeping it on track.

What is it you want to accomplish with the results of this effort?

If someone calls out to abductees then you must take care of those who answer up.

We have to respect one another to get ahead.
If the trolls keep focusing on the negative we all loose.

I found that together if we just stand back on observe then we have a greater voice.
We have a greater chance of getting to the dross.

I find that your question is a good one.

I use a GPS all day long but find it effected by simple sheet metal much less than purposely layered mutable rotating magnetic fields.typically used by these beings.

If you would like help in defining exactly what you are looking for I would be glad to answer up.
I am getting tired of the bashing.
If we are asking technical questions then focus on the answers.

Don't allow people to insult the people answering your question,
Keep them on tract.
If you can't ask for a moderator for support.

If there are those that need to vent frustration about the events that abductees find themselves in then to take it else where or start their own thread.

There are a few of us left that are willing to talk.
The path to the truth is a journey if all take it alone then we make the same mistakes others made before us.
If we can start working together then the abductors have truly won.

Keep them fighting among themselves.
Going over and over the same teams with the same results.
We defeat ourselves.


1 101010

edit on 7/22/2012 by n120by60w because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 12:13 AM


posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 01:32 AM

Originally posted by Druscilla
reply to post by Unity_99

I may be a skeptic, but, it's my interest to find and support the search for hard, real, physical evidence.
You seem to do everything in your power to discourage that. It certainly sounds like disinformation to me.

What are you hiding Unity_99?

Why are you so scared about people wearing GPS? Why are you so intent on discouraging people from even trying?

How much are you getting paid?

I was once young and brash.
This is over the top although.

I understand the frustration of just wanting to know the truth.

I can point out a few techniques that you might use.
This is not the topic of this thread although.

Neither is throwing out diatribe about someones character.

I think you owe this site an apology,


1 101010

posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 07:32 AM
Most magicians will never reveal their secrets.
Most liars will never volunteer for a polygraph.

The intrigue arises from the mysteriousness of that which is unprovable.

posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 07:33 AM

Originally posted by HomerinNC
reply to post by Druscilla

What they should do is fit an abductee with one of those ankle bracelet gps devices, like they use on sex offenders

I lol'd

"Quick go molest someone so we can track you"

posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 08:31 AM

Originally posted by SadieJane
I would request that people receiving multiple abductions and/or visitations set up night vision video cameras.

Especially if you know that activity takes place while you are in bed, at night.
Set equipment to record appropriate area.

Then come back and share footage.
edit on 7/21/2012 by SadieJane because: additional line of comment / post

Some of us are not just taken alone.
Nor were we asleep tucked nicely in our beds.

I and was part of a group taken off base near Holloman AFB.
The base scrambled jets after the device.
I and my wife along with my family still deal with the after effects.

I was there along with others during my experience in Alamogordo.
How can I deal with something that I cant believe myself and I was there.
With my wife and closest friends.

I know there would be no way other than being taken yourself.
Awake just as we were to prove anything to you.

If you are truly searching..... play this link on You Tube.

Go to time segment 01:08:00 & pause it then read news paper clip.


Goto time segment 01:09:11 and hit play.

Keep an open mind. Disregard the narration and the narrators conclusions.
What would be a real proof to you?
Define what would constitute real proof for yourself.
If it truly kicked us in the face would we accept it?

There are more compelling examples but this video might fill the bill for you.
We have to set goals for ourselves or we will never stop searching.
If you want some help just drop back in and talk to me.
We are not alone simply the floating in the void.


1 101010
edit on 7/22/2012 by n120by60w because: edit time segment

edit on 7/22/2012 by n120by60w because: adding time segment and commnet

edit on 7/22/2012 by n120by60w because: final timeing on film clip

posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 08:55 AM

Originally posted by Druscilla
reply to post by Unity_99

Unity_99, You have a reputation as a whole hearted believer in UFOs and extraterrestrials.

You should be happy about people wearing GPS to collect more information, to find the truth.

Yet, you tell us it's basically impossible. It sounds like you're trying to cover something up. It sounds like you don't want people to wear GPS. It sounds like you are trying to discourage people from the idea of GPS, or any other means by which they might find out what is happening to them.

If you are trying to discourage people from finding the truth by telling them their plans are impossible, that is a form of disinformation.

Are you a disinformation agent?

If you want the truth to come out about aliens, you should be happy about people wearing GPS and trying to find answers. What are you trying to hide?

Here I am, a honest to goodness skeptic, debating how real evidence might be gathered to support the UFO and Aliens claim, but, you, as a believer, come in and take the role of someone that seems more concerned about discouraging people from such pursuits, like you are trying to hide or cover something up.

You do this all the time. People begin to seriously discuss how they might rationally come to conclusive evidence, and then you come along with 20 dozen videos about staring into the sun, or videos about angels, or videos about something else that either has nothing to do with the real topic of discussion, or is so totally wacky bizarre that it sounds more like you are actually trying to do everything you can to discredit the UFO believer side by sounding as crazy as possible so no one ever takes the UFO side of things seriously.
You do more to discredit the UFO believer side of things with out right fantastic lunacy than you do to support it.

I may be a skeptic, but, it's my interest to find and support the search for hard, real, physical evidence.
You seem to do everything in your power to discourage that. It certainly sounds like disinformation to me.

What are you hiding Unity_99?

Why are you so scared about people wearing GPS? Why are you so intent on discouraging people from even trying?

How much are you getting paid?

I find many of your posts very antagonizing. Why is that? Unity_99, from my prospective is a very enlightened being who is seeking deeper truth too.

She probably innately (or fundamentally) knows a GPS won't work same as a match won't light under water.

I too don't think our technology will work in these different vibrations, gravitational fields, dimensions or whatever else you want to call it. We're not being picked up and taken to the local mall you know. We're taken somewhere that's foreign and we're only guessing where these places are. What most of us do know, it's not the same principles as Earth.

Please don't be so rude to others. Many if not most of us who participate on threads such as this, are good people, with good hearts who are just seeking more information.


edit on 22-7-2012 by Human_Alien because: grammar

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